and theres a difference btw chief nazi both sides-ing marching actual nazis and biden pretty much saying if u doubt whos gonna be better for black folk after all these shit this nazi in chief has done then u def cant be black !Pretty much. Chief Nazi said a whole lot of other shit he didn't apologize for too.
Nice to see sone of the negro whisperers growing a pair.
The Fuck are you talking about. Joe Biden is courting Republicans to be in his administration.
As to your question about should you vote for a republican or democrat. How about neither. Thats like asking to do want to get stabbed or do you want to get shot. Like Willie D said. Until these politicians meet our demands, We will sit out elections. We can do it for 2024, 2028.
I Can guarantee you that they are going to get desperate and they will be forced to comply with your demands.
But this whole hustle about the lesser of 2 evils and you have to just trust us, When we get into power we are going to look out for you. Is Over.
What you are talking is Plantation Nigga Shit. You don't want any real change. You just hoping if you do the same shit and vote every 4 years something will change. I would have think after Obama some of you niggas would understand the hustle and the finesse.
BGOL help me understand. Any black persons that even so much talks to Trump or support Trump is called a coon daily on BGOL.
Biden calls out these coons and now you upset?
Exactly !! If U aint Voting for Biden U aint for Black people !!Given what Trump and the Republicans have done what Biden said isn't out of line. Given our unique circumstance in this country you really don't have a choice. It's a shitty reality but it is the truth. The could same could be said for poor working-class whites but of course many are them are still trying to preserve their white privilege. Which isn't that much to hold on to when even white privilege is Trumped by green privilege. Green Privilege has turned working-class CACS in Red States into just so much cannon fodder for the Rona Virus.
The flaw with @LordSinister argument is that it assumes that everyone locked up by Biden was hard core criminals with bodies piled up with million dollar yachts and such.
Most people went in for the smallest drug and it was MANDATED into law that you had to automatically get a harsh sentence.
One of the racial aspects were Black people and white people do the same amount of drugs. White people do powder cocaine- Black people do crack cocaine. Yet Biden wrote in that the 100:1 ratio in favor of lighter sentences for the "white version" of the drug.
but Trumps mean news paper ad>>>>>over Biden Law right?
if you are the only source of getting water its a power play to withhold access to get that water in trade for something equitable because no one else can provide the alternative... an election has to happen....and votes have to be cast and it its looks like some black people are saying nah we wanna make a demand from a group thats out of power and tell them they have to ..ensure what???
i mean really what is the purpose of this withholding the vote????
black people make up 13% of the population - we dont vote OR we are systemically being blocked by policies enacted by REPUBLICANS under this administration and THIS President who courts racists ...
and the strategy is dont vote for the guy thats at least a part of the opposing party that works to confound the party that is seeking to enact and entrench policies that hurt you - instead just dont vote an let this asshole ( and his party ) stay in office ...again?
or rely on enough white people to vote him out of office ??? the same white people you say you dont like???
if thats is your plan of action ( and it seems like it is ) let me say in regards to your plan ..... i wouldnt hire you "black" people to point me in the direction of where the sun will rise.....because your plan sucks - it defies any kind of logic ... who the fuck negotiates like this?
To put this in perspective understand Obama was the last legitimate president we've had. You had choices of Hillary Clinton, or Trump. Many found Hillary Clinton unworthy. But now I ask hows that Trump thing working out for you?
So now our choice is Biden or the same motherfucking bullshit we've been subjected to the last four years. Is there really a choice? Don't fall for the stupidity that soured people on even voting in the last election. That's what's happening here. Everyone knows Biden's mouth works faster than his brain, that's common knowledge. Besides you already know Obama will be Biden's ace in the hole.
With all that's currently gone wrong for black people with Trump in charge, the inane idea of discrediting Biden essentially giving Trump another 4 years..
As a people we better wake the fuck up. Trump has proven himself a bonafide racist why discredit Biden the only chance of a return to normal.
@ forcesteeler
What is exactly so wrong with Biden courting a republican? Do they not have any good ideals? Any of em?
So Biden should try to make things more bi partisan or does politics mean I win you lose?
Please help us all understand how scorched earth, partisan politics helps society.
Seems like It’s just bunch of folks who NEVER even cared about politics (or voting) before Obama showed up.... now suddenly feel Insulted by Biden.
But umm... where was all this SAME LEVEL OF OUTRAGE when Trump called Black
Countries “shithole coutries”?
