Game Of Thrones: The Sopranos with swords or Dynasty in chainmail?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Yeah..muthafuckas can clown all they want but all the leadership and the Night King died without us even seeing them swing a sword! It was a huge payoff for Arya to save the day but I never like when the antagonist dies "easily" and I feel like he was never threatened at all for the most part and a "savior shot" saved the day. I don't like powerful villains to die like that.

That’s the fantasy genre though. At the most desparate moment, the world was saved by the most unlikely person imaginable. A hobbit from the shire..


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
That’s the fantasy genre though. At the most desparate moment, the world was saved by the most unlikely person imaginable. A hobbit from the shire..

Yeah. I said I was being extra picky about it.... it's still by far the best episode of anything I've ever seen.

It's not that Arya saved that day that did it... i figured she was going to do that at some point because she's been training for it. It's that he died without ever really being challenged and died in a "cheap" way to me.

Bedroom Bully

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I have never seen anything like this tonight. Not too early to say best tv show episode ever. Maybe better than anything I’ve seen at the movies.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Just doing his job. It was poor planning by them CAC’s to only have one fucking trench. They should have had multiple to light up and break up the waves of the dead.
Dude, they only had 1 single Day when Dany got to Winterfell and they learned the Army of the Dead was bearing down in them & would arrive ‘before dawn’.

They managed to dig a massive trench that SURROUNDED Winterfell... and put all kinds of spears and chopped-up lumber shit in it.

How many trenches you think they were supposed to dig in less than 24 hours... while they also had to make weapons at the same time... and practice a few fighting moves & teach people how to even ‘hold a sword’ outside the gates of Winterfell??? :hmm:

Plus some folks gotta rest, eat & think about ‘life in general’... and ‘make amends’ to people they have wronged... say their ‘gooodbyes’ to each other and/or get laid-n do all kinds of other ‘last minute’ shit. :rolleyes:

C’mon man. :rolleyes: