It's Mueller time, bottom of the 9th, bases loaded, 2 out for the Dems .....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why would anyone with a modicum of self respect go to Tim Wise, the biggest pimp of the so-called black struggle, in the last 25 years?

Flat out typical of the pro whites to discredit ADoS but show credit to a racist white man on our issues? :puke:

What do y'all think about Tim Wise's comments that policy isn't going to save us? Below...

Tweet with link to above video in case vid doesn't work...


^^Click the first tweet and follow down.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
The outrage was they threw 40 republicans out of districts that voted Republican in 2016. Dems didn't need more than healthcare to win a landslide in 2018. Russians were in that election too. Trump went after their healthcare and they threw out Republicans. You've been paying attention to the political class and not the people.

Right now impeachment is at 21% approval. 21 fucking percent. And you think that's the thing that will win the election?

Turn off CNN and MSNBC for a couple weeks. The vast, vast majority of people don't watch or care about any of that. They care about if they can live. If their child can be treated if they get sick. Will they be denied because they have a pre-existing condition.

Instead of constantly telling people what they should care about, it's time to listen to what they do care about.

The liberal elite class all have good healthcare, so it's not really a concern for them. But to a lot of people in this country, it's a life and death issue and if your life was on the line you'd care a lot more about that than you would attempted obstruction of justice.

Suppose they do win by a landslide. Do Democrats really have the political will to make any kind of meaningful change? Last year people came out in near record numbers to give them the house and what have they done with it? Used those seats to warm their damn hands.

The system has become so useless that y they don't have to do or promise anything if they win. Just don't be bad as Trump and the sheep will be happy. Or as close to it as anyone dares to be.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
As with 99% of politicians they're all tied

What really ties them together is that they're both the heads of powerful real-estate dynasties pretending to argue about whether or not the serfs deserve doctors and homes.

The only place they differ is their opinion on how much bullshit the people will accept before they burn the White House to the ground.

They are comparable to a low-wage employer that promises his people raises and promotions in the vague future and then distracts them with free pizza Wednesday (aka Meuller's testimony) to make you forget the fact that they can't and won't deliver on anything. Republicans are the one saying "you don't deserve to get ahead because you don't work hard enough" while the Democrats are saying "here, have another slice."


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What do y'all think about Tim Wise's comments that policy isn't going to save us? Below...

Tweet with link to above video in case vid doesn't work...


^^Click the first tweet and follow down.

Thanks for this

@Big Tex

"And by listening to influential pundits in liberal media who also don't get the unique nature of Trumpism, relative to normal political movements & campaigns...this election is NOT going to be won by talking about all your "great plans" for health care, jobs, education, etc.."


22/ First, trying to flip Trump voters is a waste of time. Any of them who regret their vote don't need to be pandered to. They'll do the right thing. Don't focus on them. That said, very few will regret their vote. They cannot accept they voted for a monster or got suckered...

26/If anything, I would say crafting an argument that this is an existential crisis for the nation--and making it about Trump's bigotry and who we want to be as a country, would be far more effective in inspiring them to make up their minds...

27/ And what I know for a FACT is that this message--that Trumpism is a threat to everything we care about and love about this country--is what will inspire the Dem base to vote...and THAT is what this election is about...

28/ I'm not saying the Dems don't need policy ideas, but focusing on wonky, look-how-much-I've-thought about-this stuff is not going to move the needle in 2020...

32/ He is a white nationalist. He is an authoritarian. He and his cult are a threat to the future of the nation and world because of their hatreds. His movement betrays the country's promise. THAT is the message that will drive turnout. Not debates over marginal tax rates...

^^^ Told you! Clearly his opinion. But very apt and inlined with my points.
Last edited:

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Thanks for this

@Big Tex

"And by listening to influential pundits in liberal media who also don't get the unique nature of Trumpism, relative to normal political movements & campaigns...this election is NOT going to be won by talking about all your "great plans" for health care, jobs, education, etc.."


