Joe Biden is now POTUS


Music Producer/Writer
BGOL Investor
No. If issues arise they should be addressed. All you post are problems, no solutions or action steps. Often the info you post is false, misleading, or out of context, but yes - I'd much rather have some who messes up a smaller percentage of the time and is willing to listen to constructive criticism, consider other viewpoints and take corrective actions (Biden) vs someone who messes up the majority of the time and is indifferent to the harm caused AND/OR, more importantly, implements policies to INTENTIONALLY inflict harm upon and place obstacles in front of particular populations while stoking white supremacy and anti democratic sentiment. (Trump.) I felt the need to specify, because I don't think some of y'all understand or can even tell the difference.

It's pointless trying to convince those who have already convinced themselves, So damn be anything logical or factual. No matter what facts you present to them they will always counterattack with something negative. They try to disguise it as having a subjective mind but in actuality it's just a one sided attack. It's the classic shit that an agent does to disrupt to energy. I swear these same folks were not hyper critical of all the bullshit trump has done over the past 4 years. The majority of them didn't have too much of shit to say about it at all as it was going on in real time but, all of a sudden they are very vocal about it. Is Biden perfect? Hell to the naw, and no cac is or ever be but at least he's trying. The man has only been the President less than a month and some of these niggas/agents/coons/cacs on here expecting magical policy to happen instantly. Yes he is going to make mistakes and yes he is going to get called out on it if real fuckery is afoot but all I'm seeing is false tweets and people nitpicking at shit that is taken out of context. It's almost as if they were mad that Trump lost and rather had put up with him for 4 more years. It completely baffles me that they would think anybody could ever be the same or worst than Trump. He was/is still the epitome of raw shit. They act like his parting gift wasn't a whole insurrection with additional prizes and bonus rounds included.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Trump sued for violating the KKK Act
Judd Legum
Feb 17

Congressman Bennie Thompson (D-MS) (Chip Somodevilla via Getty Images)
On Saturday, the Senate acquitted Trump. Although 57 Senators voted to convict Trump of inciting an insurrection, it was 10 votes short of the two-thirds majority required. But that isn't the end of the story.

On Tuesday, Congressman Bennie Thompson (D-MS) filed a civil suit against Trump. The complaint alleges that Trump, conspiring with Rudy Giuliani, the Proud Boys, and the Oath Keepers, violated the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871. That statute provides a civil right of action against individuals who conspire to prevent an "officer from performing duties."

Specifically, Section 1 of the statute allows officeholders to file suit against people who "conspire to prevent, by force, intimidation, or threat, any person from accepting or holding any office, trust, or place of confidence under the United States, or from discharging any duties thereof." The law was passed "in response to KKK violence and intimidation preventing Members of Congress in the South during Reconstruction from carrying out their constitutional duties."

Thompson says a similar kind of violence and intimidation occurred on January 6. The lawsuit, which was filed with the assistance of the NAACP, outlines the alleged conspiracy between Trump, Giuliani, and the two extremist groups.

On and before January 6, 2021, the Defendants Donald J. Trump, Rudolph W. Giuliani, Proud Boys, and Oath Keepers conspired to incite an assembled crowd to march upon and enter the Capitol of the United States for the common purpose of disrupting, by the use of force, intimidation and threat, the approval by Congress of the count of votes cast by members of the Electoral College as required by Article II, Section 1 of the United States Constitution. In doing so, the Defendants each intended to prevent, and ultimately delayed, members of Congress from discharging their duty commanded by the United States Constitution to approve the results of the Electoral College in order to elect the next President and Vice President of the United States.

The lawsuit, which seeks unspecified compensatory and punitive damages, asserts that "insurrection at the Capitol was a direct, intended, and foreseeable result of the

Defendants’ unlawful conspiracy."

The complaint highlights numerous Trump tweets promoting the event, including his tweet from December 10 which warns that "people are upset" and things "are going to escalate dramatically" and get "very dangerous."

The lawsuit also features Trump's tweet on December 19 encouraging people to travel to DC on January 6 for a "wild" protest.

To establish the conspiracy with the Proud Boys, the lawsuit notes that during a presidential debate, Trump urged the group to "stand back, and stand by." The group adopted that command as its unofficial slogan.

