Joe Biden is now POTUS


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member

@Spectrum aren't they required to disclose donations and cash on hand?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I was talking to some of my white neighbors this weekend. They're petrified that Trump may win the election, especially the women. They're starting to see how much hate and resentment his base for them. These are people who I thought of before as moderate independent voters, maybe even center-right. The anger from Trump's base as forced them to the left. They're starting to see Trump's base as a dangerous cult. This is similar to what I said about the white BLM protestors. It's not so much they completely down for black people, it's that they understand that racism is what's keeping them from living like Canadians and Europeans. Now they're starting to understand how racism effects them.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I was talking to some of my white neighbors this weekend. They're petrified that Trump may win the election, especially the women. They're starting to see how much hate and resentment his base for them. These are people who I thought of before as moderate independent voters, maybe even center-right. The anger from Trump's base as forced them to the left. They're starting to see Trump's base as a dangerous cult. This is similar to what I said about the white BLM protestors. It's not so much they completely down for black people, it's that they understand that racism is what's keeping them from living like Canadians and Europeans. Now they're starting to understand how racism effects them.

Understand and change are two different things though, do you think white women are gonna abandom their bread winners to vote for a Democrat?

You think they trying to be like BW and do everything themselves? Alot of them white women don't even work 40 hours a week, they stay home, do freelance and other stuff.

You're a fool if you think trump doesn't get 58% WW easily. All this wokeness but we'll see if they willing to let the feelings talk over the money.


You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor
This fuckery is delicious.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Understand and change are two different things though, do you think white women are gonna abandom their bread winners to vote for a Democrat?

You think they trying to be like BW and do everything themselves? Alot of them white women don't even work 40 hours a week, they stay home, do freelance and other stuff.

You're a fool if you think trump doesn't get 58% WW easily. All this wokeness but we'll see if they willing to let the feelings talk over the money.

My black mother didn't raise a fool. Trump didn't win 58% of white women before and he won't win that many this time. He didn't even win the 52% that he always claims to.

You're missing the point. I don't think white people vote democrat because they support black causes. They do so because they same reason they support black lives matter. All this "wokeness" is because they now understand that racism is what's keeping them having the society they want. It's not that they want black neighbors. It's because they understand the reason why they don't have universal healthcare is because of racism. They understand the reason why the minimum wage hasn't gone up in a generation is because of racism. They understand why the reason why the education system has declined to third world status is because of racism. They understand the Republican Party resisted all these things because they would rather see the country burn than to share it with minorities.

White people have always voted Democrat in large numbers, obviously not the majority but still large numbers. Blacks only make up 12% of the population yet in 5 of the last 6 presidential elections, the Democratic candidate won the popular vote. Democrats frequently win the congressional popular vote too but due to gerrymandering and the concentration of democrats in certain states it sometimes doesn't appear that way. White woman are the largest share of the Democratic Party.

The Democrats will become the party of white woman, selectively educated white men and minorities. The GOP will further become the party of white men trying to hang on to white male supremacy.



still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
‘We’re Screwed’: Kevin McCarthy Gives Trump Some Tough Election Talk

“I tried to show him ... You know who is most afraid of COVID? Seniors,” he said. “And if they’re not going to go vote, period, we’re screwed.”

Surveys have shown that Trump’s attacks have hit home with his base: According to a Democracy Fund + UCLA Nationscape poll last month, 48% of Biden supporters plan to vote by mail, versus 23% of Trump voters.



Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Trump don't have 100 million to give shit! Mark Cuban, a real Billionaire has always said Trump doesn't not hardly have that much net worth at all. :lol: Deutsche Bank is going to be like, fuck that shit!

He's been grifting tax payers and campaign donors for 3+ years, he might have it just based on what he has saved in legal fees.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Fucking with the military industrial complex is the republican equivalent of being caught with a tranny. That nigga is done.

Was reading an article about that's literally the group he won the election with. It wasn't really the "rural" vote. The group that really handed him the election was the military.. he won that group bigger than any other group and bigger than any other GOP candidate in recent history. He's fucked


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Was reading an article about that's literally the group he won the election with. It wasn't really the "rural" vote. The group that really handed him the election was the military.. he won that group bigger than any other group and bigger than any other GOP candidate in recent history. He's fucked

I hope so. I just want the nightmare to end.


Rising Star
Understand and change are two different things though, do you think white women are gonna abandom their bread winners to vote for a Democrat?

You think they trying to be like BW and do everything themselves? Alot of them white women don't even work 40 hours a week, they stay home, do freelance and other stuff.

You're a fool if you think trump doesn't get 58% WW easily. All this wokeness but we'll see if they willing to let the feelings talk over the money.
So you belive Trump is going to improve on the white women's vote?


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
I want this to end so badly that honestly... I wouldn't even complain if he wasn't held accountable for his crimes. At this point, I just want this dude out of office. Collectively, he's burning out everyone with this non-stop chaos.

He's going to be held accountable. Too many folks at the state level want his scalp. If that last report is true where he has to put 100 mil of his own money up trying to stay out of jail, that will just be the icing on the cake. People want him to die, I'd prefer he get the consequences for trying to destroy, defraud and destabilize our country. I wonder how many teams of lawyers he will go through after they quit for not being paid, before anyone refuses to represent him at all.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There are Biden signs in my neighborhood, 4 years ago somebody had a Hillary for Prison sign on their lawn. They fled after me and a few black and a couple of Indian families moved in. Texas is about 4 to 10 years from turning blue.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You're experiencing white flight in real time too?!


BGOL Investor
He's going to be held accountable. Too many folks at the state level want his scalp. If that last report is true where he has to put 100 mil of his own money up trying to stay out of jail, that will just be the icing on the cake. People want him to die, I'd prefer he get the consequences for trying to destroy, defraud and destabilize our country. I wonder how many teams of lawyers he will go through after they quit for not being paid, before anyone refuses to represent him at all.
If he pulls a Nixon I am going to be passed. All of his cronies need state charges too. They all thumbed their noses at justice. It's time for justice to strike back.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Gotta be. That's probably why the story has the legs it has.

He's denying denying denying...and as soon as it seems like the cycle is going to move to the next stories, that's when the audio drops IF IT EXISTS.
i assume Recording the president will get you in serious trouble. I highly doubt anyone would risk recording Trump


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i assume Recording the president will get you in serious trouble. I highly doubt anyone would risk recording Trump

Why would it?

As long they're not recording him without his consent in two consent states, they would be fine.
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Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Good to see Biden/Harris playing offense.


Rising Star
"On May 24, Ice Cube tweeted, “Hold the Black vote hostage until one of ’em comes with A Black Agenda that we’re satisfied with."

This was stupid then and it's stupid now.

Why the fuck play mind games vs spelling out what the fuck you youn waht?

Put a list together with at least 5 things, with 2 to 3 being top priorities to get down.
Lets be clear. You can just elect a president and not elect representatives/lawmakers to help that president get what you want passed.