All these folks (like Charlemagne The God) probably never even voted in any election before 2008.
And if the ADOS crowd never said Jack shit about Trump calling Black Countries “shithole countries”... and if they didn’t run around posting 800 news articles about it every day back then... and if they didn’t record countless podcasts & YouTube videos about it back then... then knock off all this “outrage” over Biden’s comment & “the price of the Black vote”.
I’ve noticed ALOT of these BGOL screeenames ain’t have “jack shit” to say about Trump... but steady running their mouth about Biden.Suddenly the “Black Vote ain’t free” and Biden gotta do something for the Black Community..... but they don’t demand anything from Trump except a Meeting that goes nowhere.
Somebody post a video of Tone Talks & Yvette Carnell showing all kinds of outrage / disdain directed SPECIFICALLY at Trump for calling the land of their fellow black brothers & sisters “shithole countries”..... Because to this very day I’ve never heard either one of them denounce Trump for doing it, nor Tweet more than one single reply about it.
I need to see their "Trump Receipts".Hop to it.
Who the fuck cares if trump said “Shit hole country’s”? Did anybody in ADOS. Say don’t vote democrat, vote republican?
We are asking for checks and tangibles. If no party is willing to meet our demands. Then we will sit out the election.
I don’t give a fuck if trump wins. Who the fuck cares. Black people are strong we been through way worser shit. Ice Cube said it best. Fuck you Pay me. Since trump has been in office. What crazy shit has he done to the black community ?
We tired of hearing the same shit every 4 years. It has not help us out in any way.
And in the process allow Trump 4 more years in the White House right? And you think that's the best SHORT TERM solution or a gateway to your long-term play?My answer for now is C.
Unfortunately, people like Biden (and his supporters) only see this as an election game.
That's why he went on the Breakfast Club in the first place. He assumed it would be another ass-kissing interview with softball questions.
I'm looking at this as a long-term play beyond just the election.
We need a candidate who will look out for BLACK people specifically with TANGIBLES.
And until that happens I will abstain from voting.
ADOS has been accused of being an organization that is trying to PREVENT black folks from voting (period)... using the guise of "seeking reparations" as a smokescreen.... so the part you wrote in Red fits directly into that narrative.
Oh and by the way....
So what makes you think that "sitting out an election" is the thing to do??
- Did all the Jewish folks 'sit out an election' before they got reparations?
- Did the LBGT community 'sit out an election' before they got reparations?
- Did all the Asian folks 'sit out an election' before they got reparations?
- Did all the Native Americans 'sit out an election' before they got reparations?
- Did all the (insert any ethnic group) 'sit out an election' before they got reparations?
Why is sitting out an election..... "the only option" available...... when it comes to black folks? Hmm?Do Tell.
And in the process allow Trump 4 more years in the White House right? And you think that's the best SHORT TERM solution or a gateway to your long-term play?![]()
When did Dems hold an L a year ago? Last I checked the GOP been holding L’s across the board since 2018 and Trump wasn’t even on the ballot...Democrats bout to hold this L like we said a year ago. Its like quick sand, the more they diss us the lower they sink.Anti-Blackness and voter shaming is their only go to cuz they suck at attracting white voters. White people look at the Democratic party as a joke. You cant win elections when 70% of whites dont want to vote for you.
You tell me the last time an independent won anything.Again Since Trump has been in office, What has change in the Black Community under Trump that was NOT happening under Obama?
Under Trump and Obama the black community has been in the same condition.
Stop letting the media hustle you. I don't give a fuck about trump, Its not our Job to save America, Other groups are not on that bullshit.
The LGBT, Asian, Latinos, are NOT voting 95% democrat unless they are getting laws passed and tangibles.
So why we have to be the slave idiots to just vote and don't get shit. The only thing the democrats have to offer you is a Black Women VP.
Which im hearing the democrats might not even choose a black women, because they know because of racism,
Its going to be hard winning Swing States and even after that, Black people have a slave mentality and will find some excuse, to just vote and get nothing in return.
Voting is a Business Transaction. You have to be a idiot to just blindly vote. We have been doing it for decade after decade, Thats why we are always on the losing end of the stick. Too many niggas are scared to be independent.
Democrats bout to hold this L like we said a year ago. Its like quick sand, the more they diss us the lower they sink.Anti-Blackness and voter shaming is their only go to cuz they suck at attracting white voters. White people look at the Democratic party as a joke. You cant win elections when 70% of whites dont want to vote for you.
