FLAT EARTH!!!: Yes Niggas I'm Still Here... The Re-Up... Get Yo' Popcorn...

Here dude,


Any ISS footage you show me I'm calling fake. Go look at the Red Bull Go Pro jump from the weather balloon (that's real, but they used a fisheye to curve the horizon.) Then go back and look at the the video you posted. Study the land and see how close that footage is to the earth. It looks just like the Red Bull footage, which was only 24 miles up. Try to spot a continent. Compare the land to the curve, DEAD GIVEAWAY.


They took high altitude aerial footage (20-30 miles up), curved the horizon then threw some After Effects/C4d enhancement for final touches. I'm not bullshittin you. And I'm embarrassed for you that you can't recognize that fakeass video game looking piece of a satellite sticking out in the upper right hand corner.


Think HARD bro....They said this was taken over the Mediterranean. Look at that shape and then go find it on a world map.

Then ask yourself this, "How can an area that small be part of a curve that big?" THINK bro.



Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
So like let's say the earth is flat

Why doesn't gravity pull me to the exact center?

Do birds fly south or they know the truth?


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member


Man you and these damn Powerpoint videos.

Ok to humor you.... Let's say Challenger was a Hoax, to what end did it serve?

Did it stop manned space missions? NOPE.... Not even close
Did it stop launching rockets? NOPE..

And here is the biggest part...

According to you this massive conspiracy has been fooling the world for years. They would have needed to spend Billions to keep this and yet they are going to slip up and let all these people who were supposedly on the Challenger... Whose faces were shown on Tv every fucking day for almost a month... Just slip right back into society like nothing happened. Why???? Why not just let them die?

You can't be that dense man.

This is your theory and I'm ripping it to shreds.

Even assuming that this was a conspiracy... What is the end game here? What is the goal? Can you answer that? Wouldn't it have been easier for early man to just continue to believe that the world was flat. AND Please don't say... Nazi Scientists CACS.
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BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Ok I got one for you..

What about Michael W. Melvill?
Who is Mike Melvill?
Well back in 2004, he was the first private citizen to man a space flight.

First Private, Manned Space Mission Successful
By Mark Stencel and William Booth
Washington Post Staff Writers
Monday, June 21, 2004; 4:03 PM

A civilian test pilot flew a stubby rocket plane to the outer edge of the Earth's atmosphere over California's Mojave desert this morning, apparently making him the first astronaut to fly a privately financed spacecraft.

But difficulties controlling the rocket plane led pilot Michael W. Melvill to briefly consider aborting the rocket flight, which instruments showed reached a few hundred feet beyond the boundary of space.

Independent confirmation of the accomplishment will come later from the nearby Edwards Air Force Base. But the flight's corporate organizers were confident they had reached their target altitude, from which Melvill said he could see the Earth's horizon curving from coastal islands north of Los Angeles to San Diego.

"The colors were pretty staggering," said pilot Michael W. Melvill at a news conference immediately after landing. "Looking at the Earth from up there is almost a religious experience."

Melvill, 62, was chosen from a group of four experienced commercial test pilots to fly the bug-eyed rocket plane, called SpaceShipOne, to an altitude of about 62 miles -- the official marker for space.

Thousands of spectators began gathering before dawn at the Mojave Civilian Flight Test Center, about 100 miles north of Los Angeles, to watch the historic flight, which was conceived by a small locally based aviation firm and approved by the Federal Aviation Administration.

Shortly before 8 a.m. Pacific time (11 a.m. EDT) the rocket plane disconnected from its gawky custom-made, twin-engine carrier jet at its launch point, nearly 50,000 feet above the desert.

Melvill then fired SpaceShipOne's rocket to power his steep climb to today's target altitude: 328,084 feet. On board, instruments showed that the rocket plane reached an altitude of 328,491.

On the ground, a trail from the rocket was visible to spectators far below for more than a minute.

After a few minutes of weightlessness, Melvill's space plane began its return flight, reconfiguring its wings to increase drag in the upper-atmosphere and decrease its speed. As the rocket plane reached denser parts of the atmosphere, the wings returned to their normal configuration and the unpowered rocket plane began to glide back to the commercial airport runway where the mission began. It landed safely at 8:15 a.m.

Melvill said at a news conference immediately after the flight that the spacecraft rode smoothly at supersonic speeds and described hearing "incredible rushing wind" outside the sealed cabin. He also described hearing a loud bang, which he speculated might have come from the rear of the craft, where part of the structure buckled.

At a later briefing, the pilot described rolls of as much as 90 degrees in either direction during the rocket plane's ascent and troubles controlling the rocket plane's trim during its return flight.

The rocket plane's designers were still reviewing data from today's flight to determine if any of the difficulties Melvill encountered would delay their plans for subsequent flights -- including the pursuit of a multi-million dollar prize for the private group that builds the first successful reusable suborbital spacecraft.

Private citizens have flown in space many times in the past two decades aboard U.S. and Russian space missions, but every manned spacecraft ever flown before today's flight was paid for by a governmental agency.


NASA didn't have anything to do with this.... So if we called up Mike Melvill would he tell you that the Earth is flat?


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Man you and this damn Powerpoint videos.

Ok to humor you.... Let's say Challenger was a Hoax, to what end did it serve?

Did it stop manned space missions? NOPE.... Not even close
Did it stop launching rockets? NOPE..

And here is the biggest part...

According to you this massive conspiracy has been fooling the world for years. They would have needed to spend Billions to keep this and yet they are going to slip up and let all these people who were supposedly on the Challenger... Whose faces were shown on Tv every fucking day for almost a month... Just slip right back into society like nothing happened. Why???? Why not just let them die?

You can't be that dense man.

This is your theory and I'm ripping it to shreds.

Even assuming that this was a conspiracy... What is the end game here? What is the goal? Can you answer that? Wouldn't it have been easier for early man to just continue to believe that the world was flat. AND Please don't say... Nazi Scientists CACS.

The cognitive dissonance is strong.

They're spending billions of you and you ancestors' money, just not on what you BELIEVE they're spending it on.

You're talking about manned missions as if people are actually aboard spaceships or the ISS. High altitude? Yeah, but space??? Hell FUCK no.

You see ALL of those "asstronots" alive and kicking today, JUST LIKE the supposed 9/11 hijackers who've been found alive and well today. But that's beside the point.

What is the end game? I can only speculate, but on record Admiral Byrd said there was another continent beyond Antarctica as big as the United States with a warm climate and all the resources the world will ever need. There is speculation there maybe more flat earth puddles. There is speculation that the fallen angels from the bible are real and are hiding God from people, deception, devil's work.......(and NAZI CACS, throw them in there too) I don't know for sure. I study the evidence and make connections without assuming. I can be open to any of these possibilities now that I see that the big bang, solar system, ball earth theory is all a LIE.

But there are 100's if not 1000's of reasons and irrefutable evidence I've seen to support the earth being flat rather than round.

And you ain't ripping shit to shit nigga, stop foolin. 1205 ft. Let's get it!


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Ok I got one for you..

What about Michael W. Melvill?
Who is Mike Melvill?
Well back in 2004, he was the first private citizen to man a space flight.

First Private, Manned Space Mission Successful
By Mark Stencel and William Booth
Washington Post Staff Writers
Monday, June 21, 2004; 4:03 PM


A civilian test pilot flew a stubby rocket plane to the outer edge of the Earth's atmosphere over California's Mojave desert this morning, apparently making him the first astronaut to fly a privately financed spacecraft.

But difficulties controlling the rocket plane led pilot Michael W. Melvill to briefly consider aborting the rocket flight, which instruments showed reached a few hundred feet beyond the boundary of space.

Independent confirmation of the accomplishment will come later from the nearby Edwards Air Force Base. But the flight's corporate organizers were confident they had reached their target altitude, from which Melvill said he could see the Earth's horizon curving from coastal islands north of Los Angeles to San Diego.

"The colors were pretty staggering," said pilot Michael W. Melvill at a news conference immediately after landing. "Looking at the Earth from up there is almost a religious experience."

Melvill, 62, was chosen from a group of four experienced commercial test pilots to fly the bug-eyed rocket plane, called SpaceShipOne, to an altitude of about 62 miles -- the official marker for space.

Thousands of spectators began gathering before dawn at the Mojave Civilian Flight Test Center, about 100 miles north of Los Angeles, to watch the historic flight, which was conceived by a small locally based aviation firm and approved by the Federal Aviation Administration.

Shortly before 8 a.m. Pacific time (11 a.m. EDT) the rocket plane disconnected from its gawky custom-made, twin-engine carrier jet at its launch point, nearly 50,000 feet above the desert.