Will this lawsuit be successful? It's impossible to say. There have been very few lawsuits filed under this statute but there have also been very few days in American history like January 6.

Trump responds
Trump spokesperson Jason Miller responded to the lawsuit:

President Trump did not plan, produce or organize the Jan. 6 rally on the Ellipse. President Trump did not incite or conspire to incite any violence at the Capitol on Jan. 6.

If this is Trump's defense, he could be in for trouble. First, as detailed above, Trump repeatedly called for people to travel to DC and participate in the events of January 6.

Second, the permits for the rally reveal the organizers included numerous "former Trump campaign staffers." Further, "former campaign and White House staffers were also listed on this paperwork as being on-site staff during the event." For example, Megan Powers was listed "as one of two operations managers for the rally." She was also "the Trump campaign's director of operations" through January 2021, according to her LinkedIn page.

Finally, Trump was the featured speaker at the rally. At the end of his remarks literally directed the crowd to march to the U.S. Capitol and "fight like hell."

Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. After this, we’re going to walk down, and I’ll be there with you… We’re going walk down to the Capitol… We’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength...

In response, the crowd began chanting “Storm the Capitol,” “Invade the Capitol Building,” and “Take the Capitol right now.”

An insurrection "deeply rooted in racial injustice"
The lawsuit was filed by a Black Congressman with the support of the NAACP. That's not an accident. "Underlying this insurrection were the actions of folks who were challenging the voices of people of color. If you look at whose votes were being challenged, these came from largely urban areas. The votes of people of color were being challenged," Janette McCarthy Wallace, interim general counsel of the NAACP said.

The lawsuit notes that Giuliani, pushing voter fraud claims on behalf of Trump, repeatedly targeted cities with large African American populations. In Pennsylvania, "Giuliani stated that there had been widespread voter fraud in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh which he claimed accounted for Defendant Trump’s loss in that state. Both cities have large African American populations." In Michigan "Giuliani advocated rejecting the votes cast by voters in Detroit, the population of which is 78 percent African American." In Wisconsin, "Trump’s loss in Wisconsin was attributed to fraud in voting in Milwaukee and Madison, Wisconsin, both of which have large African American populations."

In other words, the intent of the mob that violently attacked the Capitol, which included white supremacists, was to obstruct the counting of votes. But not just any votes. They were attempting to intimidate Congress into nullifying the ballots of black voters.

The legal challenges
Former presidents are immune from civil lawsuits related to their official actions while in office. That is why Trump is being sued in his personal capacity. Thompson argues that in inciting an insurrection, Trump "acted beyond the outer perimeter of his official duties and therefore is susceptible to suit in his personal capacity."

The more difficult issue, law professor Stephen Vladeck explained, "is whether Trump himself can be connected to [the] conspiracy." Will a court view Trump's incitement as enough to trigger liability for conspiracy under the KKK Act? It's hard to say because so few cases have been litigated under the law. But we are about to find out.

The road ahead
Whatever the outcome of Thompson's lawsuit, Trump's legal troubles are just beginning. Fani Willis, the district attorney in Fulton County Georgia, has launched an investigation that could result in criminal charges against Trump. Willis' inquiry will focus on "the pressure campaign on state officials by former President Donald J. Trump as well as the activities of his allies" to overturn the results of the election. At the center of the probe is "Trump’s phone call to Georgia’s secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, asking him to “find” votes to erase the former president’s loss there."

Trump could also face potential civil litigation from the families of the police officers who died in the riots.


Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
For those who want to put a face on who will shape domestic policy for us, here are the people working directly with Susan Rice.
Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council for Racial Justice and Equity

Deputy director of the Domestic Policy Council for Economic Mobility

Deputy director of the Domestic Policy Council for Immigration.

Deputy director of the Domestic Policy Council for Health and Veterans Affairs.

