Joe Biden is now POTUS


Rising Star
So a Princeton professor is an "amazingly stupid idiot", huh? Did you even bother to listen to what he is saying? He actually wrote a whole book on the topic (but......colin). :rolleyes2:

And oh yeah, Obama basically said the same goddamn thing about white people voting for Trump. But he's your infallible god so we know you won't address this:

"I continue to believe that Mr Trump will not be president. And the reason is because I have a lot of faith in the American people," said Mr Obama.

I personally wouldn't reject that as a means to an end. And for the record, Supersav has never said he's down with ADOS. He's simply able to critically assess the Democrats just as he critically assesses the GOP. You look at both parties and assess their real-world policies as they affect the Black community. Men lie, women lie, numbers don't. You don't have to be affiliated with ADOS or down with Yvette Carnell or Antonio Moore to do this. At the end of the day, all they really did was interpret academic and economic data and brought the conversation to social media under a hashtag.

This isn't true. The Tea Party primaried and defeated a number of prominent "establishment" Republicans. One of the more notable ones was Eric Cantor here in VA in 2014.
Primaring someon3 qnd taking leadership roles are two different things.

I remember in the prime of the Tea Party years how they thrashed John Boehner and when he left instead of the Tea Party taking the mantle they stood to the side and Paul Ryan became the new House Speaker. After all the grief they gave Boe them mutherfuckers didn't want no part in leadeership


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Less than 2 months and you're expecting the cure for cancer.
Im not expecting anything thats my point. The system will to do what its designed to do. Exploit poor black people and give bailouts to the rich like they did to the airlines in less than two months. The question is what do you expect out of this administration?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I call bs on people not being able to afford to obtain proper a Id.
I never understood this either. Yes it will be difficult for some but not impossible by far. I never had a problem with needing a valid ID to vote. Actually seems like a no brainer. Use the funding an energy to get every voter an ID and remove that argument all together.
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Rising Star
Yes and what did you win? 750 million for the Police?

Oh you count the stimulus as a win right? Such high expectations

I count the stimulus as a win for America, including black folk.

When you look at who will be benifiting from the stimulus, yes that particular piece of legislation will help our communities.

The alternative you presented wins us what? Why dont you tell me about your high expectations.


Rising Star
negro, you got to drive 170 miles to pay $175 to got a proper ID and you STILL blaming the people who cant do this???
There you go with the extremes. I have never had to drive that far to obtain any ID I have. The most expensive ID I have is my passport and that cost me about $150 because I opted for the passport book, card Id, and for it to be expedited. So are you saying everybody or most people have to drive that far to get a proper ID? That most IDs even come close to costing that amount?
It's just excuse, after excuse. Regardless of having to have pproper ID to vote.
To live and not merely survive you need to have proper ID. So instead of sitting back and blaming others. People need to take responsibility of their own lives.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
First let me get this out the way. I'm not saying that people should have to show an ID to vote but I don't see it as a big deal to have to do so.

Secondly I looked up most of the states that require an ID to vote and the IDs that they approve are not that hard to obtain.

Drivers License
Non drivers license
ID issued from a local government
Government job ID
College ID
Military ID
Firearms ID
US Citizenship card

There are local governments who even issue IDs for free.

Yet the argument has been that Ms Anne is 135 years old. She can't find her paper, etc...etc... to get an ID and she can't affors one.

The bigger fight to me is voter surpression in the form of limited polling sites and where the pulling sites are located.

Some places like TX eliminated college ID. That was part of their suppression tactics. Most college kids vote dem.


Rising Star
I never understood this either. Yes it will be difficult for some but not impossible by far. I never had a problem with needing a valid ID to vote. Actually seems like a no brainer. Use the funding an energy to get every voter an ID and remove that argument all together.
Just like what happened in FL when the roadblock for felons to vote was to pay off any fines they had before they can vote. Now that was some bs.
Yet If shit has to get done, then get the shit done. It's a part of adulthood.
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Rising Star
Some places like TX eliminated college ID. That was part of their suppression tactics. Most college kids vote dem.
Sure it was but there are other alternatives available. We can't let these molehill stop us. They depend on shit like that. If there is a problwm, then lets look for solutions vs sitting around waiting for someone else to solve pur problems. That's some inferor shit and it jsut passes on to the next generation.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
A bunch of them were elected. There may be one or two left of the tea party caucus. People feared them at first, but essentially their hardline stances just made trouble for the GOP. When it's my way or the highway you can't compromise.

