House nigga scum....fuck this bitch


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
she is an aspiring lawyer what do you expect. Johnny Cochran was a hero after he got OJ off what makes her any different? She did her job and you can't knock her for that.

My man Johnnie Cochran was a hero because he fought the police and DA..Thats why OJ hired him.

Johnnie fought the establishment and won and that is why he was a hero....don't shortchange him


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Just like the sole black neighbor who testified in GZ's defense, don't be fooled, this chick was just another theater prop to convince 5 white women that if "these" women support GZ then there's no way that he's guilty.

Prop whore.


τђë κïd fяºm qµęęñ§
Certified Pussy Poster
Yep: This pic is captioned "Me and my boo!"


Chico Fontane

Support BGOL
I can't wait for her to have a kid, any color, just a kid, it's gonna be poetic justice, count my words. :yes::yes::yes::yes::yes:
She's a carpet muncher so unless she adopts or drops the butch act, she will never get her just due.

I'm starting to think she's one of those Black dykes that hate Black men, cause no self respecting Black woman would help defend that piece of shit Zimmerman.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She's a carpet muncher so unless she adopts or drops the butch act, she will never get her just due.

I'm starting to think she's one of those Black dykes that hate Black men, cause no self respecting Black woman would help defend that piece of shit Zimmerman.
She got 2 girls....

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>I luv Saturday mornings at the Farmers Market with the girls �� <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Channa (@channaLPAcademy) <a href="">March 2, 2013</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

big pimp

Rising Star
Yes you can, black people are too interested in being social climbers in this white world. They sell the fuck out. What good is she if her talents are used to stomp on her own people?? She could be the best lawyer in the world, but she's using her skill in the interest of whites against her own that is a fool. She could of picked another case or declined. Her allegiance is misguided. Plus she a volunteer :smh:

That bitch is coon. A white bitch would not do that for a black lawyer against a white man.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
You'd be surprised at how many "sistas" out there are on this type of shit. I've even dated a couple who were right-wing Republicans, born-again fundamentalist Christians, Sarah Palin supporters, and the like. Yeah, they were "educated" with professional jobs, but their minds were fucking gone!

Chico Fontane

Support BGOL
She got 2 girls....

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>I luv Saturday mornings at the Farmers Market with the girls �� <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Channa (@channaLPAcademy) <a href="">March 2, 2013</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Yep. Sounds like she's one of those born again lesbians.

It makes all the sense in the world.

Black men did her wrong (her story). They are all dogs. Time to switch sides. Now she hates them all. She needs revenge. She needs to get public exposure. Look I can kill two birds with one stone......:lol:

But seriously though, a lot of those convert lesbians hate men even more than the from birth "it's in my DNA" dykes.

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
Some footage from the celebration party.

<iframe src="" frameborder=0 width=510 height=400 scrolling=no></iframe>


She got 2 girls....

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>I luv Saturday mornings at the Farmers Market with the girls �� <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Channa (@channaLPAcademy) <a href="">March 2, 2013</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Ha, ha, ha i gonna love this, she got it coming back one way or another big time, the last thing that i expected was her having 2 girls, isn't this sweet. What goes around comes around, let the games begin.

big pimp

Rising Star
Ha, ha, ha i gonna love this, she got it coming back one way or another big time, the last thing that i expected was her having 2 girls, isn't this sweet. What goes around comes around, let the games begin.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Days ago BGOL was lusting for her now they want her tar and feather :smh:

Exactly as it should be.
Niggas need to learn not to think with their dicks all of the time. Defeating your primal instincts to do whats right for your people is a sign of evolution. It doesn't matter if she is a supermodel. She should be shunned from the community. She and all of those that support her should be cut the fuck off.
You grin em, you in em. Go be with your people if you love them so much. See how well CACs will support her after they have no use for her.


Yes you can, black people are too interested in being social climbers in this white world. They sell the fuck out. What good is she if her talents are used to stomp on her own people?? She could be the best lawyer in the world, but she's using her skill in the interest of whites against her own that is a fool. She could of picked another case or declined. Her allegiance is misguided. Plus she a volunteer :smh:


also she most likely republican and religious fanatic to:puke:

& this


Rising Star

CAPITALISM:"I gotta get mine & I'll gladly step over the body of a 17 year old murder victim to do it."

What an up and comer- taking that figurative dick in the ass like a big girl. She probably volunteered to swallow. YOU GO GURL!!!!!!:hmm:

*two cents*
Last edited:

Backshot Bully

Rising Star
Derrick A. Bonner: You have keyboard cowboys popping bottles celebrating Trayvon's death. And you did it for free. Omara put you there to show there are Black folks who will support Zimmerman genius. The same reason he put that bed ridden black woman on the stand by way of Skype. He used you.

