This is the craziest shit... but you know what... I can fuck with this
This kind of reminds me of Trollhunters
This kind of reminds me of Trollhunters
This is the craziest shit... but you know what... I can fuck with this
This kind of reminds me of Trollhunters
how do you think the die hards gonna react to THIS VERSION?
I'll give it 3 episodes because Netflix has earned the benefit of the doubt... But this shit looks like Thundercats roar...
how do you think the die hards gonna react to THIS VERSION?
I'm going to give it a chance..
I felt the same about Trollhunters and it turned into one of the best Animated Series on Netflix..... I will also say.... Don't sleep on the Animated Fast and Furious show... its way better then I thought it would be.
I'm going to give this a shot....
my oldest LOVES that show...
and I think watches the Jurassic Park one
The Jurassic Park show is fucking fantastic ... fantastic
I put off the Fast and Furious show for a while...
but It's way better then I thought it would be..
Nah, check the “Netflix Futures” channel. None of their videos have comments turned on, due to them being geared towards children.damn Netflix turned the comments off
One word sums it up perfectly:Hmm
how do you think the die hards gonna react to THIS VERSION?
This was the one with the lisping Adam/He-Man.. "By the power of ETHERNIA..."I feel like this show is going for a vide like the New Adventures of He-man vibe
You can already see the toy line and video games...
Curious to know why they running a 2nd series.
And the fact the managed to keep it a secret this long with the other show heavily promoted.
Ok so they are going to follow the comics with He-man relationship to Skeletor… ok
So this is definitely a kids so… but it’s not bad. I like this.
Finished Season 1 last night....
It was actually pretty good and Just like Revelations .... I'm tripping that Ol' Boy actually won and in this series it was a convincing win. He didn't need trickery to win here.
I really felt like dudes portrayal of Skeletor was closer to a mixture of the comic skeletor from the 80s and the more serious skeletor from the classic 2002 series.
Dude did a great job and he was funny when he needed to be funny.
this is a STRONG endorsement coming from you