Joe Biden is now POTUS


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
the only other major party voted NO on it..

Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina took issue with a proposed $5 billion fund for debt repayment that would benefit historically disenfranchised Black farmers in the $1.9 trillion coronavirus stimulus package, calling it “reparations.”

Graham, a Republican, criticized what he called the Democratic “wish list” in the stimulus deal in an interview with Fox News on Tuesday.

“Let me give you an example of something that really bothers me. In this bill, if you’re a farmer, your loan will be forgiven up to 120% of your loan ... if you’re socially disadvantaged, if you’re African American, some other minority. But if you’re [a] white person, if you’re a white woman, no forgiveness. That’s reparations. What does that have to do with COVID?” Graham asked.

but hey

won't hear a word from @xfactor or @KingTaharqa or @Soul On Ice or @VAiz4hustlaz

waiting on talking points


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I can't see the greater context of that tweet, i.e. what else he said when he posted that. I get the impression that he was being critical of Biden or the Democrats on some level, hence the "Let me be clear....". So, the vibe I generally get is that Glaude voted for Biden because he regarded Trump as some of kind of existential threat to American democracy. His vote for Biden was driven by that and not by a sycophantic devotion to Biden or the Democrats, hence the "That does not mean that until then I have lost all my critical faculties. I don’t approach politics like a sports fan."

So, perhaps it proves your point, although I don't even know what your point is. But I see it as being far more nuanced than what you are saying, since Glaude's overall POV is far more in line with what people like me and Supersav are saying.
but but both parties are the same...
You voted for Biden and the Dems because you are looking for them to achieve.......what? To get Trump out? Anything else?
you have said in mutiple threads that voting just to get trump out of office was shortsighted and stupid (in so many words) you have indicated that anyone voting for biden just to get trump out office is stupid.

So that's ALL it's about for you? Stopping Trump?
YOUR boy does exactly that and NOW its how did you put it?.... the vibe I generally get is that Glaude voted for Biden because he regarded Trump as some of kind of existential threat to American democracy. His vote for Biden was driven by that... Voting for biden to get trump out in order to save democracy is a calculation only he could make??? everyone else is just sycophants.. :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:

On top of that, YOU have said anyone making that very calculation is to be MOCKED for it and now you make EXCUSES and equivocations for it.

You don't know what my point is?? Dude, you HAVE NO POINT...or all of your points on election calculations have been proven FALSE..:roflmao:

skipping the top of the ballot as a strategy was proven FALSE...
It being dumb to vote for biden to get trump out was proven FALSE...

all that happened was trump got elected and it scared your boy so much he voted for biden just make sure trump doesn't get back in (and he almost did):roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

Now you can't admit it... and NONE of your cohorts are showing up to help you out because THEY knew it was bullshit too:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
but but both parties are the same...

you have said in mutiple threads that voting just to get trump out of office was shortsighted and stupid (in so many words) you have indicated that anyone voting for biden just to get trump out office is stupid.

YOUR boy does exactly that and NOW its how did you put it?.... the vibe I generally get is that Glaude voted for Biden because he regarded Trump as some of kind of existential threat to American democracy. His vote for Biden was driven by that... Voting for biden to get trump out in order to save democracy is a calculation only he could make??? everyone else is just sycophants.. :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:

On top of that, YOU have said anyone making that very calculation is to be MOCKED for it and now you make EXCUSES and equivocations for it.

You don't know what my point is?? Dude, you HAVE NO POINT...or all of your points on election calculations have been proven FALSE..:roflmao:

skipping the top of the ballot as a strategy was proven FALSE...
It being dumb to vote for biden to get trump out was proven FALSE...

all that happened was trump got elected and it scared your boy so much he voted for biden just make sure trump doesn't get back in (and he almost did):roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

Now you can't admit it... and NONE of your cohorts are showing up to help you out because THEY knew it was bullshit too:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

It's painful how dumb these dudes are ESPECIALLY that fool Eddie Glaude.

"I didn't vote the top of the ticket". What that does is allow the the person at the top of the ticket (Trump) to appoint a huge amount of federal judges in lifetime positions and have it rubber stamped by the Senate. The professor from Princeton couldn't see that far ahead.

Eddie Glaude, Marc Lamont Hill and others Black academics have shown that their lack of common sense is what really sets them apart. They were trying so fucking hard to be the Talented Tenth and all they did was show they're fools.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
Man, I feel bad posting in here because I only see like 25% of the comments and when I log back in y’all have moved on to the next shit so I can’t even argue with or give none of y’all props lol.

I saw earlier folks were making Republican arguments on behalf of voting laws. That’s incredible to read on this forum. I guess I’ll just ask... does anyone believe that the voting id laws and obstacles being placed by the GOP rn is born out of serious concern for the integrity of our voting system? Bc that’s easy af to debunk.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
Also, it needs to be said, I’m so glad adults are back in the room. I have a lot of problems with establishment Dems but goddamn... listening to Republicans go on and on about Dr Seuss, trans ppl in sports and Mr Potatohead in the midst of all the very serious and REAL issues facing this country/planet is beyond exhausting. Stunning that this fake outrage/culture war bullshit finds any traction at all but glad this admin is just pushing through it so far. Lots of srs work to do and they need to be held accountable as well but the daily circus clown show on the right is a good reminder why there’s only one viable party in this country


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Also, it needs to be said, I’m so glad adults are back in the room. I have a lot of problems with establishment Dems but goaddamn... listening to Republicans go on and on about Dr Seuss, trans ppl in sports and Mr Potatohead in the midst of all the very serious and REAL issues facing this country/planet is beyond exhausting. Stunning that this fake outrage/culture war bullshit finds any traction at all but glad this admin is just pushing through it so far. Lots of srs work to do and they need to be held accountable as well but the daily circus clown show on the right is a good reminder why there’s only one viable party in this country
Nah bro. We were told both sides are the same.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
but but both parties are the same...

You'll need to elaborate on this response.

you have said in mutiple threads that voting just to get trump out of office was shortsighted and stupid (in so many words) you have indicated that anyone voting for biden just to get trump out office is stupid.

YOUR boy does exactly that and NOW its how did you put it?.... the vibe I generally get is that Glaude voted for Biden because he regarded Trump as some of kind of existential threat to American democracy. His vote for Biden was driven by that... Voting for biden to get trump out in order to save democracy is a calculation only he could make??? everyone else is just sycophants.. :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:

Where did I say that Eddie Glaude was "my boy" and that voting for Biden "to save democracy is a calculation only he could make"? You constantly invent shit to argue against rather than address what is being said or posted. I've only quoted or referenced Glaude only as it pertains to the down-ballot voting strategy. Whether he still believes it or not is on him. I still do. He's never endorsed ADOS or reparations as a resolution to the racial wealth gap, which I have repeatedly said is the dominant issue I'm interested in.

On top of that, YOU have said anyone making that very calculation is to be MOCKED for it and now you make EXCUSES and equivocations for it.

I've never said "mocked." If I have, then please quote it. I've said that I am interested in reparations as the solution to the racial wealth gap, and that voting for Biden just to get Trump out without pushing a Black-specific agenda was (and is) misguided. I stand by that. And no excuses or equivocations. I analyzed Glaude's own words since 2016 on the voting issue. I agreed with him on down-ballot. I don't agree with him on voting for Biden.

You don't know what my point is?? Dude, you HAVE NO POINT...or all of your points on election calculations have been proven FALSE..

skipping the top of the ballot as a strategy was proven FALSE...
It being dumb to vote for biden to get trump out was proven FALSE...

all that happened was trump got elected and it scared your boy so much he voted for biden just make sure trump doesn't get back in (and he almost did)
Now you can't admit it... and NONE of your cohorts are showing up to help you out because THEY knew it was bullshit too

I don't what you mean by "points on election calculations." You need to elaborate on that.
How were the other two points proven "false"? Because Biden won?

Unless and until Biden and the Dems address and significantly reduce the racial wealth gap, then none of my points can be proven "false." Hopefully you will one day see the bigger picture:

New Study: Reparations Could Have Reduced U.S. COVID-19 Transmission and Deaths
February 19, 2021​
by Jackie Ogburn​
If reparations for the descendants of slaves had been made before the pandemic, transmissions of the virus could have been significantly reduced not only for Black Americans, but across racial groups, suggests a new study co-authored by William A. Darity, Jr.​
“We demonstrate that had a program of reparations for black American descendants of US slavery been enacted prior to the pandemic—had the nation already closed the racial wealth gap—infection rates and mortality would have been dramatically lower not only for black Americans but for all Americans,” Darity said.​
The study appears in the journal Social Science & Medicine.​
COVID-19 has had a disproportionate impact on racial minorities. Black Americans have infection rates one and one-half times higher than whites and are three times more likely to die according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control.​
“The potential health impacts of racial-justice interventions are rarely explored,” the study authors write.​
The researchers based their analysis on a close examination of the state of Louisiana, which has high rates of income inequality. They compared infection rate data from Louisiana with data from South Korea, a society is that relatively egalitarian, during the first two months of the pandemic.​
Reparation payments could narrow the racial wealth gap, and narrow disparities in access to health care, housing and employment, the study found.​
Reparations would have lowered the presence of pre-existing conditions that exacerbate black vulnerability to COVID 19. Reparations would have reduced transmission of the virus among Black people by decreasing overcrowded housing, the authors write. Finally, Black Americans would not be forced to work as frequently as high-risk frontline workers, a factor compounding the spread of the disease by overcrowding. The resulting COVID transmission rates would have been 31 to 68 percent lower for all Louisianans, the authors state.​
Darity, Samuel DuBois Cook Professor of Public Policy, conducted the research together with colleagues from Harvard Medical School, the Lancet Commission of Reparations and Redistributive Justice, and others.​


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You'll need to elaborate on this response.

theres nothing to elaborate on... a crucial bill got done with no support from the only other major party (yet some of them want to claim it anyway) that right there is a differentiating point.

Where did I say that Eddie Glaude was "my boy" and that voting for Biden "to save democracy is a calculation only he could make"? You constantly invent shit to argue against rather than address what is being said or posted. I've only quoted or referenced Glaude only as it pertains to the down-ballot voting strategy. Whether he still believes it or not is on him. I still do. He's never endorsed ADOS or reparations as a resolution to the racial wealth gap, which I have repeatedly said is the dominant issue I'm interested in.

I've never said "mocked." If I have, then please quote it. I've said that I am interested in reparations as the solution to the racial wealth gap, and that voting for Biden just to get Trump out without pushing a Black-specific agenda was (and is) misguided. I stand by that. And no excuses or equivocations. I analyzed Glaude's own words since 2016 on the voting issue. I agreed with him on down-ballot. I don't agree with him on voting for Biden.
Are you Aspergerish or something? can you not pick up on sarcasm? Calling glaude your boy is just needling you but you have referenced him specifically a number of times so :dunno:
and no you never SAID mock... you just did it...until glaude did the same thing and now its a respectful I disagree with his call:rolleyes::rolleyes: anyone else is a freakin slave in fact thats exactly what the cartoon in your sig FACT by your calculation eddie glaude is a slave too right? he voted for the dems AND he voted for biden (for no other reason than he's not trump) he's as much a slave who chooses to stay on the dem plantation as me or anyone else who did the same thing right??? its a yes or no question....get your popcorn ready people and watch his answer to this one :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

I don't what you mean by "points on election calculations." You need to elaborate on that.
How were the other two points proven "false"? Because Biden won?

Unless and until Biden and the Dems address and significantly reduce the racial wealth gap, then none of my points can be proven "false."
now your just being obtuse on purpose...:rolleyes2::rolleyes2::rolleyes2: The other two points are proven false not because biden won but because YOUR BOY eddie glaude who comes off like he came up the notion of down ballot blank out and who promoted it...from YOUR quote:
Glaude, chairman of the Department of African American Studies at Princeton, and Fredrick C. Harris, director of the Center on African-American Politics and Society at Columbia University, proposed launching a “Blank-Out Campaign.” Under this plan, Black voters would use their vote strategically to demand better representation, they wrote in a Time article.

then he turned around in 2020 and said:
EDDIE GLAUDE JR.: I was critical of Hillary Clinton and get hemmed up on Twitter every day for criticizing Donald Trump because people believe I'm responsible, in part, for Donald Trump being in the White House. What I did wrong in 2016 is I overestimated white people. I didn't think white people would put him in office.

So part of what I do know is that it's going to require young people, it's going to require people of color, it's going to require African-Americans like they showed up in Alabama and Virginia. It's going to require us to turn out in massive numbers because I made a mistake in 2016.

Thats a FAIL homie..his strategy DID NOT WORK. IT BLEW UP IN ALL OF OUR FACES. Thats the first fail.