HOWEVER, if the tea party candidate lost their primary, when it came to the general election, they didn't sit out to teach the GOP a lesson. They still voted for the GOP so the GOP could maintain power as they aligned most closely with them over the dems. They didn't concede power. These non vote folk want us to concede power, and when the GOP is in control, they pass laws to make it harder for dems to get it back and make changes, so it's harder to undo any damage they do.

They voted for the GOP as the GOP began to speak to and accede to what they wanted! A big reason why the modern GOP politicians vote in such a hardline ideological manner is due to fear of the base the Tea Party expanded.

Their basic premise is that most if not all members of other groups are against black folks in some form or fashion, but the numbers don't add up for a win with a black people only party. In order for any of the "minority" groups to get their goals met, they have to form a partnership with one or more groups. Now if they don't want to go the voting route and go the extremist route to instill fear etc instead, that is another way, but not too many folks are going to be willing to sign up for that either, even if they agree with your goals overall.

No, the basic premise is that other groups prioritize their own needs first, and vote and move in such as way to get those needs addressed. Yet, it is a problem if Black people move and advocate the same way.

Primaring someon3 qnd taking leadership roles are two different things.

I remember in the prime of the Tea Party years how they thrashed John Boehner and when he left instead of the Tea Party taking the mantle they stood to the side and Paul Ryan became the new House Speaker. After all the grief they gave Boe them mutherfuckers didn't want no part in leadeership

The Tea Party "caucus" only held 20 seats in the House at the time. How were they going to take leadership?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I count the stimulus as a win for America, including black folk.

When you look at who will be benifiting from the stimulus, yes that particular piece of legislation will help our communities.

The alternative you presented wins us what? Why dont you tell me about your high expectations.
We had stimulus under trump. If you count this as a win then I understand why you are so enamored with the democrats. Will this change black wealth? 1400 dollars vs 750 million that was given to police? How bout the billions just given to bailout the airlines? You are satisfied with whatever they throw you and they know that. Good luck

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
Bruh this is bs. This is what Ia m talking about with the excuses. There are too manyn places that offer assistance for people in need to obtain such things as IDs.
Right now people are about to receive 1400 and better. Is the excuse still that they can not obtain proper ID? If they are not working and want to get a job, or even want to ho to school, training, etc..guess what?
Those folks are going to need proper IDs.. we need to stop with these excuses because it onky makes black folk look weak/inferior.

The 11 percent of eligible voters who lack the required photo ID must travel to a designated government office to obtain one. Yet many citizens will have trouble making this trip. In the 10 states with restrictive voter ID laws:

  • Nearly 500,000 eligible voters do not have access to a vehicle and live more than 10 miles from the nearest state ID-issuing office open more than two days a week. Many of them live in rural areas with dwindling public transportation options.
  • More than 10 million eligible voters live more than 10 miles from their nearest state ID-issuing office open more than two days a week.
  • 1.2 million eligible black voters and 500,000 eligible Hispanic voters live more than 10 miles from their nearest ID-issuing office open more than two days a week. People of color are more likely to be disenfranchised by these laws since they are less likely to have photo ID than the general population.
  • Many ID-issuing offices maintain limited business hours. For example, the office in Sauk City, Wisconsin is open only on the fifth Wednesday of any month. But only four months in 2012 — February, May, August, and October — have five Wednesdays. In other states — Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and Texas — many part-time ID-issuing offices are in the rural regions with the highest concentrations of people of color and people in poverty.
More than 1 million eligible voters in these states fall below the federal poverty line and live more than 10 miles from their nearest ID-issuing office open more than two days a week. These voters may be particularly affected by the significant costs of the documentation required to obtain a photo ID. Birth certificates can cost between $8 and $25. Marriage licenses, required for married women whose birth certificates include a maiden name, can cost between $8 and $20. By comparison, the notorious poll tax — outlawed during the civil rights era — cost $10.64 in current dollars.

The result is plain: Voter ID laws will make it harder for hundreds of thousands of poor Americans to vote. They place a serious burden on a core constitutional right that should be universally available to every American citizen.>>>

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Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
Everybody see the play man, you dodge, deflect, lie, say gay shit and post emojis when you get called out too directly to use them flimsy ass responses.

Yo broke ass need that other $600 so bad but I see you didn't want the $100 I offered you

You are making yourself look like a complete ass lol
#"Asses are opened"

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
Sure it was but there are other alternatives available. We can't let these molehill stop us. They depend on shit like that. If there is a problwm, then lets look for solutions vs sitting around waiting for someone else to solve pur problems. That's some inferor shit and it jsut passes on to the next generation.



Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
Such a substantive response. :smh:

I'll certainly leave you alone! The whole board now knows how you feel about "asses" and "assholes." :lol:

Once again geechie, you argue against the voices in your head rather than what I say. Where did I say "walk away"? Exact quote please. Because I am an advocate of voting down-ballot, and this has been thoroughly explained to you multiple times.

this dude been changed his tune.

stop posting stale information.

he has stated that his position in 2016 was wrong. and i have shown you the video before. stop lying.

by the way he voted for biden in 2020.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
Sure it was but there are other alternatives available. We can't let these molehill stop us. They depend on shit like that. If there is a problwm, then lets look for solutions vs sitting around waiting for someone else to solve pur problems. That's some inferor shit and it jsut passes on to the next generation.



Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
Such a substantive response. :smh:

I'll certainly leave you alone! The whole board now knows how you feel about "asses" and "assholes." :lol:

Once again geechie, you argue against the voices in your head rather than what I say. Where did I say "walk away"? Exact quote please. Because I am an advocate of voting down-ballot, and this has been thoroughly explained to you multiple times.


Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor

<<<And when laws make voting harder or more complicated, younger people like Stephanie Lugo are more likely to get discouraged.

"When you throw wrenches in the actual process, when you make changes that they've never heard of before, it's just simpler to not vote, not to worry about it. They become either apathetic or fearful of asking dumb questions," said attorney Eric Cedillo of Dallas.

Those laws include measures reducing the number of polling locations in the state by 50% and requiring a photo ID to vote. And one law in particular that impacted Lugo: a 30-day deadline for in-person voter registration.>>>



Rising Star
<<<And when laws make voting harder or more complicated, younger people like Stephanie Lugo are more likely to get discouraged.

"When you throw wrenches in the actual process, when you make changes that they've never heard of before, it's just simpler to not vote, not to worry about it. They become either apathetic or fearful of asking dumb questions," said attorney Eric Cedillo of Dallas.

Those laws include measures reducing the number of polling locations in the state by 50% and requiring a photo ID to vote. And one law in particular that impacted Lugo: a 30-day deadline for in-person voter registration.>>>

Like I said letting molehills get in the way. That's some inferior shit.
If that's all it takes to make someone not participate. How motivated are you in life in the first place. That person is like you in believing voting doesn't matter.
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Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
nigga stfu.

he voted for biden is the important sentence.

stop with the smoke screen. you keep posting him talking about not voting. HE VOTED FOR BIDEN.

now stfu and go sit in the corner.

I'll post the last two sentences here so you can read them and learn to abide by them yourself: "That does not mean that until then I have lost all my critical faculties. I don’t approach politics like a sports fan."

Did he out-and-out reject that approach? No, he didn't. He said that he "overestimated" white Americans and that was his mistake.


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
I'll post the last two sentences here so you can read them and learn to abide by them yourself: "That does not mean that until then I have lost all my critical faculties. I don’t approach politics like a sports fan."

Did he out-and-out reject that approach? No, he didn't. He said that he "overestimated" white Americans and that was his mistake.

you are not saving any face. the tweet speaks for itself.

you continue to look like a fool trying to split hairs.


Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
Like I said letting molehills get in the way. That's some inferior shit.
If that's all it takes to make someone not participate. How motivated are you in life in the first place. That person is like you in believing voting doesn't matter.

Not having a car isn't a "molehill." Being miles away from a registration center that's only open two days a week when you have kids to watch or a job to go to isn't a "molehill." And why bend over backwards to go vote when many of the concerns of those people are going to be ignored by the very politicians they're being told to go vote for?

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
you are not saving any face. the tweet speaks for itself.

you continue to look like a fool trying to split hairs.

Did he outright reject the idea of a "blankout" campaign and what he wrote about in Democracy in Black? Did he say he'd vote for Biden and bow down from there?


Rising Star
We had stimulus under trump. If you count this as a win then I understand why you are so enamored with the democrats. Will this change black wealth? 1400 dollars vs 750 million that was given to police? How bout the billions just given to bailout the airlines? You are satisfied with whatever they throw you and they know that. Good luck

It doesn't matter that you call them crumbs. When you are an adult with actual responsibilities, every little bit helps.

Do you think black parents now getting tax child credits (that they didnt get under Trump) will turn them down? Dont need it cause its just crumbs right?

You had a look at unemployment numbers? Unemployed black peeps should refuse the extended benefits (that they didnt get under Trump)? Just crumbs even if you unemployed right?

Black farmers dont need to bother apply for the benefits since its just crumbs. Its not worth the time right?

Still waiting for you to give examples of socialist countries you want to model by the way... Is it China? Is it Cuba?