GOTHAM: New 'young' Batman - themed series on FOX


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor

Who else do you think might show up before the season ends? (And this is a lot coming from me cause I was raised as a Marvel girl.)

im sure theyll bring in Mr Freeze as someone,when we first see him,who'll be standing outside in a blizzard in only his boxer shorts :roflmao2: when asked if he's crazy standing outside in this freezing cold weather he'll probably say"Im used to it." :rolleyes:


Rising Star
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Naw I feel you. As far as visualization goes you gotta think DeVito was perfect for the role considering he's so short and was padded to look like a penguin.

I think it will come together as he finds himself, he already has a problem with wanting to look the part he's playing. When he does find his key pieces that will be the kicker. Dude is doing a good job though of just being deranged.

Who else do you think might show up before the season ends? (And this is a lot coming from me cause I was raised as a Marvel girl.)

Penguin is a good actor happy he isn't drooling Black Ink but its just the height of penguin made him SCARIER to me...because he was easier to underestimate. I think he needs to hunch over or something and THEN stand up when he is REALLY pissed off.

Jada is great but she gonna have to tone it down a little cause at times I fully expect Egghead and King Tut to walk into he restaurant.

They need to think Arrow and stay way from Smallville.

Keep it based in reality as much as possible.

Most of Batman's BEST villains do not have powers

Croc is a no brainer

I am skeptical on Poison Ivy wouldn't have picked her...

environmental story line? Cat-woman's friend?

If they want to be Gotham Central then stick to those scripts because they are GOLD...

and I think they REALLY need to go with Kevin Smith and Paul Dini's blueprint for Bruce because at times he feels like an afterthought of forced in just as a reminder like...

HEY we got Batman !!!


Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
Good episode so far. Maybe they should focus on Penguin more often.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Just started watching right as Liza was making out with Jada :lol:

She whooped that girls ass in the cat fight, I'm gonna have to rewatch the first few episodes this weekend


Rising Star
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'Gotham' stars and producer tease new friends and foes set to appear


Gotham continues to populate its streets with familiar faces from the Batman universe. Villains like Two-Face and Victor Zsasz have already been announced, but the show’s producers and stars suggested a few more big names are on their way

Speaking to IGN, director and producer Danny Cannon and actor Sean Pertwee, who plays Alfred Pennyworth, hinted at two characters who will be introduced to Gotham. Pertwee mentioned that there will be an Easter egg regarding Tommy Elliot, a.k.a the villain Hush.

In the comics, Elliot and Bruce Wayne’s histories are intertwined, as the two were friends when they were children. Since Bruce is still young on Gotham, perhaps Tommy Elliot will stop by Wayne Manor for a play date before he descends into his murderous ways.

More concretely, Cannon confirmed that Leslie Tompkins will appear on the show, and casting should be expected in the next week. Tompkins, in the comics, is a close friend and medical colleague to Bruce’s father and eventually becomes something of a parental figure for the fledgling crusader.

Cannon teased that “Jim Gordon gets to meet her through strange circumstances, when he is…” before cutting himself off for fear of spoiling her introduction. He went on to clarify that “at a very tough time in Jim’s life, he will meet Leslie Tompkins,” which hints that things won’t start improving for the detective anytime soon.

Last but perhaps most intriguing is the promise of Harley Quinn. The Joker’s right-hand woman has been a staple of the franchise since her introduction in Batman: The Animated Series, and though the clown prince’s presence on Gotham remains a mystery, there may be some hope for Quinn to appear.

During the Gotham New York Comic Con panel, a fan asked the cast and crew whether she would be added to the show’s rogues gallery. After some waffling on the point, Cannon eventually said, “We’ll get there.”

Many details remain unclear at this point. But it may be curious to have two Quinns on TV, considering her inclusion in the Arrow universe—and it should certainly keep viewers guessing as they await the introduction of Batman’s most notorious foes.



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Penguin is a great actor he is really trying to make a new modern version

I like how Penguin is crouching over now...he actually looks shorter.