When did Dems hold an L a year ago? Last I checked the GOP been holding L’s across the board since 2018 and Trump wasn’t even on the ballot...
Numbers and results don’t lie
Democrats arent gonna win the Presidential election and are losing their Black American base daily. Boomer blacks who they are still popular with aint gonna live forever. Whites en masse DO NOT support Democrats. The party is in shambles. All they had to do was get on board with reparations, but they fell back on WS instead. Now we gotta watch Trump and that cocksucker Pence be President the next 12 years.
You tell me the last time an independent won anything.I'll wait. An independent vote is a vote for Trump. By the way don't fuckin quote me anymore either bruh. This close to canceling your fuckin ass. I'm embarrassed you have the name Steeler in your name.
actually if black ppl ( and people in genral ) get out and vote instead of listenjng to ppl say "dont vote" ..Democrats arent gonna win the Presidential election and are losing their Black American base daily. Boomer blacks who they are still popular with aint gonna live forever. Whites en masse DO NOT support Democrats. The party is in shambles. All they had to do was get on board with reparations, but they fell back on WS instead. Now we gotta watch Trump and that cocksucker Pence be President the next 12 years.
Disagree. Those other ethnicities / groups got tangibles.... but its NOT because they DON NOT give 95% of their vote to one single party.The Difference between Black People and the Jewish, LGBT, Asian, Latino and Native America is that
They do NOT give 95% of there vote too 1 party.
Thats why they get tangibles. They are neutral and are willing to vote for Democrats and Republicans.
Those groups get tangibles. That is what gives them power. You are not going to get tangibles if your just loyal too 1 political party.
What your trying to do is tell is tell black people that we should just vote for Joe Biden and maybe when he gets into office he will do something for black people. Joe Biden is going to get into office and push for LGBT and Immigrants. Your not going to get shit and you know it.
We have been falling for the same trick for the last 70 Years and what has it gotten us? Our communities have High Crime, Under Funded Schools, and is in a permanent underclass.
Your not going to see any change or have any kind of leverage when your not willing to hold out. Just being scared and doing the same shit you do for 70 years is not going to work.
Well, Trump ain't that muthafucka to independently think about. Period!!!! End of thread!!!Bruh, Im talking about being independent. Being willing to vote for both parties (Democrats and Republicans),
If they are willing to meet your demand for your community?
You know something every other group on the planet does except black people?
Trump has policies that Hurt the Latino community and they still don't vote 95% for 1 party. They are smart enough leverage there vote.
They know there is power in being a swing voter then a loyal voter. We have been a loyal voter for the past 70 Years and that's why our community is on the bottom of the food chain.
Democrats arent gonna win the Presidential election and are losing their Black American base daily. Boomer blacks who they are still popular with aint gonna live forever. Whites en masse DO NOT support Democrats. The party is in shambles. All they had to do was get on board with reparations, but they fell back on WS instead. Now we gotta watch Trump and that cocksucker Pence be President the next 12 years.
Disagree. Those other ethnicities / groups got tangibles.... but its NOT because they DON NOT give 95% of their vote to one single party.
They got tangibles because..... THEY WERE ORGANIZED. FOR YEARS.
They have PACs that make donations. That's Why.
ADOS has no PACs.
So.... what I am asking you is.... Why is "sitting out the election" the ONLY (acceptable) option for you? Hmm?
Why not START with forming some PACs?And an Agenda?
Martin Luther King got Civil Rights Laws Passed..... because he spearheaded bus boycotts.
He worked with Political Leaders to shape an agenda...
He had 'a list' of written demands... He practiced nonviolent civil disobedience.
Dr. King demanded that all Americans be given the ballot... and that WE USE IT.
He did not sit on his ass on Election Day & do absolutely nothing.
Because he KNEW that would get him nowhere.![]()
Hillary won the popular vote.Democrats arent gonna win the Presidential election and are losing their Black American base daily. Boomer blacks who they are still popular with aint gonna live forever. Whites en masse DO NOT support Democrats. The party is in shambles. All they had to do was get on board with reparations, but they fell back on WS instead. Now we gotta watch Trump and that cocksucker Pence be President the next 12 years.
actually if black ppl ( and people in genral ) get out and vote instead of listenjng to ppl say "dont vote" ..
then we won't have to put up with 4 more years of Trump
but if you want Trump to win or you just eant to get popularity and likes fir bitching about how bad the system ( and politics ) is ...then yeh - you probably would advocate for black people to not vote