Harry Potter: J.K. Rowling Has Some Harsh Words for the Bunch of Racists Upset With Casting a Black Hermione ONGOING...

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
She getting canceled for saying only women can be women. What THE fuck is wrong with society these days?

She getting canceled for stating a SCIENTIFIC FACT.
They are trying to cancel her, but the price of the brick went up. :lol: She getting more sales because although most humans are cowars that are scared to stand up to weirdos in public, they support her behind closed doors. Fuck these weirdos.

The crazy part is outside of these tranny/gender bender nonsense, J.K. is a 1000 percent progressive. She disagrees with this one thing and they tried to turn on her.

And yeah, folks keep thinking I'm tripping about bans of scientific facts, but that shit coming to a schoolhouse near you. Parents of young children please get involved in your kids schooling. Visit. Talk to teachers. Look at their social media.


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CACs be mad as fuck when a fictional character gets (re)cast as a POC, but they cool when actual historical figures get white washed
That's because it's them doing the bleaching. It's funny they call everybody else snowflakes and soft when they are the true soft ones as tender as snowflakes

These motherfuckers literally got mad because a mermaid wasn't White but was black. Mermaids ain't even real. Meanwhile, they took, "Skin of bronze, hair like lamb's wool" and somehow made Mike Brady from The Brady Bunch play Jesus

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Rising Star
Bruh this Hogwarts Legacy is going to do major numbers you seen these graphics

The gamers dont actually want ior care about dentity agenda on the medium

Yeah I been keeping up with this and I'm sure me and the ol lady will be playing.

Fck what these fools are talking about, JK has my money and I'm sure many of these trans folk were mad when Hermoine was casted black.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
They are trying to cancel her, but the price of the brick went up. :lol: She getting more sales because although most humans are cowars that are scared to stand up to weirdos in public, they support her behind closed doors. Fuck these weirdos.

The crazy part is outside of these tranny/gender bender nonsense, J.K. is a 1000 percent progressive. She disagrees with this one thing and they tried to turn on her.

And yeah, folks keep thinking I'm tripping about bans of scientific facts, but that shit coming to a schoolhouse near you. Parents of young children please get involved in your kids schooling. Visit. Talk to teachers. Look at their social media.
I agree with her wholeheartedly. She never said transgender people aren't people. They are people, it's just that trans women aren't women and a trans men aren't men.

You literally have justices scared to say what a woman is for fear of attack. There are three genders (male, female and hermaphrodite or intersex). Only 1.7% of the population is born hermaphrodite or intersex, that means everybody else was either born a male or a female

If you don't like the cards you were given, it sucks to suck. You can cut off your dick or mutilate your pussy via surgery and take hormone suppressors or hormones and be the gender you decided. Wow that is weird as fuck, that's your right but it takes more than high heels makeup and a dress and bad black southern auntie acting to be a woman

They exist. I take mine a bit further and say they can't participate in sports of their Newfound gender regardless of their hormone blockers or inhibitors, but they are human beings, I would never deny them that.

No trans woman has ever had a period, and no trans man has ever produced sperm. No trans woman can or will ever carry a child, and that is the difference between women and trans women - if all parts are functional, one can carry a child and one cannot.


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Just like the Ultra Conservative Right eats itself....the Liberal Leftists do the same.

Rowling is far from a Conservative, but these ultra left leaning tranny supporting liberals would have you think she co-authored Mein Kampf.

These progressives are turning off a lot of liberals, and honestly the older I get, the more "conservative" I get compared to the way they push their damned agendas on the masses.

Imagine hearing a woman, who is also a mother, getting criticized for discussing her thoughts on womanhood, by people, many of them whom were born men.

We're living in an upside down world....

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I can see that push happening in the near future.

Weirdos and the willfully ignorant have a huge reason to get rid of scientific facts:
It's literally the last thing standing up to their nonsense while nothing/no one else will.
I been paying more and more attention to this shit because of my youngest child.

What is going on in academia is scary. They are silencing opposing opinions at the research level. SOME high-level academics are leaving and speaking out about what is going on. Also, one of the science journals said they will not post papers that have information that can be used to hurt 'marginalized' people. So that means PEER REVIEWED research that goes against gender nonsense will be silenced.

