Joe Biden is now POTUS


Rising Star
As we get closer to Election Day, my confidence continue to grow that this fool will be out of office.

Many folks are tired of his bullshit. And to even think that Black Jesus gave him a pandemic that he could have solidified his next for years with as long as he would have responded properly. Instead, he went in the opposite direction.:lol:
It is insane how fucking stupid and incompetent he is. :smh: :lol:

I still don't think he understands how easy his path to reelection would have been had he even pretended to give a fuck about the virus.

Had he acted Presidential during the first months of the virus, the media would have praised him like he personally developed the germ theory.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
As we get closer to Election Day, my confidence continue to grow that this fool will be out of office.

Many folks are tired of his bullshit. And to even think that Black Jesus gave him a pandemic that he could have solidified his next for years with as long as he would have responded properly. Instead, he went in the opposite direction.:lol:

Yo. Just two weeks ago I was worried this dude wasn't going to leave.. that he would try to stop the vote-counting on election night, etc.

Now, I'm not even worried about this nigga. He's fucking done.

and you know how I know... not because all the early voting that's going to smash records which is a lead but not even the major clue...... Because Mitch keeps adding poison pills to the Stimulus Package so that Dems won't support it...even though a deal would help Trump next month. But he knows it won't help Trump enough for him to win. So he's already handicapping Biden's 1st term. They've already gone full "austerity". Deficits only matter to the GOP when Dems are in power or coming into power. All the "court-packing" hysteria is all about Biden's 1st term. They know the Senate is gone so they're preemptively setting up their obstacles to try to recapture the Senate in the 2022 midterms. This shit is OVER.

All the GOP is doing now is trying to repeat with Biden what they did with Obama's first term.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
It is insane how fucking stupid and incompetent he is. :smh: :lol:

I still don't think he understands how easy his path to reelection would have been had he even pretended to give a fuck about the virus.

Had he acted Presidential during the first months of the virus, the media would have praised him like he personally developed the germ theory.

A good friend of mine said a few months ago that he wasnt worried about Trump because there is too much complexity and uncertainty and Trump ALWAYS MAKES THE WRONG DECISION.

And that's what it's been...nothing but this muthafucka doing the opposite of what he should do.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
as he would have responded properly. Instead, he went in the opposite direction.:lol:

The media wants him to win. He's great for business. And they'd certainly love to pitch a horse race. But Trump is giving them NOTHING. Like he won't even come out and way "wear a mask' after he got infected. They already had Trump's "new tone and more serious about the virus" article written while he was in hospital. It was too obvious what the play was..... but this nigga wanted to come out in a Super Man shirt and say "fuck this virus.. it aint shit" :smh: :lol:


Rising Star
Yo. Just two weeks ago I was worried this dude wasn't going to leave.. that he would try to stop the vote-counting on election night, etc.

Now, I'm not even worried about this nigga. He's fucking done.

and you know how I know... not because all the early voting that's going to smash records which is a lead but not even the major clue...... Because Mitch keeps adding poison pills to the Stimulus Package so that Dems won't support it...even though a deal would help Trump next month. But he knows it won't help Trump enough for him to win. So he's already handicapping Biden's 1st term. They've already gone full "austerity". Deficits only matter to the GOP when Dems are in power or coming into power. All the "court-packing" hysteria is all about Biden's 1st term. They know the Senate is gone so they're preemptively setting up their obstacles to try to recapture the Senate in the 2022 midterms. This shit is OVER.

All the GOP is doing now is trying to repeat with Biden what they did with Obama's first term.

Wife and I were just joking that the only way to get the virus under control here is for the democrats to take power back. All of those deaths will suddenly matter just like the deficit/debt will reemerge as the most important issue. The same cacs that were saying "there is more to life than living" under trump will be on Fox with tears in their eyes because of the deaths. :smh: Their playbook is so obvious that the only question now is what Fox backed totally organic grassroots movement will emerge to fill the gap while the republicans go into their normal post presidency temporary exile.:lol: I predict it will be something focused on the totally organic anti-mask protests they already organized.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It is insane how fucking stupid and incompetent he is. :smh: :lol:

I still don't think he understands how easy his path to reelection would have been had he even pretended to give a fuck about the virus.

Had he acted Presidential during the first months of the virus, the media would have praised him like he personally developed the germ theory.
Real talk, this has basically been his path for his entire term.

Remember how ready the media were to call him "presidential" those first few months of his term? Any time he even got close to seeming like a decent human being, they would slide right into that narrative. (Side note: fuck Van Jones.)

