Graphic - Nigerian thieves burned


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Talk about adding insult to injury. You're on fire BURNING TO DEATH and getting beaten by a villager ... bloodied up with your skin melting off and such, and then more gasoline is doused upon you (and a tire thrown on your torso for good measure).


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Three alleged 'penis thieves' burnt alive

Cotonou - Three foreigners were recently burnt to death for allegedly trying to "steal" penises in Benin's commercial capital, Cotonou, a private television channel reported Saturday.
LC2 television said the three alleged thiefs had supposedly tried to make the genitals of their supposed victims disappear.
The presumed thieves were caught and burnt alive, it said, without specifying their nationalities.
The belief that men's private parts can magically be stolen by incantations or even a simple handshake is widespread across parts of western Africa.
The channel said another presumed penis thief, of Nigerian nationality, was beaten by college students for the same reason.
According to the local Le Matinal newspaper five people have been recently killed for trying to make the genital organs of their victims vanish.

Somebody is gonna have to explain this shit to me, 'cause it just ain't adding up right. Are you saying that your ass could get burnt because somebody's thinks their dick is gonna fall off after you shook their hands?

Mr MajestiK

Rising Star
Bitch nigga. Do you really wanna compare this shit to Guantanamo? The original poster is correct that this is barbarism. You must be from that society to be defending this shit.

^^^First of Blood Stool, you need to fall the fuck back with your stupidity because no one was talking to your fucking ass in the first place.

Secondly, barbarism comes in many forms and styles so it's ridiculous to comment on something you have no fucking clue about.

I lived in Nigeria for 13 fucking years and saw what armed robbers were capable of doing and did do on a regular basis.

Motherfuckers would roll up on housing estates and just systematically rob and rape their way through multiple residences leaving broken, battered and humiliated victims in their wake.

There was a case of a dude who had to watch as his wife and two daughters were systematically raped in front of he's eyes by a ten man strong gang of armed robbers one of who'm was HIV positive.

So not only were his wife and daughters brutalized by the rapes they also had to contend with the looming specter of HIV infection.

So yeah, you really should look in a mirror sometime and see the bitch ass nigga reflected back at you. (especially as you seem to have a penchant from dreaming of fucking men in the ass.)

Flaming ass faggot.

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Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Somebody is gonna have to explain this shit to me, 'cause it just ain't adding up right. Are you saying that your ass could get burnt because somebody's thinks their dick is gonna fall off after you shook their hands?


can one you Nigerian cats explain this? And if those 3 cats got burned for this :smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh:
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Rising Star
^^^Dude, before you start getting all moral and shit about the so-called "barbarism" of Nigeria try to bear in mind that Guantanamo Bay was not conceptualized by any Nigerians.

- nigga, they ain't burning people alive in GITMO...gtfoh.

Detroit's finest




Yeah i witnessed that shit first hand living in Enugu/ Obiagu area. Some dude was stealing from helpless Market women and was finally caught. We had to move away with the crowd because the smell of burning flesh and tires was :puke::smh::puke::(

I was gonna say the smell must be atrocious!!!:puke:


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor

Damn....was one of them FUCKYOU?....or related to him....:confused:

.....hmmm....4 page Nigerian titled thread with 119 replies....and no sign of FUCKYOU??????.....:confused:.....:hmm:...........:lol:

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Potential Star
Your credit card scamming lime green shoe wearing nigerian idiots are murdering children in Akwa-Ibom state. You are nation of hypocrites and murderers I hope your misfortunes are increased tenfolds, you are a curse to the rest of Africa

And where are you from?


Probably one of those foreign aid funded countries, where Oxfam handouts make up the majority of your GDP. Shouldn't you be on your dailly 50 mile run for water?

Fuck out of here with that disgrace to Africa talk. Unless your from Ghana or S.A, no African should ever be addressing a Nigerian when it comes to representing the continent! And this is coming from a Biafran brother.

Bottom line is those are undecated village idiots, that follow JuJu shit. Which is why I'm suprised your shocked by it. Probably rife in your country, except they haven't even got cameras to film shit there.

I'm hyping, big up all Africa! We're all broke at the moment but will soon rise up! Black Power


Unless your from Ghana or S.A, no African should ever be addressing a Nigerian when it comes to representing the continent! And this is coming from a Biafran brother.

Please explain this statement to me. why unless from Ghana or S.A.

Ike Dandy

Potential Star
damn before this year i thought nigeria was one of the better countries

Haha yea right. Those niggas steal more U.S dollars a year than the U.S goverment lol. The most dangerous nigga in the world is a nigerian with a laptop. Yahoooozeee:yes:


Man I ain't never seen a nigga get beat down lit on fire and a tire thrown on his ass in the US for stealing. NEVER. And I'm talking 2008, not back in the day.

So what do you call Capital Punishment here in the United States?? Because they disguise it under the veil of "justice". You only say that because you haven't seen the youtube video of "Tyrone" being electrocuted in Texas or Jamal given lethal injection in Cali. GTFOH.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor

Damn....was one of them FUCKYOU?....or related to him....:confused:

.....hmmm....4 page Nigerian titled thread with 119 replies....and no sign of FUCKYOU??????.....:confused:.....:hmm:...........:lol:

Oh shit, say it ain't so! But, be honest, tell the truth, yall knew that trying to steal men's dicks would one day catch up to him! But dayum I never dreamed he would go out like that!:eek::smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So what do you call Capital Punishment here in the United States?? Because they disguise it under the veil of "justice". You only say that because you haven't seen the youtube video of "Tyrone" being electrocuted in Texas or Jamal given lethal injection in Cali. GTFOH.
I get where you're going with it, but I'd rather be "lethally injected" or electrocuted than set ablaze with gasoline and tires. I also don't want my head to almost be cut off with the spinal cord still intact, for the only reason that I may suffer in my last few moments on earth.


BGOL Investor
That's nothing. 1964 to 1966 Nigera was the period of Operation literally means Wet - Him... in order words..pour gas on him and burn him. It was a period of war between POLITICAL rivals. Crazy time and my grandfather, who was a politician, almost got murked.

1981-1984 Nigera..the war against indiscipline. Public executions like a mutha...crazy

The commentary on this vid is pretty sick because the woman who is talking, speaking yoruba, is basically egging them on and also giving instructions on what to do as if its some casual shit. Crazy but I've seen/heard of worse.

Back in 91, my neighbor was "suspected" of being part of a group of men that tried to steal cars from a well to do guy down the block. One night around 4am, he was lured to some spot and they beat him, then mixed cement and poured it down his throat. They filled him up with cement. Try to think about that. There was nothing to be done for him. He died slowly, painfully. Left behind a 23 year old wife and 3 kids - 6, 4, & 2. His wife and kids suffered ALOT following his death.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
So what do you call Capital Punishment here in the United States?? Because they disguise it under the veil of "justice". You only say that because you haven't seen the youtube video of "Tyrone" being electrocuted in Texas or Jamal given lethal injection in Cali. GTFOH.

That's shit wrong too... especially when you don't know 100 percent the person is guilty. How many cases have been overturned years later after DNA evidence proves the person is innocent? Shit happens alot

BUT...did you see what these three were supposedly guilty of "stealing?


I get where you're going with it, but I'd rather be "lethally injected" or electrocuted than set ablaze with gasoline and tires. I also don't want my head to almost be cut off with the spinal cord still intact, for the only reason that I may suffer in my last few moments on earth.

Understandable but they were criminals. I'm not justifying what they did but you pay the cost to be the boss. No one wants to be tortured, but God willing none of us will have to be in a position where we would even need to think about that. Like I said before, this is their form of criminal deterrent. The prospects of going to jail and getting feed three times a day in a country where people on the outside don't even get that isn't stopping anything. One guy just mentioned during the early 80's "The War Against Indiscipline" but what he failed to mention was that this was the most orderly and calmest times of the country after independence.

Once again, I'm not justifying it but people find a way to do what they need to when the system won't help.


Registered you know what they were really accused of?

Granted, but none of us do. Were getting this all second hand from a post here and some ones title on a youtube video.
In Nigeria during the DAY your more likely to be a victim of "highway robbery" than an actual robbery because things like this can happen. So just based on that I don't think that it was theft but something more serious. I could be wrong but that's JMO.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Granted, but none of us do. Were getting this all second hand from a post here and some ones title on a youtube video.
In Nigeria during the DAY your more likely to be a victim of "highway robbery" than an actual robbery because things like this can happen. So just based on that I don't think that it was theft but something more serious. I could be wrong but that's JMO.

this was from the local newspaper so it probably has more validity than anything else. Even if not this case, it's happened before. It's no way for me to justify someone getting burned alive for "stealing" anything..but much less some silly shit like this.

This is not even an "eye for an eye". :smh:

Btw the way. I've been to Africa and damn near everyone on this board know I live in Brasil..another "third world" country so I don't have the biased view of Americans who have rarely stepped foot outside their state, much less the U.S... but this shit hear is just unjustifiable in my opinion. As much as I despise the injustices that occur in modern judiciary systems, at least that is a semblance of due process even in the worst cases... but this shit here is just ..well..i'm not gonna even put a word on it....

"Three alleged 'penis thieves' burnt alive

Cotonou - Three foreigners were recently burnt to death for allegedly trying to "steal" penises in Benin's commercial capital, Cotonou, a private television channel reported Saturday.
LC2 television said the three alleged thiefs had supposedly tried to make the genitals of their supposed victims disappear.
The presumed thieves were caught and burnt alive, it said, without specifying their nationalities.
The belief that men's private parts can magically be stolen by incantations or even a simple handshake is widespread across parts of western Africa.
The channel said another presumed penis thief, of Nigerian nationality, was beaten by college students for the same reason.
According to the local Le Matinal newspaper five people have been recently killed for trying to make the genital organs of their victims vanish."


this was from the local newspaper so it probably has more validity than anything else. Even if not this case, it's happened before. It's no way for me to justify someone getting burned alive for "stealing" anything..but much less some silly shit like this

This is not even an "eye for an eye". :smh:

"Three alleged 'penis thieves' burnt alive

Cotonou - Three foreigners were recently burnt to death for allegedly trying to "steal" penises in Benin's commercial capital, Cotonou, a private television channel reported Saturday.
LC2 television said the three alleged thiefs had supposedly tried to make the genitals of their supposed victims disappear.
The presumed thieves were caught and burnt alive, it said, without specifying their nationalities.
The belief that men's private parts can magically be stolen by incantations or even a simple handshake is widespread across parts of western Africa.
The channel said another presumed penis thief, of Nigerian nationality, was beaten by college students for the same reason.
According to the local Le Matinal newspaper five people have been recently killed for trying to make the genital organs of their victims vanish."

I'm not to quick to believe that. Even on the national level the news is never reported accurately in Nigeria (which is a shame on to itself)

We can sit here and judge because we have the liberty to do so, in a country that is not far removed from this type of behaviour itself and in a society that is an infant compared to cultures and tribes of Nigeria. These are practices that have gone on for centuries and centuries. And even after the white man did the same to them and left, they returned (continued) to these practices because the believed that it was what was best for them, what was familiar to them.
Like I said, I'm not saying it was correct and I don't agree with it but I'm not going to judge them just based on that.


Support BGOL
We less than 50 yrs removed from pictures of blackmen hangin' from trees like catfish . Extreme yes ... right or wrong . Up 2 perception ppl . But let's not forget .... as a society we r not that far removed from this shit !


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
We can sit here and judge because we have the liberty to do so, in a country that is not far removed from this type of behaviour itself and in a society that is an infant compared to cultures and tribes of Nigeria. .

I added to my post. I've been to multiple countries in Africa (posted pics) and also I live in a third world country... and have for years. I live in Brasil..most of the board knows that because I've written a lot of posts about it. Shit doesn't matter where it happens. Citizens shouldn't just be given the power to burn muthafuckas in the street. A government shouldn't have the power either if we respect anything about individual rights(and negative rights)... This is not how justice should be delivered man...come on


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
We less than 50 yrs removed from pictures of blackmen hangin' from trees like catfish . Extreme yes ... right or wrong . Up 2 perception ppl . But let's not forget .... as a society we r not that far removed from this shit !

and that shit was just as barbaric... and they often burned them as both cases the shit ain't right. These shit has nothing to do with geography. It's just immoral regardless of the geographic location or culture in involved.