{~~~Guns, Guns and Mo' Guns - The Right To Keep And Bear Arms~~~}


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Anybody have any experience with cashmyguns.com, or any other site that purchases guns online?


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
Looking at purchasing a Benelli SBE 3 (12ga shotgun for pheasant hunting)... does any have any experience with them?


Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
All these gun posts but rarely any posts bout holsters. I just got a Tier 1 Axis Elite appendix carry holster for my G48. It's pretty comfortable and now I can roll out with 30 rounds + 1 in the chamber. Just waiting for the wedge from them to arrive so I can increase the comfort and concealability


I made sure to cut off the upper portion of my face so none of y'all BGOL savages could have OCK material :lol:


Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
Forgot to mention the belt is a Nexbelt Suppreme Appendix belt. The buckle is much smaller than regular gun belts so it makes appendix carry rigs much easier to work with. I'll probably change the clips on the holster to Ulticlips so they snag on to my jeans and I can then just put my belt on over it and tighten against my waist as needed.

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor

The SAW was phased out because anybody can be an Automatic Rifleman with enough ammo. It's 5.56, the cool thing about it was it was light enough to hump and you could go cyclic as long as you had enough ammo and a spare barrel. the 240B replaced it and the Pig (M60) And shooting it out of a helo? Dunno but most times we'd have a 7.62 or higher gun not a 5.56 caliber.


Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
Q’s NEW 8.6 BLK
by IVAN LOOMIS on JUNE 27, 2021


The Q Mini Fix in 300 Blackout above the Q Fix in 8.6 BLK.

On June 15, 2021, Q made an announcement on their Instagram account saying, “If you weren’t aware already, 8.6 BLK is coming to town and it’s gonna change the game.” Luckily we already know what 8.6 BLK is because we actually covered it back in 2018 when Q was hoping that Hornady would adopt it and call it the 8.6 Creedmoor. Check out the article below from 2018. The only real difference is going to be the name. It appears as though Q is going to be moving forward with the name 8.6 Blackout or 8.6 BLK rather than 8.6 Creedmoor.

What the hell is 8.6 Creedmoor?
It’s the .338 Federal, right? No. Similar, but no. Let’s start with where it is similar: It shoots a .338 projectile, or 8.6mm if you like. Past that, not much.

Taking a quick little look from 30,000 feet…
8.6 Creedmoor, if you’ve never heard of it, is a joint effort between Q (an innovative company making products from silencers, to the Honey Badger in 300 Blackout, as well as their completely reimagined bolt action rifle, The Fix) and Hornady (the massive ammunition manufacturer). Additionally, because of Q’s ties with Noveske (a high-end rifle manufacturer), they’ve barreled a Noveske pistol in 8.6 Creedmoor to test reliability and function in gas guns.


Q’s Lineup: From top to bottom The Fix in 8.6 Creedmoor, The Mini Fix in 300 Blackout, the Honey Badger in 300 Blackout.

Let’s look at how the cartridge is made. Rather than starting with something like a .308, the way the .338 Federal does, we start with a 6.5 Creedmoor. We then cut the case down and neck it up. Is that confusing? It took me a minute to wrap my head around it too. Here is why it is done though…

It comes down to science, math, and magic.
The case length of the .338 Federal is 2.015” where the 8.6 Creedmoor case is 1.685” in length. Why does this matter? Well, if you want the ability to run heavy subsonic loads, 280 to 360+ grains, the longer 338 Federal case will put the ogive of the projectile back inside the case. This is bad, your bullet will not perform.

On top of that, while starting with that “smaller” case capacity, it offers more consistent ignition. Especially with those heavy subsonic loads, in turn, giving you better performance shot to shot.

Due to the cartridge length, 8.6 Creedmoor will feed out of .308 Winchester magazines. What does this mean? It will fit all of your magazines. Be they SR-25 patterned, AR10, Accuracy International, or even the magazine on your TIKKA rifle. And, here is where it is pretty magical since the cartridge uses the same bolt face as a .308, it is just a matter of swapping barrels.


A Noveske AR10 pistol re-barreled with an 8.6 Creedmoor barrel by Q for testing.

And speaking of barrels, all of the .338 Federal data for SAMMI is collected from a 24” barrel with a 1/10 twist. Nope, hard pass. A 1/10 barrel can never stabilize heavy subsonic rounds. The twist rate is too slow, the same problem that plagues subsonic 308 / 7.62 NATO. That slow of a twist rate will fire heavy bullets, but without the stabilization of a faster twist rate, they won’t be accurate at all.

The 8.6 Creedmoor is being designed around a fast barrel twist. Q is still kicking around prototypes anywhere from 1/3 twist to 1/5. The 1/3 does an amazing job of stabilizing big heavy bullets and providing the shooter with good accuracy. It also performs well with light supersonic loads depending on the bullet type. Poorly made bullets will twist apart in flight. So, Q is finding the sweet spot with respect to heavy and light .338 projectiles.


From left to right: .300 Blackout, expanded .300 Blackout over an expanded .338 projectile, 8.6 Creedmoor dummy rounds.

As to barrel length and the 24” 338 Federal… Again, no. The 8.6 Creedmoor is designed around a short barrel. About 12.5” to be exact. Why? Because it sucks dragging a 24” barreled firearm through the woods, a doorway, the trunk of a car, or pretty much any other space you can think of—let alone if you want to thread a silencer onto said barrel. So, the 8.6 Creedmoor is being optimized for a short barrel.

Does this mean you will have to pay a $200 tax to the NFA for a short barreled rifle? Yes, or you can purchase a pistol. SB Tactical makes some amazing pistol braces which can greatly increase one’s ability to use a pistol if needed. Q will be releasing their Fix Rifle as a 12.5” barreled 8.6 Creedmoor pistol, utilizing an SB Tactical folding pistol brace when the round becomes available.


12.5” barrel Noveske 8.6 Creedmoor pistol with Q silencer and SB Tactical pistol brace. Small and capable.

And speaking of availability, Hornady is leading the charge. In recent years they have done an amazing job bringing some great high-quality cartridges to market. As a result, you will probably end up with easy access and availability to the 8.6 Creedmoor cartridge.


A number of different test loads for the 8.6 Creedmoor.

We probably could have started this whole article with the question of “Why?” Why bother with 8.6 Creedmoor? That is a fair question. And the answer is because it provides an amazing melding of supersonic and subsonic performance for the .308 platform. If it helps, think of it as .300 Blackout’s big brother. We are taking a cartridge, cutting it down and putting a larger projectile into it, and optimizing it for a shorter barrel. That gives us better super and subsonic performance out to a moderate range than was previously available.

Now I guess you’re wondering if it does in fact perform. I’d say so, out of a 12.5” barrel the 8.6 Creedmoor with a 155GR bullet at 2500FPS brings 2,100 ft. lbs. of energy at the muzzle. With supersonic loads, it will outperform a 18” barreled .308 Winchester out to 300 yards.
Using 300+ grain expanding subsonic loads, the 8.6 Creedmoor generates 650+ ft. lbs. at the muzzle and is still maintaining 550 ft. lbs. out at 600 yards. For reference, that is more energy than a 45ACP at the muzzle…

Bolt action or semi-automatic? Yes. The 8.6 Creedmoor performs equally well out of a bolt action rifle as it does out of a gas gun. I’ve shot the 8.6 Creedmoor out of a Fix Rifle as well as a Noveske AR10 Pistol. The 8.6 Creedmoor had no issues cycling the Noveske or locking back on an empty magazine while shooting supersonic and subsonic rounds.


Both the bolt action Fix by Q and DI gas gun by Noveske worked great for me.

Is the 8.6 Creedmoor quiet when running it through a silencer? Absolutely. Like with any supersonic round, you will have the associated crack while firing the round. But the real magic is in the subsonic loads. Out of a bolt action, it is about the same report as a .22 LR suppressed. That’s ridiculously quiet considering the projectile you’re sending down range. Subsonic rounds through the gas gun are quiet, but suffer the same as any other round. You have a fair bit of noise coming from the ejection port and the cycling of the gun. But it is still quite pleasant to shoot.

Again, circling back to the why. While some of my friends have dropped large game, including elk, with shots at over 1,100 yards, that’s not the norm. If you have the capability, good on you. Most hunters lack not only that skill to take an ethical shot at that range, but frankly the opportunity. Most game is taken anywhere from 50 to 250-300 yards. By way of example, the elk I shot last year was just over 100 yards away. Just about the maximum distance I could have shot. Why? Because up in the part of Idaho where I live the only shots you get are in clear cuts. In the trees, a deer or elk could be 20 yards away and you’d be hard pressed to see one, let alone get a shot.

