And most of the "predictions" suck, thank God these kats don't write for the showHe already posted it, got covered up by all of the pointless bickering of personal opinions going on in this thread.
I am not wrong on any front. Read what I wrote. I didn't mention Roose or Ramsay.
I am talking about Jon Snow and his "powers".
Roose and Ramsay were never going to be called the King in the North. The North were against them. That is who they are fighting in the Battle of the Bastards. They are fighting the North and the Vale.
Bastards can be legitimized. I said very clearly that Jon Snow WAS NOT legitimized when they named him King in the North.
They had no right to do that. Only the Lord of Winterfell or a King can legitimize a bastard.
And most of the "predictions" suck, thank God these kats don't write for the show
As i stated earlier; I think the north loses this next battle and the ones left alive have to retreat to kings landing.
Cersi wont let them in or does something so fucked up, in anger Jamie chokes her out as All hell breaks loose on Kings landing by the night king.
Sorry for spoiling it if this comes true.
I think the north is going to lose and Tyrian made a deal with Cersie for her to be the back up. It looks like she is betraying them but she is not.
Idk why ppl are so critical of the crypt plan
Where else is there for elderly, women who aren't fighting and children to be?
Can't be at other castles those ppl dead now
Can't be out in the way of the fighters
Where else can they be?
.I dont think old starks are going to come back to life like people think, i think tbe dead are going to tunnel in there and wreck havoc .Then the people in there including the kids are going to be turned and start killing
this is a discussion thread
Actually I fucked up
You can't pick dead people
^^ These are not Spoilers folks... just a conversation.
you may be on the right track... but I don’t think Bran is strong enough to Control the Night King himself.... HOWEVER.... Bran would probably be strong enough to Warg into an animal... namely Viseryon the Dragon.Then use the Dragon to kill the Night King.
Doing it this way would satisfy the 3-eyed Raven’s cryptic quote: “You will never walk again... but you WILL FLY”.
Bran could only control one animal (or human) at a time.... either 1 Raven, or 1 Direwolf, or 1 Hodor.
But notice at the end of last season, Bran escalated his power when he warged into a whole FLOCK of Ravens... who flew over the wall... but were dispersed by the Night King. That’s why I don’t think Bran is powerful enough to control HIM yet. (And might never be
) But multiple animals, or bigger animals, yes.
It said 5 best from entire series run.
I interpreted dead, as in someone
Who was never alive.
Yea but it said no dead and no magic no dragons
What about the fact that she sent Bronn after them?
She didn't send Bronn after them.
She said, if they survive and come back here be sure to kill them.
Bronn isn't leaving Kings Landing to go to Winterfell.
My squad, no particular order
1. arya
2. the mountain-pre Frankenstein
3. oberyn
4. Jamie-pre brass knuckles
5. Not sure, mabey khal drogo, mabey ned stark, mabey grey worm.