I have to give Trump credit. Anyone with a lick of real sense could have just kept their head down, not made major waves, and cruised to eight years of general fuckery in the guise of leadership. But he leaned so hard into "Trump gotta Trump" that we literally got a man that is worse than the one that we started with. Which is saying a lot, because he started with "Mexicans are rapists."


Rising Star
Real talk, this has basically been his path for his entire term.

Remember how ready the media were to call him "presidential" those first few months of his term? Any time he even got close to seeming like a decent human being, they would slide right into that narrative. (Side note: fuck Van Jones.)

I have to give Trump credit. Anyone with a lick of real sense could have just kept their head down, not made major waves, and cruised to eight years of general fuckery in the guise of leadership. But he leaned so hard into "Trump gotta Trump" that we literally got a man that is worse than the one that we started with. Which is saying a lot, because he started with "Mexicans are rapists."
Trump is a megalomaniac. He can't help himself.
Politicians are narcissistic by nature but Trump is beyond that label. There's a reason why he kept campaigning after he won the presidency and it's there's a reason why he rushed from the hospital and back into campaigning. He needs the applause to feed him and give him strength (feed his personality disorder).


Rising Star
Real talk, this has basically been his path for his entire term.

Remember how ready the media were to call him "presidential" those first few months of his term? Any time he even got close to seeming like a decent human being, they would slide right into that narrative. (Side note: fuck Van Jones.)

I have to give Trump credit. Anyone with a lick of real sense could have just kept their head down, not made major waves, and cruised to eight years of general fuckery in the guise of leadership. But he leaned so hard into "Trump gotta Trump" that we literally got a man that is worse than the one that we started with. Which is saying a lot, because he started with "Mexicans are rapists."

:lol: I almost broke my tv when Van Jones said that dumb shit about trump after the State of the Union.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Wife and I were just joking that the only way to get the virus under control here is for the democrats to take power back. All of those deaths will suddenly matter just like the deficit/debt will reemerge as the most important issue. The same cacs that were saying "there is more to life than living" under trump will be on Fox with tears in their eyes because of the deaths. :smh: Their playbook is so obvious that the only question now is what Fox backed totally organic grassroots movement will emerge to fill the gap while the republicans go into their normal post presidency temporary exile.:lol: I predict it will be something focused on the totally organic anti-mask protests they already organized.

Yo. There were literally elected Republican officials on Fox News saying that "you might have to sacrifice granma for the economy". Now they're wondering why they're losing one of their most reliable voting blocks. Trump convinced the GOP that NOTHING MATTERS but they're about to learn that it does.

and like you said, they'll be on TV in late January talking about "how many people are the Dems gonna let die from Covid-19?". They'll probably even cancel "The Wuhan Virus".


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Real talk, this has basically been his path for his entire term.

Remember how ready the media were to call him "presidential" those first few months of his term? Any time he even got close to seeming like a decent human being, they would slide right into that narrative. (Side note: fuck Van Jones.)

I have to give Trump credit. Anyone with a lick of real sense could have just kept their head down, not made major waves, and cruised to eight years of general fuckery in the guise of leadership. But he leaned so hard into "Trump gotta Trump" that we literally got a man that is worse than the one that we started with. Which is saying a lot, because he started with "Mexicans are rapists."

The shit that helped him win was his downfall. Trump just needed to control his twitter finger. That's it. The media been filtering him for the masses but they can't do anything about this twitter account.

Like you said... he started off with Mexicans are rapists and that was his best version. This muthafucka gets worst every day. I don't even know how humans like him are possible.


Rising Star
Yo. There literally elected Republican officials on Fox News saying that "you might have to sacrifice granma for the economy". Now they're wondering why they're losing one of their most reliable voting blocks. Trump convinced the GOP that NOTHING MATTERS but they're about to learn that it does.
Lt. Governor of Texas said that shit. I remember not believing the headline. :lol:



Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Lt. Governor of Texas said that shit. I remember not believing the headline. :lol:

Ok. Now I remember. Man..I don't even like to use my phone to call people and I called my momma like.. yo... GOP said we just gotta let some of yall go :lol:


Rising Star
Yo. There were literally elected Republican officials on Fox News saying that "you might have to sacrifice granma for the economy". Now they're wondering why they're losing one of their most reliable voting blocks. Trump convinced the GOP that NOTHING MATTERS but they're about to learn that it does.

and like you said, they'll be on TV in late January talking about "how many people are the Dems gonna let die from Covid-19?". They'll probably even cancel "The Wuhan Virus".

