Jemele Hill has been suspended by ESPN


Superstar ***
BGOL Legend
Worked with Jemele for a few months ....easily one of the most down sistas when it comes to black men and our issues (her brother is in prison)

She's not immune to the ridiculous feminist thing ...but she's one of ours in truth

Jemele cosigning that VSB article was very upsetting but I think we still need to make ESPN know that we are not happy with the suspension, because we don't want them going after people like Bomani for things like this in the future.

Bomani talks a great game but he won't risk his "bread" to take a stand. Conviction and comfort are not bedfellows ....


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Even her response to this guy was stupid.

He essentially says "I support you heavy but your support of something this general and offensive is concerning" .

She then tells him "see you proving my point!! You are like the whites!".


Oh. I try to be unbiased and always at least try to look at things from the other person's perspective, but she's flat out wrong for
her position on that. Dude didn't tell her to be quiet. He said her opinion was "suspect". Despite her fucked up position on that,
I'll still ride with Jemele because she has good intentions. I personally don't think there is any benefit playing the sexism vs racism game with black people. Black women talk about "intersectionality" and I get it but the overwhelming reason they hate your ass is because you're black..not because you're a woman too and the woman's rights movement should prove that to them... them white feminists don't even open a lane for black women.


BGOL Legend
Just being realistic, bro' ...

...there is some degree of power in 'politicized victimhood', and I don't see them giving up THAT power for the sake of equality.

which is why i suggest stop saying equality altogether cause its not what anyone wants
not even the people fighting for it


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Bomani talks a great game but he won't risk his "bread" to take a stand. Conviction and comfort are not bedfellows ....

What about things like the "Causacians" t-shirt? People have been fired over less.

Bomani is a master at being provocative and getting his point across without you being able to nail him on something. he's more nuanced than Jemele. I think he says the exact same shit but in a more nuanced my opinion. Jemele is just raw.


BGOL Legend
Even her response to this guy was stupid.

He essentially says "I support you heavy but your support of something this general and offensive is concerning" .

She then tells him "see you proving my point!! You are like the whites!".

unequivocal support while they can offend the fuck out of us and it's supposed to be all good.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Worked with Jemele for a few months ....easily one of the most down sistas when it comes to black men and our issues (her brother is in prison)


I know people that went to school with her (fuck a spartan btw)... they said she's being going at the establishment hard since she was riding for the school paper at MSU.


BGOL Legend
Worked with Jemele for a few months ....easily one of the most down sistas when it comes to black men and our issues (her brother is in prison)

She's not immune to the ridiculous feminist thing ...but she's one of ours in truth

Bomani talks a great game but he won't risk his "bread" to take a stand. Conviction and comfort are not bedfellows ....

That's the thing
nobody has to be perfect
but also we shouldn't be expected to treat you like you are perfect either feel me?


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
That's the thing
nobody has to be perfect
but also we shouldn't be expected to treat you like you are perfect either feel me?

Yeah. I still give her a pass. Anyone else would have been dead to me for supporting that shit.... but her credentials are gold. She way down for the cause man...


BGOL Legend
Yeah. I still give her a pass. Anyone else would have been dead to me for supporting that shit.... but her credentials are gold. She way down for the cause man...

That's the thing man if you call someone out on one incident it doesn't mean you don't support them or disown them or don't ride with them it's sometimes people are wrong that's what I mean as far as knowing nobody is perfect nor needing someone to be perfect in order to speak up on these issues

and at the same time when you slip up you still should be able to be called out for that thing that was wrong without it meaning that you totally disbanded that's some either you with me or against me type of bs.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
That's the thing man if you call someone out on one incident it doesn't mean you don't support them or disown them or don't ride with them it's sometimes people are wrong that's what I mean as far as knowing nobody is perfect nor needing someone to be perfect in order to speak up on these issues

and at the same time when you slip up you still should be able to be called out for that thing that was wrong without it meaning that you totally disbanded that's some either you with me or against me type of bs.

Man. That shows you how much credit she's earned because there are few things that I hate more than people who shit on black men in that way. calling black men the "white men" of black people is way out there.


