Game Of Thrones: The Sopranos with swords or Dynasty in chainmail?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They mentioned Bran was the Lord of Winterfell. However, I know you know what he said. That is why I didn't mention him.

The title of "King In The North" belongs to the Lord of Winterfell. The Lord of Winterfell has ALWAYS been a Stark.

Dont believe me, look it up. A Snow cannot be a Lord.

Bran renounced his title so it goes to Sansa.

you are wrong.....

Bran is the legitimate lord of Winterfell

then Sansa, then Arya...

The King of the North is really whomever the lords of the north choose to pledge their fealty to -
Rob was declared king by his bannermen, same thing happened to Jon - he didn't seek the throne he just asked everyone to come together to fight the dead
Littlefinger plan backfired and events and Lady Mormont went their own way to elevating Jon

People keep forgetting the North does things different than the South, different religion different rules
As soon as they no longer recognized a king in King's Landing - for the North the religion of 7 went out the window as did most rules handed down from Red Keep


BGOL Legend
you are wrong.....

Bran is the legitimate lord of Winterfell

then Sansa, then Arya...

The King of the North is really whomever the lords of the north choose to pledge their fealty to -
Rob was declared king by his bannermen, same thing happened to Jon - he didn't seek the throne he just asked everyone to come together to fight the dead
Littlefinger plan backfired and events and Lady Mormont went their own way to elevating Jon

People keep forgetting the North does things different than the South, different religion different rules
As soon as they no longer recognized a king in King's Landing - for the North the religion of 7 went out the window as did most rules handed down from Red Keep

Say it again


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dude what is your objection? That Sansa has a say so in HER family's Castle?
She is the Lady of Winterfell. She definitely will have a say so.
She doesn't need to ask as you can tell. She is GIVING her opinion.
I don't think you are noticing that Sansa isn't playing around.
Sansa is Queen in the North. Nothing is happening without her say so.
Did you see her scene with Theon. They just basically ignoring Dany.


Lady/Lord <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< King/Queen.

Jon did NOT make her queen.

If he had made her queen he would have said the word queen.

At this point its clear you are watching an alternate version of the show.


BGOL Legend
Dude what is your objection? That Sansa has a say so in HER family's Castle?
She is the Lady of Winterfell. She definitely will have a say so.
She doesn't need to ask as you can tell. She is GIVING her opinion.
I don't think you are noticing that Sansa isn't playing around.
Sansa is Queen in the North. Nothing is happening without her say so.
Did you see her scene with Theon. They just basically ignoring Dany.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
considering that the video makes an argument that w/ o GRRM's writing to draw from the show writers aren't talented enough to properly portray Tyrion's strategic pov and wit - it makes your reply seem silly
So my opinions and perceptions on the actual show are silly because they dont jive with the videos suspicions that GRRM's writing would provide a different perspective and portrayal of the character? Do you not see how stupid and honkified you sound? Get your shit together bro.
They then follow by arguing that story wise Tyrion is really on top of his game for the last season but was in a difficult situation - because Danny unintentionally with held crucial information from him - he felt the need to manipulate Danny ti go north at all costs - even if it meant assuring her Cersei will send troops north even though he knows better.
Before that - capturing the wyte was really proof for Danny not Cersei
Why do you insist on presenting their pov in attempt to invalidate mine? What gives them authority? You're being weird.
Tyrion vs his family goes back much further than Joffrey's trial...and considering that Littlefinger and Olenna Tyrell patiently laid the groundwork to frame Tyrion & Sansa as patsies... the trial can not be attributed as Tyrion underestimating his family - considering how hard he went on warning and trying to get Shae to leave. When Joffrey died Tyrion was powerless and unable to maneuver plan or counter.
In the end the only thing that surprised Tyrion was the depths of Tywin's hypocrisy (the show did a piss poor job of building that up, not having Jaime tell Tyrion the truth about his first wife just before Tyrion discovers Shae in Tywin's bed... in contrast the story shown on screen lacked depth)
Tyrion did not foresee the level of lows his family would go to frame him for the murder. Who initially framed him is immaterial. What is material is that once Cersei and Tywin KNEW he was innocent they doubled down on convicting him and bribing/forcing others to testify against him. Everything you type seems to argue not that he doesnt have weak spot for family but that the perceived weak spot is due to poor writing and differences from the book. That isnt the fucking issue. Regardless of whatever justification or rationale you apply, the guy is fucking compromised when it comes to making decisions involving family. Period.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
They mentioned Bran was the Lord of Winterfell. However, I know you know what he said. That is why I didn't mention him.

