Because on what just happened with the eight Democrats that’s why...If you had majority of the Democrats with Bernie Sanders mindset then this would have been a different story but you don’t.
This is a problem of the Democratic caucus, not Sanders. So Sanders fights for the $15 dollars per hour, tries to push it through, while Democrats have some wind at their backs, in the early 100 day cycle, 8 Democrats say Fuck you, and now its Sanders fault? How does that work?
Black people don't need $15/hr for regular jobs now? What world do your family members live in? Y'all ain't calling out names on the nay voters? Isn't that where the heat should be. Maybe working on getting those States to coordinate an voting strategy to remove said bitch ass Democrats. Damn Democrats really okay with this bullshit bill? Manchin over Sanders, in this centrist fake ass party. The Young Turks got this shit right, if it's not now, the minimum is NEVER getting raised before 2020. 2022 is going to be a democratic bloodbath at this rate