
Medium well
BGOL Investor
@xxxbishopxxx Peep the fuck shit in this custody battle. They both get equal time with the son they had, but she still gotta pay him $8000 a month in child support? Not spousal support. Child support. Why? I thank god I was able to keep my shit out the court system every day. :smh:
My nigga, i had my daughter everyday for three straight months, and basically a overwhelming majority of the time for the previous three months. I told magistrate that shit, she turned to the morher and asked should i reduce the child support, mother said no and the magistrate agreed. This custody child support shit makes no sense lol... fuck that, i won in the end tho.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Some of y'all just hate women. When it's the woman getting child support she is a gold digger but when it's the woman paying she chose wrong so it's still her fault :smh:


X-pert Professional
Platinum Member
8000 grand a month is not that much money to rich people

put a couple of mill in a interest bearing account and pay him with profits


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
NO ... I meant what I said..... they're all leaving her..... it ain't the other way around

wait so if the issue is the majority of the time the initiator of divorce is women and that means the issues are on them....

the argument has been women bring the divorce first so the problem is them... BUT in this case you believe all the men are initiating the splits...sooo is the problem THEM???:idea::idea::idea:


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
wait so if the issue is the majority of the time the initiator of divorce is women and that means the issues are on them....

the argument has been women bring the divorce first so the problem is them... BUT in this case you believe all the men are initiating the splits...sooo is the problem THEM???:idea::idea::idea:
Nowhere did I use the plural.... I said her..... singular
sidebar: don't you got a survey to make or something?... :hmm:




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nowhere did I use the plural.... I said her..... singular
sidebar: don't you got a survey to make or something?... :hmm:


true enuff (props for the Odd Couple clip :thumbsup: )

but while we have that clip here....

NO ... I meant what I said..... they're all leaving her..... it ain't the other way around



Why did Halle Berry and Eric Benét break up?​

When Berry first heard about the cheating rumors, she didn’t believe the claims. She even threatened to sue a tabloid for printing what she thought were false stories.

But Benét eventually came clean about his infidelity. He even entered treatment for sex addiction in an attempt to save his marriage. Though she was heartbroken, Berry stayed with the “Spend My Life With You” singer because she wanted to fix their marriage.

Though Berry tried to be understanding toward Benét’s sex addiction, she realized two years later that they couldn’t heal from his cheating. In 2003, she filed for divorce.

First Berry and then Martinez filed for divorce in October 2015 after two years of marriage. In 2013, they had a child together, Maceo Robert Martinez, now 9. The actors agreed to joint custody of Maceo, which means they share decision making on things such as their son’s school enrollment, doctor appointments and counseling, according to the settlement.




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Somebody ought to tell Halle that they are people available who for a lot less money than she's paying him could see to it that they'll still be looking that leech's body years from now. :rolleyes:


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
"As for child support, Halle has to pony up $8,000 a month to Olivier. She will also pay an additional 4.3 percent of all income she receives above $2 million.

It doesn’t stop there … Halle must also cover Maceo's private school tuition and 100 percent of his extracurricular activities, including soccer. She's also on the hook for Maceo's health insurance -- both medical and dental -- as well as any uninsured expenses."


It they were still married she'd be paying all that and more. She was the breadwinner.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She has to be totally bat shit crazy as a parent for this shit, that said I would still raw and not pull out many times over

Database Error

You're right dawg
OG Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is not about Child support but...

Sherri Shepherd​

Sherri took to Instagram recently to vent about the struggles she’s been facing lately, including having to pay up big to both of her ex-husbands: Jeff Tarpley and Lamar Sally. They both receive child support from Sherri and even show up to court together. She pays Lamar more than $4,000 a month in child support, and Jeff recently requested that the few hundred he was receiving each month be increased.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
hollywood said we will give you that bag and make you our it bitch....

but you better not marry no ****** and off our money

make him rich....

thats why its always good to get that BAG one YOUR TERMS!!!

some faggy cac gets the money, and all a knigga gonna get is

dry pussy and a whole lot of complainin!!