Not to mention who wants to walk through the woods with a 24” barreled rifle? How about a suppressed 24” barrel so you don’t end up with permanent hearing loss? Nope. The 8.6 Creedmoor will allow a shooter to carry around a much smaller and lighter weapon system. How about a 12.5” barreled Fix with a folding pistol brace? Climbing up to a tree stand, crossing a stream, hiking into the mountains? All the performance needed by most sportsman in a nice compact package.


The Q Mini Fix in 300 Blackout above the Q Fix in 8.6 Creedmoor.

Is this the perfect cartridge? No. Is it the perfect cartridge for supersonic and subsonic performance out to medium ranges with a short barrel, the ability to run in bolt actions and semi-autos, feeding out of standard .308 magazines, with the option to run it with silencers for incredibly quiet supersonic performance? Yes, it absolutely is.

Will the 8.6 Creedmoor be called 8.6 Creedmoor? Possibly, but who knows. It may end up as the .338 Creedmoor, .338 Blackout, 8.6 Blackout… Time will tell.


Test rounds in Hornady made cases stamped 338 Creedmoor.

I guess the last question is, when can you buy one? Probably in 2019. Hornady and Q are working to finalize the cartridge as well as the optimized barrel (twist rate, length, etc.). Those should be wrapped up in 2019 so that the 8.6 Creedmoor can get put into production. Personally, I’m really looking forward to this cartridge.


The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
@The Plutonian why the sad face to the 8.6 Blackout?

I think it's an exotic caliber so as great as it may be, how available is the ammo for it? Also....this is personal so I'll say it, If I'm operating in 'blackout mode' I don't want anything to come back to me so quickly. How many people own this barrel? Lol don't want ballistics to find me too easily. Still, I looked at the history and the evolution of it and I think it'll be fine in 2-5 years. Before I bought into the .300 Blackout and 6.5 Creedmoor I had to weigh what I know and was taught to what emerged as I stayed with what was organic to me (9mm, 5.56, .308, M1 30-06 etc) but staying current and being ready to transition ain't easy man :smh: I've chased that damn PS5 for almost a year and the guns I've bought with optics has probably hit about 3k-5k. Man I ain't rich! :angry: You can never have too many guns! In conclusion, it looks good but I'll defer back to something with more history. I may get one later


Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
I think it's an exotic caliber so as great as it may be, how available is the ammo for it? Also....this is personal so I'll say it, If I'm operating in 'blackout mode' I don't want anything to come back to me so quickly. How many people own this barrel? Lol don't want ballistics to find me too easily. Still, I looked at the history and the evolution of it and I think it'll be fine in 2-5 years. Before I bought into the .300 Blackout and 6.5 Creedmoor I had to weigh what I know and was taught to what emerged as I stayed with what was organic to me (9mm, 5.56, .308, M1 30-06 etc) but staying current and being ready to transition ain't easy man :smh: I've chased that damn PS5 for almost a year and the guns I've bought with optics has probably hit about 3k-5k. Man I ain't rich! :angry: You can never have too many guns! In conclusion, it looks good but I'll defer back to something with more history. I may get one later
Totally understandable. I'm kinda going through similar with my 224 Valkyrie project. I was debating between that caliber and 6.5 Grendel for my precision AR project. Originally I was gonna go 6.5 Grendel but as I was slowly looking for parts, I would go to get ammo so I'd have some inventory by the time the rifle was completed. I couldn't find any at all but stayed seeing 224 Valkyrie ammo available. That's what pushed me in the 224 Valkyrie direction as I was able to acquire just over 400 rounds with relative ease. I'd have more if I didn't pause on buying ammo for a while. Right now, all I need to buy is the barrel and bcg. All the other parts are easy purchases. I'll probably end up buying the barrel & bcg before the month's over and upgrade my Vortex Viper to a FFP model with much better magnification.

