Its not being stuck in the past...hell dude I could post fucked up shit that countrywide and wells fargo did in targeting black and brown people for fucked up sub prime loans and such in THIS century..fucked up redlining type shit real estate appraiser do..
theres the infamous graph from 2015 showing the wealth disparity in Boston.
yeah thats 8 dollars...a net worth of just 8 dollars... now theres a lot of bruhaha about how the study came to that figure but thats besides the point...look at disparity in its entirety....NO ONE is even close to whites. And the argument you seem to be making is black people just need to huslte the hell can you hustle harder in a game THAT rigged??
Writing off the black people who cant make it is literally blaming the victim for the crime.
when people say "stuck in the past" theyre saying the events of the past have no bearing on the present or future. And graph shows thats just not true... you don't get to those figure without shit that happened not in just the recent past but that GI BILL event goes a looong into why that disparity exists and continues to this day.