Wasn’t the blood betrayal her brother? Wasn’t then money betrayal those dudes in Qarth? And wasn’t the love one Jorah?Was going back and forth with my brother on this. He brought up a point I forgot.
In the house of the undying the Warlock told Dany she will suffer three betrayals. One for blood, one for money, and one for love...
Jon is going to kill her....or perhaps Tyrion...or even Jorah.
I'm thinking Jorah.
Jon gave Jorah honor back
Jorah LOVES Dany.
He will betray her for Jon Snow.
I actually wondered what he and she agreed upon when he went to her chambers to convince her to help. They didnt show the actual agreement. I was suspicious about whether he sold out Danys there or not at the time. Now im just leaning toward him being played.He so consistently underestimates Cersei that another infraction would indicate it's intentional. That's how horrible he is with the shit...and for the most part, he's on point UNLESS it's connected to some Lannisters...and that's where he should really be on point because Cersei should at no point surprise him.
I actually wondered what he and she agreed upon when he went to her chambers to convince her to help. They didnt show the actual agreement. I was suspicious about whether he sold out Danys there or not at the time. Now im just leaning toward him being played.
Jon Snow the goat leader on the battlefield.
Nah. I wondered if she and Tyrion conspired against Danys in some way or form. A backroom agreement or contingency.You think the Lannister army is going to show up out of nowhere and save the day?
He was horrible at the Battle of the Bastards. But good when they fought the Night King beyond the wall.What? We watching the same show?
Jon has never been a good leader on the battlefield.
Dude keeps breaking rank and running off by himself. The two big battles that he was he would have lost of Stannis and Little Finger didn't show up with an army to save his ass. He was such a terrible leader his own men murdered his ass, then the writers entered the cheat codes and brought him back.What? We watching the same show?
Jon has never been a good leader on the battlefield.
They’re gonna find some shit in the Crypts. The Crypts been holding secrets since day 1.
Y’all both made me think of a ‘wild-ass hunch’ that ties these 2 posts together.Is the shireen look alike Melisandre ?
The Night King is going to raise the dead and the corpses are going to kill all the women and children in the crypts.Y’all both made me think of a ‘wild-ass hunch’ that ties these 2 posts together.
It’s definitely NOT a spoiler... because I have NO idea what’s going to happen in the final 4 episodes..... but Iono if I should even post my theory.(In case it actually DOES happen.
Nah.The Night King is going to raise the dead and the corpses are going to kill all the women and children in the crypts.
Dude keeps breaking rank and running off by himself. The two big battles that he was he would have lost of Stannis and Little Finger didn't show up with an army to save his ass. He was such a terrible leader his own men murdered his ass, then the writers entered the cheat codes and brought him back.
Y’all both made me think of a ‘wild-ass hunch’ that ties these 2 posts together.
It’s definitely NOT a spoiler... because I have NO idea what’s going to happen in the final 4 episodes..... but Iono if I should even post my theory.(In case it actually DOES happen.
)... Because it would be a game-changer.
Dude keeps breaking rank and running off by himself. The two big battles that he was he would have lost of Stannis and Little Finger didn't show up with an army to save his ass. He was such a terrible leader his own men murdered his ass, then the writers entered the cheat codes and brought him back.
Of course he would have lost, he was outnumbered like crazy. His courage/leadership in battle is what got him all the titles he got. Lord Commander of the Night's Watch and then King in The North. Its also what got him enough juice to get the Wildlings to follow him.
sansa hid the fact the veil was going to fight for them. which put jon team in a messed up situation.He was horrible at the Battle of the Bastards. But good when they fought the Night King beyond the wall.
The calm before the storm is the only way to explain this emotional heart warming yearbook reunion episode of Game of Thrones. I expect a Helms Deep type of battle next week.... with that said here are my stretched out observations from Season 8 Episode 2 ....
