Harry Potter: J.K. Rowling Has Some Harsh Words for the Bunch of Racists Upset With Casting a Black Hermione ONGOING...


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
More than anything, the moral of the story is to keep whatever opinion you have about trans people to yourself and not post it on Twitter.

I mean what possible good did either of these two ladies think it was going to do them? Especially JK Rowling. Bitch you sold millions of books and had like 10 movies made off of your work. Did you really need more attention?

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
They won't get very far. Trust me.
Yeah, had I not lived through all this LBGTQXYZ bullshit I'd believe you. Hell, I fell for that shit in 2004. When conservatives warned that this fuckery wouldn't stop with gay marriage, they were right. We went from gay marriage to this trans nonsense. All inside 15 years. Can they even play that Austin Powers movie with the line 'it's a man"?

Why won't it get that far? If gender is fluid, why not age? Does science back 18 as an adult? Why not 15? Why not 25? It will be a slow push. They already got the 'we think it, but don't act on it' shit going on. And if you can't choose what you are as all this shit is based on, they will argue persecution based on outdated social constructs. :smh:

Yeah, it's strange now, but in 2004 if you told people men would be posing as women in playboy, folks would have called bullshit. Ain't no damn thing as 'trust me' with these weirdos.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Its social bullying. Its the same thing that they accuse others of doing to them.
Its extortion via victimhood.
"You do what I say or I'll ruin you"
That's extortion.
Its funny how these insane assholes are attempting to claim that not believing in their fairy tale bullshit is "non scientific"! There is no gender science. Gender is more of a social construct. You can have gender roles. (Things men do vs. things women do, etc.) You don't have sexual roles; you have sexual functions. (penis goes in vagina = fertilization = new human)

I can see beastiality becoming more of a thing in the future. It will start with women wanting the rights to marry their cats and progress from there. Right now, the PETA liberals ain't having it but they haven't been shamed into becoming an "---ist" or "---phobe" yet for not accepting it. They will change the word from "beast" to something that is defined as love between a human and a non-human and shame people into not accepting it. Then, they will say something like "gold star pansexual" which will include any and all species, androids, etc.
I hope I'm wrong on that one.
We are seeing the fall of the American empire.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
Yeah, had I not lived through all this LBGTQXYZ bullshit I'd believe you. Hell, I fell for that shit in 2004. When conservatives warned that this fuckery wouldn't stop with gay marriage, they were right. We went from gay marriage to this trans nonsense. All inside 15 years. Can they even play that Austin Powers movie with the line 'it's a man"?

Why won't it get that far? If gender is fluid, why not age? Does science back 18 as an adult? Why not 15? Why not 25? It will be a slow push. They already got the 'we think it, but don't act on it' shit going on. And if you can't choose what you are as all this shit is based on, they will argue persecution based on outdated social constructs. :smh:

Yeah, it's strange now, but in 2004 if you told people men would be posing as women in playboy, folks would have called bullshit. Ain't no damn thing as 'trust me' with these weirdos.

bgol Been getting tranny attacked since 2005.

we been having that shit forced into our brain.


Im telling you.. in a few years.. pedos,

and animal fuckers are going to want

Youre 100% correct!

Why the fuck are we giving rights and acknowledgment to people who want to have sex with the same gender? Why is someone’s sex choice note worthy where special acknowledgement must be made? This shit is pathetic. I’m about to change my party affiliation because all of this nonsense is far left


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Youre 100% correct!

Why the fuck are we giving rights and acknowledgment to people who want to have sex with the same gender? Why is someone’s sex choice note worthy where special acknowledgement must be made? This shit is pathetic. I’m about to change my party affiliation because all of this nonsense is far left

This country is all fucked up with the sexual dysfunction ..

Bruh can you imagine you have a child with the chick..

And when the child is still a toddler..

She say some mentally challanged shit like..

I think our son was meant to be a girl...

So I bought him some dresses..

And took him to get a pedicure...

You ask her what the fuck she is talking about

And she say some stupid shit like...

He likes all my dresses...so I let him wear one and he loved it...

A child can't consent to sex..

But he can a sex change..

How fuckin sick is that shit...

Reason number 4 why I aint feeling bringing a child into this currently demonic world...


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
More than anything, the moral of the story is to keep whatever opinion you have about trans people to yourself and not post it on Twitter.

