I'm obviously smarter than you, my nigga. You chirp about CAC this and CAC that all up and down this board until general elections, then suddenly get dogwalked by these devils with a chained butt plug leash up your politically illiterate ass. Only a whole bamboozled bitch for Biden thinks all he did was take pictures with racists. Try looking up his actual record as a senator and president, genius. WHO do you think put in a 37 BILLION DOLLAR budget request for law enforcement and "crime prevention" at a time when police killings with impunity of Black Americans are at an all-time high? YOUR fuckin boy Biden. I never said Biden and Trump are THE SAME. I said neither one of them ain't shit. If you prefer Biden's nuts to Trump's just say that, but you look like a fuckin imbecile trying to defend Biden as an actual good candidate. Grow a pair of your own, imbecile.