Um, we saw the introductory meetings with Sansa and then with all the other Northern lords.
Did anyone of them say thank you Dany and Jon for joining the fight.
They took the time to say fuck this queen shit though.
The ungratefulness of ALL Northern folk towards Dany and her peeps is actually a blatant theme this season.
And look, Jon was king, he bent the knee. She is therefore their queen, and they should address her as such. That is what that is.
Why does it matter if they respect her if she only cares about saving humanity?
Lol why they gonna thank jon for joining the fight???? This his home and they made him king he supposed to fight lmao
The ungratefulness is blatant only because she wants them to be grateful.
If it wasn't an issue and she was there to do the right thing simply to do that right thing
Then none of this would even come up
When they came with the she is not our queen Jon is our king
She'd said look I don't care about that you're free to choose
I just want to fight with your king for what is right
I can't leave people to die when I have the power to stop it
That probably would have won the north over ...
Actually it would have because it's exactly how Jon became king
But she's not Jon she's Dany
Dany is beanie Sigel in state property whether you like it or not
Get down or lay down