Hey mods you banned me for some bullshit. Pure bitch move. Be a man and step to me first .


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So I got banned for posting some fully clothed inmate talking about the horrors of prison but niggas can post 25 fleece Johnson rape stories and not get a ban? Y’all some fucking pussy ass hoes
Nigga fag recruiting again I see. You stay leaving fag droppings in threads hoping to catch a few faggotts.

I bet you wear thong sandals and sip on Starbucks while eating cinnamon buns.

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
Judging by your posts, please be inconsistent.

I gave you time out to get your mind right.
I'm foolishly optimistic.

Ain't that a bitch? Dude posts some faggot ass shit on BGOL and gets a 24 hour time out. Only to come back bitching and complaining about his gay rights to post faggotry on BGOL. You should have given him 24 months off. Actually it's not too late to lock this thread and give him 6 months to 2 years off for that fuckery.


Tensei - Admin
Staff member
It’s called being mature , I’m not your fucking court jester here to make you laugh. Yeah when I was 16 and wild It was funny but at 36 you expect me to be the same fucking person? FOH
Fair point. ...and I would never disrespect you to view you as a court jester. You're as much a part of bgol as I am. I'm just saying never lose that part of you. Life is serious enough.

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
Mods on some Doge shit.

I stand with Bullet


Gay rights activists are triggered.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
It's always the ones cosigning faggots and standing in solidarity with faggots that are faggots, faggot lovers and faggot enablers. Keep those faggots away from you children and family, folks.
Homophobes should consider a little self-reflection, suggests a new study finding those individuals who are most hostile toward gays and hold strong anti-gay views may themselves have same-sex desires, albeit undercover ones.


The Jamaican

Immigrant Expat formerly known as TekWehuself
International Member
Homophobes should consider a little self-reflection, suggests a new study finding those individuals who are most hostile toward gays and hold strong anti-gay views may themselves have same-sex desires, albeit undercover ones.

Does this line of reasoning work for the push back on paedophilia as well?

This is a much more likely scenario: Those who defend, champion the rights of, support the lifestyle of homosexuals and take issue with persons who dont agree with that lifestyle and exercise their right to voice their opinion, are quite likely to be a fag, fag curious or fag adjacent themselves.
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Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Does this line of reasoning work for the push back on paedophilia as well?

This is a much more likely scenario: Those who defend, champion the rights of, support the lifestyle of homosexuals and take issue with persons who dont agree with that lifestyle and exercise their right to voice their opinion, are quite likely to be a fag, fag curious or fag adjacent themselves.
No, because the only ones who bring up what's gay or not is the undercover/insecure.

The Jamaican

Immigrant Expat formerly known as TekWehuself
International Member
No, because the only ones who bring up what's gay or not is the undercover/insecure.

ok, your line of reasoning has gone off the rails. but let's consider a few things.

1. For many years, black people in slavery around the world, including your ancestors (assuming your black) had to endure the horrific indignity of buck breaking

2. In your present society, the weakest are now enduring buck breaking of the mind and are accepting of whatever deviant behaviour the white overlords are pushing.

3. You have to consider the sources of your information and what you are feeding your mind. I see that you are an impressionable.. man? and your genetic compass has been clouded.

4. This is author of your source material


5. The gay friendly article you linked also has a link to an article titled "Why gay parents may be the best parents".

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
This motherfucker got the nerve to call somebody gay then gonna summon the other 2 members of Hodeci in the very next post. Make it make sense.
Aren't you one of those BGOL's faggits who rep hard for the fag 1st party?
Serious question. Because I really don't even know you from outside of dnc threads.