22/ First, trying to flip Trump voters is a waste of time. Any of them who regret their vote don't need to be pandered to. They'll do the right thing. Don't focus on them. That said, very few will regret their vote. They cannot accept they voted for a monster or got suckered...

26/If anything, I would say crafting an argument that this is an existential crisis for the nation--and making it about Trump's bigotry and who we want to be as a country, would be far more effective in inspiring them to make up their minds...

27/ And what I know for a FACT is that this message--that Trumpism is a threat to everything we care about and love about this country--is what will inspire the Dem base to vote...and THAT is what this election is about...

28/ I'm not saying the Dems don't need policy ideas, but focusing on wonky, look-how-much-I've-thought about-this stuff is not going to move the needle in 2020...

32/ He is a white nationalist. He is an authoritarian. He and his cult are a threat to the future of the nation and world because of their hatreds. His movement betrays the country's promise. THAT is the message that will drive turnout. Not debates over marginal tax rates...

^^^ Told you! Clearly his opinion. But very apt and inlined with my points.

The flaw in his argument is we knew this in 2016. Remember Hilary talking about a basket of deplorables? We knew he was the preferred candidate of the Klan and white nationalists in 2016. We knew he refused to disavow David Duke in 2016. We knew he boasted of sexual assault in 2016. We knew he had been sued by the Justice Department twice for not renting to black and brown people in 2016. We knew he called for the death penalty for the central park five in 2016.

We knew he started the racist birther lie in 2016. We knew he would roll back environmental protections in 2016. We knew he was a liar, bigot, con man and narcissist in 2016. We knew he called Mexicans rapists in 2016. We knew he called for a muslim ban in 2016. There's not anything we know about Trump now that we didn't know in 2016.

If his assertion was correct, Trump would have never been president. The country knew all the things about Trump pointed out in his arguments and voted him in as president anyway.

We certainly know all those things about him now, and his approval rating is near an all time high.

There isn't anything
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Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
What do y'all think about Tim Wise's comments that policy isn't going to save us? Below...

Tweet with link to above video in case vid doesn't work...


^^Click the first tweet and follow down.

I think Tim is onto something here. Trump is a very unusual POTUS. As much as folks on BGOL like to pretend he's "just another politician" in the same vein as those who preceded him it's very obvious that he's not. He's as close to a cult leader as I've ever seen elected to office. There's a religious quality to the fealty his followers show him. There's nothing really "conservative," about him. In terms of policy, character or outlook. He's managed to move the ball forward on a number of conservative wet dreams but it's not like those things have dominated his outlook in the way it has for the folks he's surrounded himself with. We all know this dude doesn't give af about illegal immigration, abortion etc (New Yorkers know what it is)... but he's a narcissist who will bend towards anyone who showers him the requisite amount of praise. Tim is 100% spot on here about the fact that the only way Dems can win is to make the election about how we can all do better and expect more from ourselves. I've always thought Dems have been too weak in going after this dude. He's trash and he's impossibly thin skinned. Have the Dem candidate talk about how we can aspire towards more and simultaneously drag this dude every chance you get. Have surrogates clown him and watch him fucking unravel. Then talk about what we should aspire towards (since the narrative the GOP offers is strictly fear based). /endrambling


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Thanks for this

@Big Tex

"And by listening to influential pundits in liberal media who also don't get the unique nature of Trumpism, relative to normal political movements & campaigns...this election is NOT going to be won by talking about all your "great plans" for health care, jobs, education, etc.."


22/ First, trying to flip Trump voters is a waste of time. Any of them who regret their vote don't need to be pandered to. They'll do the right thing. Don't focus on them. That said, very few will regret their vote. They cannot accept they voted for a monster or got suckered...

26/If anything, I would say crafting an argument that this is an existential crisis for the nation--and making it about Trump's bigotry and who we want to be as a country, would be far more effective in inspiring them to make up their minds...