Tha biggest point motherfuckaz should never forget is that this bitch helped for FREE.Imagine what she would do for money. :smh: :smh:

This. :yes:

You'd be surprised at how many "sistas" out there are on this type of shit. I've even dated a couple who were right-wing Republicans, born-again fundamentalist Christians, Sarah Palin supporters, and the like. Yeah, they were "educated" with professional jobs, but their minds were fucking gone!

And This. :yes:


8 vs 80
OG Investor
where are the bgol "coon-callers" now?

i'm not going to call this broad out because she could have sat there quiet and NOT said a word... and the defense was still going to win.

yes, the prosecution was just that bad.

and for the naive, lawyers worry about the law... not your skin color. i don't gaf how black you are... if you don't have the $$$, you won't get their services. period.


Rising Star
where are the bgol "coon-callers" now?

i'm not going to call this broad out because she could have sat there quiet and NOT said a word... and the defense was still going to win.

yes, the prosecution was just that bad.

and for the naive, lawyers worry about the law... not your skin color. i don't gaf how black you are... if you don't have the $$$, you won't get their services. period.

Fam, she volunteered to do the grunt work on the case, shuffled her ass out there as the token "see WE'RE not racist" black- IMO, she wanted to be seen, she could have said no and took the production credit, this ho wanted to be all up in the video p-diddy style- and did this all for free.

Trust me, I know the ruthlessness of attorneys- been involved with several and have some in my family- and they'd fight to get a bitch off for murdering her kid she strangled with a lamp cord with it still in her hand FOR THE MONEY...

She (sought it out) took this on knowing what it was for free so it "Wasn't about the money but sending a message.". Well she sent it alright.

*two cents*


BGOL Legend
where are the bgol "coon-callers" now?

i'm not going to call this broad out because she could have sat there quiet and NOT said a word... and the defense was still going to win.

yes, the prosecution was just that bad.

and for the naive, lawyers worry about the law... not your skin color. i don't gaf how black you are... if you don't have the $$$, you won't get their services. period.

already in here :yes:

by her own admission she asked if zimmerman was racist so she DID care


she just asked it for show because the defense attorney simply said "no" so that helps her sleep at night.

there are a million bright black lawyers around there. they plucked her from orlando cause she was the only one willing to do this shit.


Fam, she volunteered to do the grunt work on the case, shuffled her ass out there as the token "see WE'RE not racist" black- IMO, she wanted to be seen, she could have said no and took the production credit, this ho wanted to be all up in the video p-diddy style- and did this all for free.

Trust me, I know the ruthlessness of attorneys- been involved with several and have some in my family- and they'd fight to get a bitch off for murdering her kid she strangled with a lamp cord with it still in her hand FOR THE MONEY...

She (sought it out) took this on knowing what it was for free so it "Wasn't about the money but sending a message.". Well she sent it alright.

*two cents*

It was about potential future $ too, fam. She was buck dancing for a future payday.


Rising Star
It was about potential future $ too, fam. She was buck dancing for a future payday.

Like another poster stated the message was "Imagine what'll do for a little coin in my pocket. I'm willing to play ball."


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH CAPITALISM: Please leave your morals and ethics at the door if they came with you.

*two cents*


8 vs 80
OG Investor
Days ago BGOL was lusting for her now they want her tar and feather :smh:

Niggas was going crazy over that ugly bitch.


niccas was looking at the tv.

now, the broad is a "coon, house nigga scum former lesbian bitch that prolly hates all black men."

niccas had lotion and their dix out... falling in love & now they wanna hog-tie, ass-rape, and feed her to red ants.



Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
This bitch is beyond stupid to ASK someone if they are RACIST?!

Who would answer that truthfully if he profiled Trayvon as being one of "these assholes".

If a white kid walking, looking like Eminem, with a white tee and sagging pants walked thru, would he of stopped him?

FUCK THIS BITCH if she don't know what it is to be profiled in AmerikKka!

Don't know why this was not used to show his true character, Zimmerman:

"It turned out this wasn't Zimmerman's first run-in with the law. He had previously been accused of domestic violence by a former girlfriend, and he had also previously been arrested for assaulting a police officer. More controversially, in July 2012, an evidence dump related to the investigation of Martin's death revealed that a younger female cousin of Zimmerman's had accused him of nearly two decades of sexual molestation and assault. In addition, she had accused members of Zimmerman's family, including his Peruvian-born mother, of being proudly racist against African Americans, and recalled a number of examples of perceived bigotry."

He also takes Temazepam and Aderall, which causes AGGRESSION. He was never drug tested the night of the shooting. Only Trayvon. Prosecution brought this up?


BGOL Legend

niccas was looking at the tv.

now, the broad is a "coon, house nigga scum former lesbian bitch that prolly hates all black men."

niccas had lotion and their dix out... falling in love & now they wanna hog-tie, ass-rape, and feed her to red ants.


which is so stupid, did they not see what side she was on? :smh:

she made her choice


Potential Star
She was used as "we're not racist decoration" and she has no fucking idea!
I think that she WILL have an idea when she tries to represent one those CAC with her own practice. She gonna find out quick where exactly she is in America.