Didn't like the way they are handling Jim's relationship with Barbara

Jada's looking GOOD in that skirt

but the can't show EVERY week Bullock goes to HER for help

Wish they hadn't killed the assassin, thought there was more there

(wanted each and every event to form Batman like the Balloon mman's motivation and the way the hit man used fear and crafted his own weapon etc...)

Love the way they are mixing old & new technology and staying loyal to both the comics and the Nolan movies.


Support BGOL
help me out.....

wasnt jim gordon's daughter batgirl? in the cartoon i think she was.... or she was just helping batman....?

eagle force

Rising Star
Platinum Member
they need to slowly develop the familiar characters

if they dont then we could be looking at a prequel of this:


and this



Rising Star
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Its funny though...looking back it perfectly fit the time period and became iconic in its own right.

and as much as people kill Smallville NOW it was a HUGE hit for almost its entire run and had a lot of great things that helped create the successful blueprint that Arrow, Flash, Gotham and Constantine are following.


Rising Star
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Sorry, Penguin fans — I still think the best character on Gotham is Harvey Bullock. And last night's episode expanded his character massively, making him way more sympathetic and fascinating. But almost every character got a massive boost from "Spirit of the Goat." Spoilers...

Let's just take this character by character, OK?

Harvey Bullock

Gordon's slovenly, corrupt partner gets his very own flashback, and a whole backstory to go with it. As seen in the clip above, 10 years ago Bullock was a gung-ho idealistic young cop who ignored his more experienced partner's advice to hang back and wait for backup on the hunt for the Goat, a serial killer who targets the children of Gotham's wealthiest citizens. The partner, Dix, warned Bullock that Gotham is no place for heroes — but Bullock didn't listen, and Dix became injured and confined to a sanitarium.

At first, we think Dix is actually dead, until Gordon and Bullock go to visit him — and Dix shocks Gordon by describing the Bullock he used to know, rather than the Bullock that Gordon knows now. That's a really deft touch — as far as Dix knows, Bullock is still a big hero, charging into action. He has no idea that Bullock has become "lackadaisical" and corrupt. (And meanwhile, Bullock is sending him porn. Heh.)

This episode also shows us a more driven Bullock — he took down the Goat 10 years ago, and now somebody is back, committing the same crimes with the same M.O. Including one detail that nobody except Bullock and Dix (and the dead medical examiner) knew about: a coin sewn inside the victims' heads. Bullock is haunted by the idea that they got the wrong guy, or he wasn't working alone, and winds up going to unusual lengths to catch the new guy.

Luckily, this time around, they not only catch the new Goat pretty quickly, but they're able to save his second victim. And then Bullock, who's usually the "declare victory and go home" kind of guy, notices something: a strange twitch in the new Goat's hand, which is the same as the father of one of the victims. Bullock figures out that Dr. Marks, a hypnotherapist who caters to these wealthy families and also did pro bono work with both Goats, is really behind the whole thing.

It's a loopy story, but it's very Gotham: both the slightly outlandish criminal scheme, and the motivation having to do with hatred of the city's corruption and plutocracy.

And then... Bullock found out that Gordon lied to him about killing Oswald Cobblepot, and nearly strangles his own partner. Speaking of which...

Oswald Cobblepot

Montoya and Allen find a witness who positively IDs Gordon as the murderer of Oswald Cobblepot:

And they get warrants for the arrest of Gordon and Bullock, even though they don't actually have a body. Gordon tries to tell everybody the truth, that he lied about killing Cobblepot, but nobody believes him — until Cobblepot himself shows up at the police station, in the absolute nick of time.

Why does Cobblepot risk his own neck to save Gordon? (And how does he know Gordon needs saving? That's sort of the confusing part.) Cobblepot is hiding out from Fish Mooney and Falcone, who think he's dead — but he's also a crazy SOB who's already visited Gordon's apartment and announced his true identity to Sal Maroni. He's not exactly known for his survival skills. And Oswald's erratic behavior makes him that much more fascinating.

We get a clue to his wonky reasoning earlier in the episode, when Oswald visits his mother — who's convinced that Oswald has taken up with some hussy. Instead, he slowly manages to explain to her that he fell in with some bad people who tried to kill him. But then, Oswald found a real friend — a cop, who's not like the other cops. "He'll help me come out right in the end," Oswald says. And apparently Oswald really believes in Jim Gordon and their lifelong wonderful friendship, to the point where he's willing to waltz into the police station and announce himself. This can't end well.