I mean what possible good did either of these two ladies think it was going to do them? Especially JK Rowling. Bitch you sold millions of books and had like 10 movies made off of your work. Did you really need more attention?
When you look into the backstory, we can clearly see that it wasn't an attack on the Trans Qommunity; it was a defense of biological females (and males by extension) and Rowling simply supported Forstater after she was fired.

Forstater is saying that, "You may claim that gender is fluid and/or on a spectrum dammit, but there ain't but two sexes...male and female and they are NOT interchangeable!"

This LGBTQIA+ shit has morphed into yet another form of Colonization where YOUR beliefs are being supplanted with theirs and there is punishment administered to the non-believing Infidels.
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FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
Youre 100% correct!

Why the fuck are we giving rights and acknowledgment to people who want to have sex with the same gender? Why is someone’s sex choice note worthy where special acknowledgement must be made? This shit is pathetic. I’m about to change my party affiliation because all of this nonsense is far left
About to? Who knew you were leaning Left?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When you look into the backstory, we can clearly see that it wasn't an attack on the Trans Qommunity; it was a defense of biological females (and by extension) and Rowling simply supported Forstater after she was fired.

Forstater is saying that, "You may claim that gender is fluid and/or on a spectrum dammit, but there ain't but two sexes...male and female and they are NOT interchangeable!"

This LGBTQIA+ shit has morphed into yet another form of Colonization where YOUR beliefs are being supplanted with theirs and there is punishment administered to the non-believing Infidels.

Exactly its like when you say..

Damn them Jews run the banking system

The legal system

The film and recording industry...

And they be like youre anti Semetic...

Then you be like but your not Semetic... And is it a lie??


Nothing Semetic about having your origin..in eastern europe


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
Its social bullying. Its the same thing that they accuse others of doing to them.
Its extortion via victimhood.
"You do what I say or I'll ruin you"
That's extortion.
Its funny how these insane assholes are attempting to claim that not believing in their fairy tale bullshit is "non scientific"! There is no gender science. Gender is more of a social construct. You can have gender roles. (Things men do vs. things women do, etc.) You don't have sexual roles; you have sexual functions. (penis goes in vagina = fertilization = new human)

I can see beastiality becoming more of a thing in the future. It will start with women wanting the rights to marry their cats and progress from there. Right now, the PETA liberals ain't having it but they haven't been shamed into becoming an "---ist" or "---phobe" yet for not accepting it. They will change the word from "beast" to something that is defined as love between a human and a non-human and shame people into not accepting it. Then, they will say something like "gold star pansexual" which will include any and all species, androids, etc.
I hope I'm wrong on that one.
We are seeing the fall of the American empire.
Zoophile already exists. It's already occurred Bruh.

Zoophile: a person who is sexually attracted to animals.

"Gold Star Pansexual" :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
Exactly its like when you say..

Damn them Jews run the banking system

The legal system

The film and recording industry...

And they be like youre anti Semetic...

Then you be like but your not Semetic... And is it a lie??


Nothing Semetic about having your origin..in eastern europe

I tell my brother this shit all the time when he's teetering on his soapbox in a drunken state, and says that WE are the Chosen People, but follows up with all of the programming and mental imagery of Khazarian converts and Ashkenazi actors.

"Listen, Bruh, don't talk about religion with ME while you've been drinking and then can never remember the muhfucking conversation. :hmm:"

The dictionary has been expanded to define a Semite as one who SPEAKS a Semitic language, so the CAC Jews just so happen to fit the definition by using the Hebrew language. FOH!


Rising Star
OG Investor
Gay Mafia is strong. A dude got 16 years for burning a flag.

This dude got that many years because he snitched on himself. He admitted that he stole the flag and probably told the police that he wanted to burn a gay pride flag. That's when they hit him with the hate crime charge.

If he had kept his mouth shut, he might not have done any time at all.


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
This dude got that many years because he snitched on himself. He admitted that he stole the flag and probably told the police that he wanted to burn a gay pride flag. That's when they hit him with the hate crime charge.

If he had kept his mouth shut, he might not have done any time at all.
If he'd stolen a US Flag and said that he wanted to burn it because of a Tyrant in the White House, it'd have been viewed as free speech. What ACTUAL harm came to any individual body?