27/ And what I know for a FACT is that this message--that Trumpism is a threat to everything we care about and love about this country--is what will inspire the Dem base to vote...and THAT is what this election is about...

28/ I'm not saying the Dems don't need policy ideas, but focusing on wonky, look-how-much-I've-thought about-this stuff is not going to move the needle in 2020...

32/ He is a white nationalist. He is an authoritarian. He and his cult are a threat to the future of the nation and world because of their hatreds. His movement betrays the country's promise. THAT is the message that will drive turnout. Not debates over marginal tax rates...

^^^ Told you! Clearly his opinion. But very apt and inlined with my points.

I don't think it's either or, both policy and going for emotions and idealism can be used. I'd rather see surrogates get down and dirty vs the candidates, but whomever ends up being the candidate, they can't cower in front of Trump or remain as passive as Hillary was in the face of his direct personal attacks.

Unfortunately we have a dumb ass electorate. Well, dumb might be the wrong word, but they only absorb sound bites. More than 280 characters and they put up Colin warnings. They have to break their policies down into soundbites for those with short attention spans, and have more detailed info available for people who desire substance.

A lot of this depends on the media also. Hillary and the dems couldn't get coverage last time. They tuned into Hillary events long enough to see if she would insult Trump, but carried all his stuff live waiting on the train wreck or ridiculous thing he was going to pull out his ass. Even MSNBC cut away to cover all his stuff. They helped legitimize this clown. I have no faith at all that they learned their lesson. He calls all the news the enemy of the people and I believe most of these networks would film him setting their own reporters on fire if it got them ratings.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
I think Tim is onto something here. Trump is a very unusual POTUS. As much as folks on BGOL like to pretend he's "just another politician" in the same vein as those who preceded him it's very obvious that he's not. He's as close to a cult leader as I've ever seen elected to office. There's a religious quality to the fealty his followers show him. There's nothing really "conservative," about him. In terms of policy, character or outlook. He's managed to move the ball forward on a number of conservative wet dreams but it's not like those things have dominated his outlook in the way it has for the folks he's surrounded himself with. We all know this dude doesn't give af about illegal immigration, abortion etc (New Yorkers know what it is)... but he's a narcissist who will bend towards anyone who showers him the requisite amount of praise. Tim is 100% spot on here about the fact that the only way Dems can win is to make the election about how we can all do better and expect more from ourselves. I've always thought Dems have been too weak in going after this dude. He's trash and he's impossibly thin skinned. Have the Dem candidate talk about how we can aspire towards more and simultaneously drag this dude every chance you get. Have surrogates clown him and watch him fucking unravel. Then talk about what we should aspire towards (since the narrative the GOP offers is strictly fear based). /endrambling

Looks like we had the same thoughts about surrogates.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
Looks like we had the same thoughts about surrogates.

Been thinking this for a while. Dems need to abandon this faux "civility" shit and have surrogates throwing haymakers at Trump where it really hurts (his ego). Force more errors. They need more fighters who are willing to adapt to this new terrain. I agree that the emergent candidate will need to be tougher as well. This "when they go low we go high" shit is played out and ineffective :smh:

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
You know what delivered one of the biggest landslides in election history less than a year ago?


The public keeps telling Dems what they care about (healthcare) and Dems keep telling people what they SHOULD care about (Mueller).

That's a recipe for a loss.

When your main plan is to make people care about something they don't, you need a new plan.

You have an issue that:

1. The public cares the most about
2. Republicans are terrible at and have no answer for
3. Swept you into power in a historic election.

And for some reason, Democrats refuse, I mean fucking REFUSE to use it.

"You're going to care about Mueller if I have to shove it down your stupid fucking throats. And I'd rather lose than run on anything else." - Democrats 2019.
:smh: Told folks 3 years ago that :eek: Russia shit wouldn't lead anywhere. But when they had to flip from collusion to obstruction, that was the end.

Now that this is out the way, lets see what else they do to lose. Healthcare and jobs. They win off that. If they fall for Trump's illegal immigrant schtick and break their backs pandering to non-citizens, they lose.

I feel Dems need a recession. The average person who isn't following politics heavy hasn't got the memo about the sky falling. Dems need a recession to match the hype. A recession is the idiot-proof way to win.

Sick of being right about this every fucking step of the way and seeing echo chamber dems doubling down on losing positions. :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The russia isn't shit still has legs. No charges, true, but anybody paying attention knows that there's something there in terms of trump and russia, McConnell and russia, NRA and russia, etc. Won't turn any of his fans against him, but if enough independents, and non-fans that stayed home last time are paying attention, it can at least help to make a difference in a few states where he won by tiny ass margins.

:smh: Told folks 3 years ago that :eek: Russia shit wouldn't lead anywhere. But when they had to flip from collusion to obstruction, that was the end.

Now that this is out the way, lets see what else they do to lose. Healthcare and jobs. They win off that. If they fall for Trump's illegal immigrant schtick and break their backs pandering to non-citizens, they lose.

I feel Dems need a recession. The average person who isn't following politics heavy hasn't got the memo about the sky falling. Dems need a recession to match the hype. A recession is the idiot-proof way to win.

Sick of being right about this every fucking step of the way and seeing echo chamber dems doubling down on losing positions. :smh:

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
The guy who couldn't beat Ted Cruz is trying to hand 2020 to trump :smh:

Dems in overreacting mode. The reality is gun violence is still a distant threat to white America. Dems out here like white folks hearing gun shots every night. They will never win like this. :smh: Math isn't there. Country of 300+ million with how many cacs died from gun homicides(not suicides).

And I'm for gun control, but democrats aren't going to win on it.

The russia isn't shit still has legs. No charges, true, but anybody paying attention knows that there's something there in terms of trump and russia, McConnell and russia, NRA and russia, etc. Won't turn any of his fans against him, but if enough independents, and non-fans that stayed home last time are paying attention, it can at least help to make a difference in a few states where he won by tiny ass margins.
Well, to any sensible strategist it's been dead. It's ironic that all these fools did with this bullshit was help Russia's goal to try to undermine confidence in democracy. :smh: That shit predates Trump and it's documented. Had they just took the 2016 L and moved on they'd be in a better position to win against him. Too much like right.

I tried for years to tell people that no one gives a fuck about :eek: Russia. Period. If folks would log off the fucking computer and turn off their groupthink notifications, they'd see no fucks are to be given out here. The current problem that the dems have is the loudest voices are in fucking echo chambers and are so far removed from what the average democrat/independent voter gives a fuck about.

Credit for Pelosi for trying to hold this shit show together. She knows dems ain't winning on bad man politics in 2020. 3 years so far and all we got is mean tweets out of Trump. Bush/Cheney make him look like a kitten by comparison. Democrats better chill with the 'sky is falling' shit and play some politics.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
The russia isn't shit still has legs. No charges, true, but anybody paying attention knows that there's something there in terms of trump and russia, McConnell and russia, NRA and russia, etc. Won't turn any of his fans against him, but if enough independents, and non-fans that stayed home last time are paying attention, it can at least help to make a difference in a few states where he won by tiny ass margins.
Welp, it's been 3 years since I said it was dead. Cats in here said he would be indicted when he leaves office because of the report. The BGOL political experts who couldn't be bothered to use critical thought due to being driven half crazy by the mean twitter man.

Here we are. Nothing. :smh: If the shit was so important then, why is it crickets. Reminds me of Bush and the war criminal shit. Soon as he left office, that was that. Years of bark, but when it came time, nothing.

Another ghost thread of 6 pages.


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
Here we are. Nothing. If the shit was so important then, why is it crickets
you are not this stupid.