Special assistant to the president for Immigration for the Domestic Policy Council

If you want to know a little bit about them

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
It's pointless trying to convince those who have already convinced themselves, So damn be anything logical or factual. No matter what facts you present to them they will always counterattack with something negative. They try to disguise it as having a subjective mind but in actuality it's just a one sided attack. It's the classic shit that an agent does to disrupt to energy. I swear these same folks were not hyper critical of all the bullshit trump has done over the past 4 years. The majority of them didn't have too much of shit to say about it at all as it was going on in real time but, all of a sudden they are very vocal about it. Is Biden perfect? Hell to the naw, and no cac is or ever be but at least he's trying. The man has only been the President less than a month and some of these niggas/agents/coons/cacs on here expecting magical policy to happen instantly. Yes he is going to make mistakes and yes he is going to get called out on it if real fuckery is afoot but all I'm seeing is false tweets and people nitpicking at shit that is taken out of context. It's almost as if they were mad that Trump lost and rather had put up with him for 4 more years. It completely baffles me that they would think anybody could ever be the same or worst than Trump. He was/is still the epitome of raw shit. They act like his parting gift wasn't a whole insurrection with additional prizes and bonus rounds included.

Yeah, I definitely didn’t see the same energy for Trump as I saw for Obama, and now Biden.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's pointless trying to convince those who have already convinced themselves, So damn be anything logical or factual. No matter what facts you present to them they will always counterattack with something negative. They try to disguise it as having a subjective mind but in actuality it's just a one sided attack. It's the classic shit that an agent does to disrupt to energy. I swear these same folks were not hyper critical of all the bullshit trump has done over the past 4 years. The majority of them didn't have too much of shit to say about it at all as it was going on in real time but, all of a sudden they are very vocal about it. Is Biden perfect? Hell to the naw, and no cac is or ever be but at least he's trying. The man has only been the President less than a month and some of these niggas/agents/coons/cacs on here expecting magical policy to happen instantly. Yes he is going to make mistakes and yes he is going to get called out on it if real fuckery is afoot but all I'm seeing is false tweets and people nitpicking at shit that is taken out of context. It's almost as if they were mad that Trump lost and rather had put up with him for 4 more years. It completely baffles me that they would think anybody could ever be the same or worst than Trump. He was/is still the epitome of raw shit. They act like his parting gift wasn't a whole insurrection with additional prizes and bonus rounds included.
Not a lie was told.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
It amuses me how brainwashed some of you are.

Your behaviour goes way beyond passive or even simple enjoyment. You are actively pushing a narrative, but offer no solutions other than to sit out of the process or choose candidates with no chance of winning, which only allows a party we KNOW is actively detrimental to black folks maintain power vs a party we can work with, even if imperfect.

It's comical to watch. For four years, any time an immigrant, black or otherwise, got caged or deported it was "let them hold their own nuts" and "good, more jobs for ADOS/DOAS." Now everytime a plane departs, we have a thread about how horribly Biden is mistreating black immigrants.

The GOP in charge said no more disaster relief/stimulus etc and y'all were fine with that. Now everyday there is a post demanding a check.

Y'all are sad, sorry, pathetic, and completely transparent.

If yall had this same energy for the GOP when they are in power, things would be a lot better overall.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your behaviour goes way beyond passive or even simple enjoyment. You are actively pushing a narrative, but offer no solutions other than to sit out of the process or choose candidates with no chance of winning, which only allows a party we KNOW is actively detrimental to black folks maintain power vs a party we can work with, even if imperfect.

It's comical to watch. For four years, any time an immigrant, black or otherwise, got caged or deported it was "let them hold their own nuts" and "good, more jobs for ADOS/DOAS." Now everytime a plane departs, we have a thread about how horribly Biden is mistreating black immigrants.

The GOP in charge said no more disaster relief/stimulus etc and y'all were fine with that. Now everyday there is a post demanding a check.

Y'all are sad, sorry, pathetic, and completely transparent.