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
Totally understandable. I'm kinda going through similar with my 224 Valkyrie project. I was debating between that caliber and 6.5 Grendel for my precision AR project. Originally I was gonna go 6.5 Grendel but as I was slowly looking for parts, I would go to get ammo so I'd have some inventory by the time the rifle was completed. I couldn't find any at all but stayed seeing 224 Valkyrie ammo available. That's what pushed me in the 224 Valkyrie direction as I was able to acquire just over 400 rounds with relative ease. I'd have more if I didn't pause on buying ammo for a while. Right now, all I need to buy is the barrel and bcg. All the other parts are easy purchases. I'll probably end up buying the barrel & bcg before the month's over and upgrade my Vortex Viper to a FFP model with much better magnification.

I think I’ll stick with FFP glass too. The Monstrums are cheap but very decent for the price. I’ve seen people with scopes that costs thousands on rifles that’s costs less than 1k but nah man, not ME! Shit it ain’t like I’m competition shooting like that! I gave away 100 rounds off Wolf Grendel


Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
I think I’ll stick with FFP glass too. The Monstrums are cheap but very decent for the price. I’ve seen people with scopes that costs thousands on rifles that’s costs less than 1k but nah man, not ME! Shit it ain’t like I’m competition shooting like that! I gave away 100 rounds off Wolf Grendel
MidwayUSA has a Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25x50 model on sale for $750. If everything goes according to plan over the course of this weekend going into next week and it's still on sale, I'm copping it and then selling the one I have. Mine is the 1-6x24 SFP model.


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
Anybody have any experience with cashmyguns.com, or any other site that purchases guns online?
I just purchased a Benelli Super Black Eagle 3 for hunting Ducks and Pheasants. I went to GunBroker.Com because someone on there had the exact one I was looking for. I had them send it to my FFL Dealer here in Cali. My waiting period will be up on Saturday.

Flawless transaction...


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
I just purchased the Benelli SBE 3 in 12 gauge (26" Barrel). This is for hunting Pheasant, Duck, and Geese.

I picked it up a couple of days ago, and I cleaned it up this morning. I also added Light Modified choke tube from Carlson's for when I go skeet shooting next week. But, I have a Code Black Duck choke tube for when I go out hunting.



Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
Finally got all the parts for my 224 Valkyrie build. Now I just gotta set up a day to stop by a friend's house so I can use his vise block to assemble the upper. I opted to go with the 3-18x50 scope instead of the Viper PST Gen II at 6-25x50 as my NAAGA colleagues brought me back to reality. Since I'm using an AR, they figured it wouldn't make sense to go with a minimum magnification that high. 3x wasn't too high so that's what I went with and the maximum magnification is far greater than other scopes I saw that had a 1x minimum magnification. I can't wait to put her together and take her out to the range! After I surpass 600 yards, I'll get a bolt-action and look to go 1000+ yards
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Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
And picked up a S&W M&P Shield Plus to serve as an alternative EDC to my G48. Gonna move on from my Sig P365 as I found the Shield Plus fits much better in hand and has a better trigger. The guy I plan on selling it too is gonna build me a work bench and cerakote my 224 rifle for me in exchange


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And picked up a S&W M&P Shield Plus to serve as an alternative EDC to my G48. Gonna move on from my Sig P365 as I found the Shield Plus fits much better in hand and has a better trigger. The guy I plan on selling it too is gonna build me a work bench and cerakote my 224 rifle for me in exchange
Interesting, I love my P365. I've been hearing about the Shield plus. I own a regular .45 Shield and wasn't impressed, I particularly hated the thin grip profile. I may have to go by my boys store, and finger bang one. Looks like a good candidate for a Holosun 407/507k.


Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
Interesting, I love my P365. I've been hearing about the Shield plus. I own a regular .45 Shield and wasn't impressed, I particularly hated the thin grip profile. I may have to go by my boys store, and finger bang one. Looks like a good candidate for a Holosun 407/507k.
I haven't taken it to the range yet but based on how the dry fire feels as well as the grip feel/texture, I would've bought this instead of the P365 if it was around at the time. I've seen & heard nothing but positive reviews for it as well.


Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
Bro, I have a M&P .9mm compact that I use as a suppressor host. I really like the fit and function of it. I'm definitely a buyer for the .10mm.
My Shield Plus is my 1st S&W pistol and I really like it. It conceals much easier than my G48 when I appendix carry especially if I use the flush fit 10rd mag. I ordered a mag holster from Tenicor to go along with my Tenicor Certum3 holster so I can have the 13 rd mag with me as well.