William Barr killed the Russia Investigation. Prosecutors dont care to reopen it because they have January 6, GA voter interference, Mar A Lago, the Manhattan case they just won, another NY state case against the Trump Organization, and VARIOUS other lawsuits.

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
Welp, it's been 3 years since I said it was dead. Cats in here said he would be indicted when he leaves office because of the report. The BGOL political experts who couldn't be bothered to use critical thought due to being driven half crazy by the mean twitter man.

Here we are. Nothing. :smh: If the shit was so important then, why is it crickets. Reminds me of Bush and the war criminal shit. Soon as he left office, that was that. Years of bark, but when it came time, nothing.

Another ghost thread of 6 pages.
Keeping bumping these old threads shits high comedy :lol:

Loser above me already mentioning a bunch of other shit that'll you'll be bumping in a couple of years.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Keeping bumping these old threads shits high comedy :lol:

Loser above me already mentioning a bunch of other shit that'll you'll be bumping in a couple of years.
Man, I ain't entertaining these goalpost moving mofos when it comes to this subject. I just bump this shit for my own laughs and for others that applied critical thinking(and still do to the other circle jerks). Some probably forgot this :eek2: "Russia' bullshit. Just like I bump the WMD count to this day.

Just think about this. As important as they made this out. End times. Chicken little(Where is Watcher? ). All the :eek2: "russia" shit. Alleged treason at the highest level. Fuck it, we moving on because we got other shit more important when compared to when we alleged putin ran the U.S. through mean twitter man. :confused:

Like an 'insurrection' where 99.9 % of the most armed demographic arguably on the planet left all the straps at home. Yeah, paperwork is there for all to see. Young Thug and 28 randoms probably eating more gun charges than 1000s who tried to take over the government? I keep joking that bullshit sweeps yield more weapons and it's true.

They maxing out cac fools for 'civil disorder', throwing traffic shit at pigs, stealing signs, parading/DEMONSTRATING in the capital builing, and throwing fucking batteries. Not lying, this 'threat to our democracy' involved cacs throwing batteries. Paperwork is :roflmao: Some government takeover. FOH.

Partisan behavior in this country is like a cult. Otherwise intelligent(at least on the left) people turn into lunatics. Receipts mean nothing to partisan fanatics, but they good for laughs. This shit should be studied.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Why would anyone with a modicum of self respect go to Tim Wise, the biggest pimp of the so-called black struggle, in the last 25 years?

Flat out typical of the pro whites to discredit ADoS but show credit to a racist white man on our issues? :puke:

I love when these old threads get bumped cause you see just how long the resident coons have been cooning. I can't tell you how many times XFag has denied being an ADOS clown.

So many Black Republicans in this thread still afraid to admit they're Black Republicans.

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
Man, I ain't entertaining these goalpost moving mofos when it comes to this subject. I just bump this shit for my own laughs and for others that applied critical thinking(and still do to the other circle jerks). Some probably forgot this :eek2: "Russia' bullshit. Just like I bump the WMD count to this day.

Just think about this. As important as they made this out. End times. Chicken little(Where is Watcher? ). All the :eek2: "russia" shit. Alleged treason at the highest level. Fuck it, we moving on because we got other shit more important when compared to when we alleged putin ran the U.S. through mean twitter man. :confused:

Like an 'insurrection' where 99.9 % of the most armed demographic arguably on the planet left all the straps at home. Yeah, paperwork is there for all to see. Young Thug and 28 randoms probably eating more gun charges than 1000s who tried to take over the government? I keep joking that bullshit sweeps yield more weapons and it's true.

They maxing out cac fools for 'civil disorder', throwing traffic shit at pigs, stealing signs, parading/DEMONSTRATING in the capital builing, and throwing fucking batteries. Not lying, this 'threat to our democracy' involved cacs throwing batteries. Paperwork is :roflmao: Some government takeover. FOH.