Then he admitted to voting for biden just to get trump out of office..THAT..(according to you) is the second fail. because YOU believe that voting mainly to just remove someone from office is a pointless endeavor because both parties are the same. And YOUR BOY admitted he did exactly that! :giggle:

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
theres nothing to elaborate on... a crucial bill got done with no support from the only other major party (yet some of them want to claim it anyway) that right there is a differentiating point.

And where did I say both parties are the same?

Are you Aspergerish or something? can you not pick up on sarcasm? Calling glaude your boy is just needling you but you have referenced him specifically a number of times so :dunno:

I have referenced him specifically and primarily concerning the down-ballot voting strategy.

and no you never SAID mock... you just did it...until glaude did the same thing and now its a respectful I disagree with his call:rolleyes::rolleyes: anyone else is a freakin slave in fact thats exactly what the cartoon in your sig FACT by your calculation eddie glaude is a slave too right? he voted for the dems AND he voted for biden (for no other reason than he's not trump) he's as much a slave who chooses to stay on the dem plantation as me or anyone else who did the same thing right??? its a yes or no question....get your popcorn ready people and watch his answer to this one

Youe problem here, amongst other things, is that you're misinterpreting the cartoon. It is primarily a criticism of the Democratic Party and how it uses Black voters to win elections but gives them nothing in return for their electoral support, which is essentially the same thing that Glaude and Frymer call being a "captured electorate." And yes........anyone who is Black and is comfortable with this is acting live a slave. What separates you and the other Bidets from Glaude is that you vote for Biden and also think he and the Democrats and their policies should not be questioned, criticized, or critically examined. And that mentality is on display throughout this thread. Hence the "you're a Trumper" shots thrown at anyone who dares to question the Democrats. As I posted repeatedly, Glaude said "That does not mean that until then I have lost all my critical faculties. I don’t approach politics like a sports fan." But geechie, YOU DO! You're #teamdemocrat all day everyday, and any and everything they do is a WIN to you. Your entire political worldview is constructed as if the Democrats are your favorite sports team. You're more concerned with a "W" in their win column than whether their policy initiatives will be effective.

now your just being obtuse on purpose...:rolleyes2::rolleyes2::rolleyes2: The other two points are proven false not because biden won but because YOUR BOY eddie glaude who comes off like he came up the notion of down ballot blank out and who promoted it...from YOUR quote:

"Comes off like he came up with the notion......" WTF? Down-ballot is a generic concept. He advocated a specific strategy that he articulated in this article: I would post the text but you won't read it anyway.

And the Democrats actually struggled down-ballot in 2020:

then he turned around in 2020 and said:
EDDIE GLAUDE JR.: I was critical of Hillary Clinton and get hemmed up on Twitter every day for criticizing Donald Trump because people believe I'm responsible, in part, for Donald Trump being in the White House. What I did wrong in 2016 is I overestimated white people. I didn't think white people would put him in office.

So part of what I do know is that it's going to require young people, it's going to require people of color, it's going to require African-Americans like they showed up in Alabama and Virginia. It's going to require us to turn out in massive numbers because I made a mistake in 2016.

Thats a FAIL homie..his strategy DID NOT WORK. IT BLEW UP IN ALL OF OUR FACES. Thats the first fail.

It did not work? It was never implemented. First of all, you're coming from the school of thought that a lack of Black voter turnout is why Hillary lost. This is empirically wrong and Glaude isn't saying that. He's saying that he "overestimated white people", i.e. he thought white voters would morally or ethically reject Trump. Let's not forget that Obama thought the same thing. I'm sure you remember the WHCD mic drop. Secondly, few people even know who Eddie Glaude is, so his impact is minimal. You know who he is yet you still don't know what he meant by his down-ballot strategy.

Then he admitted to voting for biden just to get trump out of office..THAT..(according to you) is the second fail. because YOU believe that voting mainly to just remove someone from office is a pointless endeavor because both parties are the same. And YOUR BOY admitted he did exactly that!

He didn't admit to voting for Biden "just to get Trump out of office." First of all, it was stated before the fact in July 2020, not after the election. He simply said that he was going to vote for Biden.

I said that "I can't see the greater context of that tweet, i.e. what else he said when he posted that. I get the impression that he was being critical of Biden or the Democrats on some level, hence the "Let me be clear....". So, the vibe I generally get is that Glaude voted for Biden because he regarded Trump as some of kind of existential threat to American democracy. His vote for Biden was driven by that and not by a sycophantic devotion to Biden or the Democrats, hence the "That does not mean that until then I have lost all my critical faculties. I don’t approach politics like a sports fan."

You're projecting my assumption about his choice to vote for Biden onto him. As I said, "I can't see the greater context of the tweet." And I also said "that voting for Biden just to get Trump out without pushing a Black-specific agenda was (and is) misguided." I did not say it "is a pointless endeavor because both parties are the same." In fact, I'd challenge you to find any post by me where I've ever said both parties are the same.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Man, I feel bad posting in here because I only see like 25% of the comments and when I log back in y’all have moved on to the next shit so I can’t even argue with or give none of y’all props lol.

I saw earlier folks were making Republican arguments on behalf of voting laws. That’s incredible to read on this forum. I guess I’ll just ask... does anyone believe that the voting id laws and obstacles being placed by the GOP rn is born out of serious concern for the integrity of our voting system? Bc that’s easy af to debunk.

You have to remember we have a few undercover white boys in here as well as the usual Black Republicans cause that's the only way they can say how they're "different a d not like you other negroes".


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
theres nothing to elaborate on... a crucial bill got done with no support from the only other major party (yet some of them want to claim it anyway) that right there is a differentiating point.

Are you Aspergerish or something? can you not pick up on sarcasm? Calling glaude your boy is just needling you but you have referenced him specifically a number of times so :dunno:
and no you never SAID mock... you just did it...until glaude did the same thing and now its a respectful I disagree with his call:rolleyes::rolleyes: anyone else is a freakin slave in fact thats exactly what the cartoon in your sig FACT by your calculation eddie glaude is a slave too right? he voted for the dems AND he voted for biden (for no other reason than he's not trump) he's as much a slave who chooses to stay on the dem plantation as me or anyone else who did the same thing right??? its a yes or no question....get your popcorn ready people and watch his answer to this one :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

now your just being obtuse on purpose...:rolleyes2::rolleyes2::rolleyes2: The other two points are proven false not because biden won but because YOUR BOY eddie glaude who comes off like he came up the notion of down ballot blank out and who promoted it...from YOUR quote:

then he turned around in 2020 and said:
EDDIE GLAUDE JR.: I was critical of Hillary Clinton and get hemmed up on Twitter every day for criticizing Donald Trump because people believe I'm responsible, in part, for Donald Trump being in the White House. What I did wrong in 2016 is I overestimated white people. I didn't think white people would put him in office.

So part of what I do know is that it's going to require young people, it's going to require people of color, it's going to require African-Americans like they showed up in Alabama and Virginia. It's going to require us to turn out in massive numbers because I made a mistake in 2016.

Thats a FAIL homie..his strategy DID NOT WORK. IT BLEW UP IN ALL OF OUR FACES. Thats the first fail.

Then he admitted to voting for biden just to get trump out of office..THAT..(according to you) is the second fail. because YOU believe that voting mainly to just remove someone from office is a pointless endeavor because both parties are the same. And YOUR BOY admitted he did exactly that! :giggle:


These dudes really think they're smarter than the rest of us in here. As soon as he posted that dumbass Glaude I knew what I was dealing with. They go looking for people that will repeat their beliefs but never stop and look at who the messenger really is.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
And where did I say both parties are the same?

I have referenced him specifically and primarily concerning the down-ballot voting strategy.

Youe problem here, amongst other things, is that you're misinterpreting the cartoon. It is primarily a criticism of the Democratic Party and how it uses Black voters to win elections but gives them nothing in return for their electoral support, which is essentially the same thing that Glaude and Frymer call being a "captured electorate." And yes........anyone who is Black and is comfortable with this is acting live a slave. What separates you and the other Bidets from Glaude is that you vote for Biden and also think he and the Democrats and their policies should not be questioned, criticized, or critically examined. And that mentality is on display throughout this thread. Hence the "you're a Trumper" shots thrown at anyone who dares to question the Democrats. As I posted repeatedly, Glaude said "That does not mean that until then I have lost all my critical faculties. I don’t approach politics like a sports fan." But geechie, YOU DO! You're #teamdemocrat all day everyday, and any and everything they do is a WIN to you. Your entire political worldview is constructed as if the Democrats are your favorite sports team. You're more concerned with a "W" in their win column than whether their policy initiatives will be effective.

"Comes off like he came up with the notion......" WTF? Down-ballot is a generic concept. He advocated a specific strategy that he articulated in this article: I would post the text but you won't read it anyway.

And the Democrats actually struggled down-ballot in 2020:

It did not work? It was never implemented. First of all, you're coming from the school of thought that a lack of Black voter turnout is why Hillary lost. This is empirically wrong and Glaude isn't saying that. He's saying that he "overestimated white people", i.e. he thought white voters would morally or ethically reject Trump. Let's not forget that Obama thought the same thing. I'm sure you remember the WHCD mic drop. Secondly, few people even know who Eddie Glaude is, so his impact is minimal. You know who he is yet you still don't know what he meant by his down-ballot strategy.

He didn't admit to voting for Biden "just to get Trump out of office." First of all, it was stated before the fact in July 2020, not after the election. He simply said that he was going to vote for Biden.

I said that "I can't see the greater context of that tweet, i.e. what else he said when he posted that. I get the impression that he was being critical of Biden or the Democrats on some level, hence the "Let me be clear....". So, the vibe I generally get is that Glaude voted for Biden because he regarded Trump as some of kind of existential threat to American democracy. His vote for Biden was driven by that and not by a sycophantic devotion to Biden or the Democrats, hence the "That does not mean that until then I have lost all my critical faculties. I don’t approach politics like a sports fan."

You're projecting my assumption about his choice to vote for Biden onto him. As I said, "I can't see the greater context of the tweet." And I also said "that voting for Biden just to get Trump out without pushing a Black-specific agenda was (and is) misguided." I did not say it "is a pointless endeavor because both parties are the same." In fact, I'd challenge you to find any post by me where I've ever said both parties are the same.

No one is saying that a lack of Black voters is why Hillary lost. What we are saying is that there were a bunch of foolish " both sides are the same" people that thought they were being smarter than the rest and either voted third party or only voted down ballot. What then happened is that you posted the perfect example of that person in Eddie Glaude cause you thought Eddie was giving a message you agreed with. What you didn't factor in was the messenger himself and how completely wrong he was and that he admitting he was wrong.

Or to boil it down......

We think you're rather unsophisticated when it comes to your politics and you keep proving us right every time you post.

How's that ADOS, don't vote cause both sides are the same, narrative working for you lately??
Last edited:

John Million

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Oh wait....

We got something. I may end up eating a my words then:cheers:

p.s. FUCK LINDSAY GRAHAM, ol' bitchasss Blanche Devareaux muthafugg :angry::angry::angry::angry:

No it doesn't count because it doesn't go to ONLY BLACK FARMERs
A family of 4 getting 5600 + plus those tax credits is NOTHING, WORSE THAN CRUMBS
Why didn't the DEMS write checks of 50k a piece to only black folks and no one else??


Rising Star
And where did I say both parties are the same?

I have referenced him specifically and primarily concerning the down-ballot voting strategy.

Youe problem here, amongst other things, is that you're misinterpreting the cartoon. It is primarily a criticism of the Democratic Party and how it uses Black voters to win elections but gives them nothing in return for their electoral support, which is essentially the same thing that Glaude and Frymer call being a "captured electorate." And yes........anyone who is Black and is comfortable with this is acting live a slave. What separates you and the other Bidets from Glaude is that you vote for Biden and also think he and the Democrats and their policies should not be questioned, criticized, or critically examined. And that mentality is on display throughout this thread. Hence the "you're a Trumper" shots thrown at anyone who dares to question the Democrats. As I posted repeatedly, Glaude said "That does not mean that until then I have lost all my critical faculties. I don’t approach politics like a sports fan." But geechie, YOU DO! You're #teamdemocrat all day everyday, and any and everything they do is a WIN to you. Your entire political worldview is constructed as if the Democrats are your favorite sports team. You're more concerned with a "W" in their win column than whether their policy initiatives will be effective.

"Comes off like he came up with the notion......" WTF? Down-ballot is a generic concept. He advocated a specific strategy that he articulated in this article: I would post the text but you won't read it anyway.

And the Democrats actually struggled down-ballot in 2020:

It did not work? It was never implemented. First of all, you're coming from the school of thought that a lack of Black voter turnout is why Hillary lost. This is empirically wrong and Glaude isn't saying that. He's saying that he "overestimated white people", i.e. he thought white voters would morally or ethically reject Trump. Let's not forget that Obama thought the same thing. I'm sure you remember the WHCD mic drop. Secondly, few people even know who Eddie Glaude is, so his impact is minimal. You know who he is yet you still don't know what he meant by his down-ballot strategy.

He didn't admit to voting for Biden "just to get Trump out of office." First of all, it was stated before the fact in July 2020, not after the election. He simply said that he was going to vote for Biden.

I said that "I can't see the greater context of that tweet, i.e. what else he said when he posted that. I get the impression that he was being critical of Biden or the Democrats on some level, hence the "Let me be clear....". So, the vibe I generally get is that Glaude voted for Biden because he regarded Trump as some of kind of existential threat to American democracy. His vote for Biden was driven by that and not by a sycophantic devotion to Biden or the Democrats, hence the "That does not mean that until then I have lost all my critical faculties. I don’t approach politics like a sports fan."

You're projecting my assumption about his choice to vote for Biden onto him. As I said, "I can't see the greater context of the tweet." And I also said "that voting for Biden just to get Trump out without pushing a Black-specific agenda was (and is) misguided." I did not say it "is a pointless endeavor because both parties are the same." In fact, I'd challenge you to find any post by me where I've ever said both parties are the same.

I hope you see the stupidity of "non voters" now.

If we all abstain from voting, we are then FULLY depending on OTHERS to make important choices for us.

Then we end up saying retarded shit like "well, I overestimated white people".



Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
I hope you see the stupidity of "non voters" now.

If we all abstain from voting, we are then FULLY depending on OTHERS to make important choices for us.

Then we end up saying retarded shit like "well, I overestimated white people".


Dude can't seem to understand that posting Eddie Glaude the poster boy for "book smart but no fucking common sense" also says a lot about him as well.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Black parents should refuse these crumbs.
No they should take it because it's not permanent. That would actually be a significant move. A one and done credit doesn't change generational wealth...sounds good tho and it works for guys like you that get excited over anything they throw at u. Like a kid at toys r us

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
No one is saying that a lack of Black voters is why Hillary lost. What we are saying is that there were a bunch of foolish " both sides are the same" people that thought they were being smarter than the rest and either voted third party or only voted down ballot. What then happened is that you posted the perfect example of that person in Eddie Glaude cause you thought Eddie was giving a message you agreed with. What you didn't factor in was the messenger himself and how completely wrong he was and that he admitting he was wrong.

Or to boil it down......

We think you're rather unsophisticated when it comes to your politics and you keep proving us right every time you post.

How's that ADOS, don't vote cause both sides are the same, narrative working for you lately??

Read what geechie wrote again. He inferred that a reduction in Black voter turnout in why Hillary lost.

I agreed with Glaude's original message then and I still agree with it, whether he does or not. Nothing he said about the Democratic Party and its exploitative relationship with Black voters was wrong. But I don't share the same overall "we should fall on the sword for the good of the nation" kumbaya worldview that he does. And I noticed that you're ignoring that Glaude and Obama were basically saying the same thing!

That ADOS narrative is alive and well. Nothing in the stimulus bill or the overall Democratic platform indicates that the racial wealth gap will actually be addressed by his administration.

I hope you see the stupidity of "non voters" now.

If we all abstain from voting, we are then FULLY depending on OTHERS to make important choices for us.

Then we end up saying retarded shit like "well, I overestimated white people".


Where did I ever say to "not vote"? Where did I ever say to abstain from voting?


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Both sides are the same.

You need to withhold your vote

We need tangibles

Just vote down ballot

Socialism is the way

What have they done for Black people

Dems are weak and don't know what they're doing

All the people that have been those narratives are in here trying HARD to stay relevant and making a million excuses for why the real world is proving them wrong. Their desperation is HILARIOUS to watch.


Truth Teller

Quotes and comments like these from Barkari shows a lack of understanding of economics.

This temporary supplementation of income will not and could never "lift people out of poverty." Until permanent solutions that impact employment, property and home ownership, education, and family structure a person's wealth or access to will not change and they will remain impoverished.

Lastly, both parties are playing all people regarding the idea of poverty. There will always be impoverished people.