Joe Biden is now POTUS


Truth Teller
It's cool. Most people do not know what our abortion laws are.

In the U.S., there are 6 states with no gestation period limits. Meaning, at anytime, a mother can get an abortion completed before birth.

I do not just talk from feelings. I support everything I say with facts. Read this. It's eye opening.
My brother sent this to me.

Both CACs are charged with TWO counts of murder. But, killing an unborn baby is not murder if a physician does it. We need consistency.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Don’t even play that game. That shit is a cop out
It's really not, though. He's garbage regardless. I'm just saying I want to know what could be so damaging that he'd literally risk it all. At this point, if I had a dirty secret in my closet, I'd probably just come out with it rather than compromise my entire damn country over it.

But yeah, if he doesn't have one, then he's an even bigger asshole. But he's still an asshole.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
It's really not, though. He's garbage regardless. I'm just saying I want to know what could be so damaging that he'd literally risk it all. At this point, if I had a dirty secret in my closet, I'd probably just come out with it rather than compromise my entire damn country over it.

But yeah, if he doesn't have one, then he's an even bigger asshole. But he's still an asshole.
What is the consequence? There is no consequence. Even for treason.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
No The Republicans have been assholes with anything that comes up with trumps name on it......a lot of them are not afraid of Trump they are afraid of Trump voters. The Democrats did a hell of a job but there was nothing you could do with this current Republican crowd in the Senate right now. Trump literally did the same shit Osama Bin Laden did :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I guess the pinpoint question is what can a president do to be kicked out of office or banned from ever running for federal office again...
the answer so far is

contravening an order from the senate, the legislative branch, and working to usurp their authority. thats basically what andrew jackson got impeach for and he was acquitted by one vote.

perjury and obstruction of justice in charges stemmed from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against Clinton by Arkansas state employee Paula Jones - thats what clinton was impeached for and acquitted as both charges failed to get the required supermajority in congress.

abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. the first time and "Incitement of Insurrection" the second both cases trump was not removed or banned from holding a federal position again.

So we know you can do all those things and NOT be kicked out or banned from holding office ever again.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor

God... This guy. Wallace played two objective and honest tapes and he decided to be subjective about his own statement and Haley's. Seems to me like this guy has no soul or has completely sold it to trump and MAGA. No decent republican should want to be a part of MAGA. Lindsey basically had sold that movement to most of the party if not all of them. Trump doesn't need a Twitter account. He has Lindsey G.

Democrats should not be lazy this time around. They need an action Committee like Lincoln Project (except with no legal issues) and start playing these fools flip-flopping from now till 2022 and beyond. American democracy is taking a beating at the hands of Trump and the republican party.


Rising Star
I guess the pinpoint question is what can a president do to be kicked out of office or banned from ever running for federal office again...
the answer so far is

contravening an order from the senate, the legislative branch, and working to usurp their authority. thats basically what andrew jackson got impeach for and he was acquitted by one vote.

perjury and obstruction of justice in charges stemmed from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against Clinton by Arkansas state employee Paula Jones - thats what clinton was impeached for and acquitted as both charges failed to get the required supermajority in congress.

abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. the first time and "Incitement of Insurrection" the second both cases trump was not removed or banned from holding a federal position again.

So we know you can do all those things and NOT be kicked out or banned from holding office ever again.
Republicans have slowly but surely been working to change this country from a democracy/republic and into a dictatorship of some kind.
They have a loyal base ready and willing to enact such a form of government.
We see that through their support of Trump and their actions at the Capitol.

We see it locally through laws that are counter to a free and open and what is suppose to an advance nation.
It's clear that the Democratic party represents democracy (big tent party). While the republican party represents a dictatorship (humongous party).
If the voters and non voters don't recognize this. Then we are in big trouble the next time republicans gain control of the federal government.


Rising Star

I didn’t know Biden was already the president on Jan 6, 2020

BOP Plans To Digitize Incoming Prisoner Mail
By Brandon Sample | January 6, 2020 | 0

"The Bureau of Prisons wants to digitize incoming prisoner mail. According to a recent request for information, the Bureau of Prisons hopes “to eliminate synthetic drug contraband secreted in the physical mail by using a turnkey offsite postal mail scanning service that will reduce costs, streamline BOP operations, eliminate contraband and provide a whole new field of valuable investigative intelligence not currently available.”
The request for information further states that “inmate mail will be processed and delivered same day it is received at the mail process hub."


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I didn’t know Biden was already the president on Jan 6, 2020

BOP Plans To Digitize Incoming Prisoner Mail
By Brandon Sample | January 6, 2020 | 0

The Bureau of Prisons wants to digitize incoming prisoner mail. According to a recent request for information, the Bureau of Prisons hopes “to eliminate synthetic drug contraband secreted in the physical mail by using a turnkey offsite postal mail scanning service that will reduce costs, streamline BOP operations, eliminate contraband and provide a whole new field of valuable investigative intelligence not currently available.”
The request for information further states that “inmate mail will be processed and delivered same day it is received at the mail process hub.
Damn you beat me to it :giggle:

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
I didn’t know Biden was already the president on Jan 6, 2020

BOP Plans To Digitize Incoming Prisoner Mail
By Brandon Sample | January 6, 2020 | 0

"The Bureau of Prisons wants to digitize incoming prisoner mail. According to a recent request for information, the Bureau of Prisons hopes “to eliminate synthetic drug contraband secreted in the physical mail by using a turnkey offsite postal mail scanning service that will reduce costs, streamline BOP operations, eliminate contraband and provide a whole new field of valuable investigative intelligence not currently available.”
The request for information further states that “inmate mail will be processed and delivered same day it is received at the mail process hub."
This poster is clearly an agent. He's been pumping misinformation and disinformation out consistently.
I try to give dudes the benefit of the doubt but mane, that's like strike 6 or 7 lol. Cats don't even pretend to fact check, cross check, validate, or use basic attention to detail skills.


Cats don’t bother to follow the full convo or understand in context either!