Senior citizens for Trump were like:



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Biden’s vulnerability
The latest New York Times/Siena College poll showed Joe Biden to be leading President Trump in four important swing states. But it also showed how Biden could lose the election.
If the campaign is a referendum on the coronavirus, Trump will probably lose. The U.S. has suffered more than almost any other rich country, as many voters realize. When new outbreaks were exploding this summer, Biden’s lead grew to almost 10 percentage points.
But the other issue that’s dominated the news in recent months — the combination of police violence, racial injustice, peaceful protests and rising crime in many cities — is more politically complicated. It has the potential to hurt both Trump and Biden, in different ways. And so far, Biden has not managed to send voters a persuasive message that protects his vulnerabilities.
Perhaps the most surprising finding from the poll was this: In the four swing states — Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire and Wisconsin — a larger share of voters said “addressing law and order” was a more important campaign issue to them than said “addressing the coronavirus pandemic” was.
On first glance, these law-and-order concerns may still seem to help Biden. More voters trust him to do a better job on several related issues — including violent crime, unifying the country and handling the protests — than trust Trump. But it’s not quite that simple.
Remember: Most Americans have already made up their minds about the election. Their answers to poll questions about which candidate they trust on specific issues are almost meaningless at this point. The bigger issue is how undecided and uncommitted voters feel.
Biden’s problem is that, on the broad issues of crime and policing, he appears to have a larger group of soft supporters — people who could flip — than Trump does. As Nate Cohn, a Times reporter who helped oversee the poll, told me, “There is definitely some Biden support with worry about crime.” Those worries span Black, Latino and white voters.
Consider these poll questions, all of which show a larger share of Biden supporters giving the answers that the Trump campaign would like to hear than vice versa:

Biden does have potential ways to address these weaknesses. A large share of people say they think he supports defunding the police — a position Biden rejects but one he evidently has not been clear enough about. (The vagueness of “defund the police,” and whether it means abolish or reduce police funding, is part of his challenge.) A majority of poll respondents also said Biden “hasn’t done enough to condemn violent rioting.” Even 27 percent of his own supporters gave that answer.
Every political campaign is a mixture of offense and defense. For Biden, there are obvious ways to go on the offense — about the virus, Biden’s economic agenda, Trump’s inflaming of racism and his incitement of chaos during protests. But the complex swirl of issues around those protests, including violence and the future of policing, also creates some problems for Biden.
He hasn’t yet solved them. That’s one reason that the campaign has not turned into the rout that seemed possible this summer.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

The polls are wrong. The U.S. presidential race is a near dead heat, this A.I. ‘sentiment analysis’ tool says
October 14, 2020 7:34 AM EDT

An analysis of the emotions being expressed on social media indicates that the upcoming U.S. presidential election may be a much closer contest than many commentators and pollsters believe.

That's the conclusion of, a company with offices in Modena, Italy, and Rockville, Md., that uses an A.I. technique called "sentiment analysis" to understand the emotions being expressed in social media posts.

The company's analysis puts Democratic candidate Joseph Biden ahead of President Donald Trump, 50.2% to 47.3%, a margin that is much narrower than the double-digit lead that Biden has over Trump in most national opinion polls.

Based on these polls, many political analysts and commentators are expecting that Biden may win a historic landslide. But's A.I.-based analysis indicates the race may be much tighter than these human experts are expecting.'s political forecasting model was successful in predicting that the U.K. would vote to leave the European Union in 2016. And academic research has shown that similar social media sentiment analysis would have better predicted Trump's victory in the 2016 U.S. presidential election than polling data.

Trump was the focus of far more social media activity than Biden, accounting for almost 60% of all the posts analyzed, compared to slightly less than 17% for Biden. But Biden ranked higher in terms of positive emotions such as "success" and "hope," while Trump scored higher on negative emotions such as "fear" and "hatred."

The only positive emotion on which Trump scores better than Biden, according to a statement from, is "action."

Walt Mayo,'s chief executive officer, said the company's ability to analyze hundreds of thousands of social media posts in real time gives it "insight into what voters are discussing and how their attitudes are evolving as we get closer to the election." He said the analysis helped the company glean "the issues of most importance to voters and the emotions in social media posts that may drive decision-making at the polls."'s system looked at 500,000 Twitter posts and other social media comments made over the past week. It uses natural language processing, a form of A.I. that can understand aspects of language, to categorize the sentiment being expressed in these social media posts according to 84 different emotional labels.

These labels are then given a rank in terms of their intensity, on a scale from 1 to 100, and are multiplied by the number of occurrences for each candidate. The emotions are also classified as either "positive" or "negative" and used to create an index that can compare the two candidates against one another.

This story has been updated to include comments from CEO Walt Mayo.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
LMAO they think they're slick.