CAC yokels and yahoos run around with Rebel flags and speak harshly about Blacks and others. It is viewed as distasteful in the Court of Law (and public opinion at one point, some would say), but it's not considered a hate crime if no Black person was injured or killed in conjunction with the display of that flag either.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I tell my brother this shit all the time when he's teetering on his soapbox in a drunken state, and says that WE are the Chosen People, but follows up with all of the programming and mental imagery of Khazarian converts and Ashkenazi actors.

"Listen, Bruh, don't talk about religion with ME while you've been drinking and then can never remember the muhfucking conversation. :hmm:"

The dictionary has been expanded to define a Semite as one who SPEAKS a Semitic language, so the CAC Jews just so happen to fit the definition by using the Hebrew language. FOH!

Knowing damn well their language is yiddish


BGOL Investor
J.K. Rowling faces backlash after siding with researcher fired for anti-transgender comments

By Ale Russian
December 19, 2019 at 06:02 PM EST

J.K. Rowling‘s support of a British researcher who was fired after expressing anti-transgender sentiments has sparked swift backlash against the author.

The Harry Potter author, 54, tweeted her support of Maya Forstater on Thursday after Forstater lost a court hearing challenging her termination from the Centre for Global Development, where she worked as a fellow.

“Dress however you please. Call yourself whatever you like. Sleep with any consenting adult who’ll have you. Live your best life in peace and security. But force women out of their jobs for stating that sex is real? #IStandWithMaya #ThisIsNotADrill,” Rowling tweeted.
PEOPLE reached out to Rowling’s reps who offered no further comment.

Forstater was initially fired after tweeting, among other things, that “men cannot change into women.” According to The Guardian, Judge James Tayler, an employment judge, ruled Forstater’s termination as valid since her views were “absolutist” and did “not have the protected characteristic of philosophical belief.”

“I conclude from … the totality of the evidence, that [Forstater] is absolutist in her view of sex and it is a core component of her belief that she will refer to a person by the sex she considered appropriate even if it violates their dignity and/or creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment. The approach is not worthy of respect in a democratic society,” the judge wrote.

After her tweet, LGBTQ organization GLAAD released a statement revealing it offered to arrange an off-the-record meeting for Rowling to talk to members of the trans community. The organization says a publicist from her team declined the meeting.

“J.K. Rowling, whose books gave kids hope that they could work together to create a better world, has now aligned herself with an anti-science ideology that denies the basic humanity of people who are transgender,” GLAAD’s head of talent Anthony Ramos said in a statement afterwards. “Trans men, trans women, and non-binary people are not a threat, and to imply otherwise puts trans people at risk. Now is the time for allies who know and support trans people to speak up and support their fundamental right to be treated equally and fairly.”

Fans of Rowling’s books and others online quickly criticized her comments, labeling the author as anti-trans and calling out how harmful her support of Forstater is for her young fans who are trans themselves.
“In fact, the World Health Organization—among countless other medical authorities—validate trans people in their authentic gender identity. It is quite clear you don’t understand the first thing about the trans community or the science at play. This is heartbreaking,” Charlotte Clymer, who works for the Human Rights Campaign, responded in a tweet to Rowling.

Most tweets echoed her statements, with many expressing how sad they are at their childhood idol supporting anti-trans views.

“I am grateful for the magic @jk_rowling brought into my life, but making hurtful comments towards the trans community is not okay. As said in your 4th book, ‘Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open.’ Please do better,” writer Steph Frosch wrote.

Celebrities have also responded to Rowling’s comments, with The Good Place actress and activist Jameela Jamil, a fellow Brit, announcing that she’d be unfollowing Rowling.

“Please follow more trans people, please read about their experiences in this world and know you are contributing to their erasure, abuse and suffering by supporting those who deny their identity/existence. Please wield your immense power to protect those most at risk,” she wrote in a tweet directed at Rowling.

There are zero genetic links that makes a person gay or trans. These faggots are making shit up.


You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor
Yeah, had I not lived through all this LBGTQXYZ bullshit I'd believe you. Hell, I fell for that shit in 2004. When conservatives warned that this fuckery wouldn't stop with gay marriage, they were right. We went from gay marriage to this trans nonsense. All inside 15 years. Can they even play that Austin Powers movie with the line 'it's a man"?