- Title sequence is now from perspective of white walkers
- The trial of Jamie Lannister begins
- I ain't apologizing for shit ! The lions of Casterly Rock are defiant on the stand
- Brienne goes full Saul Goodman in defense of the Kingslayer
- Sansa trusts few people outside of Brienne
- Danerys is not happy #1 .... what about my Iron Throne?
- Danerys called Jon the "warden" of the north ?
- Arya want's amazon 2-day shipping on her weapon
- Blue collar metal work seems to make "no one" feel something
- Arya the Count #1 ...how many did you fight a-ha-ha-haaaa
- The northern Westorosi olympic contestant in darts is Arya Stark
- The tree-union at the godswood with Bran and Jamie... dull
- Bran should have some swollen arms ...carting himself around in the snow
- Spikes in the ground help defend against an Ice Dragon how ?
- Podrick been getting to practice early and staying late
- Jorah puts "Slipping into darkness" on his ipod and tries to counsel Danerys
- Sansa and Danerys find common ground - Families are complicated
- Danerys not happy #2 ...the North won't join 7 kingdoms?
- Someone taller.... DROGO will destroy Jon Snow
- Theon showed up to winterfell like Prince and the revolution at First Ave.
- Davos serves up hot and ready soup to newly enlisted common folk
- Plump Gilly ...has been enjoying the abundance of food in the Reach
- Sound the alarm the Nightswatch has arrived
- Tormund hit Jon like Atwater hit Okoye on MNF ....DAMN
- Is the big woman here? ...Tormund is like a bruh after a white girl
- Damn where did they get the Stratego Winterfell edition
- Bran reveals there have been "many" 3 eyed ravens?
- Night King wants to erase history of all men...
- Shoot your shot Tormund #1 - We're all gonna die at least we die together
- Tyrion stays behind to get more info out of Bran ...SMART
- In a world of Dragons and Ice Zombies ...people still hate black people, Poor Missandrei
- Young Obama sings "whenever wherever whatever" to her ...back to Hawaii after this girl
- Ghost snuck back into Winterfell like he's Benji
- Sam pulls out his resume with aliases and experience plus references
- Is this the boy scouts? campfire stories and discussion
- Brienne is Podricks mama? only half a cup son
- Tormund is the MVP brings goats milk to a wine tasting
- Tormund is that one friend who ruins the group chat with his odd texts.
- Jamie is making the same puzzled looks I make when I watch Fox news
- The Hound has no time for B.S. does all his dirt solo
- "I fought for you" Ser Cleagane Westerosi foster dad of the year
- No Sermons or I'll throw you over a wall ....my exact words on Easter sunday 2019
- Arya learns Gendry is King Robert's son
- Arya the Count #2 ...how many women you smash ? a-ha-ha-ha-haaaa
- By the time you undress in northern winters ....you're too exhausted to fuck
- Gayle King will be interviewing Gendry soon.... Arya looks under 17
- I googled Maisie Williams to make sure I don't have child porn on my hard drive
- Tyrion "I think we might live" ...what did Bran tell you ?
- Fuck Tradition.... Tormund the wildling feminist
- Shoot your shot #2 Tormund ...I'd knight you ten times over
- Brienne becomes a Ser ....without the surgery
- First smile from Brienne of Tarth all series... looking like a bad jack-o-lantern
- Jorah will die but he has a Valaryan sword to go out honorably
- Podrick been going Maxwell on these hoes the whole time?
- Winter may have come... but I don't think Arya did
- A girl has no drawers... A girl is not a virgin anymore
- Gendry might be added to her kill list after his "performance"
- Meet my moms Khaleesi ....your sister in law !
- Yes I'm a Targaryen ...I fly dragons girl
- Danerys is not happy #3 ...now I'm second in line for Iron Throne
- Incest comes 2nd to having Iron Throne ? Danerys is from Alabama?
- Sound the alarm 3 times for White Walkers ....they're here !!!