The title of "King In The North" belongs to the Lord of Winterfell. The Lord of Winterfell has ALWAYS been a Stark.

Dont believe me, look it up. A Snow cannot be a Lord.

Bran renounced his title so it goes to Sansa.
no - Lord of Winterfel is not automatically King of the North
yes - historically Winterfel is held by Stark, and Stark was the lineage of the King of the North

Westeros is a feudal system - nobility chooses the king
when no heir of direct lineage is apparent -To become king you need a coalition of lords to swear fealty - the ones with most gold and or soldiers.

Robert got the nod from Lannisters Tyrells and Stark

Rob got the Umbers, Manderly, Bolton, and Karstark

Jon got Mormont Glover Umber and the regent of Ayre

Women are 2nd class citizens / or property - so the lords of the North would be very hesitant to bend knee to Sansa
Sansa to most northern eyes is her mothers daughter - more in manner and custom a Tully than a Stark If Sansa was more like Arya or Lady Mormont - different story

Keep in mind - legally Sansa is still married to Tyrion... or a widow of Bolton...

When Jon was King in the North - he had the power to legitimize himself... now he doesn't need to
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Rising Star
Dude what is your objection? That Sansa has a say so in HER family's Castle?
She is the Lady of Winterfell. She definitely will have a say so.
She doesn't need to ask as you can tell. She is GIVING her opinion.
I don't think you are noticing that Sansa isn't playing around.
Sansa is Queen in the North. Nothing is happening without her say so.
Did you see her scene with Theon. They just basically ignoring Dany.


I wish people wouldnt invent their own show.

How did Robb become king in the north?

All the lords of the North named him that.

When Robb died did the title automatically go to the next Stark in line?


How did Jon become King in the North?

All the lords of the North named him that.

You see the pattern?

Did all the lords of the North name Sansa Queen?


So she is NOT queen. Regardless of her title within Winterfell.

By everything we've seen on this show, she cannot be queen until all the lords name her queen.

Stop inventing your own show.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
2 more questions.

1. Where is Howland Reed?

2. Where is Robyn Arryn?
1.hopefully he's gearing up to help the Starks, after the fight with zombies. Because their expected to lose alot of men during the fight.
2. Robyn is most likely at the Vale. Hiding and shit.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Jon will likely be King and Sam will be his hand
no way can Sam be a hand... he just aint built for that in anyway

Jon would pick someone like Tyrion or Sansa or an older version of Lady Mormont -

Man the wiser cunning players, except Varis are all dead

There’s only ONE PERSON on the whole show who is ‘Best Suited’ to be Jon’s “Hand of the The King”....

And the person is...... Sir Davos. :yes: Hands down.

(Assuming he lives until the very end & actually WANTS to remain at Jon’s side, that is. :rolleyes:)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
no - Lord of Winterfel is not automatically King of the North
(That is not what I said. What I said was the King In the North is always the Lord of Winterfell who is always at Stark. That is a fact. Go look it up).

yes - historically Winterfel is held by Stark, and Stark was the lineage of the King of the North
(Right. So why did you bother confusing this with your line above?)

Westeros is a feudal system - nobility chooses the king
when no heir of direct lineage is apparent -To become king you need a coalition of lords to swear fealty - the ones with most gold and or soldiers.

