Inspired By Steelwell Identity Post

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
You fat sandwich eating son of a bitch. How you gonna call anyone out when you struggle to put your socks on every morning and make believe you’re Drake’s cousin and shit? You are one “Sad Dit Moi” lookin ass nigga, I can see the tears welling up in your eyes in every post you make ... you hamhock handed faggot.

You’re legit one of the top 3 saddest niggas I’ve ever seen on here Halo :smh:

Stop typing and hit the elliptical man, this corny shit ain’t gonna clear the cholesterol outta your arteries

@sharkbait28 why'd you delete this breh?

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
This is hilarious. Just noticed this from 3 months back. No one cares about you or answers to you, fucking faggot mulatto pig-knucked diseased CUNT.

You ain't lying or exaggerating.