Gordon and Barbara

Jim Gordon's "only honest cop in Gotham" routine gets shaken up quite a bit this week — he's actually late to the crime scene, and Bullock gets there before "the boy scout." That's because Gordon is too busy having another fight with his girlfriend Barbara.

And luckily, Barbara is slightly more sympathetic this week than in previous weeks — she kind of understands, at last, that Gordon can't tell her everything about his job, but she also knows that he's changed a lot. And she tells him that she just wants half of what he has to carry, not all of it. Which is sort of a sweet moment.

And then Montoya comes to Barbara and tells her that it's not just that Gordon is corrupt and dirty, but what Gordon knows will actually kill her:

Barbara tries to warn Gordon that he's about to be arrested and they should get out of town, and this is the catalyst for Gordon admitting that everything's been more complicated than he expected, and they've tied his hands, and he's lost and so on. But he can't run away with her. The Jim/Barbara scenes are still the weakest part of this episode, but at least we get to see Gordon showing a bit more vulnerability (even before he gets nabbed) and Barbara displaying a bit more backbone and standing up for her man. It's something.

The best Bruce Wayne scene yet

Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne is not in this episode that much, and he's back in the one room at Wayne Manor, after actually getting out into the world last week. But he does get one terrific scene:

Bruce saying he doesn't know why the Goatman "chose an ungulate for his totem" is pretty priceless — and then he hits us with the saddest little coda. Why would the Goat take him, when there's nobody to take him from. The Goat only wants to take people who will be missed, and the only people who would really miss Bruce are dead. The look on Alfred's face is nuts.

Later, Catgirl sneaks into Wayne Manor and steals a silver box out from under a sleeping Bruce's nose — she's still spying on Bruce, but she hasn't approached him to tell him what she saw in Crime Alley yet, because this show hasn't reached midseason yet. She also gets a good look at Bruce's crime wall.

And... the Riddler

Another proto-Bat-villain gets a bit of an upgrade this week. He's still lurking around crime scenes and trying to get Bullock to answer his riddles. But Edward Nygma also has a weird subplot where he's kind of stalking the nerdy girl who works in the filing room, Kristin Kryngle, and making inappropriate remarks about her name. It's almost endearing, except that it's really creepy and messed up — writer Ben Edlund manages to show how this might seem sweet or romantic in Nygma's messed-up brain, but it's just... not.

And then there's the insane scene where Nygma has reorganized Kryngle's files, and he keeps saying the new system will be "rhizomatic" and "lateral" and "like peat moss." And he does this intensely creeptastic thing with his fingers as he repeats the word "laterally" over and over. This needs to be a GIF.

All in all, this was a terrific episode for Bullock, laying the groundwork for him to become a good cop again by showing that he was a good cop once. And it was a pretty good episode for everybody else. On a show that still has too many Batman characters waiting for the Caped Crusader, this put most of them to pretty good use.


Rising Star
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Dr. Leslie Thompkins meets Jim Gordon in exclusive 'Gotham' sneak peek

When Gotham returns, Jim Gordon will be swapping his detective badge for a blue uniform … and a new relationship? It’s possible.

Now working at Arkham, Jim quickly meets Dr. Leslie Thompkins, played by Morena Baccarin. And according to Baccarin, they start out as friends, but that’s not to say they won’t become more than that. “He’s a very complicated man,” she said with a laugh.

But despite the secrecy around the details of their relationship, fans can definitely expect to see Leslie team up with Jim, rather than with the Wayne family—a departure from how her character was portrayed in the comics. “I’m a physician. I’m working at Arkham, but we’re not sticking too close to the original mythology,” Baccarin said. “We are having her team up with Jim Gordon instead of the Wayne family and Bruce. Eventually, who knows—it could go in that direction, but it hasn’t yet.”

