This is a comment I seen, throughout all the hardship our people have endured and overcome, this is how a lot of people see us..smh!
Because most Asians come from backgrounds where education is highly valued and sought after. It is a strong value that is instilled in our kids by the parents as a way of bettering yourself. Because of this, many Asian parents push their kids to study hours after hours to score high in their classes and exams like SATs. For many top scoring Asians, anything below straight A’s is unacceptable to their parents. They give up a lot of their 'play time' to study new words and new math concepts. Their parents take on another job to pay for private tutors and private classes. So much is sacrificed by both the child and the parent for the sake of the child's education.
This effort leads to Asians being over represented, in terms of demographics, in top universities and anytime you have an 'inequality of outcome' by race, you are bound to get race grifters complaining about it and wanting to equalize it without considering any of the inconvenient details about why this inequality exists to begin with. To 'correct' for this 'problem' Asians are handicapped in their SAT scores and other methods are used to prevent their admissions. They attribute negative personalities to Asians to suggest why they can get away with it and suggest 'diversity of races' in campus is SO important, racism is accepted as a good way to 'equalize' the 'inequality'.
I find it very interesting how quick many on the LEFT are to defend this practice. It is obviously racism but it doesn't matter because it is racism against a racial group that have very little political value. If racism is wrong, it should be always wrong and never tolerated. But for affirmative action policies? Such strong emotional attachment to the policy. It is almost like they LITERALLY believe black people are LESS than other races. Who are the true racists? I wonder. When you are in a position where you are telling a poor Chinese kid that they can't go to Harvard because too many people 'look like him', you have to realize and accept that YOU are the baddies.
But you can't keep the Asian people down. The higher bar set for Asians makes them stronger and tougher. They build up tenacity and can achieve things other races won't even bother to try. A poor Asian kid might get rejected from top tier schools because of his/her race, but that isn't going to prevent them from succeeding in life. Asians don't need a hand out from White people to succeed. We don't need to demand acceptance into White institutions to get what we need to succeed in life. Because out of all the minorities, Asians are the most FREE people and we have freedom most Black people will never achieve; free from the slave mindset. We don't tell our kids 'you can't' because they are Asian. We don't conjure up hardships endured by our ancestors as an excuse for our current poor behavior. We don't excuse inferiority with 'differences in culture'. We don't use racism as an excuse because it never is. Racism is the norm, to complain about it like a child does NOTHING for you other than make you weaker and unable to confront it later in life. Asians are not burdened with convenient excuses given to them by our political class. And despite the racism implemented to handicap the Asian population, you still have Asians being over represented. This isn't because racism against Asians don't exist. Asians are succeeding to get in regardless of the handicap put on them.