Robert got the nod from Lannisters Tyrells and Stark

Rob got the Umbers, Manderly, Bolton, and Karstark

Jon got Mormont Glover Umber and the regent of Ayre
(Jon is a bastard. The Mormonts etc had no RIGHT to declare a bastard a King. Not when there is a Lady of Winterfell. Basically what they did was "illegal". That is why there is/was a conflict with Sansa. She knows her rights. She isn't going out and declaring it but he is her BASTARD brother.

Women are 2nd class citizens / or property - so the lords of the North would be very hesitant to bend knee to Sansa
Sansa to most northern eyes is her mothers daughter - more in manner and custom a Tully than a Stark If Sansa was more like Arya or Lady Mormont - different story
(Women are not 2nd class citizens! Dany, Lady Mormont, Lady Arryn, Lady Olena Tyrell, The Sand Snakes etc all had tremendous power.)

Keep in mind - legally Sansa is still married to Tyrion... or a widow of Bolton...
(She is legally the Lady of Winterfell. Technically she was married to Tyrion. Actually the marriage was null and void after she left him. They never consummated the marriage. That is how she was able to marry Ramsay who was Lord of Winterfell at that time. So she is Lady of Winterfell technically by 2 different claims? If you want to count her and Tyrion still being married then she is STILL Lady of Winterfell!

When Jon was King in the North - he had the power to legitimize himself... now he doesn't need to


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Do you really think Jon is going to live to be king?
If you think this has a happy ending...

Also, he doesn't want to be King. He must have said it 5 times already.

There’s only ONE PERSON on the whole show who is ‘Best Suited’ to be Jon’s “Hand of the The King”....

And the person is...... Sir Davos. :yes: Hands down.

(Assuming he lives until the very end & actually WANTS to remain at Jon’s side, that is. :rolleyes:)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dude. I didn't say Sansa was the Queen.
I said the people who named Jon the "King in the North" have no right to do so.
The King in the North is a title for the Lord of Winterfell who is a Stark.
Jon Snow was not legitimatized. He is a bastard and he was not the Lord of Winterfell.

Jon Snow is like fucking Renly in the sense that he is given a claim but rightfully he has no strong claim to the NORTH.

He is not a Stark!


I wish people wouldnt invent their own show.

How did Robb become king in the north?

All the lords of the North named him that.

When Robb died did the title automatically go to the next Stark in line?


How did Jon become King in the North?

All the lords of the North named him that.

You see the pattern?

Did all the lords of the North name Sansa Queen?


So she is NOT queen. Regardless of her title within Winterfell.

By everything we've seen on this show, she cannot be queen until all the lords name her queen.

Stop inventing your own show.


BGOL Legend


Rising Star
Dude. I didn't say Sansa was the Queen.
I said the people who named Jon the "King in the North" have no right to do so.
The King in the North is a title for the Lord of Winterfell who is a Stark.
Jon Snow was not legitimatized. He is a bastard and he was not the Lord of Winterfell.

Jon Snow is like fucking Renly in the sense that he is given a claim but rightfully he has no strong claim to the NORTH.

He is not a Stark!

Dude, now you decide for the lords of the North who they can or cant pledge their allegiance to?

There is a saying in the books. There must always be a Stark in Winterfell.

Winterfell and The North are seperate entities.

It is not written anywhere that the king in the North absolutely has to be a Stark.

And for the record, if all the lords of the North want to change their tradition, they can do it.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Do you really think Jon is going to live to be king?
If you think this has a happy ending...

Also, he doesn't want to be King. He must have said it 5 times already.
I was just theorizing “IF” Jon actually became king... He would most likely choose Sir Davos to be his “Hand”. (Before anyone else.) That’s all.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
there is no illegal...

you keep missing that whats law in the South doesn't ever apply in the North
think on how many times have various characters compared the north to being very similar to the free folk...