Partisan behavior in this country is like a cult. Otherwise intelligent(at least on the left) people turn into lunatics. Receipts mean nothing to partisan fanatics, but they good for laughs. This shit should be studied.
shit is hilarious AF to me bro lol.
Over this Xmas break, I might go back and bumb some of these old replies too just for shits and giggles


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I love when these old threads get bumped cause you see just how long the resident coons have been cooning. I can't tell you how many times XFag has denied being an ADOS clown.

So many Black Republicans in this thread still afraid to admit they're Black Republicans.

I for one am Pro-choice(pro-life in personal life), pro-social safety net, against the prison industrial complex, against pigs and want REAL reform with LE, and against the drug war. I am against funding Israel while being for the people they oppress. I am against our bloated military budget. I am for the right of gay people to be married. I am against housing discrimination.

Even though I know it doesn't solve the underlying issue, I am for raising minimum wages since left unchecked corporations would fuck people even more. Nominal wage increases do help, but don't keep up with real increases over the years. Much like you ivory tower cats, I can afford the costs that are passed on.

Although I am a gun owner/carrier since my teens, I am for background checks and waiting periods.

I for one do not discourage people from voting. Just suggest they make demands and 'fire' any bitch doesn't come through. Politicians deserve less respect than cashiers. Politicans are whores and should be treated as such, not worshipped or made to be idols. Voters --especially black votoers -- need to DEMAND and hold politicians accountable.

So what GOP positions do I hold? :confused: I wonder if any of the 'you're a republican' crowd can show how those are GOP positions. See if we can do this without name calling like you were right in front me. Keep that same energy.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
shit is hilarious AF to me bro lol.
Over this Xmas break, I might go back and bumb some of these old replies too just for shits and giggles

Man, go ahead because I might miss some. I want the laughs. Cats were using Maddow as credible news source and then laugh at the fools who use Tucker. Like watching heroin addicts talk shit about crack.

I remember at the height of this posting media/bias fact check and cats still was calling their news sources as down the middle. :smh: Minds just gone fam.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor

I for one am Pro-choice(pro-life in personal life), pro-social safety net, against the prison industrial complex, against pigs and want REAL reform with LE, and against the drug war. I am against funding Israel while being for the people they oppress. I am against our bloated military budget. I am for the right of gay people to be married. I am against housing discrimination.

Even though I know it doesn't solve the underlying issue, I am for raising minimum wages since left unchecked corporations would fuck people even more. Nominal wage increases do help, but don't keep up with real increases over the years. Much like you ivory tower cats, I can afford the costs that are passed on.

Although I am a gun owner/carrier since my teens, I am for background checks and waiting periods.

I for one do not discourage people from voting. Just suggest they make demands and 'fire' any bitch doesn't come through. Politicians deserve less respect than cashiers. Politicans are whores and should be treated as such, not worshipped or made to be idols. Voters --especially black votoers -- need to DEMAND and hold politicians accountable.

So what GOP positions do I hold? :confused: I wonder if any of the 'you're a republican' crowd can show how those are GOP positions. See if we can do this without name calling like you were right in front me. Keep that same energy.

All I had to say was Black Republicans and you came running with this long ass post.

Time to break out this gif....


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
All I had to say was Black Republicans and you came running with this long ass post.

Time to break out this gif....

Look at you. Acting just like a bitch. :lol: Talk sidewways, cat address you to explain yourself like a man, and you deflect with gifs. I understand. It's the bitch and pronouns in you.

No way you keep this energy offline. No wonder why you come here to flex. I'd slap a bitch like you and sit there and wait for the police with you.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man, I ain't entertaining these goalpost moving mofos when it comes to this subject. I just bump this shit for my own laughs and for others that applied critical thinking(and still do to the other circle jerks). Some probably forgot this :eek2: "Russia' bullshit. Just like I bump the WMD count to this day.

