Joe Biden is now POTUS


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
So Bernie is the bad guy and not the dems that wont support raising minimum wage?


Bernie's job is to make sure the bill had the votes. He didn't. In fact he didn't contact any of the 8 Dems that voted against it and said himself he knew how they were voting while his surrogates kept pushing for Harris to make a move that would of still failed.

The progressive wing wants the Dems to fail cause the elections of 2018 and 2020 showed that they're irrelevant.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
I'm not just talking about voters. I'm speaking of black voters and non voters.
Nowhere did I say Sanders was supported over-all in the black community.
I said he had and he still has a decent support in the black community.

Right here on this board Sanders has a decent amount of support.

What matters is VOTES. Not what online people say. This board and Twitter aren't real life.


Rising Star
What matters is VOTES. Not what online people say. This board and Twitter aren't real life.
The post said that black folk peeped game. Like I said...not all black people peeped game and I am not reffering to online. I'm speaking of people in the real world and I addred that he even has a decent amount of support on this board.

Btw there were plenty of people who voted against Bernie because they thought for one reason or another that he couldn't win but they still supported him.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Bernie's job is to make sure the bill had the votes. He didn't. In fact he didn't contact any of the 8 Dems that voted against it and said himself he knew how they were voting while his surrogates kept pushing for Harris to make a move that would of still failed.

The progressive wing wants the Dems to fail cause the elections of 2018 and 2020 showed that they're irrelevant.
Shouldn't all the dems support raising minimum wage?
I think the leader of the party ran on it


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
You should have thought about your mom and dad before you went up to the capital



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Bernie's job is to make sure the bill had the votes. He didn't. In fact he didn't contact any of the 8 Dems that voted against it and said himself he knew how they were voting while his surrogates kept pushing for Harris to make a move that would of still failed.

The progressive wing wants the Dems to fail cause the elections of 2018 and 2020 showed that they're irrelevant.
When Bernie was on MTP and other sunday talk shows saying how it was going to pass and he was confident, I was thinking in the back of my mind “I hope he been secretly going around securing votes or something.” But when I heard Jon Tester on Real Time last week, I knew there was still an uphill battle :smh:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
When Bernie was on MTP and other sunday talk shows saying how it was going to pass and he was confident, I was thinking in the back of my mind “I hope he been secretly going around securing votes or something.” But when I heard Jon Tester on Real Time last week, I knew there was still an uphill battle :smh:
No disrespect to y’all. But I’m not contacting them shit. You can’t whip pussies. That’s who they are. Cowards. No Republican voted for the Covid bill. You have clowns standing on the corner when there is a drug war going on. Bernie just let Marlo know where Poot is about to go get some chips.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Because on what just happened with the eight Democrats that’s why...If you had majority of the Democrats with Bernie Sanders mindset then this would have been a different story but you don’t.

This is a problem of the Democratic caucus, not Sanders. So Sanders fights for the $15 dollars per hour, tries to push it through, while Democrats have some wind at their backs, in the early 100 day cycle, 8 Democrats say Fuck you, and now its Sanders fault? How does that work?

Black people don't need $15/hr for regular jobs now? What world do your family members live in? Y'all ain't calling out names on the nay voters? Isn't that where the heat should be. Maybe working on getting those States to coordinate an voting strategy to remove said bitch ass Democrats. Damn Democrats really okay with this bullshit bill? Manchin over Sanders, in this centrist fake ass party. The Young Turks got this shit right, if it's not now, the minimum is NEVER getting raised before 2020. 2022 is going to be a democratic bloodbath at this rate :smh:


Controversy Creates Cash
BGOL Investor
In the meantime Trump and the Republicans are still going back-and-forth

So he just basically killed damn near all their funding and told the base he is not riding with the Republican Party anymore and they shouldn’t either. :roflmao: :roflmao: That’s what they get 45 is about to destroy the Republicans Party.

Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

That math is wrong. I don't think the kids are getting the same amount. Plus families are playing catch-up. Also states still have different qualifications just obtain unemployment. The country would have been better off giving 2k/mo for 6 months instead of one time checks and extra unemployment benes

Rembrandt Brown


"showers money on Americans"


(less direct stimulus than Trump did :hmm:)


Tensei - Admin
Staff member
I will post some more info later but the Republicans are about to go through hell with the FBI and what happened in January the 6......stay tune

And trump and court are gonna be synonymous for the next two years