They are not inclined to be obligated by tradition nor title - everything with them is personal honor

look at how Rob became king, or how lady Mormont told Stannis to kiss her ass and later listened to Davos but not Jon or Sansa
and how after battle bastards -she got old men to snap in line by questioning their personal honor and reminding them of previous oaths and shaming them...

Everytime Jon does exactly what Ned Stark would do the north and free folk fuck with him even more

Littlefinger thought Jon was being weak - to Sansa what she said made sense by the law and by unwritten rules she came to understand in King's Landing and from Littlefinger... but Jon gained even greater loyalty from everyone else in the room by doing what Ned taught him


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Was going back and forth with my brother on this. He brought up a point I forgot.

In the house of the undying the Warlock told Dany she will suffer three betrayals. One for blood, one for money, and one for love...

Jon is going to kill her....or perhaps Tyrion...or even Jorah.

I'm thinking Jorah.

Jon gave Jorah honor back

Jorah LOVES Dany.

He will betray her for Jon Snow.
I have a different theory... I don’t think it will be Jorah. :smh:

Pretty sure after everything Jorah has been thru to get his spot back... from being exiled 2x twice.... to being sold into slavery... to surviving the fighting pits of Mereen... to surviving GreyScale... to surviving going North of the Wall.... his ‘betrayal days’ are loooong behind him. :rolleyes:

Nah, at this point... Jorah wouldn’t DARE risk incurring Dany’s wrath anymore. :smh: He would sooner die.

Plus he told that masked woman (named Quaithe) that he would never betray Dany again... and he hasn’t ever since. :dunno:

Dany got betrayed for ‘blood’.... by the Witch.

She got betrayed for ‘money’.... by Xaro Xoran Daxos.

But I don’t think she will get betrayed by someone who loves..... HER. :smh:

My theory...

I think Dany will get betrayed by someone who ‘loves’ someBODY (or someTHING :yes:) else. Not her.

And I’m betting....... it will be Varys. :yes:
Because he ‘LOVES’ the Realm.

It’s the ONLY thing he loves. :yes: (More than anything.)

Varys probably gonna find out about Jon’s real parents... then he’s gonna get caught ‘conspiring’ (or talking about Dany) behind her back... then Dany gonna ‘keep her word’ and burn him alive. :smh:

And people are gonna HATE THE SHIT outta Dany for doing it. :yes: Because they love Varys’ character and/or his reasons for doing whatever he does. And most won’t even remember the prophecy of the Warlocks, from season 2. :smh:

Imagine Varys & SAM having a conversation about it. :smh: Sam is already SALTY about his father & brother. :smh: So you know there could be ‘a chance’ that Sam would be talking about ‘how she shouldn’t be the Queen’ with Varys. :smh: and if Dany EVER happened to walk into the room (or overhear it) and catch the 2 of them having THAT conversation. :smh:

Ssshhheeeeiiittttt..... She might even burn BOTH of them together. Sam AND Varys. :rolleyes:

Just a guess. :dunno:
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You simply aren't understanding what I am saying.

Or maybe you just want to write your own show?

A bastard cannot be made king. Period.

No one with the POWER to do so is around to make Jon Snow King in the North.

In order to be King in the North you have to be
1. A Stark
2. Lord of Winterfell

Jon Snow is neither one of those things.

there is no illegal...

you keep missing that whats law in the South doesn't ever apply in the North
think on how many times have various characters compared the north to being very similar to the free folk...

They are not inclined to be obligated by tradition nor title - everything with them is personal honor

look at how Rob became king, or how lady Mormont told Stannis to kiss her ass and later listened to Davos but not Jon or Sansa
and how after battle bastards -she got old men to snap in line by questioning their personal honor and reminding them of previous oaths and shaming them...

Everytime Jon does exactly what Ned Stark would do the north and free folk fuck with him even more

Littlefinger thought Jon was being weak - to Sansa what she said made sense by the law and by unwritten rules she came to understand in King's Landing and from Littlefinger... but Jon gained even greater loyalty from everyone else in the room by doing what Ned taught him


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
@ViCiouS You also said women are second class citizens in the show then went on to say how strong Lady Mormont is... but anyways...