Why won't it get that far? If gender is fluid, why not age? Does science back 18 as an adult? Why not 15? Why not 25? It will be a slow push. They already got the 'we think it, but don't act on it' shit going on. And if you can't choose what you are as all this shit is based on, they will argue persecution based on outdated social constructs. :smh:

Yeah, it's strange now, but in 2004 if you told people men would be posing as women in playboy, folks would have called bullshit. Ain't no damn thing as 'trust me' with these weirdos.

We'll see. I understand your reasoning, but society has it's limits. The gay thing is mostly about people having the right to live how they want to once they are no longer under a legal guardian. And yes, there is a push to allow kids to be gay. But the pedo thing is specifically about adult contact with pre-pubescent kids, and no society is going to allow that to be normalized, not through legal means.

But we'll see.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
When you look into the backstory, we can clearly see that it wasn't an attack on the Trans Qommunity; it was a defense of biological females (and males by extension) and Rowling simply supported Forstater after she was fired.

Forstater is saying that, "You may claim that gender is fluid and/or on a spectrum dammit, but there ain't but two sexes...male and female and they are NOT interchangeable!"

This LGBTQIA+ shit has morphed into yet another form of Colonization where YOUR beliefs are being supplanted with theirs and there is punishment administered to the non-believing Infidels.

But why did Forstarter need to talk about it in the first place? right or wrong, she saw a hornet's nest on the ground and decided to stomp on it. Fair or not she gets what she gets.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
That is some bullshit. First of all, I don't know why they tie the letters together as if their causes has anything to do with each other. Dave Chappelle said it right, they're in the same car, but they really don't have shit to do with each other

I had a trans hit on me on social media. I told them motherfucker that I ain't into that shit. That mother fucker called me transphobic because I would fuck with him

I said, "so I'm compelled to fuck with you because you want me?"

"Or you're trans phobic, yes. If I want you."

FOH (and I blocked him)

Why are we, the rest of the world, forced to call those motherfukers women. They ain't women. They ain't women any more than beyond meat is beef or Morningstar chicken nuggets are actually chicken

God, I want to tell these fuckers off on social media that they ain't motherfuking women but I can't do that cuz it'll be...cancel me, and anything I try to do in the future.

Trans women ain't women, trans man ain't men. That's it.

And you were absolutely right to cut her off.

Refusing a woman who was born a man doesn't make you any more transphobic than refusing to date a white woman makes you racist.


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
But why did Forstarter need to talk about it in the first place? right or wrong, she saw a hornet's nest on the ground and decided to stomp on it. Fair or not she gets what she gets.
She can't verbally disagree with any of the rhetoric being voiced from the LGBTQ platform? It's hatred to disagree and she should just accept being punished for believing that there are only two sexes?
That's a problem Danny. :smh:


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
She can't verbally disagree with any of the rhetoric being voiced from the LGBTQ platform? It's hatred to disagree and she should just accept being punished for believing that there are only two sexes?
That's a problem Danny. :smh:

I actually agree with her. the difference between gender and sex is similar to the difference between race and phenotypes. In both cases the first is societal and the second is biological.

But I'm saying this on bgol, not Twitter.

Is it fair that a trans group can say one thing without repercussion while she gets fired from her job for clapping back? Absolutely not! But why does she need to say anything in the first place? Social media, especially Twitter, has made people forget that there's times that you need to keep quiet even when you're right.

Besides, as much shit as trans people take on a daily basis let them have their voice. Eventually they're going to get some level of universal civil and human rights then most this ridiculous debate will die down anyway.


Rising Star
Besides, as much shit as trans people take on a daily basis let them have their voice. Eventually they're going to get some level of universal civil and human rights then most this ridiculous debate will die down anyway.


Trans people make up .5% of the population. Yet they are forcing the world to call them whatever gender they think they are. Not going along can cost you your career.

How much more of a voice do they need?


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
Besides, as much shit as trans people take on a daily basis let them have their voice. Eventually they're going to get some level of universal civil and human rights then most this ridiculous debate will die down anyway.
It's gotta start with someone. There has to be a limit implemented somewhere dammit. :dunno:
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Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor

Trans people make up .5% of the population. Yet they are forcing the world to call them whatever gender they think they are. Not going along can cost you your career.

How much more of a voice do they need?

Keep in mind to .5% of the United States is roughly 1.5 million people. That's more than the population of Atlanta and San Francisco combined.

To put it another way, there are three times more trans people in the United States than there are redheads and all of Ireland.