Just think about this. As important as they made this out. End times. Chicken little(Where is Watcher? ). All the :eek2: "russia" shit. Alleged treason at the highest level. Fuck it, we moving on because we got other shit more important when compared to when we alleged putin ran the U.S. through mean twitter man. :confused:

Like an 'insurrection' where 99.9 % of the most armed demographic arguably on the planet left all the straps at home. Yeah, paperwork is there for all to see. Young Thug and 28 randoms probably eating more gun charges than 1000s who tried to take over the government? I keep joking that bullshit sweeps yield more weapons and it's true.

They maxing out cac fools for 'civil disorder', throwing traffic shit at pigs, stealing signs, parading/DEMONSTRATING in the capital builing, and throwing fucking batteries. Not lying, this 'threat to our democracy' involved cacs throwing batteries. Paperwork is :roflmao: Some government takeover. FOH.

Partisan behavior in this country is like a cult. Otherwise intelligent(at least on the left) people turn into lunatics. Receipts mean nothing to partisan fanatics, but they good for laughs. This shit should be studied.

the shit I find hilarious..

is this so called govt was responsible for killing


mass media keeps us distracted with bullshit

and put REAL shit in print because they KNOW

the masses dont read worth a damn...

the fact they going after those jan 6 citizens.

but ignoring the fact our govt has been taking over by International

organized criminals is the TRUE crime here...

what folks dont get is..

If it is OFFICIAL the cia was involved in AN ELECTED PRESIDENTS DEATH






-That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on ...

this is why they keep us divided caught up in stupid shit like

hating someone for thier religious beliefs, complexion etc...

this is really about


the elite got that message a longtime ago...

and they figured out the crypto world was

part of that transfer..

Hence the relentless attack and the attempt

to bully in their own crypto currency

which nobody fuckin wants

this is a war of most trillionaires and multi multi


seeing the writing on the wall..

You see there is OVER POPULATION..

but its the one percent HAVING MOST OF THE WEALTH



and KNOW its GOING TO HAPPEND and think

they can beat us to the punch..

they fucking


but real kniggas kept pointing that shit out...

and they had to KNOCK THAT muthafucka down..

because it would lead RIGHT to the muthafuckas

who needs to and will be dogwalked in

front of the world.

They doing TOO MUCH and dont know when to stop!!

its too late they sealed their fate..

WITHIN the next six months you gonna see big changes

in favor of the masses truly LIVING FREE,

from this occupation we are under!!

you can QUOTE me on THAT!!!

By easter we are gonna be talkin about

some whole OTHER shit and we are going to be

laughing our asses off doing it!!




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Look at you. Acting just like a bitch. :lol: Talk sidewways, cat address you to explain yourself like a man, and you deflect with gifs. I understand. It's the bitch and pronouns in you.

No way you keep this energy offline. No wonder why you come here to flex. I'd slap a bitch like you and sit there and wait for the police with you.

you taking DORRKMAN seriously

thats your first mistake bruh!!


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Look at you. Acting just like a bitch. :lol: Talk sidewways, cat address you to explain yourself like a man, and you deflect with gifs. I understand. It's the bitch and pronouns in you.

No way you keep this energy offline. No wonder why you come here to flex. I'd slap a bitch like you and sit there and wait for the police with you.

It's always amusing when dudes like you show their hand. You got upset and went on a typing rant. Then you're more upset cause I'm not taking your little rant seriously. And now you've gotten to the 3rd stage of the BGOL crying stage.....where you type how how you do this or that if you were in front of the person.

We see you.

All of that cause I mentioned Black Republicans.

You should log off and come back once your period is done you're much too emotional right now.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
you taking DORRKMAN seriously

thats your first mistake bruh!!
That dude a bitch for real. I only address the bitch this one time to prove what it is. I disagree with @Camille on political things from time to time. She more man than him and she 1000 percent lady(and I don't mean that as she is a punk or a pushover, I think she knows that). :lol: We address each other like we in the room chopping it up. Hell, did the same with BigTex recently even though we disagree. Asked him a question, he answered it like a man. No deflecting. We disagree, but it is what it is.

