Game Of Thrones: The Sopranos with swords or Dynasty in chainmail?


Rising Star
If Cersei doesn't get the worst death possible on the show by the time it's done then you know the show is officially trash!

That's a nasty ass white woman! She doesn't even have to act just let it naturally come out.

Crazy thing about her and Dany they are good as fuck in real life.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What the hell are the characters arc on this show? Everyone's regressed

Sansa is now little finger
Anyra just said fuck family i'm not coming back to winterfell
Bran has been completely useless
Now they've made Dani the evil Queen
Tryion/Varynes are on different sides now...

In a few episodes they've regressed the entire show!
Sansa is grown now
Arya is going to kill cersie
Bran is a watcher
Dani been one step away from being a tyrant
Varis been manipulating shit


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There's notthing mad queen about that. You're best friend just got murdered in front of you.
Also, the show is shitting on Denarys if that how they finish her story line.
She calls herself the free er of chains but she about to murder a whole city. She already has a bad reputation from her father the mad king. Jus like any bitch I know. Press the right button at the right time will show she’s no better than cersi as she claims to be.

Even if it’s your best friend. Never retaliate with emotion. That’s basic art of war. Friend or not.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Facts. Ned Stark was paid back for cutting that guy's head off! A lot of people didn't catch that irony.

What? That's fucking WAR! That's what you think makes her evil? Ned Stark cut off a guys head for telling him the walking dead are coming!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She calls herself the free er of chains but she about to murder a whole city. She already has a bad reputation from her father the mad king. Jus like any bitch I know. Press the right button at the right time will show she’s no better than cersi as she claims to be.

Even if it’s your best friend. Never retaliate with emotion. That’s basic art of war. Friend or not.

and she STILL hasn't done anything. Everything about her being evil is based on what she CAN do. But she hasn't!


International Member
What? That's fucking WAR! That's what you think makes her evil? Ned Stark cut off a guys head for telling him the walking dead are coming!

Jon Snow didn’t fucking kill wildings who didn’t bend the knee. Bending the knee is a choice too. Leaving the wall is not a fucking option.

Also you have to rule people AFTER the war. You have to be smarter. Dany is showing she will burn anyone who opposes her. You are naive if you think Dany is stable and a good leader. She is thirsty. Has been thirsty for a while. Just because she says she is different doesn’t actually mean she is different. Mad king in the making.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When the Dragon got killed it seemed like the scene was from a commercial or something. It almost feels like 10-20 mins was missing from the show.
Thats how the last 2 seasons felt like. fast forward storyline
Meanwhile they are doing a prequel.
Shouldve just kept the original pace of the show.
I dont get it.
I guess they cant afford to keep paying the actors.

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
What the hell are the characters arc on this show? Everyone's regressed

Sansa is now little finger
Anyra just said fuck family i'm not coming back to winterfell
Bran has been completely useless
Now they've made Dani the evil Queen
Tryion/Varynes are on different sides now...

In a few episodes they've regressed the entire show!
You the new @TENT now bruh? :hmm:

We didn't really want the old one much less two...


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Why was she flying them in the first place? Where's the soldiers that scouted everything out first? How do you go to war and put your most powerful weapons out before anything else? Especially, after they already showed you from last time they had those dragon killer weapons? Writing has fell off badly on the show.

It's like NOTHING in military strategy was learned after battling the Night King

Never risk your most powerful weapons

She got Jon's dragon fucked up...I'd be PISSED if I her him


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
and she STILL hasn't done anything. Everything about her being evil is based on what she CAN do. But she hasn't!
She’s not evil. A mad king starts with good intentions but the power consumes them when there’s nothing to check them.
And it’s not about what she did or didn’t do. If you can convince people. It will weaken her support.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Thats how the last 2 seasons felt like. fast forward storyline
Meanwhile they are doing a prequel.
Shouldve just kept the original pace of the show.
I dont get it.
I guess they cant afford to keep paying the actors.

They're just trying to hurry up and wrap up the show. But in doing so they've fucked up the show. Which has always been based on great writing and pacing.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's like NOTHING in military strategy was learned after battling the Night King

Never risk your most powerful weapons

She got Jon's dragon fucked up...I'd be PISSED if I her him
They went that route cause ships had to travel to the harbor. But that bitch was flying. She could of came ti the side door

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
She’s not evil. A mad king starts with good intentions but the power consumes them when there’s nothing to check them.
And it’s not about what she did or didn’t do. If you can convince people. It will weaken her support.

Right, I don't think anyone called her evil. But the signs have been there for awhile that she's just itching to jump bad whenever she meets resistance. Shes gotten talked down from the ledge a couple times in the previous seasons. Doesn't make her evil, just obvious shes the type to rule through power/fear.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What the hell are the characters arc on this show? Everyone's regressed

Sansa is now little finger
Anyra just said fuck family i'm not coming back to winterfell
Bran has been completely useless
Now they've made Dani the evil Queen
Tryion/Varynes are on different sides now...

In a few episodes they've regressed the entire show!

Not really, Characters all have new information and new scenarios to process.

Sansa's is following her intended character arc all along, she was little bird learning her lessons and now she has power, she's not going back to being a little bird.

Arya. They told us what the deal with Arya was when she said goodbye to Nymeria last season. She's the lone wolf now. The scene with Gendry just reinforced it

Bran - No argument there - If he's holding back useful information from his family or they are letting him tell people off screen then whats the point

Dany's advisors have always told her to avoid repeating the mistakes of her father, but her desire to regain the throne has been ingrained from birth. She got bad impulses, but I don't think she's evil. She just believes that the ends justify the means.

Vary's has always said, that he served the realm. He has another viable candidate now that may be a better ruler overall. Tyrion bet on Dany early so he's riding that til the wheels fall off completely. He will take a side if shit goes really bad.


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
But she hasn't! That's the point! She's had all this power and didn't use it to kill a bunch of innocent people at Kings Landing. The show writing has turn to trash...the narratives doesn't make sense.

Tried to tell people about the writing for awhile but I didn't know what I was talking about...:rolleyes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Did you not see she isn’t listening? No delays. She wants no delays. Fly further cuz it’s safer? Fuck all that.
Not safer. Smarter for attacking. She seen the bitch shysted her the first time. Why knock on the from door.
Reminds me of kill bill when the dude shot the bitch with the shotgun thru his door.