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
@ViCiouS You also said women are second class citizens in the show then went on to say how strong Lady Mormont is... but anyways...
exactly ... the north moves differently and even then look at how that 10y/o behaves to earn the respect of those around her

give her a beard and a deeper voice and that Lord Mormont at castle Black

every woman of real power in this series has had to be extreme


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
You simply aren't understanding what I am saying.

Or maybe you just want to write your own show?

A bastard cannot be made king. Period.

No one with the POWER to do so is around to make Jon Snow King in the North.

In order to be King in the North you have to be
1. A Stark
2. Lord of Winterfell

Jon Snow is neither one of those things.
you fail to understand that the north has very different rules

by your logic no one had the power to make Rob king of the north - no king elevated him to Lord or warden

Please tell me - who had the power or authority to make Robert king in Kings Landing or Stannis at Dragon Stone or shit - even Renly?

the tradition is that a Stark is king in the north
BUT for the entire series in books and on HBO - the people of north don't follow tradition automatically - similar to how Theon went home with a gold price mentality, law and traditional succession and everyone there only fucked with iron prices


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Robert was of royal blood. He is the LORD of his house and a Targaryen descendant!!!!!!!!!

He has a claim.

Renly had no claim. None. Let's not get into that weird motherfucker.

Jon Snow is a BASTARD he has no CLAIM to Winterfell.

How many times do I have to say why I have issues with it.

Sansa should be the Lady of Winterfell and then Warden of the North and then Queen in the North.

Robb - Lord of his House
Sansa - Lady of her House
Jon - bastard with NO house.

you fail to understand that the north has very different rules

by your logic no one had the power to make Rob king of the north - no king elevated him to Lord or warden

Please tell me - who had the power or authority to make Robert king in Kings Landing or Stannis at Dragon Stone or shit - even Renly?

the tradition is that a Stark is king in the north
BUT for the entire series in books and on HBO - the people of north don't follow tradition automatically - similar to how Theon went home with a gold price mentality, law and traditional succession and everyone there only fucked with iron prices


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Robert was of royal blood. He is the LORD of his house and a Targaryen descendant!!!!!!!!!

He has a claim.

Renly had no claim. None. Let's not get into that weird motherfucker.

Jon Snow is a BASTARD he has no CLAIM to Winterfell.

How many times do I have to say why I have issues with it.

Sansa should be the Lady of Winterfell and then Warden of the North and then Queen in the North.

Robb - Lord of his House
Sansa - Lady of her House
Jon - bastard with NO house.
for the entire series in books and on HBO - the people of north don't follow tradition automatically - similar to how Theon went home with a gold price mentality, law and traditional succession and everyone there only fucked with iron prices


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Game of Thrones took television to another level.
Exactly. :yes: You nailed it.

There’s the Movies...

And there’s Network TV...

And there’s Cable TV...

But Game of Thrones has created something like.... “Box-Office-TV”. :yes: (or at least ‘popularized’ it like nobody else has done, so far)

If I had to define it... I would say that “Box-Office-TV” is really 4 different things that are wrapped up seamlessly into 1 ‘type’ of description.

1 - It would be a good tv show that follows the approach of a (weekly) episodic format, that is usually seen on regular (Network) broadcast television...

2 - But it’s combined with enough ‘mature content’ that a Cable TV audience would pay a premium price (ie subscription) for...

3 - And it has enough (riveting) storyline elements & characters that keep you ‘wanting more’... which makes it extremely ‘binge worthy’...

4 - And it does all of this with a MAJOR emphasis on the ‘production values’ of (big screen) Hollywood Filmmaking. :yes:

Sounds like a winner to me. :yes:

We should make that a ‘new category’ that started on BGOL. :D



(BOTV = this shit is soo good... you would probably pay to watch it.... if you didn’t have a hookup :rolleyes:)
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