Understand and change are two different things though, do you think white women are gonna abandom their bread winners to vote for a Democrat?
You think they trying to be like BW and do everything themselves? Alot of them white women don't even work 40 hours a week, they stay home, do freelance and other stuff.
You're a fool if you think trump doesn't get 58% WW easily. All this wokeness but we'll see if they willing to let the feelings talk over the money.
My black mother didn't raise a fool. Trump didn't win 58% of white women before and he won't win that many this time. He didn't even win the 52% that he always claims to.
You're missing the point. I don't think white people vote democrat because they support black causes. They do so because they same reason they support black lives matter. All this "wokeness" is because they now understand that racism is what's keeping them having the society they want. It's not that they want black neighbors. It's because they understand the reason why they don't have universal healthcare is because of racism. They understand the reason why the minimum wage hasn't gone up in a generation is because of racism. They understand why the reason why the education system has declined to third world status is because of racism. They understand the Republican Party resisted all these things because they would rather see the country burn than to share it with minorities.
White people have always voted Democrat in large numbers, obviously not the majority but still large numbers. Blacks only make up 12% of the population yet in 5 of the last 6 presidential elections, the Democratic candidate won the popular vote. Democrats frequently win the congressional popular vote too but due to gerrymandering and the concentration of democrats in certain states it sometimes doesn't appear that way. White woman are the largest share of the Democratic Party.
The Democrats will become the party of white woman, selectively educated white men and minorities. The GOP will further become the party of white men trying to hang on to white male supremacy.
The idea that a majority of white women voted for the President has shaped national narratives. The only problem? It's probably wrong.
William Galston writes that new exit polling data show worsening numbers for President Trump among non-college-educated white women, with whom Joe Biden has closed Hillary Clinton's gap of 27 points behind Trump to just 6 points.