Looks like they got a deal.
Smh that it’s taking all that
“We have reached a compromise that enables the economy to rebound quickly while also protecting those receiving unemployment benefits from being hit with [an] unexpected tax bill next year,” Manchin said in a statement.”
I been on unemployment since April of last year. I definitely got hit with taxes, but I knew at least that fed and state had to come out. I just didn’t know the exact amount. After doing my calculations, it’s around 18% fed and 10% state. I had 10% fed and 5% state coming out, so I ended up owing.
It would be real nice if the government can give back the percentage I had to pay. I don’t want to be on unemployment even though I appreciate the extra time on my hand, but I did make 30k less last year from my job than I have in previous years. I ended up withdrawing out of my 401k just to ensure I could have access to my money without issue.
The extended unemployment benefits are great, but they keep taking like it’s the people that will be discouraged to want to return to work because of extended benefits.
Well, what about those companies that furloughed their full time employees and won’t hire them back full time because of the unemployment benefits? They always talking about what workers won’t do, but never what the cooperations won’t do.
I can bet you my left leg the only reason I am still furloughed is because I am receiving unemployment and my job knows it. They’ll never admit it because they’ll swear they have lost money, when in reality they haven’t.
At least 5 full time employees got furlough at my campus. That’s a minimum of at least $100k saved. We have 12 campuses, so at minimum $1.2 million saved. So I’m guessing the true number is more on the lines of over $3 million saved by the Jew bastard in charge.