What the hell are the characters arc on this show? Everyone's regressed
Sansa is now little finger
Anyra just said fuck family i'm not coming back to winterfell
Bran has been completely useless
Now they've made Dani the evil Queen
Tryion/Varynes are on different sides now...
In a few episodes they've regressed the entire show!
Not really, Characters all have new information and new scenarios to process.
Sansa's is following her intended character arc all along, she was little bird learning her lessons and now she has power, she's not going back to being a little bird.
Arya. They told us what the deal with Arya was when she said goodbye to Nymeria last season. She's the lone wolf now. The scene with Gendry just reinforced it
Bran - No argument there - If he's holding back useful information from his family or they are letting him tell people off screen then whats the point
Dany's advisors have always told her to avoid repeating the mistakes of her father, but her desire to regain the throne has been ingrained from birth. She got bad impulses, but I don't think she's evil. She just believes that the ends justify the means.
Vary's has always said, that he served the realm. He has another viable candidate now that may be a better ruler overall. Tyrion bet on Dany early so he's riding that til the wheels fall off completely. He will take a side if shit goes really bad.