Game Of Thrones: The Sopranos with swords or Dynasty in chainmail?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor






International Member
Dude, they only had 1 single Day when Dany got to Winterfell and they learned the Army of the Dead was bearing down in them & would arrive ‘before dawn’.

They managed to dig a massive trench that SURROUNDED Winterfell... and put all kinds of spears and chopped-up lumber shit in it.

How many trenches you think they were supposed to dig in less than 24 hours... while they also had to make weapons at the same time... and practice a few fighting moves & teach people how to even ‘hold a sword’ outside the gates of Winterfell??? :hmm:

Plus some folks gotta rest, eat & think about ‘life in general’... and ‘make amends’ to people they have wronged... say their ‘gooodbyes’ to each other and/or get laid-n do all kinds of other ‘last minute’ shit. :rolleyes:

C’mon man. :rolleyes:

BGOL is full of super heroes


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Yeah. I said I was being extra picky about it.... it's still by far the best episode of anything I've ever seen.

It's not that Arya saved that day that did it... i figured she was going to do that at some point because she's been training for it. It's that he died without ever really being challenged and died in a "cheap" way to me.

The problem is... you keep saying he died ‘in a cheap way’.... after you been watching the show for 8 years now... and it was revealed years ago that the ONLY way to kill White Walkers was by Fire, Dragonglass or Valyrian Steel.

Then you sat there and saw the dude literally ‘shake off’ a point-blank shot of DRAGONFIRE... like it was nothing... so that only leaves 2 options left. Dragonglass & Valyrian Steel....

So what were you expecting to happen??

Lemme guess... you wanted Bran to open a Supermassive ‘Black Hole’ that would swallow him up into the outer atmosphere, huh? :rolleyes: Sure, I get it.

What’s not a ‘cheap’ way for the Night King to die, in your opinion?? :hmm: Do tell.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The Night King's backstory was given a few seasons ago.

The children of the forest created him to battle against the first men who were marching north and wiping them out.
He got out of control and there it starts.

Maybe Bran will give a refresher

I'm just glad we don't have to endure any more bizare YouTube theories about the Night King being a Stark no more.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Wait. Whut!?! The payoff would have been better if it had taken much more to kill him???? What show were you watching??? :dunno:


What MORE do you want?!?! :dunno:


Didn't even singe his outfit.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
The problem is... you keep saying he died ‘in a cheap way’.... after you been watching the show for 8 years now... and it was revealed years ago that the ONLY way to kill White Walkers was by Fire, Dragonglass or Valyrian Steel.

Then you sat there and saw the dude literally ‘shake off’ a point-blank shot of DRAGONFIRE... like it was nothing... so that only leaves 2 options left. Dragonglass & Valyrian Steel....

So what were you expecting to happen??

Lemme guess... you wanted Bran to open a Supermassive ‘Black Hole’ that would swallow him up into the outer atmosphere, huh? :rolleyes: Sure, I get it.

What’s not a ‘cheap’ way for the Night King to die, in your opinion?? :hmm: Do tell.



Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
The problem is... you keep saying he died ‘in a cheap way’.... after you been watching the show for 8 years now... and it was revealed years ago that the ONLY way to kill White Walkers was by Fire, Dragonglass or Valyrian Steel.

Then you sat there and saw the dude literally ‘shake off’ a point-blank shot of DRAGONFIRE... like it was nothing... so that only leaves 2 options left. Dragonglass & Valyrian Steel....

So what were you expecting to happen??

Lemme guess... you wanted Bran to open a Supermassive ‘Black Hole’ that would swallow him up into the outer atmosphere, huh? :rolleyes: Sure, I get it.

What’s not a ‘cheap’ way for the Night King to die, in your opinion?? :hmm: Do tell.

Come on son. Yall gotta stop being sensitive. In "Clash of the Titans", they released the Kraken and he literally was dead a minute later. It cheapened it. I was already assuming that the Dragon Fire wasn't going to kill him. That would have been too "easy". When you build up an antagonist in the way the Night King was built up, you don't want him to never break a sweat the entire time and then die from an out of nowhere jab in the stomach where there is never any type of real fight. The Night King and his generals never even engaged in combat at all. It's much more compelling when a powerful antagonist is challenged in a more threatening fashion...he exhibits his power and then he's overwhelmed in some way and then dies. Arya could have still been the one to kill him and she could have still killed him in the same way in that scene, but he literally cruises through the scene while he's on land and never even engages in battle. He was up 20 with 10 seconds left and lost by a 21-point shot. Even Arya being able to sneak up on him isn't a stretch because of her training. It's just a bit of a letdown to see him the generals just stroll in at the end... walk in like Puffy and Nas in Hate me Now and die like that. Even if he and the generals were more engaged in fighting other people in more threatening ways before getting there would have been enough.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
its a wrap for the karstarks as well
that was the crew that killed last episode with Ned Karstark being pinned to a wall

Nah those were the umbers...i feel like the carstarks got wiped out during the battle of the bastards since the younger generation aligned themselves with house bolton


Star Playa
BGOL Investor
Dude, they only had 1 single Day when Dany got to Winterfell and they learned the Army of the Dead was bearing down in them & would arrive ‘before dawn’.

They managed to dig a massive trench that SURROUNDED Winterfell... and put all kinds of spears and chopped-up lumber shit in it.

How many trenches you think they were supposed to dig in less than 24 hours... while they also had to make weapons at the same time... and practice a few fighting moves & teach people how to even ‘hold a sword’ outside the gates of Winterfell??? :hmm:

Plus some folks gotta rest, eat & think about ‘life in general’... and ‘make amends’ to people they have wronged... say their ‘gooodbyes’ to each other and/or get laid-n do all kinds of other ‘last minute’ shit. :rolleyes:

C’mon man. :rolleyes:

When did they start planning to hold at Winterfell? When did they gather all the lords of the houses to unite and battle the dead?

That was a long time ago. But they waited until the day before to decide to dig a trench. Seems like bad planning to me.

You point 0ut something interesting though. All them CAC’s there and it wasn’t until the army of color showed up that the trench was built. Where have we seen that unfold before...


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
I'm glad this episode confirmed that Jon Snow is fireproof. Perhaps that's why he said fuck it and tried to square off against the dragon. Is he Ice Dragon proof?

Such a great episode, and yeah it was too fucking dark in parts. Watched it on HBO Now. Annoying with how dark it was.