FLAT EARTH!!!: Yes Niggas I'm Still Here... The Re-Up... Get Yo' Popcorn...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ok so... You're crazy as a loon, let's just get that out of the way.

According to every flat earth map you've posted, that "ice wall" is about as wide as Pennsylvania damn near all the way around.

Unless there are ice mountains, shouldn't anyone taking pictures of the edge be able to see the side of the dome? Or take a snowmobile with an extra tank of gas to the edge of the muhfucka?

Is the entire circumference policed? Or is everyone that believes this horseshit too broke to go check?

I think if you stopped believing this bullshit, you'd probably have an even bigger break from reality and need to be locked up somewhere for awhile.
Not only that, this fool went and found a picture on Wikipedia. Not an actual photo from satellites orbiting the earth, a fucking gif made by another looney like him :roflmao2:

If you look at any imagery satellite photos orbiting the earth, you won't see this imaginary "ice wall" he wants you to believe.

Not only that, if there was a wall, What's keeping the water from escaping underneath? I guess he'll have us believe the wall reaches up to 36,000 ft touching the earth's floor all the way around :lol:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
The video I posted of Warren Dunes State Park was not taken from their website, it was shot by a flat earther to prove the Chicago skyline wasn't mirage. You're saying it's stupid that a fucking mathematician who believe the earth is ROUND said that a horizon on a flat or round earth would be the same. The math is simple, yet you niggas are running away screaming insults, rather than proving me wrong with by dismantling my argument with a simple arithmetic problem. So kick rocks nigga.

And now, please explain why this fucking scientist, disappears into THIN AIR aboard the ISS..

Wait, lemme guess.....gravity??


fool.... he went out of a door....damn you're not only dumb, you're gullible as fuck....:lol:


waking people up
BGOL Investor
Welp, here ya go.....

It's flat as a pancake brethren.

So you are following Rob Skiba. Cool.
He believes fallen angels were released around 1900 due to the seventy generations of imprisonment mentioned in the book of Enoch.
He thought the world would end in 2012.
He's a bible thumper that doesn't believe in modern science.
he has this going for him http://www.babylonrisingbooks.com/TYTconference.html

heres an example of his hustle:

In this pre-recorded presentation (recorded at Sukkot 2014), Rob reveals how he believes the Yahuwah Triangle works. What is the significance and purpose of each point in the Triangle? How does Babylon play into the plans of YHWH for His people? What are the Commandments of Eden and why are they important? Why will Israel have to return to Egypt? Who is the Church? Why do we need to forgive those who have hurt us? What is YHWH's plan to redeem His Bride? Find out in this emotion-packed presentation. - See more at: http://www.babylonrisingbooks.com/TYTconference.html#sthash.mJjcPdn7.dpuf


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
Not only that, this fool went and found a picture on Wikipedia. Not an actual photo from satellites orbiting the earth, a fucking gif made by another looney like him :roflmao2:

If you look at any imagery satellite photos orbiting the earth, you won't see this imaginary "ice wall" he wants you to believe.

Not only that, if there was a wall, What's keeping the water from escaping underneath? I guess he'll have us believe the wall reaches up to 36,000 ft touching the earth's floor all the way around :lol:
The wild shit is that the edges of the "ice wall" would have to extend so far down that the flat earth would at best have to be like one of those mini coke cans.

Which is so fucking dumb I can't stand it lol


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
So you are following Rob Skiba. Cool.
He believes fallen angels were released around 1900 due to the seventy generations of imprisonment mentioned in the book of Enoch.
He thought the world would end in 2012.
He's a bible thumper that doesn't believe in modern science.
he has this going for him http://www.babylonrisingbooks.com/TYTconference.html

heres an example of his hustle:

In this pre-recorded presentation (recorded at Sukkot 2014), Rob reveals how he believes the Yahuwah Triangle works. What is the significance and purpose of each point in the Triangle? How does Babylon play into the plans of YHWH for His people? What are the Commandments of Eden and why are they important? Why will Israel have to return to Egypt? Who is the Church? Why do we need to forgive those who have hurt us? What is YHWH's plan to redeem His Bride? Find out in this emotion-packed presentation. - See more at: http://www.babylonrisingbooks.com/TYTconference.html#sthash.mJjcPdn7.dpuf
This fucking looney bird wants us all to throw out centuries of science to believe this guy.

Im telling you man, yall should stop trying to convince him. If something breaks through his defenses, he's liable to snap.

Nigga gon roll up in a ball and not show up for work tomorrow being an "engineer" at a "school".


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Cash, I'm starting to think you are just a parrot not understanding any of the inane mess you are posting,
it appears as though you don't "know" anything... it seems you lack any foundation to apply critical thought...

You are absolutely right. The nigga just don't understand what the fuck he's parroting.