BGOL Legend
Man. That shows you how much credit she's earned because there are few things that I hate more than people who shit on black men in that way. calling black men the "white men" of black people is way out there.

and it deserves to be taken to task but it isn't everything she is but if you take her to task for some bs you saw her response lol

its ok to attack straight black men
but the people wrapped up in pointing fingers don't even see it as a thing they don't even see how attacking straight black men specifically
is the same as when white and other people attack straight black men specifically

Tha Great Muta

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Let me ask you a question.

Should we be above reproach no matter what?

I believe we are allowed to have disagreements and conversations and debates so that we can both push each other to be better.

If you agree that we should be able to handle holding each other accountable for our faults, then you shouldnt be so mad at Jemele for that retweet.

Of course we aren't above reproach. Like I said I ain't calling her out a name but that article is 100% pure whore shit and I'm not gonna forget it or let it slide. We really need to establish a code, because anyone who is all about us, wouldn't retweet or mention that bullshit


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Maybe. All groups have multiple opinions within themselves. So yes to some degree you have whites that share our opinions when it comes to certain aspects of American Life. Obviously there are those who don't. Then again within Black America You have the Ben Carson's, Alveda Kings and Ray Lewis' that don't. I can't worry about those that don't. If you want to move America you got to sway those you can and push for change where you can. That's the way it has always worked.
It is...

I wonder if we are living in a time where an evolution needs to be made to this process.

did NOT see that coming, shit just got real.
I did.

And I can deal

It may be time for the NFL to just quit this patriotic shtick

Just play football

Lose all the flag waving and anthem
Man it was time for them to quit when they first agreed to accept money from the armed forces to start doing this sh!t.
As it should be. I don't care what Liverpool does. It what we do here.
What we do here has been made possible by what they do there.

With that fact in mind, we need to follow suit.
Nigga fuck you with this bullshit. I don't give a fuck what she said to hurt your little feelings or how YOU interpret what she said. There were a lot of clowns with your mentality during the Civil Rights movement. You are the kind that would've loved to shoot Malcolm X and Martin King smile and walk away. So fuck you and all you sons of bitches that agree with this clown ass nigga. Fuck you fuckas. It's bigger than his bullshit.

You share the same end for Jemele Hill that Trump, Hannity and all the rest favor. Trash ass nigga. Oh, and if I haven't said it yet, FUCK YOU!
As long as we continue to rely on employment from white owned media companies who answer to white owned corporate sponsors nothing will change.
Problem identified.

Just add solvent...

Y'all are tripping on Jemelle cosigning an article. That shit don't apply, then it doesn't affect me none. And even if she said all black men, I'll give her the benefit of talking it out with me before I give the enemy any added advantage to destroy any progress in this movement. We're at war and you mofukas got the friendly fire on. Taking each other's progress out before we even make a dent. Stay the fucking course and man up over these emotions.
Winner winner chicken dinner.
You'll have to ask her. She did respond to a person in the comments of that tweet.

And she was valid in her response...if the article swayed you on revolting, you wudn't ridin' for da cause, anyway, so f*ck ya! I:dunno:


Support BGOL
My real issue with Jemele Hill is that the comparison is apple to oranges. The only similarity is that they are fruit.

I will even go as far ... fuck it - anyone who think black men position is the equivalent of white people's is basically expression penis envy or misandry-fueled, inferiority complex.

What advantages do we have?

Any perceived power or advantage we do have can be flipped around on us by calling up the very people we're being compared.

No. Just no.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Worked with Jemele for a few months ....easily one of the most down sistas when it comes to black men and our issues (her brother is in prison)

She's not immune to the ridiculous feminist thing ...but she's one of ours in truth

Bomani talks a great game but he won't risk his "bread" to take a stand. Conviction and comfort are not bedfellows ....
bomani been having folks come him for the longest. no one expected a sitting president to tweet about you expressing your opinion on a show. people get fired and suspended for less.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
Lots of capes flapping for turncoat that looks way too much like Van Axel

Y'all Laker fans killing me lol.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



II Dxnum

Rising Star
90% of the simps in here riding for ol' girl would be ready to excommunicate a black man from black society, if had had one instance of saying, or doing some slick shit in regards to black women.
This woman has AT LEAST a couple of instances you of taking shots at black men, and they want to coddle her. lol
You know it's some fuckery when supremeextremist is taking up for her. :smh: