Is anyone on here REALLY voting for Kamala ? Why should I vote for Kamala?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

If Harris loses, expect Democrats to move right

Even though Harris is running as a moderate, progressives are likely to get blamed for her defeat.

Eric LevitzOct 22, 2024 at 5:30 AM EDT

Democrats are currently focused on the fight against Donald Trump. But quietly, factions within the party are preparing contingency plans for a different battle: the one over how to interpret a Kamala Harris loss.

Polls of the 2024 election show the closest presidential race in modern memory. For Harris, defeat is roughly as likely as victory. The former outcome is sure to trigger a fierce intra-Democratic debate over what the party should learn from losing the White House (twice) to an unpopular demagogue.

Already, moderates in the party are seeding the narrative that Harris was doomed by the Biden administration’s excessive deference to left-wing interest groups and aversion to orthodox economics. Some progressives suggest that Harris may be undone by her ties to big business, failure to articulate a “vision for the country,” and complicity in Israeli atrocities in Gaza.
It’s impossible to say with absolute certainty which — if any — of these theories would become conventional wisdom in the event of a second Trump victory.

Often, when a party suffers an electoral rebuke, the faction that led it into the wilderness loses influence within the coalition. After Hillary Clinton’s loss in 2016, the Democratic Party became more progressive, ceding influence to some of her left-wing critics………….

So both the democrats and republicans are going to be on the right after Harris loses?

The shills are going to be praising Clarence Thomas and Ben Carson within the next 4 years.


Rising Star

Obama calling yall back to the cotton field :giggle:


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
So you're saying the world was better off for our ancestors being enslaved then?

So why don't you do the world a favor and go through slavery yourself. Let massa nut up in your wife and daughter in front of you then make your ass work the fields so the world can benefit.

Ridiculous ad hominem attack that totally misses his point! :smh:

So both the democrats and republicans are going to be on the right after Harris loses?

The shills are going to be praising Clarence Thomas and Ben Carson within the next 4 years.

They're already praising Dick Cheney and re-tweeting known alt-right white supremacists!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
These aren’t questions. These are biased ad hominem attacks and accusations with “questions” framed around them. If you want sincere answers then you need to ask objectively.
And what you're doing eith Harris isn't?? How Stein saying ''and people of color " in a statement pertaining to issues affecting the black community any different than when Harris says it??
How is Stein saying she's open to the debate of reparations different from Harris saying she's open to a study?

Do you really believe either will happen?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Exit polls will likely show more than 25%.

This may be quite a surprise for a lot of old black males, who are much less wise than the younger generations.
Since when is voting for twice impeached convicted felon who makes no promises or plans for anything pertaining to your agenda a wise move?
So both the democrats and republicans are going to be on the right after Harris loses?

The shills are going to be praising Clarence Thomas and Ben Carson within the next 4 years.
And how does both sides moving right help the black community in the next four years?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Since when is voting for twice impeached convicted felon who makes no promises or plans for anything pertaining to your agenda a wise move?

And how does both sides moving right help the black community in the next four years?
I already voted and didn’t cast a vote for any DNC or RNC clown.

It doesn’t, which is why we need to abandon both parties. Are you that afraid to stand alone with your own people?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I had to do a double take..
Washington Times?? No, that's the right-wing publication
LA Times, thats the liberal one.

Obviously from my posts on this thread, I'm no Kamala supporter.
But I don't hate her.

How could the LA Times not endorse her?? :dunno:
What the hell is going on.

Owner of LA Times 'splainin while folks unsubscribe in droves...

So many comments about the
Editorial Board not providing a Presidential endorsement this year. Let me clarify how this decision came about. The Editorial Board was provided the opportunity to draft a factual analysis of all the POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE policies by EACH candidate during their tenures at the White House, and how these policies affected the nation. In addition, the Board was asked to provide their understanding of the policies and plans enunciated by the candidates during this campaign and its potential effect on the nation in the next four years. In this way, with this clear and non-partisan information side-by-side, our readers could decide who would be worthy of being President for the next four years. Instead of adopting this path as suggested, the Editorial Board chose to remain silent and I accepted their decision. Please #vote .

6:31 PM · Oct 23, 2024


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
And what you're doing eith Harris isn't?? How Stein saying ''and people of color " in a statement pertaining to issues affecting the black community any different than when Harris says it??
How is Stein saying she's open to the debate of reparations different from Harris saying she's open to a study?

Do you really believe either will happen?

