Joe Biden is now POTUS

Walter Panov

Rising Star
I do. Student loans been mad scammy and have victimized loads of un- and mis-informed students.

If you haven't put up as big a fuss about the numerous and MUCH larger corporate welfare programs, tax cuts, or outsized military spending, loud protestation here seems a lil high in sodium.

Will a search for your ire toward the Trump tax cuts yield as strong an oppositional statement as this one? The farming subsidies after the "tariff" bullshit? Any other frivolous government spending that went to white folks that didn't need it?

I do not pose these questions rhetorically or sarcastically.
They can all be useless programs at the same time. One frivolous government program does not exclude the other ones. I don't agree with most military spending, tax cuts for the rich, or corporate welfare either. All those programs have had some bullshit justification. I don't need to make a post asking for something that I already know the answer to. I've been opposed to military spending since before you joined bgol. Your questions are not sarcastic. They're just stupid.

You're calling me a hater for not liking a program that makes no sense (that you haven't yet explained), while you are also "hating" on government welfare programs towards the rich. How does it affect you? It's called hypocrisy.

If the problem is scammy student loans, attack those loans directly. What does a blanket let's-forgive-every-debt solve? <-- Still no answer to this question. A focused approach on the victims would make more sense. And you're talking about a marginal percentage of student loans. Student loans backed by the government have low interest rates.

The bigger issue is that college is too expensive. The solution is to make college affordable for everyone who wants to go.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
Tell your friend no.

Ask your friend why disagreeing with AOC would make me a right wing conservative.

Im just saying, you’re very much PRO banks and Wall Street and corporations and against regular people’s struggles. So you’re a fiscal conservative or a corporate Democrat.


Resident Cool Nerd
BGOL Investor
How are student loans scammy?

They are the easiest loans to defer when you need to.

How did students become victims?
The system itself is broken. The large cost even when not living on campus. High interest rates. Taking bullshit classes just to fill up your schedule to name a few things. And the "Institutes" with even larger loans and fees.


Rising Star
The system itself is broken. The large cost even when not living on campus. High interest rates. Taking bullshit classes just to fill up your schedule to name a few things. And the "Institutes" with even larger loans and fees.

Yes attending school is expensive and they find ways to add bullshit costs.

Thats the education system, which is seperate from student loans being scammy.

And cancelling the debt wont fix any of those issues.


Rising Star
Im just saying, you’re very much PRO banks and Wall Street and corporations and against regular people’s struggles. So you’re a fiscal conservative or a corporate Democrat.

Here's the thing man... Labels are cheap and dont help.

I say i dont want to spend money on this program. You say Im a fiscal conservative or a corporate democrat.

No, it just means that I think money is better spent elsewhere.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
I completely disagree with AOC and the entire idea of cancelling student loans debt.

What does "under the guise of elitism" even mean?

I took this to mean people went into debt to better their situation and elevate themselves and education is promoted as the path to wealth.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
I took this to mean people went into debt to better their situation and elevate themselves and education is promoted as the path to wealth.

Nah, it’s more like it is perceived as benefitting people who already have a somewhat elite status as degree-holders.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
How are student loans scammy?

They are the easiest loans to defer when you need to.

How did students become victims?
They can all be useless programs at the same time. One frivolous government program does not exclude the other ones. I don't agree with most military spending, tax cuts for the rich, or corporate welfare either. All those programs have had some bullshit justification. I don't need to make a post asking for something that I already know the answer to. I've been opposed to military spending since before you joined bgol. Your questions are not sarcastic. They're just stupid.

You're calling me a hater for not liking a program that makes no sense (that you haven't yet explained), while you are also "hating" on government welfare programs towards the rich. How does it affect you? It's called hypocrisy.

If the problem is scammy student loans, attack those loans directly. What does a blanket let's-forgive-every-debt solve? <-- Still no answer to this question. A focused approach on the victims would make more sense. And you're talking about a marginal percentage of student loans. Student loans backed by the government have low interest rates.

The bigger issue is that college is too expensive. The solution is to make college affordable for everyone who wants to go.
The system itself is broken. The large cost even when not living on campus. High interest rates. Taking bullshit classes just to fill up your schedule to name a few things. And the "Institutes" with even larger loans and fees.

Its not the loans that are scammy as much as some institutions. There were some students that were suppose to get their loans forgiven a few years back and DeVos prevented them from being forgiven in full.


Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
Getting an education to be able to earn a living shouldn't be described as "elitism". Those things SHOULD be promoted.

But a case can be made that people who went to college, generally speaking, are already coming from middle to upper-middle class backgrounds. I would pull the stats on this but..........this is BGOL and no one cares about numbers.

34% of Americans hold college degrees. I don’t know what percent still have student loans, though.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
Its not the loans that are scammy as much as some institutions. There were some students that were suppose to get their loans forgiven a few years back and DeVos prevented them from being forgiven in full.

People who went to those Everest-type schools and also those trying the 10-year public service debt forgiveness programs got fucked over big-time.


Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
I don't think that is her perception. It may be Biden's tho.

It’s a general perception if you’ve ever lived or attended school in a college-town though. The “townie” rubes vs the elite students. And Biden likes to emphasize his “working-class” background.

Obama should chime in on this. He talked about he and Michelle not paying off their loans until they were 40 or so.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
It’s a general perception if you’ve ever lived or attended school in a college-town though. The “townie” rubes vs the elite students. And Biden likes to emphasize his “working-class” background.

I guess. I live about 20-30 minutes from OSU, but never had a negative view of the students or campus. I don't know if this is considered a college town or not but I'll take your word for it.


Rising Star
The system itself is broken. The large cost even when not living on campus. High interest rates. Taking bullshit classes just to fill up your schedule to name a few things. And the "Institutes" with even larger loans and fees.
The government is broken. Too many duplicate programs that are ineffective for most but provide jobs for a few.
Government spending and it's programs need to be streamlined and be able to adapt to whats needed in the present, and the future. Instead of being stuck in the past.
Which would clear up a lot money to be spent where it's actually needed.

People need to figure out if going to college is the best thing or is there a better alternative. Because simply going to college bsing or graduating with a liberal arts degree is a thing of the past. All this does is allow colleges to offer those bullshit courses you speak of and to charge premiums for it. Meanwhile people are graduating with debt and no plans. Thus they end up working at Walmart.
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Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
I guess. I live about 20-30 minutes from OSU, but never had a negative view of the students or campus. I don't know if this is considered a college town or not but I'll take your word for it.

Nah, Columbus OH is a major city. Dynamic doesn’t apply there.

Walter Panov

Rising Star
Its not the loans that are scammy as much as some institutions. There were some students that were suppose to get their loans forgiven a few years back and DeVos prevented them from being forgiven in full.

So rightfully cancel the debt for people who attended those predatory colleges. Canceling debt for all is something else.