If yall had this same energy for the GOP when they are in power, things would be a lot better overall.
You forget the cages started under Obama who deported more people than any president ever. But let's not let facts cloud our agenda

Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
We're about to have a Cabinet member from an HBCU

Environment and Public Works Committee Sends Nomination of Michael Regan for EPA Administrator to the Senate Floor
February 9, 2021
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.), Chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee, convened a business meeting to consider the nomination of Michael S. Regan to be the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). A bipartisan majority of Committee members voted to move forward on his confirmation by a recorded vote of 14 to 6. His nomination now heads to the Senate floor for a full vote.
“Like I said during our hearing last week, I am confident that Michael Regan is the right person to lead EPA. He is a man of deep faith who believes that we have a moral obligation to be good stewards of this planet,” said Chairman Carper. “Mr. Regan has experience bringing people together to solve our most pressing environmental issues and make sure no community gets left behind in the process. I’m confident he will bring his sterling record of public service to lead the EPA with integrity and compassion.
“As we advance his nomination, it’s also critical that we focus our work on the issues that demand our attention. Climate change is the crisis of our time, and for too long, its dangerous impacts have been disproportionately shouldered by marginalized and low-income communities. In tackling climate change, we have the opportunity to not only do good for our planet but also to do right for our people and create good-paying jobs.”
Chairman Carper continued:
“Addressing environmental justice and climate change must be top priorities for our nation, and I’m pleased that our new subcommittee titles reflect the importance of these issues to our Committee’s work.”

In this same meeting, Committee members approved Chairman Carper’s proposed rule changes, including renaming two of the standing subcommittees. The Subcommittee formerly known as Clean Air and Nuclear Safety has been changed to Clean Air, Climate, and Nuclear Safety and the Subcommittee formerly known as Superfund, Waste Management and Regulatory Oversight has been changed to Chemical Safety, Waste Management, Environmental Justice, and Regulatory Oversight.
This is the first time that environmental justice has been enumerated in the title of a Senate standing subcommittee.


Good As Da Best, Bad As Da Worst
BGOL Investor
No. If issues arise they should be addressed. All you post are problems, no solutions or action steps. Often the info you post is false, misleading, or out of context, but yes - I'd much rather have some who messes up a smaller percentage of the time and is willing to listen to constructive criticism, consider other viewpoints and take corrective actions (Biden) vs someone who messes up the majority of the time and is indifferent to the harm caused AND/OR, more importantly, implements policies to INTENTIONALLY inflict harm upon and place obstacles in front of particular populations while stoking white supremacy and anti democratic sentiment. (Trump.) I felt the need to specify, because I don't think some of y'all understand or can even tell the difference.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Damn, I was really hoping that the BLUE team would finally break the losing streak and get their first W.

by the way, haven’t looked through the entire thread but has anyone on the BLUE team held him accountable like they said in the pre-election threads?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You sure invest a lot of energy into discussing a topic that supposedly has no bearing on our lives.
@Supersav is probably just in awe at the apathy (or running up the score on the profane - vindication is a great thing). It has gotten beyond pathetic at this point but at least the agents in the so-called black community have finally been exposed for “hiding in plain sight”.

Personally, I gotta give Jim Crow Joe “Beijing” Biden credit though, he is consistent and that has allowed for early retirements for many. :yes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Damn, I was really hoping that the BLUE team would finally break the losing streak and get thteir first W.

by the way, haven’t looked through the entire thread but has anyone on the BLUE team held him accountable like they said in the pre-election threads?
its hilarious actually


Rising Star
Your behaviour goes way beyond passive or even simple enjoyment. You are actively pushing a narrative, but offer no solutions other than to sit out of the process or choose candidates with no chance of winning, which only allows a party we KNOW is actively detrimental to black folks maintain power vs a party we can work with, even if imperfect.

It's comical to watch. For four years, any time an immigrant, black or otherwise, got caged or deported it was "let them hold their own nuts" and "good, more jobs for ADOS/DOAS." Now everytime a plane departs, we have a thread about how horribly Biden is mistreating black immigrants.

The GOP in charge said no more disaster relief/stimulus etc and y'all were fine with that. Now everyday there is a post demanding a check.

Y'all are sad, sorry, pathetic, and completely transparent.

If yall had this same energy for the GOP when they are in power, things would be a lot better overall.


i dont understand the deal with this board and its mods

i have been around for a while on boards - political ones right and left-

and i can honestly say the reason these political threads turn into shit show is because the mods allow these "trolls" to spam and fill up threads

even on asshole Hannity boards the Mods would ban posters that were there not to debate but just spam and post BS .... esp those on the left

there just seems to be no kind of moderation which is why i have fallen back a LOT - the trolls on this site make it unpleasant to be here...and i just dont feel like bothering.