Hollywood Debate: Did kissing Halle Berry ruin his career??


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He was a good, but non-superstar actor before he won the Oscar, and he's a good, but non-superstar actor after he won the oscar. It's unlikely that his name would or could ever open a movie....but I think he'd be considered a good part of any cast....he's kind of a Michael Rappaport with better skills/range.

Now, as for people whose careers have taken a downturn immediately after winning an Oscar... Mira Sorvino (always thought she was hot).... she still works, but as for the quality of her films.... her career is crying in its car.


that shot under-performed fam...

and remember SPlice was supposed to be a big controversial film...


Splice wasn't a big budget commercial flick. It was a low budget independent film, which did pretty well (nit Blair witch well, but well for that genre).

Like someone commented above, you got to be on crack if you think dude's career is in the gutter. There are tons of well known actors (black and white) who would give their left nut to be in Adrien Brody's shoes.
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Potential Star
come on fam...he has done MUCH BETTER...and BIGGER prospects...(Tarantino)

Redemption: The Stan Tookie Williams Story :D
2005 Stealth
2006 Miami Vice :D
Dreamgirls :D
2007 The Kingdom
2009 The Soloist
Law Abiding Citizen
2010 Valentine's Day
Due Date
2011 Rio :D
Horrible Bosses :D
Kane & Lynch :D
2012 Django Unchained :D

Nah, he kissed her 2 years ago at those awards, hasn't had anything w/ substance for a minute


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
For the way he laid that uninvited kiss on her, punk ass Eric Benet should have beat his fuckin' ass.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Halle Berry Apologizes for Considering Upcoming Role As Transgender Man
By Halle Kiefer@hallekiefer
Photo: ROBYN BECK/AFP via Getty Images

In an Instagram Live interview this weekend with hairstylist Christin Brown, actress Halle Berry discussed potentially playing a transgender man in an upcoming film project. The conversation received swift backlash from transgender people and allies, both for the film’s hypothetical casting of a cisgender woman as a trans man and for Berry’s misgendering of the character in the interview. On Monday evening, the actress apologized for contemplating playing the part. “As a cisgender woman, I now understand I should not have considered this role,” says Berry.

“Over the weekend I had the opportunity to discuss my consideration of an upcoming role as a transgender man, and I’d like to apologize for those remarks,” the actress said in a statement posted to Twitter. “As a cisgender woman, I now understand that I should not have considered this role, and that the transgender community should undeniably have the opportunity to tell their own stories.”

“I am grateful for the guidance and critical conversations over the past few days and I will continue to listen, educate and learn from this mistake,” she continued. “I vow to be an ally in using my voice to promote better representation on-screen, both in front of and behind the camera.”
However, as some on social media have pointed out, the actress didn’t seem to reflect on her misgendering the character as a woman while discussing the role. “She’s a character in a project I love that I might be doing,” Berry said in the interview. “It’s really important to me to tell stories, and that’s a woman. That’s a female story. It changes to a man, but I want to understand the why and how of that.”

The controversy also reminded some of the backlash to Scarlett Johansson’s casting as trans mob boss Dante “Tex” Gill in the historical drama Rub & Tub. “You know, as an actor I should be allowed to play any person, or any tree, or any animal because that is my job and the requirements of my job,” Johansson said at the time, though after she withdrew from the role, she apologized for her “insensitive” comments. “I wasn’t aware of that conversation — I was uneducated,” the actress told Vanity Fair in November. “So I learned a lot through that process. I misjudged that.”
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She got nothing to apologize for. Liberals take it too far left and Con(vict)servatives take it too far right. Political scene in this country is screwed for decades


Rising Star
OG Investor
She got nothing to apologize for. Liberals take it too far left and Con(vict)servatives take it too far right. Political scene in this country is screwed for decades

Shit, she owes me an apology for that shit. You know how many fantasies she would fuck up if she did that shit?


Circle the wagons.
I can’t really tell. But some people are allowed to bend the rules, and others, break rules, without repercussions.