This here bitch run around BGOL talking reckless as fuck. Not just on this republican shit, it's his entire schtick. No way he moves like that in real life. None. You think that bitch keep that energy in real life? Picture us in a barbershop and that cat talking all that sideways shit. :roflmao: That cat live in the ultimate abstraction.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That dude a bitch for real. I only address the bitch this one time to prove what it is. I disagree with @Camille on political things from time to time. She more man than him and she 1000 percent lady(and I don't mean that as she is a punk or a pushover, I think she knows that). :lol: We address each other like we in the room chopping it up. Hell, did the same with BigTex recently even though we disagree. Asked him a question, he answered it like a man. No deflecting. We disagree, but it is what it is.

This here bitch run around BGOL talking reckless as fuck. Not just on this republican shit, it's his entire schtick. No way he moves like that in real life. None. You think that bitch keep that energy in real life? Picture us in a barbershop and that cat talking all that sideways shit. :roflmao: That cat live in the ultimate abstraction.

I cant tell you how many times I sonned that fool,

he like a few other simps, wait for someone go come at me,

then tries to jump in..

you know like them little muthafuckas who talk mad

shit, and only fight when they know its SAFE to do so,

like be a fourth wheel in a three on one fight..

thats dorrkman, he the type that only fights

if he is in the group jumping ONE man...

all mouth, no spine, no heart...!!

easy to tell who they are... up here!!!

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I cant tell you how many times I sonned that fool,

he like a few other simps, wait for someone go come at me,

then tries to jump in..

you know like them little muthafuckas who talk mad

shit, and only fight when they know its SAFE to do so,

like be a fourth wheel in a three on one fight..

thats dorrkman, he the type that only fights

if he is in the group jumping ONE man...

all mouth, no spine, no heart...!!

easy to tell who they are... up here!!!
:lol: Yeah, I see his slick talking ass all over BGOL. Like in this thread. Only a few posters questioned the shit, so who are the republicans? He one of the bitches that call anyone a republican who don't go along with 100 percent of the narrative. So I just wanted to see if he'd be a man, but bitches going to act like bitches.

Those the type of slick talking bitches I love to check in person. Shit is a fantastic high. They passive aggressive, slick talking until they get online and turn into Clubber Lang. Even then, they can't help their natural sideways, bitchmade antics.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:lol: Yeah, I see his slick talking ass all over BGOL. Like in this thread. Only a few posters questioned the shit, so who are the republicans? He one of the bitches that call anyone a republican who don't go along with 100 percent of the narrative. So I just wanted to see if he'd be a man, but bitches going to act like bitches.

Those the type of slick talking bitches I love to check in person. Shit is a fantastic high. They passive aggressive, slick talking until they get online and turn into Clubber Lang. Even then, they can't help their natural sideways, bitchmade antics.

Hey I been a down the line democrat my whole life.... but started to question them crazy, when sleepy

tired ass kkk in sheeps clothing joe byeden,

literally said.. he will make FAGS his NUMBER ONE PRIORITY...

bruh and not ONE democrat called him on that shit...

as much as us God folk did for the democratic party...

they aint NEVER once said they would make US their priority...

but to a bunch of sexually confused people, who are trying to make the abnormal

normal... to make matters even MORE insane..

we ALREADY been through EIGHT years of this shit after the fags

Literally turned the so called first "black" president into the first GAY


and NOW we got FOUR MORE years of this shit.. since the democrats took over bruh,

here is the crazy shit.. I log onto bgol,

and just stated I cant believe biden is dedicating his presidency

to the fag population.

bruh the replies I got, you wouldve thought I was on lipstick alley..

from regular members too...

lots of closet fags around here frontin bruh...