It's gonna be hilarious to watch not only how Republicans toss Donald Trump to the side now that they've gotten what they've need out of him, but how Donald Trump reacts when he realizes he was just a vassal to the Federalist society for passing conservative judges.


Rising Star
LMAO they think they're slick.

It's gonna be hilarious to watch not only how Republicans toss Donald Trump to the side now that they've gotten what they've need out of him, but how Donald Trump reacts when he realizes he was just a vassal to the Federalist society for passing conservative judges.

Trump lives in a total bubble, so no one will be able to convince him of anything. Typical megalomaniac and Trump is above the average when it comes to such disorders.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
The shit that helped him win was his downfall. Trump just needed to control his twitter finger. That's it. The media been filtering him for the masses but they can't do anything about this twitter account.

Like you said... he started off with Mexicans are rapists and that was his best version. This muthafucka gets worst every day. I don't even know how humans like him are possible.

Demon spawn.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Assist please

I dont know how to embed the video in this blog but the shit is funny and it needs to be shared in the widest dissemination



This is a real good comment from that article that expressed what I want to express about Trump supporters.

At least from where I'm standing, it looks as if many Republican voters are suffering from the "sunk cost fallacy" -- since giving up now would mean that all the effort exerted up to this point was a mistake and has been wasted, they cling with even greater determination in order to avoid the incredible pain of realizing that they've been tricked. This is similar to the "gambler's fallacy" -- possibly also at play here -- in which someone believes that a string of losses means that the likelihood of success next time must be even greater.
Even though there is no evidence that Mark Twain ever actually said this, it certainly sounds like something he would have is easier to fool a man than to convince him that he has been fooled. A certain popular maxim to the effect that one definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and yet expecting a different result would also appear to apply here.”


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Real talk, this has basically been his path for his entire term.

Remember how ready the media were to call him "presidential" those first few months of his term? Any time he even got close to seeming like a decent human being, they would slide right into that narrative. (Side note: fuck Van Jones.)

I have to give Trump credit. Anyone with a lick of real sense could have just kept their head down, not made major waves, and cruised to eight years of general fuckery in the guise of leadership. But he leaned so hard into "Trump gotta Trump" that we literally got a man that is worse than the one that we started with. Which is saying a lot, because he started with "Mexicans are rapists."

All of this...I mean they had confirmed Russian bounties and no one even talks about that anymore..I don't think he even cares about the electio n, he doesn't want to go to jail...I'm not sure if he wants to go to Russia either because he may end up having an "accident" over there


Rising Star
Platinum Member

The polls are wrong. The U.S. presidential race is a near dead heat, this A.I. ‘sentiment analysis’ tool says
October 14, 2020 7:34 AM EDT

An analysis of the emotions being expressed on social media indicates that the upcoming U.S. presidential election may be a much closer contest than many commentators and pollsters believe.

That's the conclusion of, a company with offices in Modena, Italy, and Rockville, Md., that uses an A.I. technique called "sentiment analysis" to understand the emotions being expressed in social media posts.

The company's analysis puts Democratic candidate Joseph Biden ahead of President Donald Trump, 50.2% to 47.3%, a margin that is much narrower than the double-digit lead that Biden has over Trump in most national opinion polls.

Based on these polls, many political analysts and commentators are expecting that Biden may win a historic landslide. But's A.I.-based analysis indicates the race may be much tighter than these human experts are expecting.'s political forecasting model was successful in predicting that the U.K. would vote to leave the European Union in 2016. And academic research has shown that similar social media sentiment analysis would have better predicted Trump's victory in the 2016 U.S. presidential election than polling data.

Trump was the focus of far more social media activity than Biden, accounting for almost 60% of all the posts analyzed, compared to slightly less than 17% for Biden. But Biden ranked higher in terms of positive emotions such as "success" and "hope," while Trump scored higher on negative emotions such as "fear" and "hatred."

The only positive emotion on which Trump scores better than Biden, according to a statement from, is "action."

Walt Mayo,'s chief executive officer, said the company's ability to analyze hundreds of thousands of social media posts in real time gives it "insight into what voters are discussing and how their attitudes are evolving as we get closer to the election." He said the analysis helped the company glean "the issues of most importance to voters and the emotions in social media posts that may drive decision-making at the polls."'s system looked at 500,000 Twitter posts and other social media comments made over the past week. It uses natural language processing, a form of A.I. that can understand aspects of language, to categorize the sentiment being expressed in these social media posts according to 84 different emotional labels.

These labels are then given a rank in terms of their intensity, on a scale from 1 to 100, and are multiplied by the number of occurrences for each candidate. The emotions are also classified as either "positive" or "negative" and used to create an index that can compare the two candidates against one another.