Although fans will see her run into a few of their other favorite characters, Baccarin says Leslie will spend most of her time with Jim, both inside and outside of Arkham. “She gets out [of Arkham] which is really fun and her and Jim kind of pair up and have this really great relationship. I think it’s important. Arkham is a really kind of iconic and dark and crazy world but I don’t think you want to spend too much time in there,” she said. “Jim finds an ally in her, which I think is important for him at this point. He’s beaten down by the system and he’s been fighting this one-man operation to make Gotham not as corrupt. I think it’s really important that he finds that relationship in Leslie.”


So how exactly does Leslie help Jim? Baccarin said her character would “like to believe” she has a vigilante side, “and we’ll see how that pans out. She definitely can get down and dirty. She’s inquisitive and interested and I think wants to get her hands dirty and wants to get in there with Jim so I think it’s not completely out of the question that she has a little bit of that side to her.” More generally, Baccarin described Leslie as “Somebody who’s very no-bullshit, speaks her mind. She’s not pulled in by the craziness, corruption of Gotham. She’d rather live in a better world [but] she’s also very unfazed by the craziness of Gotham and Arkham.”

And with that attitude, Baccarin did tease that Leslie will butt heads with someone at the GCPD, though she claimed it’s not a big deal. “She’s just one of those people who doesn’t take shit,” she said. “She doesn’t really care what anybody thinks. She’s a good person. She doesn’t do anything terrible, but she’s not going to cater to stupid people, so it can be disarming but it can also be infuriating to certain people.”

Gotham returns Monday, Jan. 5 at 8 p.m. on Fox.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
The introduction of the villains is vastly improving...
I have no clue where they are going with the Fish character but I realize they KNOW they can't get rid of her anytime soon, hope they just ret-con her into someone else.
Alfred is the man...still not sure about Bruce.
Sometimes I feel like like there is a little TOO MUCH Penguin.
They should keep the first comedian to perform at Fish's club as Joker...


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
The joker! ;)

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At first I thought they was just fucking with us and that wasn't him, But Ian's way of portraying him with the anger then the laughter, then anger then laughter was spot on.

He actually was more true to the source material than Heath.

Fish pulling boss moves in the prison. :yes:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
At first I thought they was just fucking with us and that wasn't him, But Ian's way of portraying him with the anger then the laughter, then anger then laughter was spot on.

He actually was more true to the source material than Heath.

Fish pulling boss moves in the prison. :yes:


I hope they add her character to the comics!


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
At first I thought they was just fucking with us and that wasn't him, But Ian's way of portraying him with the anger then the laughter, then anger then laughter was spot on.

He actually was more true to the source material than Heath.

Fish pulling boss moves in the prison. :yes:

He had that Jack Nicholson Joker vibe too me...BTW that's the dude from Shameless the gay Gallagher.

Hmmm Kind of seems like we are saying the same thing.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Co-sign. She is cool as shit.

"Oh you can have him, just not alive."

She really needs to be immortalized in the comics...

I'm still shocked how Fox of all networks has such strong series with Black leads Latino Leads and looking back at the CRAZY stuff allowed on SOA Fox news should have been going after their own sister networks :lol:

At first I thought they was just fucking with us and that wasn't him, But Ian's way of portraying him with the anger then the laughter, then anger then laughter was spot on.

He actually was more true to the source material than Heath.

Fish pulling boss moves in the prison. :yes:

I actually wanted the stand up comedian in the original episode performing at Fish's club to be the Joker but this kid


he is a great actor the mood shifts and facial contortions were amazing...

dude was ACTUALLY scary!

He really created a strange amalgamation of comic book cartoon Nicholson Ledger Joker and I really liked it...

I could only imagine the audition when he smiled they much have went bat-shit.

sidebar: Gordon;s new chick is gonna be a real as hell but a REAL problem.

I hope they stick with the comics with Barbara Gordon though...

Don't like the way they portray Catwomen it just doesn't work...and why wouldn't she be cool with Gordon? He has done NOTHING but protect her the whole time...

I think they realizing they introduced TOO MANY villains and can't juggle them all at once.

One week I don't like Bruce and the next I really like him.

great show.


BGOL Legend
Ian killed it. Switching back and forth sick in the head. he would kill it man really kill it if they showed bits and pieces of him from now on.

Bruce is a lion.