Disagree. Make all them Northerners uphold their oath. You already saw folks going their separate ways. Once their gone, you never get them back.
The only folks who ‘get a pass’ are the Wildlings, because they already fulfilled their Oaths by helping Jon win 2 major battles (against the Bolton’s + against the AOTD).
Sansa not about to help Dany.At all.
And she would be even less inclined to do so.... 6 months from now.
Dany could promise to let the North be independent... and Sansa STILL would not lift a finger to help Dany.... after Dany saved her life.
Sansa is acting just like Cersei... say one thing. Do another. (Tell Dany you want time to rest.... the after you get that rest period, tell Dany fuck off.)
Jon went the other way I think. Not with that fleet.For the record... They were going to Dragonstone right?...not King's Landing and they got ambushed. Still trying to process all this..lol. I feel like it would be dumb to just stroll into King's Landing unprepared and without Jon.
Sansa is power hungry.
She wants to be a Queen.
An independent Queen of the North.
She’s been undermining Jon & Dany for a long time now. Sansa seems think that if Cersei prevails... that she is just gonna let Sansa rule the North, without bending the knee. Good luck with that. Cersei will kill Sansa. But Sansa seems to think she can outsmart Cersei, in the long run. Yeah, Good luck with that too.
Dany recognizes that Sansa’s whole: “ we should take some time to recover”.... really
meant: “Well, I’m done here. The North is just gonna go about our business now. We don’t owe you nothing. Call us in about 6 months & we’ll do lunch. Ciao.”
It was like Sansa said.. “Kiss My ass. We ain’t sending NO Troops to fight for you at KL. I don’t give af what Jon says.”
She gonna get everyone killed.by being short-sighted. Because she ain’t got that long-range ‘Throne Game’.... like Cersei does.
Arya is on a mission to try to kill Cersie.
And she gonna “get bitch, or die trying”
I don’t think she will go 2-for-2 killing the “big bad.” She probably gonna meet the Many-Faced God (in person)in KL.
Tyrion is loyal to Dany.
Varys is loyal to the Realm.
Either Varys is gonna kill Cersei himself... because he gonna die if Dany wins. She gon’ execute him for all his ‘treason talk’.Word will get back to her. One way or another.
Looks like he moved the dragon from the fleet. Which is what they should of done.Anyone notice Grey Worm take the dragon piece from Jon off the board in the war room? It looked like they had tension most of the episode.
Sansa literally told Dany, “it’s not just our fighters it’s yours”. Told Dany her own fighters are tired too. Overruled. It isn’t just about the north that Sansa is talking about.
People talking about Sansa. Even Arya who isn’t the littlefinger type told Jon to his face “we don’t trust your Queen”. Some are overthinking about Sansa but the show is literally showing you Dany isn’t fit.
I'd be disappointed if it ended that way because it feels like Game of Thrones shouldn't end that way. I'm not saying I disagree with your premise though.
Sansa literally told Dany, “it’s not just our fighters it’s yours”. Told Dany her own fighters are tired too. Overruled. It isn’t just about the north that Sansa is talking about.
People talking about Sansa. Even Arya who isn’t the littlefinger type told Jon to his face “we don’t trust your Queen”. Some are overthinking about Sansa but the show is literally showing you Dany isn’t fit.
How are Sansa and Arya being ungrateful fucks show that Dany isnt fit?
Arya literally said "we dont trust her because we dont know her". I mean...
Sansa hasnt given one single valid reason why she hates her. Even had the nerve to say "Arya is the one who killed the NK" when the Dothraki and the Unsullied are the ones who took all the casulaties.
Im not even sure what people mean when they say Dany gonna go Mad Queen. Cersei would burn all those peasants alive too if it got her the throne. She had 3 dragons. She should have attacked from jump.
How are Sansa and Arya being ungrateful fucks show that Dany isnt fit?
Arya literally said "we dont trust her because we dont know her". I mean...
Sansa hasnt given one single valid reason why she hates her. Even had the nerve to say "Arya is the one who killed the NK" when the Dothraki and the Unsullied are the ones who took all the casulaties.
Im not even sure what people mean when they say Dany gonna go Mad Queen. Cersei would burn all those peasants alive too if it got her the throne. She had 3 dragons. She should have attacked from jump.
Sansa literally told Dany, “it’s not just our fighters it’s yours”. Told Dany her own fighters are tired too. Overruled. It isn’t just about the north that Sansa is talking about.
People talking about Sansa. Even Arya who isn’t the littlefinger type told Jon to his face “we don’t trust your Queen”. Some are overthinking about Sansa but the show is literally showing you Dany isn’t fit.
Sansa is a hater. Aka shitty cuz
But the unsullied and dothraki didn’t need to die. Bran said put me by the tree. Everyone else except arya could have chilled inside the walls. All the unsullied and dothraki really did was give the NK a second army.
They didn’t really need danarys at all,
Again,something I brought up last week but I didnt know what I'm talking about....You even had die-hard Danaerys fans say that didn't make any sense...
Again,something I brought up last week but I didnt know what I'm talking about....You even had die-hard Danaerys fans say that didn't make any sense...
Put Bran by the tree and the NK still rolls with his entire army and dragon. People always feel they know what to do after the fact. No Dothraki or unsullied to help reduce the numbers/opposition and winterfell ends up even worse off.
Sansa literally told Dany, “it’s not just our fighters it’s yours”. Told Dany her own fighters are tired too. Overruled. It isn’t just about the north that Sansa is talking about.
People talking about Sansa. Even Arya who isn’t the littlefinger type told Jon to his face “we don’t trust your Queen”. Some are overthinking about Sansa but the show is literally showing you Dany isn’t fit.
Put Bran by the tree and the NK still rolls with his entire army and dragon. People always feel they know what to do after the fact. No Dothraki or unsullied to help reduce the numbers/opposition and winterfell ends up even worse off.
And Bran was surrounded by undead and not a one touched him. The quicker you get the NK to Bran, the quicker it’s over. If he didn’t spend time fighting dragons, would have been over sooner.
Not at allSansa is a hater. Aka shitty cuz
You on some hindsight shit. No one knew that was an option. You telling me you watch an episode like hard home and think naaah I won’t bring all the people I can get and just put Bran by a fucking tree? Literally no one put out a prediction close to the show but all of a sudden fuckers know what to do after the episode airs? Hindsight is 20/20 vision.
Shoulda got some armor made
For dragons. Idunno.
I thought it was supposed to bounce off it’s chest, then I remembered it dragon from lord of the rings that got the armored chest
Bruh if they kept the army 9nside the walls they could have fought off the undead better. Brann didn’t even need Theon because all the undead and white walkers just circled bran and waited for the NK to come. Everyone died because they decided to do extra shit.
Put Bran by the tree and the NK still rolls with his entire army and dragon. People always feel they know what to do after the fact. No Dothraki or unsullied to help reduce the numbers/opposition and winterfell ends up even worse off.
Bran knew. Bran told them. Bran gave Arya the dagger to do it the previous episode.
If they had d0ne exactly what Bran told them to do and nothing else, almost everyone owuld have lived.
Dany ain’t shit. As long as she is on the throne conflict will occur and it will be resolved only by fear and dragonfire. Game of thrones has to end. Cersei on the throne would rule only thru fear. People don’t actually like cersei (or Dany as episode 4 showed at the dinner).
Jon on the throne ends the game. Just ruler actually liked by the people. He would show some variations in conflict resolution that pleases and would avoid certain conflicts altogether. The realm would benefit so the likes of Varys wouldn’t have to intervene to remove him. No littlefinger type around either. The instability would pretty much stop with Jon on the throne.