When you step into the "Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee" thread, which is 587 pages as of today and avalanches of tweets worshipping and endorsing Kamala Harris, and ask those posters the same questions you ask me, then you might have some credibility.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
On a human level it was lighthearted and funny but democrips don't have a sense of humor because Trump and "demacracy hangs in the balance" or something like that. I would not have cared if Kamala did something similar (even tho she always comes off as goofy). This is politics.
If we see KKK members openly walking around the streets wearing hoods once T.rump might be among those that get blamed


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So you're saying the world was better off for our ancestors being enslaved then?

So why don't you do the world a favor and go through slavery yourself. Let massa nut up in your wife and daughter in front of you then make your ass work the fields so the world can benefit.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
These aren’t questions. These are biased ad hominem attacks and accusations with “questions” framed around them. If you want sincere answers then you need to ask objectively.

You know just like I do that these cats virtue signal or better yet weaponize virtue all day . they can’t help it, its part of their pathology . They’re programmed to and if you provide them with fact they will still call you a “coon” (as if that means something :roflmao:) or insinuate that you are cool with the destruction of a group of ppl, whether it be your own or others.

The sad part is they feel justified in doing so. Mandingo Fighting 3.0 firmware update in effect.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
It's hilarious how you've played devil's advocate in this thread then call someone else needy. I'm just following the logic you threw out there famo. When you putting your wife and kids up for sale to benefit the world. I mean I'm sure some good will come out of what happens to them.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's hilarious how you've played devil's advocate in this thread then call someone else needy. I'm just following the logic you threw out there famo. When you putting your wife and kids up for sale to benefit the world. I mean I'm sure some good will come out of what happens to them.

Not playing devils advocate, I just look at things objectively, regardless of how I feel emotionally about a situation. Wish you and yours the best in life.


Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
You know just like I do that these cats virtue signal or better yet weaponize virtue all day . they can’t help it, its part of their pathology . They’re programmed to and if you provide them with fact they will still call you a “coon” (as if that means something :roflmao:) or insinuate that you are cool with the destruction of a group of ppl, whether it be your own or others.

The sad part is they feel justified in doing so. Mandingo Fighting 3.0 firmware update in effect.

I mean we (the world) did get a lot of advances in technology, medicine, and science from the Nazis, so he is not wrong. As fucked up as the SS / Third Reich was in performing medical experiments on Jews and Northern Africans, some of the vaccines and OTC drugs we have nowadays came from those very experiments. Take Sulfanilamide for example , it’s used to treat vaginal yeast and bacterial infections, well the Nazi’s had there had in that. Vaccines and treatment for malaria, typhus, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, yellow fever, and hepatitis were also attributed to the Nazis- and that’s just the some of the medical. As ethically wrong as eugenics is, technically on some parts it is right to some degree.

But that’s with any tyrannical regimen that does human atrocities, there is always something that the world ends up benefitting from. Shoot as screwed up as Ghengis Khan was he is admired for his war tactics and strategies to some.

If anyone is driving a BMW or Benz you gotta tip your hat off to them Germans of the 30’s and 40’s they set the foundation for one hella of a piece of machinery.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Are you forgetting that America financially supported Hitler and the Nazis in 35 and 37 while Germany was invading other countries America passed the neutrality act so they couldn't get involved. Big time rally at Madison Square Garden in support of the Nazi's...and after the war they stole all of their top scientists and gave refuge to plenty of war criminals. Trump is doing what America always does.

It’s the same playbook all empires run.

That photo of Madison Square Garden is wild to see nowadays.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When you step into the "Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee" thread, which is 587 pages as of today and avalanches of tweets worshipping and endorsing Kamala Harris, and ask those posters the same questions you ask me, then you might have some credibility.
:lol: :lol: :lol: you mean the thread I posted dozens and dozens of times in?? the thread I posted this in??

I voted for Biden in 2020...I have NO PROBLEM with Kamala Harris being president today anymore than had 4 years ago.

why are you scared to respond to questions about the position of the candidate you support???
Claudia de la cruz


if nothing else theyre both MILFalicious! :giggle:



as far as the platform....

  • Seize the Biggest 100 Corporations, Create A New Economy for the People
    The 100 largest corporations in America should be seized from their billionaire owners and turned into public property – owned by the working class that created their vast wealth in the first place. This could serve as the foundation for a total reorganization of the economy in a way that guarantees that everyone in society will have their basic needs met, massively rebuild urban and rural infrastructure, and bring down prices and rents.

