Interesting take….(not sure if this person is real either details about her identity)
I am becoming more Pro-Israel and I feel guilty about it.
please consider my perspective, I am COMPLETELY open to listening to both sides with an open mind without attacks. I have done research but there is still a lot more to go.
I (25F) am a South Asian girl who lives in the UK. I am not a Muslim, but my best friend is a devout hijabi and I have plenty of muslim friends. Where I am from, there is a huge muslim population. London is a few hours away from me, and I hear North has a big population of Jewish people but I have never met a Jewish person before. therefore, many people I surround myself with are are Pro-Palestine, and admittedly, I was for a very long time, as I didn’t justify hearing of IDF soldiers gunning down innocent children and women, and still don’t. however, it is extremely difficult for me to completely justify what Hamas do. they are worth billions of dollars, why do they not fund the people of Palestine or even build bomb shelters, I have read there are none in Palestine. they just allow these people to suffer, yet Israel get blamed? and when I ask my muslim friends about this, they shrug it off as if they don’t want to think about it. someone even once told me that I shouldn’t be questioning Hamas, I should be questioning Israel - I think I have the right to question anyone who practices wrongdoing, of course including Israel, of course I was an advocate for Palestine for many years.
worse yet, I see Jewish people being shamed for being Zionists, when as bad as it sounds I’ve started to feel like there’s nothing wrong with Israel being a Jewish state? the Middle East have MANY Muslim countries where people have been murdered or have had to flee because of their Judaism, Jews weren’t even historically safe in Europe (Nazi Germany for example), where exactly is it they should go? historically, Islam has been spread by the sword. Afghanistan used to be a Buddhist country, Iran was Zoroastrian, MANY countries have had Islam forced on them through conquests and dynasties, to me the Free Palestine campaign is starting to look a little more like this. and unfortunately, when I did research it is evident that Israel was a concept first. yes it wasn’t officially established until 1948, but the Torah and Bible have multiple mentions of Israel, and Islam wasn’t a thing at the time. also, the ‘Israelis aren’t from Israel’ argument is pretty flawed when a lot of Palestinians descended from Egypt and Jordan.
I think that a two-state Solution is the most feasible, and dare I say realistic, but I’ve read that it was Palestine who have historically rejected any treaties for a two-state solution, hence why attacks continue to happen to Palestinians. I watched a video on an arab person whose family survived the Nakba generations ago, and he said that it’s because his family simply agreed to live peacefully with the Jews. he lives in Israel and said he now has the same rights as any other Jew, and profusely denies the claim that what’s happening in Palestine is a genocide. the fact that 2 million arabs live peacefully in Israel is extremely telling in itself. if anything, from what I’ve seen the Palestinians almost rejoice when someone they know and love dies. as far as Islam extremism demonstrates, it appears that they’ve been brainwashed into thinking if they die they martyred for their country, and they will go straight to heaven. I saw another video of a woman saying “alhamdullilah” knowing someone got killed, and that he died for the liberation of Palestine. to me it just seems so backwards and f-ed up.
this kinda turned into more of a rant than anything, but it’s difficult to openly discuss this with people who are extremely Pro-Palestine and sort of brush off the historical spread of Islam, and the means to which it spread. their argument that Israel are colonisers is hypocritical and contradictory to a fault. I feel guilty for having these opinions as I am surrounded by Muslim people I love, and I can't talk to them about this or else they will judge me instantly, and now I feel like how a lot of Jews around the world currently feel. I don’t think I would feel safe in Palestine, however I was considering doing a solo trip to Tel Aviv (without telling literally anybody), because I want to see and learn things with my own eyes, but I’m paranoid about my passport being stamped and I have a strange thought that I’d get detained at another airport and turned away for even visiting Israel.
I am open to hearing sides of Pro-Palestinians, and I am open to explanations from every point I’ve mentioned in the above paragraph. but as it stands, am yisrael chai.