Joe Biden is now POTUS


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Who cares if this was going on before biden. He isn't stopping it. No he's continuing it just like the he immigration y'all ran in here to defend. Do some more reading


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Yes they caved. As usual. They should have made Tubberville perjure himself. Those fake $2,000 checks ain't coming anytime soon. Go big, or 2022, we running it back with Mcconnell :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Who cares if this was going on before biden. He isn't stopping it. No he's continuing it just like the he immigration y'all ran in here to defend. Do some more reading
private prisons and prisons with a profit motive is wrong and should be stopped...

whats the objection to this method and whats an alternative to checking mail so that prisoners and gangs aren't smuggling drugs and contraband into the prisons? Clearly people object to this method.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
private prisons and prisons with a profit motive is wrong and should be stopped...

whats the objection to this method and whats an alternative to checking mail so that prisoners and gangs aren't smuggling drugs and contraband into the prisons? Clearly people object to this method.
How bout we object to get the whole damn prison system. It doesn't rehabilitate so what's it's real purpose other than $$$$$


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How bout we object to get the whole damn prison system. It doesn't rehabilitate so what's it's real purpose other than $$$$$
okay and do what with dangerous criminals?

for example everyone gets on Obama for not shutting down the prison in gitmo....but when the plan was to move them to supermax prisons on the US every governor said not in my gotta do something with the dangerous criminals so what would that be?
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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Has Donald J. Trump ever - EVER - been held accountable or face the consequences of anything he has throughout his life?
I'm just curious.
Not Really.
When he lost the casino's things were on the thin edge. They took some things and put him on a budget of only$ 33,000.oo a month till the debt was around 60% paid. That was the only time I can think of when he was really in trouble


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
okay and do what with dangerous criminals?

for example everyone gets on Obama for not shutting down the prison in gitmo....but when the plan was to move them to supermax prisons on the US every governor said not in my gotta do something with the dangerous criminals so what would that be?
Crime is crime. These corrupt ass bankers, thieves and drunk drivers just as dangerous as gun crime.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Has Donald J. Trump ever - EVER - been held accountable or face the consequences of anything he has throughout his life?

I'm just curious.

I said this last year:

I have NEVER seen a motherfucker with a more charmed life than this asshole.....seriously. donald trump is the living embodiment of white male privilege if there ever was one.
  • this nigga was worth 200k when he was 8 years old.
  • he was a millionaire personally by the time he was 16...all trust fund/inherited
  • he was barely a student at the military academy he went to.
  • Everything he failed at, all he had to do was transfer more of daddy's money over to himself and ante up the tune of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS transferred from fred trump to donald over the 80s and 90s.
He's NEVER been held accountable for ANYTHING in his LIFE...mind you the nigga is in his 70s... whenever he fucked up there was always a phalanx of lawyers, fixers and enablers who covered for him or made it go away. This dude is supposed to be a proponent of pro-life...I'm willing to bet you he has at least FOUR ABORTIONS on his record thru the free love 60s, fuckfest 70s, and coked out LEAST 4 and 2 are probably mexican or puerto rican...some kind of brown-skinned domestic he harvey weinsteined then daddy paid off or threatened... to get rid of the kid (does that really sound far fetched??)

America's reaction to electing the first Black man president for two terms is to elect a white nationalist directly after him. THAT'S AMERICA in a nutshell.


Controversy Creates Cash
BGOL Investor
The Political way to get 45 is done on to the legal way which the Repubs should really fear cause I see 45 snitching on all them to save his own azz or take them down with him. We know he is not going quietly away to much free money to be collecting from dumb donors who think he will run for office again.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Has Donald J. Trump ever - EVER - been held accountable or face the consequences of anything he has throughout his life?

I'm just curious.

Nope! Which is why he feels emboldened and will continue to push the lines further and further. I don’t think the GOP understands that. If he’s able to run again in 2024 he will be more dangerous than he’s ever been. If they think they’re in danger now? Just wait and see...

Get rid of the cancer now while he’s more vulnerable. Take your lumps! His supports in general are fickle like most people. You’ll take some lumps but you may survive.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
He’ll get a pass on nBGOL because they worship the Caucasian man. Biden just threatened Nigeria with heavy sanctions until they become homo-friendly so the immigrants of nBGOL are getting their tangibles.

Didn't know Biden did this. When Obama went to Africa and starting preaching that shit, they told him to GTFO. I bet Biden won't try this with Saudi Arabia.

Joe Biden invited to Nigeria to ‘marry a man as his second wife’ by raging homophobic bishop

The angry tirade comes after Biden vowed to advance the cause of LGBT+ rights around the world, threatening financial sanctions on regimes deemed to have infringed on the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex people.

A memo signed by Biden on 4 February instructed US government agencies to “strengthen existing efforts to combat the criminalisation by foreign governments of LGBTQI+ status or conduct”.

It added: “When foreign governments move to restrict the rights of LGBTQI+ persons or fail to enforce legal protections in place, thereby contributing to a climate of intolerance, agencies engaged abroad shall consider appropriate responses, including using the full range of diplomatic and assistance tools and, as appropriate, financial sanctions, visa restrictions, and other actions.”

Speaking to African outlet Sahara Reporters, bishop Emmah Isong of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria hit out at Biden in the wake of the memo, defending Nigeria’s laws criminalising homosexuality.

He said: “I personally take it as a rumour that America wants to sanction governments that are anti-gay. The US has not communicated officially with the government of Nigeria.

“Let there be an official gazetted letter signed by the Secretary of State of the United States telling us to become gay, then we invite the president of the US to come and marry a man in Nigeria as his second wife.

“He must practise what he’s preaching, if the president of America wants Nigeria to practise gay, he should come and marry a man from here so we will know he means business.”

He added: “Every nation is equal in the comity of nations. America is a country that believes in the tenets of democracy which is freedom of speech, and I believe that Nigeria is an independent nation, we are not a nation under America.

“We are not among the states under American nation. We have the right to be anti-gay, I believe no one can sanction us for that.

If they sanction us for being against gays, we can sanction them for believing in it… the worst thing they can do is raise their visa fees and we raise ours too and they reduce it and apologise and we also reduce ours and apologise.”

Homosexuality is illegal in Nigeria and is punished by up to 14 years in prison. (This is why @Hotlantan, @veritech, @mangobob79, and @rph2005 had to leave).

A law passed by former Nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan in 2014 bans same-sex relationships, and also makes a person who “registers, operates or participates in gay clubs, societies and organisation, or directly or indirectly make public show of same-sex amorous relationship” liable for 10 years in prison.

In October, a judge threw out charges against 47 men arrested under the country’s anti-gay law after a raid on a hotel.



The Legend
BGOL Investor

