Not who you WANT to win, who do you THINK wins?

  • Total voters


Transnational Member
Trade Policy
Ability to avoid protracted wars
Lower Corporate Tax Rates

White terrorism
Tough on crime against whites

Pimpslap Slim

The Villain
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Trade Policy
Ability to avoid protracted wars
Lower Corporate Tax Rates

White terrorism
Tough on crime against whites
Trump don't have any pros. Stop it. Trump don't care about anyone but himself. He damn sure don't gaf about you or this this country! The dude is a fucking con. If you can't see it then you are done son! And from your post, you are done!


Platinum Member
Why American media outlets going at Biden this harddddddd

“Time Magazine's latest cover on Joe Biden sparks row, president says, 'Folks, I might not...'​

The Time Magazine cover shows Joe Biden walking and disappearing off the edge, triggering prompt responses from the social media users on this ‘mental decline’​


Time Magazine cover of Joe Biden wandering right off the edge
Time Magazine cover of Joe Biden wandering right off the edge
The allegations of President Joe Biden's mental decline purportedly evidenced by his verbal fumbles and meandering walks have found found its way onto the Time Magazine's latest cover, captioned “panic". It shows Joe Biden walking and disappearing off the edge of the Time Magazine cover, triggering prompt responses from the social media users.

Joe Biden feeble debate performances have also worried the fellow Democrats ahead of the November Presidential election in the United States. The US President has not yet addressed the worries of his supporters until after his first debate with Donald Trump.”


Transnational Member
Adopted a trade policy that is more robust, such as tax credits, does not trigger trade wars. Was a whore for free trade deals during Senate career.
Protracted war with Russia, nuclear wars.
If you present a strong case, he does listen and is flexible, you may face backlash.
Pro Labor Union, but may have alterior motives
Electric vehicles less importing of oil more wealth

Racial cannibalism, increased bed wenching attacks against me
Legal Background, no business experience
Lawfare, retaliation
Not innovative, supports funding police bankrupting cities.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Alot of folks on this board hate black media, but who cares....Still posting


CNN’s shameful spectacle: The 1st presidential debate of 2024 a complete disaster​

by Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire Senior CorrespondentJune 29, 2024
This combination of photos shows Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump, left, and President Joe Biden during a presidential debate hosted by CNN, Thursday, June 27, 2024, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
CNN, which declined to provide Black-owned media with any of the more than 800 credentials it passed out, enabled a boatload of misinformation and flat-out lies to pass through their airwaves like bad wind.
By Stacy M. Brown
NNPA Newswire Senior National Correspondent
(NNPA Newswire) — The first presidential debate of 2024 between President Joe Biden and criminally convicted former President Donald Trump was nothing short of a shameful display of unhinged and unchecked behavior. CNN, which declined to provide Black-owned media with any of the more than 800 credentials it passed out, enabled a boatload of misinformation and flat-out lies to pass through their airwaves like bad wind.
“Absolutely disgraceful that the CNN moderators refuse to fact-check Trump on anything,” said human rights activist and attorney Qasim Rashid. “This is journalistic malpractice, and it is decimating our democracy.”
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Writer and attorney Olayemi Olurin tweeted, “It is a failure on CNN not to fact-check Trump’s lies, but the thing is… if Joe Biden were performing the way he’s supposed to in a debate, his answers would be the fact check. So, three things are true: Trump is lying his off, the mediator isn’t doing their job, and neither is Biden.”
Biden, whose campaign said he suffered from a cold during the debate, took some of his biggest shots at Trump after the former president refused to accept the results this fall regardless of who won. Trump said he would only accept the results “if it’s fair, legal, and good.”

“You’re a whiner,” Biden said. “When you lost the first time… you appealed and appealed to courts all across the country. Not one single court in America said any of your claims had any merit, state or local, none. But you continue to promote this lie about somehow, there’s all this misrepresentation, all this stealing. There’s no evidence of that at all. And I tell you what, I doubt whether you’ll accept it, because you’re such a whiner. The idea if you lose again, you accepting anything? You can’t stand the loss. Something snapped in you when you lost last time.”
Without any rebuttal, Trump also incredulously asserted that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was primarily to blame for the violent uprising on Jan. 6, 2021.
The moderators then cut to a commercial. And that was just a tiny part of CNN’s massive failure. Meanwhile, at the People for American Way reception and debate watch party at the Wharf in Washington, D.C., attendees sighed and expressed anger at their television sets as Trump told lie after lie. Despite having two anchors and a mute button, the host network failed to challenge him.
“The debate turned into a 90-minute Trump rally,” said Alice Wilkes of Northeast. “I waited and waited for the moderators to say something, or, at least, cut him off.”

At Busboys & Poets on K Street in Northwest, where former lawmaker Nina Turner hosted a watch party, a packed house cheered as Biden called Trump “a sucker” and noted that he had “sex with a porn star” behind his wife’s back.
During the debate, Biden addressed questions about his age and stumbled when he tried to mock Trump’s fitness. “You can see he is 6-foot-5 and only 223 pounds or 235 pounds… well, anyway,” Biden said.
Later, he agreed to Trump’s challenge of a golf match on one condition: “If you carry your own bag.”
Several Black voters expressed disappointment in the way both candidates talked about Black people.
“It’s like they forgot about Black people,” Byron Cooper of Southeast said.
“Trump commuted some sentences and pardoned some drug dealers. That’s supposedly what he did for the Black community,” Cooper remarked. “Unfortunately, to some Black people, that’s enough, which is ridiculous because the guy is a stark raving racist.”
During the debate, Trump revived attacks on Biden and Democrats over the 1994 crime bill that disproportionately harmed African Americans. Neither Biden nor CNN failed to mention Trump calling for the execution of five Black and Brown teenagers who were innocent of sexually assaulting a White woman in Central Park.
Biden did mention how Trump has called skinheads and White nationalists “good people.”
In his two-minute closing argument, Trump personally attacked Biden’s record abroad. “They don’t respect you throughout the world,” he said.
Trump claimed he had the largest tax cut and the largest regulation cuts in history, but the country is now “exploding.”
“We’re a failing nation, but it’s not going to be failing anymore,” he said. We’re going to make it great again.”
For his close, Biden noted, “We have made significant progress from the debacle President Trump left in his last term.”
Biden then summarized some of his signature policies. In terms of the economy, he vowed not to raise taxes on anyone making under $400,000 a year and to continue his work to reduce health care and childcare costs and give families financial breathing room.
“We’re going to continue to fight to bring down inflation and give people a break,” Biden said in closing.