Godfrey Addresses Lord Jamar l Jamarring wants to sue, says he was drugged


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Welcome to the internet....


So we just giving up even trying to clean up this sh*t show?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I know we're clowning, and rightfully so. But, here's an issue I have, it seems like Godfrey and company are feeling bad because they "allowed" a cac to break Jamar down like game film. Not to compare the two, but how many times have we seen Brother Malcolm go head to head with a cac on their own platform and handle himself like a champ? How many times did we see Ali do it?

It doesn't matter what color the person is, if you know your shit, you know your shit.

¡Ayala vida! Panama C


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I know we're clowning, and rightfully so. But, here's an issue I have, it seems like Godfrey and company are feeling bad because they "allowed" a cac to break Jamar down like game film. Not to compare the two, but how many times have we seen Brother Malcolm go head to head with a cac on their own platform and handle himself like a champ? How many times did we see Ali do it?

It doesn't matter what color the person is, if you know your shit, you know your shit.

Actually I'm not clowning.

EVERYTHING you said is gospel.

And I even mentioned how right you were from day one in another thread about this topic.

I felt some type of way about the white man initially too. And you correctly checked me.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
damn. But can we start making sure he doesnt have copy cats?

Or at least anyone else coming up in here talking no gravity flat earth sh*t is immediately sent packing?
You know this, there will be always people like him: new ones are born everyday.
Next up: you're going to tell that there was no guy that walked on water, died for our sins, healed the sick, and died on the cross.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Can you explain what Godfrey is saying here?

Well Godfrey is saying that it's a given that we're all doing this for views, that's why we're on Youtube for video, however Lord Jamar is contending that Godfrey had the white dude Dave on the show because Godfrey could set him up and sell him out for the views. & Godfrey thinks Lord Jamar's argument is ridiculous because he's been on Godfrey's show before so that argument makes no sense.
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A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
this was a good movie

sidebar is THAT really possible?
A military buddy of mine broke a buff dude down by punching him in the sternum. While he was trying to regain his composure, he checked his chin. It was a crazy skinny dude from B'more we used to call "Trouble". He was cool, but he'd try anyone that looked at the crew wrong.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Well Godfrey is saying that it's a given that we're all doing this for views, that's why we're on Youtube for video, however Lord Jamar is contending that Godfrey had the white dude Dave on the show because Godfrey could set him and sell him out for the views. & Godfrey thinks Lord Jamar's argument is ridiculous because he's been on Godfrey's show before so that argument makes no sense.

The part about everyone i doing everything for views and attention

Is true

but it aint RIGHT.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The part about everyone i doing everything for views and attention

Is true

but it aint RIGHT.
Everyone's doing it for the views but all views aren't good views. Jamar's insinuating that Godfrey was doing it for views because of how bad Jamar would looked.

He's trying to say that Godfrey knew it was gonna be a shit show and that's why he scheduled the debate in the first place.

Jamar's trying to say that the show wasn't scheduled to have a legitimate debate, it was to make him look foolish knowing that this specific topic would get views at the expense and embarrassment of Jamar.

He's right, but stop doing and thinking dumb shit and you won't have those problems! :roflmao:


International Member
If I'm reading this wrong, let me know. So, basically, he's saying that since Dante used to be pimp, and since pimps know how to manipulate people, Jamar feels that's what happened to him. Who do pimps manipulate? Young dumb bitches. Is Jamar saying that he is of the same mindset as a young dumb bitch? Every excuse he throws out there becomes a shovel. Time for him to stop digging.
The funny part unc is thats the same reason he gave for why he supported Trump. Cause people.was critical on him, so he said since yall wanna be critical im going for Trump. Dumb ass


International Member
@woodchuck @World B Free

something else that bothered me in the video is when Godfrey tied to say we do it ALL for VIEWS EVERYHTING for VIEWS.

That's a really serious issue if Godfrey believe THAT mindset justifies ignorance.
I mean get what he saying. If u upload shit to net u do it for views. Otherwise u can keep that shit on locked.


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
I know we're clowning, and rightfully so. But, here's an issue I have, it seems like Godfrey and company are feeling bad because they "allowed" a cac to break Jamar down like game film. Not to compare the two, but how many times have we seen Brother Malcolm go head to head with a cac on their own platform and handle himself like a champ? How many times did we see Ali do it?

It doesn't matter what color the person is, if you know your shit, you know your shit.

I understand that most black people would prefer being taught by another black person thats an expert in their field;however, if a non- black person knows their shit it shouldn't matter..imo

With that said,Lord JaDummy reminds me of people that talks all that shit and when someone checks them they play victim.

It's only a few people but I've seen people say why Godfrey let a white man call Lord JaDummy names but ignore all the shit he said to Dave. Hell, JaDummy was calling Dave names way before Dave got to speak but people seem to ignore all that shit.

Black Sexxxploitation

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
But isn't this also a larger testament or rather condemnation on US as a society that we are even humoring this?

That he has a "group" of followers.

This isn't funny. Or something challenge to science. Or revolutionary. Or relevatory.

This is dumb.

We cannot as society allow EVERYONE to spout off dumb and be taken seriously.
EXACTLY! Prideful stupidity needs to be identified and called out, not tolerated and enabled. Not enough of Jamar’s peers and elders are publicly holding him accountable for his dissemination of disinformation, which I consider to be unforgivable sin given this country’s current political situation. In fact, Rahiem of Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five has been on social media talking about a new track that he’s currently working on with Jamar.


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
EXACTLY! Prideful stupidity needs to be identified and called out, not tolerated and enabled. Not enough of Jamar’s peers and elders are publicly holding him accountable for his dissemination of disinformation, which I consider to be unforgivable sin given this country’s current political situation. In fact, Rahiem of Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five has been on social media talking about a new track that he’s currently working on with Jamar.

These people that wanna claim to be down with Africa would be the first people trying to discredit our ancestors. Even are ancestors knew Earth was round with limited technology.

As,for his peers;that will never happen.His pers don't care that JaDummy is an idiot when it comes to Science. I wouldn't be surprised a lot of them agrees with him.