
Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Last edited:

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
In spite of Kenan being one of the nicest guys you would ever meet, he wasn't very popular with the ladies. Having attended Stuyvesant HS, NYU Undergraduate (Accounting) and top 5% in his class at Harvard Law (Law Review), then graduates to a nice job at the US Attorney's Office (Southern District).

Scholarships paid for everything so he's "debt free." So you would think his "dance card" would be full, but that wasn't the case. More than likely, Kenan had been labelled a "Nerd." He just wasn't cool enough or athletic enough or (you fill in the blank).

That was until he met Allison while they were both undergraduates at NYU. Allison was your average looking WASP, but she could see that Kenan had a bright future. In her mind she felt she could "manifest" a nice "cushy" Upper East side apartment for her and Kenan once he got out of law school. And while her mind was doing all this "manifesting" her mouth, tongue and 2 other holes were putting in the real work.

So, you and a few of the fellas decided to take Kenan out to a private stripper party just to let loose, and see if he's serious about marrying Allison.

Truth be told, none of the fellas like Allison, and his mother can't stand her (popular opinion would say that she's been using Kenan since they first met).

So, Wardell had a plan. He told one of the strippers (Cindy) to flirt with Kenan just to see his reaction.

Well, that was back in September and a few things have changed. Kenan started "hooking up" with Cindy, and she brought out the "Iceberg Slim" in him.

You found that out when you and the fellas stopped by his place (he shares an apartment with Cindy) and Cindy was walking around the apartment nude.

You're still in shock from the way she invited him to join her for a halftime shower.
