Has Donald Trump turned BGOL pro-white?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
With the upcoming Presidential Election, there has been a strong push by a large contingent of posters on BGOL to back Democratic nominee Joe Biden against Donald Trump.

The same group of posters claim to be for the so-called black community and anti-racism however no President in the last 50 years had done more damage to the so-called white community, specifically the white-trash element than Donald Trump.

How could anyone say they are so-called black and about so-called black empowerment but support a group of people that have historically worked to keep whites empowered while vehemently being against a person that has done more damage to disenfranchise the most racist and bigoted element of the United States?


The Legend
BGOL Investor




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Pro-whites of BGOL: why do you want to empower and protect the Neanderthal at the weakest they’ve been in centuries when they are primed for being usurped?

not one fact has been posted to debunk the thread title claim or even one statement in defense of it so far.

What is next? :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
With the upcoming Presidential Election, there has been a strong push by a large contingent of posters on BGOL to back Democratic nominee Joe Biden against Donald Trump.

The same group of posters claim to be for the so-called black community and anti-racism however no President in the last 50 years had done more damage to the so-called white community, specifically the white-trash element than Donald Trump.

How could anyone say they are so-called black and about so-called black empowerment but support a group of people that have historically worked to keep whites empowered while vehemently being against a person that has done more damage to disenfranchise the most racist and bigoted element of the United States?

Well, I don't know how he's affected their pockets (white people). I don't know how the southern states are doing as opposed to under Obama, I d do know he did something to West Virginia to destroy the coal mines which people actually worked at today. I'm also aware he tried to push some tariffs on China and it failed and couple of US companies got hurt in the process. Harley Davidson, I believe, and a few more.

He's definitely hurting his core base financially but we don't know how much, the thing is I doubt they care and they feel more radicalized by Trump in Office. I don't really buy into complaining conservatives on Trump, they knew what they signed up for before Trump got in office and they know the history of the country and appealing to those people.

If anything to me Trump makes them more united which is bad for everyone else, if they don't give a fuck about money then it's a wrap for alo tof people.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Well, I don't know how he's affected their pockets (white people). I don't know how the southern states are doing as opposed to under Obama, I d do know he did something to West Virginia to destroy the coal mines which people actually worked at today. I'm also aware he tried to push some tariffs on China and it failed and couple of US companies got hurt in the process. Harley Davidson, I believe, and a few more.

He's definitely hurting his core base financially but we don't know how much, the thing is I doubt they care and they feel more radicalized by Trump in Office. I don't really buy into complaining conservatives on Trump, they knew what they signed up for before Trump got in office and they know the history of the country and appealing to those people.

If anything to me Trump makes them more united which is bad for everyone else, if they don't give a fuck about money then it's a wrap for alo tof people.
They do but they are too stupid to realize it, which is summed up in the quote by Lyndon B. Johnson perfectly. He has destroyed the white farming industry and white big oil families, generational wealth gone that will never come back because the Neanderthal is too lazy and lacks innovation. Without the free labor capital they are still living off of, they will be a non-factor soon.

That is not even counting the number of white trash that are willingly putting themselves at risk daily by believing COVID-19 is a hoax because of trump. Also, white birth rates are at an all-time low. trump has been the Trojan Horse for the lowest of society so I have a hard time understanding why anyone would be against seeing their demise... other than the ones against it are PRO-WHITE, thinking they need the whites to survive, and let’s be real, a lot of people do.

Good, objective reply.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Trump isn't damaging his base because he likes black people or anyone else for that matter.
Trump despises the poor almost as much as he does "so called" non-whites.
He fucks with the livelihood of the poor whites because he doesn't give a shit about them and resents them for their failure to be successful. They are cannon fodder to him. He simply doesn't care except for when they benefit him. His intentions are selfish and therefore not praiseworthy.


Rising Star
OG Investor
xCACtor must be getting really desperate.

They must be paying you mad money to

jump thru all these hoops.

Everyone here knows you're a crackkka

agent so you can keep acting like

you're one of us but no one is buying it.

Fuck off cracKKKa!


...... They've been getting that smoke all morning.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Trump isn't damaging his base because he likes black people or anyone else for that matter.
Trump despises the poor almost as much as he does "so called" non-whites.
He fucks with the livelihood of the poor whites because he doesn't give a shit about them and resents them for their failure to be successful. They are cannon fodder to him. He simply doesn't care except for when they benefit him. His intentions are selfish and therefore not praiseworthy.
I did not say anything about trump being for the so-called black community because he is definitely not. There is a large contingent of people that believe he can’t be against both so good point.

the problem with the emotional is they can’t see that the blue party feels the same way about the so-called black community as you described how trump feels about his base but the profane aka pro-whites of BGOL think the blue party is their ally :lol: :smh: