The alleged son of Jay-Z, Rymir Satterthwaite, has filed a motion to the Supreme Court amid a 10-year paternity dispute. Satterthwaite has accused Jay-Z of avoiding a paternity test and has been fighting for answers for over a decade. The case has been ongoing since 2011, with Satterthwaite alleging that Jay-Z had an affair with his mother in the early 1990s. Despite multiple attempts to have the rapper take a DNA test, he has yet to comply.
Satterthwaite’s legal team has claimed that they have evidence proving that Jay-Z is his father, including testimony from witnesses who were present during his mother’s relationship with Hova. However, Jay-Z’s legal team has argued that the case should be dismissed due to jurisdictional issues. They have also claimed that Satterthwaite’s mother committed fraud by using a false address on the paternity paperwork. Per the Daily Mail, Satterthwaite wants the case unsealed, arguing that Jay-Z has allegedly been keeping it under wraps in an effort to avoid taking a paternity test.
Regardless of the outcome, the case highlights the importance of paternity testing and ensuring that children receive support from their biological fathers. It also raises questions about celebrity responsibility and whether they should be held to a higher standard when it comes to their personal lives. As the case moves forward to the Supreme Court, all eyes will be on the outcome and what it could mean for both Jay-Z and Satterthwaite.