This story has been updated to include comments from CEO Walt Mayo.


Does the AI look at the lines of people standing in line to vote? Is it also able to discern the bots from actual people


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member

The polls are wrong. The U.S. presidential race is a near dead heat, this A.I. ‘sentiment analysis’ tool says
October 14, 2020 7:34 AM EDT

An analysis of the emotions being expressed on social media indicates that the upcoming U.S. presidential election may be a much closer contest than many commentators and pollsters believe.

That's the conclusion of, a company with offices in Modena, Italy, and Rockville, Md., that uses an A.I. technique called "sentiment analysis" to understand the emotions being expressed in social media posts.

The company's analysis puts Democratic candidate Joseph Biden ahead of President Donald Trump, 50.2% to 47.3%, a margin that is much narrower than the double-digit lead that Biden has over Trump in most national opinion polls.

Based on these polls, many political analysts and commentators are expecting that Biden may win a historic landslide. But's A.I.-based analysis indicates the race may be much tighter than these human experts are expecting.'s political forecasting model was successful in predicting that the U.K. would vote to leave the European Union in 2016. And academic research has shown that similar social media sentiment analysis would have better predicted Trump's victory in the 2016 U.S. presidential election than polling data.

Trump was the focus of far more social media activity than Biden, accounting for almost 60% of all the posts analyzed, compared to slightly less than 17% for Biden. But Biden ranked higher in terms of positive emotions such as "success" and "hope," while Trump scored higher on negative emotions such as "fear" and "hatred."

The only positive emotion on which Trump scores better than Biden, according to a statement from, is "action."

Walt Mayo,'s chief executive officer, said the company's ability to analyze hundreds of thousands of social media posts in real time gives it "insight into what voters are discussing and how their attitudes are evolving as we get closer to the election." He said the analysis helped the company glean "the issues of most importance to voters and the emotions in social media posts that may drive decision-making at the polls."'s system looked at 500,000 Twitter posts and other social media comments made over the past week. It uses natural language processing, a form of A.I. that can understand aspects of language, to categorize the sentiment being expressed in these social media posts according to 84 different emotional labels.

These labels are then given a rank in terms of their intensity, on a scale from 1 to 100, and are multiplied by the number of occurrences for each candidate. The emotions are also classified as either "positive" or "negative" and used to create an index that can compare the two candidates against one another.

This story has been updated to include comments from CEO Walt Mayo.

but the AI says Biden will win.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
LMAO they think they're slick.

It's gonna be hilarious to watch not only how Republicans toss Donald Trump to the side now that they've gotten what they've need out of him, but how Donald Trump reacts when he realizes he was just a vassal to the Federalist society for passing conservative judges.

That's all he was.... the most useful idiot imaginable. As soon as he loses and doesn't have power, they'll all be leaking shit like this. Sasse just knows the writing is on the wall and he's just trying to get out in front to play the "moderate" role when the smoke clears.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor

This is a real good comment from that article that expressed what I want to express about Trump supporters.

At least from where I'm standing, it looks as if many Republican voters are suffering from the "sunk cost fallacy" -- since giving up now would mean that all the effort exerted up to this point was a mistake and has been wasted, they cling with even greater determination in order to avoid the incredible pain of realizing that they've been tricked. This is similar to the "gambler's fallacy" -- possibly also at play here -- in which someone believes that a string of losses means that the likelihood of success next time must be even greater.
Even though there is no evidence that Mark Twain ever actually said this, it certainly sounds like something he would have is easier to fool a man than to convince him that he has been fooled. A certain popular maxim to the effect that one definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and yet expecting a different result would also appear to apply here.”

If the Dems do what they're supposed to do in 2021, imagine how they're going to react when they didn't even get control of the judicial branch out of it. They'll lose their minds knowing all the got out of Trump was losing the House and Senate and statehood for D.C. and Puerto Rico.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor

All of this...I mean they had confirmed Russian bounties and no one even talks about that anymore..I don't think he even cares about the electio n, he doesn't want to go to jail...I'm not sure if he wants to go to Russia either because he may end up having an "accident" over there

Yo. Real talk.. this dude stopped campaigning to win the election a long time ago. And all his sabre-rattling has been about holding on to power even with a loss.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Don't care about national polls with the electoral college.

Need to consistently see the numbers in FL/Ohio/Michigan/Wisconsin/Pennsylvania. Those states will decide the election. If you live in one of those states, desperately need you to get out and vote.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
His base is riled tf up. Just saw a 50+ car motorcade in NE Philly. Bunch of frothing at the mouth racist Trump idiots driving down the street with humongous Trump flags yelling goofy shit out of the window. This is about get real ugly next month