Fat fucks ain't going to do shit, they like to play military but ain't about that life when bullets start flying.
If they would try they will only go at weak targets something they know will have little resistance that's why we all now Jan 6th was planned, they wouldn't have done it. 500+ caught or being snitched on by their own they will think twice alot are starting to realize they are pawns but some are to stupid to realize it.You never know, I don't think a full scale uprising is going to happen. But I think theres going to be a up tick of fuckery. Like targeted attacks on black and brown Democratic politicians.
. . . its naive to think just becuz the dems control the whitehouse and congress its all locked up and before people start bringing up how trump and the GOP ran roughshod over shit.. remember that he did his damndest to dismantle obamacare and couldn't largely because not all the reps were in agreement on how to bring it down (mccain). This is the political landscape we have to deal with. The struggle doesn't end with the vote.
You can hunker down and fight or negotiate to get what you can get given how much leverage either side has. Those are the choices . . .
Honestly, if we don't put more progressives into office and get them into leadership positions (or at least show that we have their backs when it counts), we're probably going to end up just as screwed as if we let Republicans win.. . . House Races in Ohio Will Test Democratic Divisions and Trump’s Sway
Two primary contests on Tuesday for open House seats in Ohio will act as a stress test for both Democrats and Republicans, offering early hints about whether party leaders are aligned with their voters ahead of the midterm elections next year.
© Maddie McGarvey for The New York Times Nina Turner, third from right, built a national following as a surrogate for Senator Bernie
Sanders’s presidential campaigns. She is now seeking a House seat in the Cleveland area.
© Mike Cardew/Akron Beakon Journal, via USA Today Network Shontel Brown is the candidate favored by establishment-friendly politicians and allied outside groups.
In the Cleveland area, two Democrats are locked in an increasingly embittered and expensive clash that has become a flash point in the larger struggle between the party’s activist left flank and its leadership in Washington.
The early favorite to win, Nina Turner [from the party's "Progressive Wing"], is now trying to hold back Shontel Brown, the preferred candidate of more establishment-friendly politicians and allied outside groups.
Ms. Turner, a former state senator who built a national following as a surrogate for Senator Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaigns, has been buoyed by support from Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and other leaders in the progressive movement.
Ms. Brown, (on the other hand) a local Democratic Party official, has benefited from the help of Hillary Clinton, Representative James E. Clyburn of South Carolina and others in party leadership roles.
2 House Races in Ohio Will Test Democratic Divisions and Trump’s Sway (msn.com)
. . . put more progressives into office . . . But Dem leadership is literally centrist left, and just barely that.
We won't get the change we need so long as they are there worrying about upsetting their personal/business interests.
Hey. I'm all for open dialogues and proper compromises. I'd love to see Washington figure out how to make that happen. But I think a big step for that is establishing that the public wants that, and will start holding their leaders accountable when they won't make that happen.Progressives, Centrists, Leftist . . .
. . . Its a "Big Tent".
How about some give and take over issues that results in progress?
Hell, but then again, what is progress?