- White Walkers brought 2 javelins ...must be aiming at last two dragons
- Everybody gonna die next episode
Aight. But read it at your own risk.Post your theory. I am sure you are wrong![]()
Dudes spent 3 pages arguing about shit that was easily researchable. Nowhere does it say you HAVE to be a Stark to be King in the North ..it just said that the King in the North had historically same way the King of Westeros was always a Targaryen.....until they were toppled. Robert had distant Targaryen blood but many wanted Ned to be King but he refused it. Cersei has absolutely none. If she were to die she has no heirs at all.
All that damn arguing about Jon not having claim .....have y’all forgot Lyanna.... is his mother.... and with Rickon and Robb dead and Bran not caring ...Jon is the eldest male descendant. Men get rule over women. However ... If Jon CHOSE to... he could technically defer the throne to Dany and be Lord of Winterfell.
This dude.
Bastards cannot have a claim to being a Lord. Jon Snow could never be the Lord of Winterfell. Period.
The Lord of Winterfell is the only mother fucker who can be King in the North and/or Warden of the North.
This is settled. Go about your business.
^^ These are not Spoilers folks... just a conversation.@grownazzblakman Interesting but I dont think so.
I think Bran is going to warg into the Night King and commit suicide. The Night King has to die for everyone in the army to die. That is the only way the living will win and rid themselves of the Army of the Dead. So Bran HAS to sacrifice himself. If it isn't my way it has to be some other way. Night King is gonna die. Along with most of the people we care about. So Theon, Brienne, Arya, Jaime, Grey Worm, etc they are gonna die.
Nah.. Jon put himself and his soldiers in a winless position when he allowed Ramsey to bait him into charging the field alone. Sansa told him the night before to dont do what Ramsey expects. Ramsey killed Rickon and Jon rushed to the middle of the battlefield alone and without protection. He blew their entire strategy and nearly got everyone killed. Their original strategy gave them a chance to win even without the Veil. Jon fucked it all up.sansa hid the fact the veil was going to fight for them. which put jon team in a messed up situation.
This dude.
Bastards cannot have a claim to being a Lord. Jon Snow could never be the Lord of Winterfell. Period.
The Lord of Winterfell is the only mother fucker who can be King in the North and/or Warden of the North.
This is settled. Go about your business.
He's not actually a bastard tho, so how does he fit into things with his true parentage recognized?
^^ These are not Spoilers folks... just a conversation.
you may be on the right track... but I don’t think Bran is strong enough to Control the Night King himself.... HOWEVER.... Bran would probably be strong enough to Warg into an animal... namely Viseryon the Dragon.Then use the Dragon to kill the Night King.
Doing it this way would satisfy the 3-eyed Raven’s cryptic quote: “You will never walk again... but you WILL FLY”.
Bran could only control one animal (or human) at a time.... either 1 Raven, or 1 Direwolf, or 1 Hodor.
But notice at the end of last season, Bran escalated his power when he warged into a whole FLOCK of Ravens... who flew over the wall... but were dispersed by the Night King. That’s why I don’t think Bran is powerful enough to control HIM yet. (And might never be
) But multiple animals, or bigger animals, yes.
Jon’s Mother is a Stark.I am talking about before his true parentage was known. The North still doesn't know he isn't Ned's son.
Once they know he is Ned son, he DEFINITELY should not be considered :
- Lord of Winterfell
- King in the North.
He should be considered a Southerner. His father is a Southerner and he would have claim to the Iron Throne.
Jon’s Mother is a Stark.
Why would he be considered a Southerner?
Obama’s Dad was from Africa... but his mother was from the USA. Nobody thought he was ‘full 100% African’. Only.![]()
Bastards can Ben legitimized into lords.This dude.
Bastards cannot have a claim to being a Lord. Jon Snow could never be the Lord of Winterfell. Period.
The Lord of Winterfell is the only mother fucker who can be King in the North and/or Warden of the North.
This is settled. Go about your business.
Bastards can Ben legitimized into lords.
The same way Roose did to Ramsay but...
Jon or should I say Aegon is not a bastard. He has claim to the Iron Throne and Winterfell ....
Roose Bolton was Warden of the North without being Lord of Winterfell ...... oh Ramsay was too.
You literally are wrong on all fronts.