  • Overthrow the Dictatorship of the Rich — Build a Democracy That Serves the Working Class
    The United States needs a new system of government to replace the current one designed to maintain the dictatorship of the billionaires over everyone else. The main tools the ultra-rich use to enforce this dictatorship would be abolished. This includes the Supreme Court, the Senate, and the banker-controlled Federal Reserve. Behind the fig leaf of democracy in America, there is an enormous apparatus of violence and surveillance aimed at repressing the people. The FBI and NSA would be disbanded, and mass incarceration would be replaced by a justice system aimed at rehabilitation and reintegration into the community.

  • End the Rule of Money and Lock Up the Corrupt Elite
    Bribery in America is a legal, recognized industry called corporate lobbying. This practice must be outlawed, and all politicians should be subject to a ban on serving on any corporate board or holding an executive position of any type at a private company after leaving office. All Wall Street bailouts would end immediately. Similarly, millionaires and billionaires should no longer be allowed to buy elections through lavish donations. All campaigning should be publicly financed, and the different loopholes like Super PACs that billionaires use to get around donation limits should be immediately closed.

  • End All U.S. Aid to Apartheid Israel. End the Genocide and Free Palestine
    Our campaign is fully committed to the Palestinian people's fight for freedom and an end to the genocide in Gaza. Claudia, Karina and countless campaign volunteers are proud to have taken to the streets as part of the massive people's movement that has emerged in the United States since October 7 as an expression of their long-standing commitment to the struggle for Palestinian liberation.

  • Cut the Military Budget by 90% — Peace, Not War with China & Russia!
    The world is headed towards a catastrophic, unprecedented conflict because of the unmitigated aggressiveness and recklessness of the politicians and Pentagon generals. The new Cold War against China and Russia must end, along with associated aggression like the proxy war in Ukraine, massive military shipments to Taiwan, or any and all military build up against any targeted nation. The vast network of military bases the Pentagon maintains in other countries should be immediately closed. We demand the abolition of the NATO military alliance and AFRICOM. Cruel economic sanctions imposed on countries around the world – including Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Eritrea, North Korea and Iran – must be lifted. All U.S. aid to apartheid Israel must immediately end. The CIA should be abolished, and its secrets exposed so the world knows the true extent of this agency’s crimes.

  • End the War on Black America!
    The struggle for Black freedom brought millions of people into the streets in 2020 in the most massive social movement in U.S. history. This enormous uprising was an outraged response to the fact that a war has been waged on Black America from the very foundation of the country – from slavery to segregation to systemic racism, including decades of neoliberalism and mass incarceration that have left the country even more unequal and segregated. Reparations and the rebuilding of Black communities are essential to fully address the consequences of this war. The seizure of the 100 largest corporations – many of which historically profited from slavery – will provide ample resources for cash payments along with huge investments in services and infrastructure.

    Along with reparations, we stand for a wide range of measures to comprehensively uproot the oppression of Black people. Affirmative action programs should be expanded, not shredded by unelected judges. Cops responsible for racist brutality should be given long prison sentences as an unmistakable signal that the era of impunity is over. We want to stop the white-washing of U.S. history under the guise of bans on “critical race theory” – all young people should understand the horrors of white supremacy and develop an appreciation for why racism must be eradicated from society. The transformation of the country’s healthcare system must include as a top priority sweeping action to eliminate the huge disparity in maternal mortality rates for Black women.

  • Defend Women’s Rights, Full Equality for LGBTQ People
    Abortion should be available without restrictions and provided for free so that women and all people have the right to control their own bodies. The Supreme Court’s 2022 Dobbs decision was a historic blow to equal rights, but the court could not have done it without the help of decades of passivity on the part of the Democratic Party. The Democrats refused to take any of the many opportunities they had – including the period between the 2020 and 2022 elections – to pass a law at the federal level legalizing abortion. We need such legislation immediately, along with other measures to ensure abortion services are available on demand regardless of income.

    The epidemic of violence against women must be addressed as a top priority of society. This can only be achieved through a comprehensive approach involving programs to help women leave abusive situations, an end to impunity for crimes committed against women, and cultural campaigns to uproot sexist attitudes. The constitution must finally include a provision guaranteeing equal rights for women.

    We demand full equality for LGBTQ people in all areas of society and we demand to stop the right-wing scapegoating against LGBTQ people. We call to enact national legislation banning discrimination against LGBTQ people at the workplace and in all public and private institutions.

  • Save the Planet from Capitalism
    To deal with the disastrous effects of the climate crisis, society must urgently transform the way we produce energy, grow food and move around the world. The main obstacle standing in our way is private profit, and the system that values quarterly revenue over the survival of human civilization. We can only take action at the scale and speed necessary to save the planet if the unplanned, capitalist economic system is replaced by socialist economic planning.

    Fossil fuel corporations should immediately be taken over by the public and repurposed to generate renewable energy. Capitalist agriculture is enormously wasteful, especially when it comes to water resources. The vast landholdings and technological resources available to the agribusiness corporations would be seized and turned over to farmers, who would implement a democratically-determined plan to reorganize food production on a sustainable basis. Public transportation will be massively expanded with a fleet consisting entirely of electric vehicles, and the huge scale of this undertaking will ensure that no autoworker will lose their job. Massive infrastructure projects need to begin immediately to make society more resilient to the changing climate while creating millions of good-paying jobs.
A search for that name only pops up two posts...both by you and both stated you voted for her but no other info...

I posted more info about your party and candidate than you have on bgol....:hmm::hmm::hmm:

Why arent you spending your energy promoting this rather than trolling democratic topics???

yall be BULLSHITTIN on your own political stances. :smh::smh::smh::smh:
Last edited:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

If Harris loses, expect Democrats to move right

Even though Harris is running as a moderate, progressives are likely to get blamed for her defeat.

Eric LevitzOct 22, 2024 at 5:30 AM EDT

Democrats are currently focused on the fight against Donald Trump. But quietly, factions within the party are preparing contingency plans for a different battle: the one over how to interpret a Kamala Harris loss.

Polls of the 2024 election show the closest presidential race in modern memory. For Harris, defeat is roughly as likely as victory. The former outcome is sure to trigger a fierce intra-Democratic debate over what the party should learn from losing the White House (twice) to an unpopular demagogue.

Already, moderates in the party are seeding the narrative that Harris was doomed by the Biden administration’s excessive deference to left-wing interest groups and aversion to orthodox economics. Some progressives suggest that Harris may be undone by her ties to big business, failure to articulate a “vision for the country,” and complicity in Israeli atrocities in Gaza.
It’s impossible to say with absolute certainty which — if any — of these theories would become conventional wisdom in the event of a second Trump victory.

Often, when a party suffers an electoral rebuke, the faction that led it into the wilderness loses influence within the coalition. After Hillary Clinton’s loss in 2016, the Democratic Party became more progressive, ceding influence to some of her left-wing critics………….


So both the democrats and republicans are going to be on the right after Harris loses?

The shills are going to be praising Clarence Thomas and Ben Carson within the next 4 years.

since you two like projecting and running scenarios on what the political scene and climate will look like in the about projecting this:

Let's say that Kamala signs off on all those demands.. especially the part where she declares ADOS a protected group.

What do you think the social/political ramifications would be??

The native Americans don't have a don't have a deal like this. So it would start a precedent of sorts.

And you are aware that if a president can do something by executive decision then the next president can revoke it the same way. You are aware that republicans got affirmative action and abortion banned right?

So what do you REALISTICALLY think would happen if Kamala did any of this....besides ensure republicans take the Whitehouse for the next 50 years....

Are you forgetting that America financially supported Hitler and the Nazis in 35 and 37 while Germany was invading other countries America passed the neutrality act so they couldn't get involved. Big time rally at Madison Square Garden in support of the Nazi's...and after the war they stole all of their top scientists and gave refuge to plenty of war criminals. Trump is doing what America always does.
And yet you seem to hope he wins....
I already voted and didn’t cast a vote for any DNC or RNC clown.

It doesn’t, which is why we need to abandon both parties. Are you that afraid to stand alone with your own people?
considering the vast majority of blacks vote democrat I am standing with my people....

who did you vote for???


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
:lol: :lol: :lol: you mean the thread I posted dozens and dozens of times in?? the thread I posted this in??

why are you scared to respond to questions about the position of the candidate you support???

since you two like projecting and running scenarios on what the political scene and climate will look like in the about projecting this:

Let's say that Kamala signs off on all those demands.. especially the part where she declares ADOS a protected group.

What do you think the social/political ramifications would be??

The native Americans don't have a don't have a deal like this. So it would start a precedent of sorts.

And you are aware that if a president can do something by executive decision then the next president can revoke it the same way. You are aware that republicans got affirmative action and abortion banned right?

So what do you REALISTICALLY think would happen if Kamala did any of this....besides ensure republicans take the Whitehouse for the next 50 years....

Why don't you ask these questions of yourself and/or in the other Kamala thread? What do you want and expect of her and the Dems vis-a-vis Black America if she wins? Anything?