This is his source:
The azimuthal equidistant projection is an azimuthal map projection. It has the useful properties that all points on the map are at proportionately correct distances from the center point, and that all points on the map are at the correct azimuth (direction) from the center point. A useful application for this type of projection is a polar projection which shows all meridians (lines of longitude) as straight, with distances from the pole represented correctly. The flag of the United Nations contains an example of a polar azimuthal equidistant projection.

This projection is used by the USGS in the National Atlas of the United States of America, and for large-scale mapping ofMicronesia. It is useful for showing airline distances from center point of projection and for seismic and radio work.

In the case of radio, this projection allows for directional antenna aiming, especially in the case of HF communications. An operator can point the antenna, usually by an electric rotator, simply locating the target in the map and rotating the antenna to the angle indicated by the map. The map should be centered as nearly as possible to the actual antenna location.

Distances and directions to all places are true only from the center point of projection. Distances are correct between points along straight lines through the center. All other distances are incorrect. Distortion of areas and shapes increases with distance from the center point.

Some types of wide-angle camera lenses, known as "fisheye lenses" produce an azimuthal equidistant projection of the photographed scene onto the photographic medium. These lenses allow a much wider field of view than perspective lenses, which are limited to significantly less than 180 degrees.


But let's look a little further shall we...

An Azimuthal equidistant projection skews the latitudinal distance while maintaining accurate longitudinal distance. That is, the distance along the longitudinal lines is accurate, or the distance from the center point to the edge is accurate. Only the distances from the center of the map are accurate. The further away from the center the more skewed the map is. That means at the furthest point away from the map, the area is stretched side-to-side or specifically circumferentially, so that the further away from the center point the larger the area looks. A quadrant near the edge of the map looks many times larger than a quadrant near the center of the map even though they are the same size.

By comparing two similarly sized land masses which are different distances to the center we can easily see the foolishness of thinking that the Azimuthal equidistant projection is an accurate representation of the actual earth. For example, Australia is 2,969,907 square miles. The Contiguous United States is 3,119,884.69 square miles. North America is 9,540,000 square miles.



It is quite easy to see in an azimuthal equidistant projection that the true sizes of Australia and America are very inaccurate when compared with each other. In the azimuthal equidistant projection it appears that Australia is much larger than the contiguous United States even though it is approximately the same size in actuality.

Thus, the very map which the flat earth theorists purport to prove their theory actually disproves it. :roflmao::roflmao2::roflmao3:

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Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
Damn, 40 pages? Did he really say there's a wall of ice keeping the water from spilling over the edge of the earth? LMAO, this shit is going from pathetic to outright hilarity. From bad conspiracy theory and science to comedy of epic proportions.
Right. Like, why doesn't the ice fall off? What about before it was ice? How old do these nutbirds think earth is? And what happened in the beginning? It just popped in with frozen ice walls? What happens if they melt? If we drilled a hole through to the other side, would the oceans drain like a bathtub? Where would the water go?

Man these niggas are certified loons.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Damn, 40 pages? Did he really say there's a wall of ice keeping the water from spilling over the edge of the earth? LMAO, this shit is going from pathetic to outright hilarity. From bad conspiracy theory and science to comedy of epic proportions.
Man I'm still waiting for @14damoney and the dude that posted the hollow Earth videos to tag back in this bitch.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Not only that, this fool went and found a picture on Wikipedia. Not an actual photo from satellites orbiting the earth, a fucking gif made by another looney like him :roflmao2:

If you look at any imagery satellite photos orbiting the earth, you won't see this imaginary "ice wall" he wants you to believe.

Not only that, if there was a wall, What's keeping the water from escaping underneath? I guess he'll have us believe the wall reaches up to 36,000 ft touching the earth's floor all the way around :lol:

They ain't no satellites man. Just like Michael Jackson and 2pac.. All that shit is just holograms projected by Synergy.

Ya Kats thought Jem was fiction.... shit that shit was a historical document. Ya'll bess get your tin foil ready.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
fool.... he went out of a door....damn you're not only dumb, you're gullible as fuck....:lol:


10 pages talking about "explain" the disappearing scientist and dude just went out a door. So what if this video shows what might be a fade out of his arm. It could also mean that dude went of frame.

Why spend all that money to fake weightlessness when you can do the same thing on a Zero gravity fight? You don't need CGI wizardry.

But @cashwhisperer does bring up a good point man... Now that I have worry about this Ice Wall melting due to God's hot breath.

I guess I need to worry about Bigfoot. I mean here is a video. This shit looks legit to me.

That Jack's Beef jerky bit isn't a commercial. That shit is a survival guide.
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BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member

Real Russian footage

Fake Nasa Footage


There are no perfect spheres in Nature. All spheres have a north and south pole like fruit.


At the northern most top of the earth and southern most bottom of the earth it goes inward, hence Inner Earth. This is why your not allowed to fly over the south or north pole. This is far as I'm going to lead you the rest is up to you.

I just need @jwilliam85 to come back in here and speak on this hot knowledge right here. This whole Inner Earth thing is game changing.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
He changes his screen name but he doesn't change his style.... look at the way he/they post...
Dead giveaway