Melvill then fired SpaceShipOne's rocket to power his steep climb to today's target altitude: 328,084 feet. On board, instruments showed that the rocket plane reached an altitude of 328,491.

On the ground, a trail from the rocket was visible to spectators far below for more than a minute.

After a few minutes of weightlessness, Melvill's space plane began its return flight, reconfiguring its wings to increase drag in the upper-atmosphere and decrease its speed. As the rocket plane reached denser parts of the atmosphere, the wings returned to their normal configuration and the unpowered rocket plane began to glide back to the commercial airport runway where the mission began. It landed safely at 8:15 a.m.

Melvill said at a news conference immediately after the flight that the spacecraft rode smoothly at supersonic speeds and described hearing "incredible rushing wind" outside the sealed cabin. He also described hearing a loud bang, which he speculated might have come from the rear of the craft, where part of the structure buckled.

At a later briefing, the pilot described rolls of as much as 90 degrees in either direction during the rocket plane's ascent and troubles controlling the rocket plane's trim during its return flight.

The rocket plane's designers were still reviewing data from today's flight to determine if any of the difficulties Melvill encountered would delay their plans for subsequent flights -- including the pursuit of a multi-million dollar prize for the private group that builds the first successful reusable suborbital spacecraft.

Private citizens have flown in space many times in the past two decades aboard U.S. and Russian space missions, but every manned spacecraft ever flown before today's flight was paid for by a governmental agency.


NASA didn't have anything to do with this.... So if we called up Mike Melvill would he tell you that the Earth is flat?

The "official" marker for space is 62 miles? says who? NASA??

That was high-altitude, not "SPACE". If there are so-called Van Allen radiation belts 1000 miles up, SHIELDING THE EARTH FROM THE VACCUM, HOLDING ALL THE OXYGEN IN THIS BITCH SO WE CAN BREATHE then how the FUCK is 62 miles space? That's still within the earth's atmosphere according to NASA.


Disappearing scientists...

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BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
The cognitive dissonance is strong.

They're spending billions of you and you ancestors' money, just not on what you BELIEVE they're spending it on.

You're talking about manned missions as if people are actually aboard spaceships or the ISS. High altitude? Yeah, but space??? Hell FUCK no.

You see ALL of those "asstronots" alive and kicking today, JUST LIKE the supposed 9/11 hijackers who've been found alive and well today. But that's beside the point.

What is the end game? I can only speculate, but on record Admiral Byrd said there was another continent beyond Antarctica as big as the United States with a warm climate and all the resources the world will ever need. There is speculation there maybe more flat earth puddles. There is speculation that the fallen angels from the bible are real and are hiding God from people, deception, devil's work.......(and NAZI CACS, throw them in there too) I don't know for sure. I study the evidence and make connections without assuming. I can be open to any of these possibilities now that I see that the big bang, solar system, ball earth theory is all a LIE.

But there are 100's if not 1000's of reasons and irrefutable evidence I've seen to support the earth being flat rather than round.

And you ain't ripping shit to shit nigga, stop foolin. 1205 ft. Let's get it!



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Look dummy.

did you actually try his density experiment yourself or are you just an uneducated parrot?

"the upper atmosphere cannot be held into place by the infinite vacuum of space...." he was trying do disprove something no-one has ever claimed to be true... learn the theories, so you apply critical thought logically . you and the idiot you posted don't understood theories based on centuries of experiments for gravity, space, density, buoyancy, electromagnetism, relativity


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
What is the end game? I can only speculate, but on record Admiral Byrd said there was another continent beyond Antarctica as big as the United States with a warm climate and all the resources the world will ever need. There is speculation there maybe more flat earth puddles. There is speculation that the fallen angels from the bible are real and are hiding God from people, deception, devil's work.......(and NAZI CACS, throw them in there too) I don't know for sure. I study the evidence and make connections without assuming. I can be open to any of these possibilities now that I see that the big bang, solar system, ball earth theory is all a LIE.

Yeah I don't see anyway to follow this... I'm going to take a break and come back after I let this one marinate for awhile.



My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
did you actually try his density experiment yourself or are you just an uneducated parrot?

"the upper atmosphere cannot be held into place by the infinite vacuum of space...." he was trying do disprove something no-one has ever claimed to be true... learn the theories, so you apply critical thought logically . you and the idiot you posted don't understood theories based on centuries of experiments for gravity, space, density, buoyancy, electromagnetism, relativity

Explain it then nigga. Don't just tell me to learn, teach me something. Step YOUR game up. I'm ready (to smack that shit down).