Rising Star
OG Investor
J.K. Rowling faces backlash after siding with researcher fired for anti-transgender comments

By Ale Russian
December 19, 2019 at 06:02 PM EST

J.K. Rowling‘s support of a British researcher who was fired after expressing anti-transgender sentiments has sparked swift backlash against the author.

The Harry Potter author, 54, tweeted her support of Maya Forstater on Thursday after Forstater lost a court hearing challenging her termination from the Centre for Global Development, where she worked as a fellow.

“Dress however you please. Call yourself whatever you like. Sleep with any consenting adult who’ll have you. Live your best life in peace and security. But force women out of their jobs for stating that sex is real? #IStandWithMaya #ThisIsNotADrill,” Rowling tweeted.
PEOPLE reached out to Rowling’s reps who offered no further comment.

Forstater was initially fired after tweeting, among other things, that “men cannot change into women.” According to The Guardian, Judge James Tayler, an employment judge, ruled Forstater’s termination as valid since her views were “absolutist” and did “not have the protected characteristic of philosophical belief.”

“I conclude from … the totality of the evidence, that [Forstater] is absolutist in her view of sex and it is a core component of her belief that she will refer to a person by the sex she considered appropriate even if it violates their dignity and/or creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment. The approach is not worthy of respect in a democratic society,” the judge wrote.

After her tweet, LGBTQ organization GLAAD released a statement revealing it offered to arrange an off-the-record meeting for Rowling to talk to members of the trans community. The organization says a publicist from her team declined the meeting.

“J.K. Rowling, whose books gave kids hope that they could work together to create a better world, has now aligned herself with an anti-science ideology that denies the basic humanity of people who are transgender,” GLAAD’s head of talent Anthony Ramos said in a statement afterwards. “Trans men, trans women, and non-binary people are not a threat, and to imply otherwise puts trans people at risk. Now is the time for allies who know and support trans people to speak up and support their fundamental right to be treated equally and fairly.”

Fans of Rowling’s books and others online quickly criticized her comments, labeling the author as anti-trans and calling out how harmful her support of Forstater is for her young fans who are trans themselves.
“In fact, the World Health Organization—among countless other medical authorities—validate trans people in their authentic gender identity. It is quite clear you don’t understand the first thing about the trans community or the science at play. This is heartbreaking,” Charlotte Clymer, who works for the Human Rights Campaign, responded in a tweet to Rowling.

Most tweets echoed her statements, with many expressing how sad they are at their childhood idol supporting anti-trans views.

“I am grateful for the magic @jk_rowling brought into my life, but making hurtful comments towards the trans community is not okay. As said in your 4th book, ‘Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open.’ Please do better,” writer Steph Frosch wrote.

Celebrities have also responded to Rowling’s comments, with The Good Place actress and activist Jameela Jamil, a fellow Brit, announcing that she’d be unfollowing Rowling.

“Please follow more trans people, please read about their experiences in this world and know you are contributing to their erasure, abuse and suffering by supporting those who deny their identity/existence. Please wield your immense power to protect those most at risk,” she wrote in a tweet directed at Rowling.

its funny how folks claim science to back the belief of trans identity as factual. no evidence , just seeing feelings and telling folks to unfollow rowling and how she's transpobic. this society is fucking nuts.


Rising Star
OG Investor
That is some bullshit. First of all, I don't know why they tie the letters together as if their causes has anything to do with each other. Dave Chappelle said it right, they're in the same car, but they really don't have shit to do with each other

I had a trans hit on me on social media. I told them motherfucker that I ain't into that shit. That mother fucker called me transphobic because I would fuck with him

I said, "so I'm compelled to fuck with you because you want me?"

"Or you're trans phobic, yes. If I want you."

FOH (and I blocked him)

Why are we, the rest of the world, forced to call those motherfukers women. They ain't women. They ain't women any more than beyond meat is beef or Morningstar chicken nuggets are actually chicken

God, I want to tell these fuckers off on social media that they ain't motherfuking women but I can't do that cuz it'll be...cancel me, and anything I try to do in the future.

Trans women ain't women, trans man ain't men. That's it.
can't force someone to be attracted to a person. this is madness.


searching for the remaining 143,999
Platinum Member
the white man creates and enforces these type of laws.

yet, the stupid, ignorant, brainwashed, white-minded so-called black man, will continue to fear, love and snuggle up to the same white man who transformed the original black man into an american negro.