Hey Y'all (Lil update)

Bad Andy

No time for a 304
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
Platinum Member
That's def 23
And there's only 3 warriors who were worth a damn to wear 23
That's either super old school Mitch Richmond
Or underrated warrior Jason Richardson
I seriously doubt you'd wear a Draymond jersey
It's definitely a Mitch Richmond jersey. :yes:

Because that's the uniform style the Warriors had from 1986-1989, when 'The Rifleman' played there. :yes:


Tensei - Admin
Staff member
My bad been MIA..To make it short contractions are a muthafucka I'd say worse than the labor which was about 3 hours and then having to get stitched 45 mins after birth. No epidural but again it was mainly the contractions that were extremely painful. In the end a healthy 7lb baby boy. He came out with my attitude and a1 wtf you say face. Here he is at 1 week. He's now 6 weeks.

A truly beautiful bgol moment.

Welcome little man, I see you already got the mean mug to deal with this world lol

My heartfelt Congrats to miss mumsy!, with love x


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
That's def 23
And there's only 3 warriors who were worth a damn to wear 23
That's either super old school Mitch Richmond
Or underrated warrior Jason Richardson
I seriously doubt you'd wear a Draymond jersey

It's definitely a Mitch Richmond jersey. :yes:

Because that's the uniform style the Warriors had from 1986-1989, when 'The Rifleman' played there. :yes:

@largebillsonlyplease has the correct answer

It’s a NIKE rewind jersey



Rising Star
My bad been MIA..To make it short contractions are a muthafucka I'd say worse than the labor which was about 3 hours and then having to get stitched 45 mins after birth. No epidural but again it was mainly the contractions that were extremely painful. In the end a healthy 7lb baby boy. He came out with my attitude and a1 wtf you say face. Here he is at 1 week. He's now 6 weeks.

I'm truly happy for you Mouse!
Solid black families is what we need, wish you and the Prince nothing but good healthy, happiness & plenty fortune!

P.S. You've come so far! From choking Montana out to birthin' chillun! :lol:

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
Mitch Richmond?



THATS a 23 number rewind warriors jersey

Try again u fucking turd
I say it’s Mitch Richmond then bills does I’m wrong and he’s right? I will beat the fuck out you and piss in your face to wake you up then knock you out again you fetal alcohol syndrome looking ass faggit


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
I say it’s Mitch Richmond then bills does I’m wrong and he’s right? I will beat the fuck out you and piss in your face to wake you up then knock you out again you fetal alcohol syndrome looking ass faggit



Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
I’m still going to call it a Mitch Richmond jersey not a J rich jersey you faggit ass fraud. All that shit you talk about the Warriors and you wearing one. You are the worst. Now you have the Lakers in your avatar? You need a curb stomping


Uncle Juice
BGOL Investor
Take that jersey off faggot. Ban

Old midget

Shady lookin like a old flabby drunk :lol:

@SIDESHOW yo flat top that nigga :lol:

Congrats @MissMighty 3 hours of labor is pretty quick considering... my lil one took 16 hours..

I can never get flattop

Lol that’s why I have the hat on :lol:

I can’t be ocked

Like Javele's McGee's older midget brother


An RnB Thug

El Capitan of The LOVE BOAT
Platinum Member
Please don't listen to this dumb shit. Speak with a physician, get a 2nd opinion but I repeat don't do this ignorant shit.

? A Physician will tell you NOT to worry. Trust me I asked 3, but it's not their Child...it's YOURS
What's wrong with gapping your Child's immunization shots out other than taking up more of the doctors time...i'll wait


BGOL Investor
? A Physician will tell you NOT to worry. Trust me I asked 3, but it's not their Child...it's YOURS
What's wrong with gapping your Child's immunization shots out other than taking up more of the doctors time...i'll wait
It's wrong because immunization doesn't cause Autism and gaping or spreading out immunization shots have been proven that it is bullshit spouted by people that are not qualified to make such diagnoses. Both of my kids, my nieces, and nephews, all of my siblings were fully immunized. There is zero scientific evidence that support immunization is the cause of autism. The guy that started this nonsense is a con man bull shit artist that had his medical license pulled. Vaxxers are like trump voters, they believe all conspiracies except the truth. Don't fall for the flim-flam, fam.


BGOL Investor
January 2011
British publications publish the investigation into Andrew Wakefield, revealing that the "father of the modern vaccine movement" "misrepresented or altered the medical histories of all 12 of the patients" involved in the groundbreaking 1998 study. The editor in chief of the journal that published the report said Wakefield's work "seems to be a deliberate attempt to create an impression that there was a link by falsifying the data."

That same month, a poll conducted in response to the news of Wakefield's fraudulent research found that just a slim majority of Americans — 52 percent — think vaccines don't cause autism. Meanwhile 18 percent are convinced they do, and 30 percent aren't sure.

Autism and vaccines: A timeline of the dubious theory and the ongoing debate

An RnB Thug

El Capitan of The LOVE BOAT
Platinum Member
It's wrong because immunization doesn't cause Autism and gaping or spreading out immunization shots have been proven that it is bullshit spouted by people that are not qualified to make such diagnoses. Both of my kids, my nieces, and nephews, all of my siblings were fully immunized. There is zero scientific evidence that support immunization is the cause of autism. The guy that started this nonsense is a con man bull shit artist that had his medical license pulled. Vaxxers are like trump voters, they believe all conspiracies except the truth. Don't fall for the flim-flam, fam.

NO Doctor KNOWS for CERTAIN. If you can show me EXACTLY what causes it I will accept that stupid shit you just said.
All we know is that Autism is increasing at an astounding rate. In the 1970's 1-2000 kids, now 1-150 kids...SOMETHING is causing it.
Again, better SAFE than sorry cause many doctors think it's the vaccines. So I would take every safe measure I can.

There are many well respected Doctors that say once a Mitochondrial Dysfunction is present in a child the shots at that dose interact causing Autism
and it so happens they DON'T TEST FOR THAT DYSFUNCTION before immunization

Lastly, for you to say "well my kids and nieces & nephews turned out ok so it's not that shots" That straight up ignorant & stupid to say

So write to these people and tell them they don't know WTF they talking about


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BGOL Investor
NO Doctor KNOWS for CERTAIN. If you can show me EXACTLY what cause it I will accept that stupid shit you just said.
All we know is that Autism is increasing at an astounding rate. In the 1970's 1-2000 kids, now 1-150 kids...SOMETHING is causing it.
Again, better SAFE than sorry cause many doctors think it's the vaccines. So I would take every safe measure I can.

There are many well respected Doctors that say once a Mitochondrial Dysfunction is present in a child the shots at that dose interact causing Autism
and it so happens they DON'T TEST FOR THAT DYSFUNCTION before immunization

Lastly, for you to say "well my kids and nieces & nephews turned out ok so it's not that shots" That straight up ignorant & stupid to say
I don't know specifically but I know enough about the scientific method versus a fraud making up shit that if I am betting the life of my children I will always err on the side of peer reviewed articles from scientist that study this shit for a living. In addition, I have a understanding of how empirical evidence is generated. If you don't know anything about design of experiments, the randomization of data, and power of sample sizes then you are no better than the average MAGA trump supporter. Anecdotally speaking, my boys, nieces, and nephews, and my siblings are doing awesome. All are/were great students, great athletes, with great careers. Most importantly, we never had measles, polio, rubella or any shit that we were immunized against.

There will always be some anti science ninjas out there talking shit, from the flat earthers, to climate science deniers, to the people that use to believe that leaded gas wasn't harmful. Do you and yours, I am rolling with the science.