Harry Potter: J.K. Rowling Has Some Harsh Words for the Bunch of Racists Upset With Casting a Black Hermione ONGOING...


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
J.K. Rowling Has Some Harsh Words for the ‘Bunch of Racists’ Upset With Casting a Black Hermione


Harry Potter and the Cursed Child — an upcoming two-part West End play set 19 years after the Harry Potter books end —will be going into previews at London's Palace Theatre on June 7. Primarily following Harry's youngest son Albus as he grapples with his family's legacy (while Harry is stuck grudgingly working at the Ministry of Magic), the original stage production generated headlines last year by casting Olivier-award winning actress Noma Dumezweni, a black woman, as Hermione. Potter's author, J.K. Rowling, has already expressed delight over the casting decision (tweeting: "Canon: brown eyes, frizzy hair and very clever. White skin was never specified. Rowling loves black Hermione"), but she has now expounded on her opinions beyond the constraints of social media.

"I had a bunch of racists telling me that because Hermione 'turned white' — that is, lost color from her face after a shock — that she must be a white woman, which I have a great deal of difficulty with," she told TheObserver. "But I decided not to get too agitated about it and simply state quite firmly that Hermione can be a black woman with my absolute blessing and enthusiasm." Online commenters, she noted, left her feeling particularly frustrated. "With my experience of social media, I thought that idiots were going to idiot,” she continued. "But what can you say? That’s the way the world is. Noma was chosen because she was the best actress for the job."

John Tiffany, Child's director who cast Dumezweni in the role, also expressed surprise over the ruthless online reactions following the casting announcement. "I am not as Twitter-familiar as Jo and Jack [Thorne,Child's writer], so I hadn’t encountered its dark side, which is just awful," he said in the same interview. "But what shocked me was the way people couldn’t visualize a nonwhite person as the hero of a story. It’s therefore brilliant that this has happened." The play's world premiere, following a few weeks of previews, is set for July 30.

Ill Paragraph

Lord of the Perfect Black
BGOL Investor

CACs be mad as fuck when a fictional character gets (re)cast as a POC, but they cool when actual historical figures get white washed

These shitbags white washed Jesus, and have the audacity to bitch about a fucking Harry Potter character.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How many main characters where black in the Potter films?

Dean Thomas was in all 8 movies and played a pretty prominent role in the last book.
Besides Voldemort and Dumbledore, Kingsley Shacklebolt is probably the most powerful Wizard. He became Minister of Magic after the Battle of Hogwarts
There's Bem, who was in the Prisoner of Azkaban
Lavender Brown was black and played by a black brit actress for most of the books, then recast as a white girl when it was time for her to date Ron
Blaise Zabini was a Slytherin boy cool with Draco
Lee Jordan who got most of his shine in the first movie as the Quidditch announcer

Those are the ones I thought of off the top. Prolly missed some.
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International Member
The problem with cacs is that they absolutely hate to see black people winning,unless it's a household name who had to prove to them that they are good at their chosen craft they just can't accept that we have talent over any white counterpart.

The Untouchable GDFOLKS

Real Niggas Get Real Pussy
BGOL Investor
Whites have no souls. No spirits. They're apparitions. They get mad over small things like this because they insert themselves into the characters.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
The problem with cacs is that they absolutely hate to see black people winning,unless it's a household name who had to prove to them that they are good at their chosen craft they just can't accept that we have talent over any white counterpart.



Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
One of the Most over rated authors.

Put the opioids down....:smh::smh::smh:

Just stop.

Those books were awesome

I doubt you read even one to say that

No one said she was toni Morrison or alive Walker

Her shyt is entertaining nonetheless


I need to read her other books series hut you're right she's a fantastic author...While,I like the Harry Potter movies, it still doesn't do the books justice...I like how she went into great detail on Tom Riddle's family..:cool:


Phantom of the Chakras
BGOL Investor
One of the Most over rated authors.
I agree with you. I enjoyed the Potter series chiefly because of the excitement it gave my wife and kids. It's rare when we're all reading the same thing so I appreciate Rowling for her creation but in terms of skill? She's not a dope writer. One can look at her other non Potter stuff and see that. She came up with a good story with HP that benefited from a number of things going on in publishing at the time.

Some of Potter was really dumb too but my sense of disbelief told me it was a kids book and I should get over it but yo they could fix bones but not Harry eyesight. The points to quidditch game was nonsense (scoring a goal ten points but catch snitch equals 150?). I could keep going...


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
I agree with you. I enjoyed the Potter series chiefly because of the excitement it gave my wife and kids. It's rare when we're all reading the same thing so I appreciate Rowling for her creation but in terms of skill? She's not a dope writer. One can look at her other non Potter stuff and see that. She came up with a good story with HP that benefited from a number of things going on in publishing at the time.

Some of Potter was really dumb too but my sense of disbelief told me it was a kids book and I should get over it but yo they could fix bones but not Harry eyesight. The points to quidditch game was nonsense (scoring a goal ten points but catch snitch equals 150?). I could keep going...

I liked the series as well because I am a fan of the genre but the story, the magic system, and world building was just garbage.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
TERF - trans-exclusionary radical feminist

Basically women who do not consider trannies to be real women, do not want them in women's spaces and are against trans rights.
That is some bullshit. First of all, I don't know why they tie the letters together as if their causes has anything to do with each other. Dave Chappelle said it right, they're in the same car, but they really don't have shit to do with each other

I had a trans hit on me on social media. I told them motherfucker that I ain't into that shit. That mother fucker called me transphobic because I wouldn't fuck with him

I said, "so I'm compelled to fuck with you because you want me?"

"Or you're trans phobic, yes. If I want you."

FOH (and I blocked him)

Why are we, the rest of the world, forced to call those motherfukers women. They ain't women. They ain't women any more than beyond meat is beef or Morningstar chicken nuggets are actually chicken

God, I want to tell these fuckers off on social media that they ain't motherfuking women but I can't do that cuz it'll be...cancel me, and anything I try to do in the future.

Trans women ain't women, trans man ain't men. That's it.
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