Houston super lawyer Tony Buzbee sues Deshaun Watson


Rising Star
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I respeck it, but it took her 2 years to finally come forward when all of this was going on?

Other than acknowledgement, it sounds like she wants her own special payday to make it go away.


And as much as I support the victims

That is what any other woman who comes out NOW is going to have surpass along with everything else from the public.

I'm not even saying she is lying or there are not others.

And Watson got SERIOUS issues and needs to be punished and get help.

But even in a regular civil case a judge is ALWAYS going to ask what took you so long to come forward?

It does matter and effects the veracity of the claims.

Rape, child molestation, abuse are evil and perpetrators need to be punished severely and every "out" should be cut off. A legal loophole should never let a monster go free.

Sadly in 2022 we have seen way too many cases of false accusations and worse these liars don't nearly get any serious punishment for it.

So in cases like this I'm torn.

But I feel like the "No one will believe me" excuse for not going to authorities in this specific case been gone for a long time.

And if I was a judge and law enforcement?

I would unfortunately have to scrutinize these woman (and any others) MORE than the settled cases.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Masseuses worldwide are



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dammit is this nigga from India? :roflmao:

On the evening of the date, according to the lawsuit, she said Watson had trouble finding her apartment and began aggressively yelling and screaming at her on the phone, saying he didn't "have time for this."

The lawsuit alleges that, while applying makeup in her bathroom, the woman then found Watson "completely naked on her bed, lying face down on his stomach." Watson then requested the woman massage his buttocks and the woman "tried to appease Watson by rubbing his back, rather than his buttocks," according to the lawsuit.

Watson then turned over and "continued to demand that Jane Doe massage him, gesturing from his knees to his groin," according to the lawsuit. The woman told Watson that she was not a masseuse, to which Watson asked her what she wanted to do instead, the suit alleges.

Before the woman could answer, Watson "partially disrobed Jane Doe and penetrated her vagina without consent, implicit or explicit," according to the lawsuit, which also alleges that Watson sexually assaulted the woman for several minutes before she escaped and grabbed a heavy piece of decor for self-defense. Watson then "stormed out of Jane Doe's apartment," according to the lawsuit.


Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dammit is this nigga from India? :roflmao:

On the evening of the date, according to the lawsuit, she said Watson had trouble finding her apartment and began aggressively yelling and screaming at her on the phone, saying he didn't "have time for this."

The lawsuit alleges that, while applying makeup in her bathroom, the woman then found Watson "completely naked on her bed, lying face down on his stomach." Watson then requested the woman massage his buttocks and the woman "tried to appease Watson by rubbing his back, rather than his buttocks," according to the lawsuit.

Watson then turned over and "continued to demand that Jane Doe massage him, gesturing from his knees to his groin," according to the lawsuit. The woman told Watson that she was not a masseuse, to which Watson asked her what she wanted to do instead, the suit alleges.

Before the woman could answer, Watson "partially disrobed Jane Doe and penetrated her vagina without consent, implicit or explicit," according to the lawsuit, which also alleges that Watson sexually assaulted the woman for several minutes before she escaped and grabbed a heavy piece of decor for self-defense. Watson then "stormed out of Jane Doe's apartment," according to the lawsuit.

Lawyer was like:



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Dammit is this nigga from India? :roflmao:

On the evening of the date, according to the lawsuit, she said Watson had trouble finding her apartment and began aggressively yelling and screaming at her on the phone, saying he didn't "have time for this."

The lawsuit alleges that, while applying makeup in her bathroom, the woman then found Watson "completely naked on her bed, lying face down on his stomach." Watson then requested the woman massage his buttocks and the woman "tried to appease Watson by rubbing his back, rather than his buttocks," according to the lawsuit.

Watson then turned over and "continued to demand that Jane Doe massage him, gesturing from his knees to his groin," according to the lawsuit. The woman told Watson that she was not a masseuse, to which Watson asked her what she wanted to do instead, the suit alleges.

Before the woman could answer, Watson "partially disrobed Jane Doe and penetrated her vagina without consent, implicit or explicit," according to the lawsuit, which also alleges that Watson sexually assaulted the woman for several minutes before she escaped and grabbed a heavy piece of decor for self-defense. Watson then "stormed out of Jane Doe's apartment," according to the lawsuit.

There was a brief movement very brief where I thought just maybe he was being set up

But the nasty man is a menace

Out here demanding booty rubs