And where did I say both parties are the same?
I have referenced him
specifically and
primarily concerning the down-ballot voting strategy.
Youe problem here, amongst other things, is that you're misinterpreting the cartoon. It is primarily a criticism of the Democratic Party and how it
uses Black voters to win elections but gives them nothing in return for their electoral support, which is essentially the same thing that Glaude and Frymer call being a "captured electorate." And yes........anyone who is Black and is comfortable with this is acting live a slave.
What separates you and the other Bidets from Glaude is that you vote for Biden and also think he and the Democrats and their policies should not be questioned, criticized, or critically examined. And that mentality is on display throughout this thread. Hence the "you're a Trumper" shots thrown at anyone who dares to question the Democrats. As I posted repeatedly, Glaude said "
That does not mean that until then I have lost all my critical faculties. I don’t approach politics like a sports fan." But geechie, YOU DO! You're #teamdemocrat all day everyday, and any and everything they do is a WIN to you. Your entire political worldview is constructed as if the Democrats are your favorite sports team. You're more concerned with a "W" in their win column than whether their policy initiatives will be effective.
"Comes off like he came up with the notion......" WTF? Down-ballot is a generic concept. He advocated a specific strategy that he articulated in this article: I would post the text but you won't read it anyway.
And the Democrats actually struggled down-ballot in 2020:
It did not work? It was never implemented. First of all, you're coming from the school of thought that a lack of Black voter turnout is why Hillary lost. This is empirically wrong and Glaude isn't saying that. He's saying that he "overestimated white people", i.e. he thought white voters would morally or ethically reject Trump. Let's not forget that Obama thought the same thing. I'm sure you remember the WHCD mic drop. Secondly, few people even know who Eddie Glaude is, so his impact is minimal. You know who he is yet you still don't know what he meant by his down-ballot strategy.
He didn't admit to voting for Biden "just to get Trump out of office." First of all, it was stated before the fact in July 2020, not after the election. He simply said that he was going to vote for Biden.
I said that "
I can't see the greater context of that tweet, i.e. what else he said when he posted that. I get the impression that he was being critical of Biden or the Democrats on some level, hence the "Let me be clear....". So, the vibe I generally get is that Glaude voted for Biden because he regarded Trump as some of kind of existential threat to American democracy. His vote for Biden was driven by that and not by a sycophantic devotion to Biden or the Democrats, hence the "That does not mean that until then I have lost all my critical faculties. I don’t approach politics like a sports fan."
You're projecting
my assumption about his choice to vote for Biden onto him. As I said, "
I can't see the greater context of the tweet." And I also said "
that voting for Biden just to get Trump out without pushing a Black-specific agenda was (and is) misguided." I did not say it "is a pointless endeavor because both parties are the same." In fact, I'd challenge you to find any post by me where I've ever said both parties are the same.