Before it's all said and done, you will bow down.



My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Yeah I don't see anyway to follow this... I'm going to take a break and come back after I let this one marinate for awhile.


JP Morgan prevented us from having electric cars 100 years ago. He knew he couldn't put a meter on it. We live in a world on INFINITE resources. We shouldn't be paying for shit. It's all a lie to keep you on a hamster wheel as a slave. You are a human battery. Sound familiar?


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
LOL, sike! You didn't even search this thread, huh? :smh::smh::smh:

you are full of shit - first you tried coppin pleas about yo mama, then a sob story like you couldn't ever book the flight -
I showed you a flight computer log of the trip and then show you a flight path on tracking site that included the radar information...
What exact problem did you have booking the flight? cause Air New Zealand didn't have a problem with seat availability or booking when I checked for the next nonstop flight on 5/8...


just be real ... please explain this trip on a Flat Earth map


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
you are full of shit - first you tried coppin pleas about yo mama, then a sob story like you couldn't ever book the flight -
I showed you a flight computer log of the trip and then show you a flight path on tracking site that included the radar information...
What exact problem did you have booking the flight? cause Air New Zealand didn't have a problem with seat availability or booking when I checked for the next nonstop flight on 5/8...


just be real ... please explain this trip on a Flat Earth map

I tell you what...

You answer the 1205 ft and the disappearing scientists and I'll answer that fight....even though you KNOW what my answer will be.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
How can there be this rich continent beyond Antarctica according to your flat earth map?
I tell you what...

You answer the 1205 ft and the disappearing scientists and I'll answer that fight....even though you KNOW what my answer will be.
There it is lol

Nigga says teach me something only to say everything ever taught is a lie.

This nigga is a fucking mental patient, on the real.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I tell you what...

You answer the 1205 ft and the disappearing scientists and I'll answer that fight....even though you KNOW what my answer will be.
1205ft /disappearing scientist- isn't widely observed by multiple sources nor documented or observable 2x to 3x per week and flown by multiple pilots over the years- so whats the logic in equating them?

This is a real flight that takes 11 to 13 hours only by flying south to go east... impossible on a flat earth...
Everything else you're posting? Its all invalid in proving a flat earth, when you have flights like this occurring regularly


Rising Star
Platinum Member
The cognitive dissonance is strong.

They're spending billions of you and you ancestors' money, just not on what you BELIEVE they're spending it on.

You're talking about manned missions as if people are actually aboard spaceships or the ISS. High altitude? Yeah, but space??? Hell FUCK no.

You see ALL of those "asstronots" alive and kicking today, JUST LIKE the supposed 9/11 hijackers who've been found alive and well today. But that's beside the point.

What is the end game? I can only speculate, but on record Admiral Byrd said there was another continent beyond Antarctica as big as the United States with a warm climate and all the resources the world will ever need. There is speculation there maybe more flat earth puddles. There is speculation that the fallen angels from the bible are real and are hiding God from people, deception, devil's work.......(and NAZI CACS, throw them in there too) I don't know for sure. I study the evidence and make connections without assuming. I can be open to any of these possibilities now that I see that the big bang, solar system, ball earth theory is all a LIE.

But there are 100's if not 1000's of reasons and irrefutable evidence I've seen to support the earth being flat rather than round.

And you ain't ripping shit to shit nigga, stop foolin. 1205 ft. Let's get it!
All of your evidence is refutable.... all of it.

A lunar eclipse is not..


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
How can there be this rich continent beyond Antarctica according to your flat earth map?
There it is lol

Nigga says teach me something only to say everything ever taught is a lie.

This nigga is a fucking mental patient, on the real.

:hithead: I didn't say it was bruh. Y'all really have remedial reading comprehension skills. I presented theories about what's beyond Antarctica, never made any claims.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
1205ft /disappearing scientist- isn't widely observed by multiple sources nor documented or observable 2x to 3x per week and flown by multiple pilots over the years- so whats the logic in equating them?

This is a real flight that takes 11 to 13 hours only by flying south to go east... impossible on a flat earth...
Everything else you're posting? Its all invalid in proving a flat earth, when you have flights like this occurring regularly

Yeh, you know it's a real flight. :rolleyes2: Book the flight, otherwise stop spraying that stupid juice on me.