Predicted spell check still sux. Hidden value.
Predicted spell check still sux. Hidden value.
if your aunt had nuts she'd be your uncleWithout considering refraction, is it still incorrect?
Oh, I see what happened. My comment isn't as clear as I meant it to be. What I was saying is that the actual science (that supports a global earth) is valid. Then I was adding the reason that I don't believe in flat earth on top of that. Two separate thoughts, but I can see how looking at it, it might sound like I was supporting flat earth (which I absolutely do not suupport).flat earth is neither valid nor science.
my bad big dawg. i'm hypersensitive about this particular bullshit lolOh, I see what happened. My comment isn't as clear as I meant it to be. What I was saying is that the actual science (that supports a global earth) is valid. Then I was adding the reason that I don't believe in flat earth on top of that. Two separate thoughts, but I can see how looking at it, it might sound like I was supporting flat earth (which I absolutely do not suupport).
if your aunt had nuts she'd be your uncle
you stay jumping between playing dumb and dumbIs that a yes or a no?
is that formula accurate for determining the correct answer? no
playing dumb
i already told you roadrage beat me to it
try to be grown about this exchange
Without considering refraction, is it still incorrect?
I bet the farm , he has no understanding of any of the crap he is regurgitating, and even if you were to get real technical on why the 8 miles per mile crap doesn't apply to measuring the hidden value due to Earth curve, he would simply move on to another question, totally ignoring the evidence presented, just like they do eclipses, midnight sun at Antarctica and the moon phases.
All that they have are stupid parlor tricks, lies and a bunch of denial of evidence that are geared to lure in other idiots to their cult. But at the end of the day a thousand idiots banded together are no smarter than one guy with decent common sense.
hidden height as a concept exists independent of your equationIf you remove refraction from the picture does the hidden height between the North Pole and 1000 miles due south still exist??
hidden height as a concept exists independent of your equation
for it to be calculated correctly, your equation as presented requires adjustment
without the proper formula, the result is moot. I'm not sure why we're taking this many laps around the car for this. but I guess I am.
What is the heigh of the observer and what are the refractive index set to?This is the Earth Curve Calculator:
This is the calculation method for the calculator:
Since hidden height as a concept exists independent of the equation (even though it's right there in the calculator), what adjustment is required in order for it to be calculated correctly?
Matter of fact, stop the bullshit parlor trick to divert the attention away from the damning evidence that destroys flat earth, before we move forward explain to us all how there is a 24-hour sun over Antarctica that is the rim of the magic pizza as we were told should happen on the land of make-believe.What is the heigh of the observer and what are the refractive index set to?
What is the heigh of the observer and what are the refractive index set to?
From an altitude of 0 ft at the North Pole to a target distance of 1000 miles southward, what would be the target hidden height (in miles) resulting from curvature?
Fuck your retarded questions that you should have learned in High School if you weren't too busy picking your nose and eating lead-flavored crayons.My question was,
And do you see a refractive index within the calculation method?
Fuck your retarded questions that you should have learned in High School if you weren't too busy picking your nose and eating lead-flavored crayons.
This thread is about the 24 sun over Antarctica, Can your ADHD-broken brain stay on the subject for longer than ten minutes? Dude stop acting retarded and explain how this shit is possible.
Because right about now you are sounding just like this dude, matter of fact I am starting to think it's you.
oh cashie, you unfortunate halfwit. the is not THE calculator, it's A calculator.This is the Earth Curve Calculator:
This is the calculation method for the calculator:
Since hidden height as a concept exists independent of the equation (even though it's right there in the calculator), what adjustment is required in order for it to be calculated correctly?
oh cashie, you unfortunate halfwit. the is not THE calculator, it's A calculator.
in-built joke aside that you picked the version of this thing most obviously built for dummies, you continue to self-own by, as I've said for years now, going and finding shit that sounds right through your limited understanding and coming back waving your smoking gun only for a "dunce" flag to fall flaccidly from its barrel.
The very github you're using has numerous issue flags (unaddressed by the creator no less) that speak to missing values and parameters that affect the model's accuracy, including the ones already cited in this thread. So either you lazily didn't read that far or you insidiously decided to plant your flag in a questionable method, hoping none of us would read that far.
There are others (with warnings about not accounting for refraction yielding inaccurate results), Bislin's calculator includes the expanded parameters. but let's be honest, you not gon understand it and if you did manage to, you would reject the findings and move on to the next "but what about this". Maybe I'm wrong, I guess it's your turn to do some googling. But I don't think you'll break your streak of half-assing research.
that is the radius of the earth within a negligible number of miles.Do you agree with this measurement of the earth?
that is the radius of the earth within a negligible number of miles.
The cycles of the Cashie B wheel
1. I'm done arguing flat Earth
2. I'm too busy making money moves to look at what you posted
3. Posts nonsense videos and gifs along with emoji
4. Parting videos or gifs
5. Repeat.
Unlike them I understand those posts, MJ could only do those moves on a flat Earth.
Cashie B, you can end this talk right now. Go take a picture of the Southern Cross with a BGOL sign showing.
Why does it always get to this point?
How do I manage to shut you niggas up everytime you start fucking with me?
Did I not tell yall niggas before, yall niggas can't fuck with me (watch yaself!!)?
How is it that I only asked questions for the last 3 pages and it led to this??
Did I not say leave me alone, I don't want to debate this shit anymore?
Why do you continue to embarrass yourselves?
Why, why, why??
Because the earth is observably, measurably and repeatably flat.
I 100% believe that. And I don't need the sky to prove that.
Sammy Jax is just bored. You didn't shut him up famo lol.
You have never once taken a picture of the Southern Cross from America. Nor have you explained why the stars rotate in one direction when in America but rotate in the opposite direction when in Australia.