See people don't understand there is a built-in mechanism and it's with peer review. They are working to silence that by bullying peers AND at the publishing level. :smh: Then weirdos will quote to flawed studies as 'science'.

Just like the Ultra Conservative Right eats itself....the Liberal Leftists do the same.

Rowling is far from a Conservative, but these ultra left leaning tranny supporting liberals would have you think she co-authored Mein Kampf.

These progressives are turning off a lot of liberals, and honestly the older I get, the more "conservative" I get compared to the way they push their damned agendas on the masses.

Imagine hearing a woman, who is also a mother, getting criticized for discussing her thoughts on womanhood, by people, many of them whom were born men.

We're living in an upside down world....
Yeah, I would argue that J.K. is more progressive than anyone on the site. That's including all the hardcore Biden supporters that run around calling anyone who disagrees with them republicans. See is a super feminist too. They call them TERFs. But like you said, if just looking at MSM, we'd think this bitch was MAGA.

And I see fools like marc lamont hill using birthing people instead of mothers. Shit is embarrassing for black folks to get caught up in this nonsense. :smh: Folks are selling their souls for white acceptance.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The crazy part is outside of these tranny/gender bender nonsense, J.K. is a 1000 percent progressive. She disagrees with this one thing and they tried to turn on her.
This is the problem with tribalism. You're either all in or you're out. Liz Cheney said the election wasn't stolen, and they rallied against her to get her ousted. Rowling isn't advocating violence, so her opinion is just her opinion. If she was online saying that trans people are trying to hurt you, so you have to fight back, then I'd have a problem with what she was saying.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Call me,transphobic but I preordered the game in October and cant wait to play it,whenever I have time...

My oldest is begging for this game. It ain't cheap. Should I pre order or wait awhile to see if there are any sales or wait till after it comes out to see if the price drops?

Which version you pre order?


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
My oldest is begging for this game. It ain't cheap. Should I pre order or wait awhile to see if there are any sales or wait till after it comes out to see if the price drops?

Which version you pre order?
Saw some gameplay footage, it is probably the best Harry Potter game ever made.

Bawse Nigguh

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You do know no matter how good the game is no mainstream game critic going give this higher than a 7 or 8…I guess we just going to have to let our $70 do the talking…Although I have vowed to not pay 70 for any game, that’s why I haven’t played Ragnarok yet…I may have to do it this time


Rising Star
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Succession star Brian Cox defends J.K. Rowling amid criticism over controversial trans comments

Cox said that critics of Rowling's comments about the trans community have been "a bit high and mighty."

By Joey NolfiJanuary 17, 2023 at 10:45 AM EST

Brian Cox has spoken in defense of Harry Potter creator J.K. Rowling following criticism of the famed author for controversial comments often labeled as transphobic.

"I don't like the way she's been treated, actually. I think she's entitled to her opinion, she's entitled to say what she feels," the 76-year-old Succession star said over the weekend on British talk show Sunday With Laura Kuenssberg, per a Metro video. "As a woman, she's very much entitled to say what she feels about her own body. There's nobody better to say that, as a woman. So, I do feel that people have been a bit high and mighty about their own attitude toward J.K. Rowling."

Brian Cox defended J.K. Rowling.

Rowling initially drew public ire in December 2019, when she tweeted in support of a British researcher, Maya Forstater, who was fired from the Centre for Global Development over anti-trans stances.

The author, 57, later tweeted about taking issue with the phrase "people who menstruate," and has regularly drawn criticism from LGBTQ community supporters for reiterating ideologies that have been linked to the trans-exclusionary radical feminist (TERF) movement that often adopts the belief that trans women are not women.

Despite Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe and organizations like GLAAD voicing opposition to Rowling's comments, stars like Helena Bonham Carter and Ralph Fiennes, both veterans of the Harry Potter franchise, have supported her right to express her opinion.

"J.K. Rowling has written these great books about empowerment, about young children finding themselves as human beings. It's about how you become a better, stronger, more morally centered human being," Fiennes said in a New York Times interview last year. "The verbal abuse directed at her is disgusting, it's appalling. I mean, I can understand a viewpoint that might be angry at what she says about women. But it's not some obscene, über-right-wing fascist. It's just a woman saying, 'I'm a woman and I feel I'm a woman and I want to be able to say that I'm a woman.' And I understand where she's coming from. Even though I'm not a woman."

EW has reached out to Cox for further comment.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

J.K. Rowling addresses controversial transgender remarks: 'Fans were grateful that I'd said what I said'

The Harry Potter author said that she's "fighting what I see as a powerful, insidious, misogynistic movement that I think has gained huge purchase in very influential areas of society."
By Emlyn TravisMarch 14, 2023 at 06:06 PM EDT



J.K. Rowling insisted that a portion of Harry Potter fans have quietly rallied behind her over the years, despite the "massive storm" that has unfolded online surrounding her repeated controversial comments about the transgender community.
"I have to tell you, a ton of Potter fans were still with me," the author said on Tuesday's episode of The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling podcast. "And in fact, a ton of Potter fans were grateful that I'd said what I said."
Over the years, Rowling has been criticized by members of own her fanbase and LGBTQIA+ organizations for reiterating hurtful rhetoric that is tied to the TERF (trans-exclusionary radical feminists) movement, which often posits the belief that trans women are not women. Earlier, Rowling said that she "absolutely knew" that her fanbase would be "deeply unhappy" if she chose to speak out about sex and gender issues because "I could see that they believed they were living the values that I had espoused in those books. I could tell that they believed they were fighting for underdogs and difference and fairness."

"Personally, it has not been fun and I have been scared at times for my own safety and, overwhelmingly, for my family's safety," Rowling continued. "Time will tell whether I've got this wrong. I can only say that I've thought about it deeply and hard and long and I've listened, I promise, to the other side. And I believe absolutely that there is something dangerous about this movement and it must be challenged."
Still, Rowling acknowledged that it "hit differently" to be attacked online by those with left-wing political beliefs rather than conservatives because "I would assume we share certain values." She added that she is often "told that I have betrayed my own books" by fans who do not support her beliefs. "My position is that I am absolutely upholding the positions that I took in Potter," she said. "My position is that this activist movement, in the form that it's currently taking, echoes the very thing that I was warning against in Harry Potter."

J.K. Rowling

During the podcast, Rowling said that she wrote her controversial June 2020 tweets after opening Twitter and seeing an article about "creating a more equal post-COVID-19 world for people who menstruate" that made her "really angry." In response, she tweeted, "'People who menstruate.' I'm sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?'"
In hindsight, Rowling compared the tweet to "dropping a hand grenade into Twitter." She expanded on her thought process in a follow-up Twitter thread, writing, "If sex isn't real, there's no same-sex attraction. If sex isn't real, the lived reality of women globally is erased. I know and love trans people, but erasing the concept of sex removes the ability of many to meaningfully discuss their lives. It isn't hate to speak the truth."
Since then, Harry Potter stars including Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson have all spoken out against Rowling's rhetoric, while others — including Ralph Fiennes and Helena Bonham Carter — have come to her defense. To this day, Rowling still stands "by every word that I wrote" at the time. "But the question is, What is the truth?" she said. "I'm arguing against people who are literally saying sex is a construct, it's not real."
Amid the backlash online, Rowling penned a June 10, 2020 essay titled "J.K. Rowling Writes about Her Reasons for Speaking out on Sex and Gender Issues," which she read from during the podcast. "If you could come inside my head and understand what I feel when I read about a trans woman dying at the hands of a violent man, you'd find solidarity and kinship," she wrote. "I have a visceral sense of the terror in which those trans women will have spent their last seconds on Earth, because I too have known moments of blind fear when I realized that the only thing keeping me alive was the shaky self-restraint of my attacker."
Rowling continued, "So I want trans women to be safe. At the same time, I do not want to make natal girls and women less safe. When you throw open the doors of bathrooms and changing rooms to any man who believes or feels he's a woman — and, as I've said, gender confirmation certificates may now be granted without any need for surgery or hormones — then you open the door to any and all men who wish to come inside. That is the simple truth."

She also addressed the idea of fans trying to hold her accountable for her actions online. "I've heard this all the time, 'We're holding you accountable. We're holding you accountable,'" Rowling said. "Well, I would say this: I'm a great believer in looking at not what people say, but what they do. How are you behaving? If you are threatening, if you are threatening to remove livelihoods, if you are saying 'this person is canceled,' that is the language of a dictator: 'I cancel you, I obliterate you, you are dead.'"
She noted that she's "literally lost count" of the amount of times she's seen the hashtag #RIPJKRowling trending online and seen people sidestep the argument by saying that "there is no point in arguing with a TERF."
"I don't call that being held accountable. If you want to debate with me, I am absolutely open to that. And I think I have proven that I'm very willing to engage on the ideas, but I notice a remarkable disinclination to engage on the ideas," she said. "The response is, 'Well, we can't listen to you. You are evil. You must not be listened to.' That to me is, intellectually, incredibly cowardly. I don't believe that any righteous movement behaves in such a way."
She then compared the other side of the movement to the Death Eaters, Voldemort's most loyal followers, in her novels.
"Some of you have not understood the books. The Death Eaters claimed we have been made to live in secret and now is our time. And any who stand in our way must be destroyed. If you disagree with us, you must die," she said. "I am fighting what I see as a powerful, insidious, misogynistic movement that I think has gained huge purchase in very influential areas of society. I do not see this particular movement as either benign or powerless. So, I'm afraid I stand with the women who are fighting to be heard against threat of loss of livelihood and threats to their personal safety.'


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
This shit pisses me off

If you don't agree with these people they will attempt and have a serious chance at ruining your life

Thankfully for JK Rowling she is too big to fail. Her books and the money she's made thus far have made her damn near Bulletproof a

the thousands or up to millions of people who want to cancel her because of her saying that trans women aren't really women can't win, but if I ever get to the point where I publish some of my books that I've yet to complete I would have to scrub anything I've said online about how I feel that trans women aren't really women and that biology matters

Biology matters. I didn't make this shit up. I didn't wake up one day and decide I'm not going to accept trans women as women. Only real women possibly have the capacity to reproduce and carry a child

These motherfuckers saw or read Jurassic Park and how males can turn into females but they forget dad's amphibians and other nonvertebrates. Mammals can't do that shit


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
This shit pisses me off

If you don't agree with these people they will attempt and have a serious chance at ruining your life

Thankfully for JK Rowling she is too big to fail. Her books and the money she's made thus far have made her damn near Bulletproof a

the thousands or up to millions of people who want to cancel her because of her saying that trans women aren't really women can't win, but if I ever get to the point where I publish some of my books that I've yet to complete I would have to scrub anything I've said online about how I feel that trans women aren't really women and that biology matters

Biology matters. I didn't make this shit up. I didn't wake up one day and decide I'm not going to accept trans women as women. Only real women possibly have the capacity to reproduce and carry a child

These motherfuckers saw or read Jurassic Park and how males can turn into females but they forget dad's amphibians and other nonvertebrates. Mammals can't do that shit
She is high profile so that;'s why they keep attacking her, makes easy headlines.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
She is high profile so that;'s why they keep attacking her, makes easy headlines.
They're really trying to push this shit to force us to conform to their bullshit. I don't like it and it's not just because I'm 46 and I'm old and I don't get the way things work nowadays

We went from making gay people outcasts, which isn't cool, to letting flighty people make the rules and attempting to force us to abide by them


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They're really trying to push this shit to force us to conform to their bullshit. I don't like it and it's not just because I'm 46 and I'm old and I don't get the way things work nowadays

We went from making gay people outcasts, which isn't cool, to letting flighty people make the rules and attempting to force us to abide by them
The gays better distance themselves from this trans bullshit. This is where even a lot of liberals are drawing the line.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
The gays better distance themselves from this trans bullshit. This is where even a lot of liberals are drawing the line.
It's a constant debate because damn near every liberal has trans friends and they feel sympathetic about it

It's one of the few things I agree with Republicans on, but not enough to vote for them

  • That trans shit is a mental illness. Anyone who would willingly self-castrate is mentally ill. They want to make us sane people live in their fantasy. Fuck that.
  • What a woman is. I don't know why this is even a debate. Trans women can never get pregnant
I heard something recently. If you leave 10 women and 10 men on an island for 100 years you'll come back to find a community. If you leave 10 men and 10 trans women on an island for 100 years you'll come back to find 20 male skeletons


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Rising Star
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