Joe Budden podcast done? No Rory or Mal for 2nd straight episode


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Faggot apologized

Damn he a punk.

I knew he would backtrack though because surprisingly his "black friends" seemed really pissed or just scared to come out and PUBLICLY defend him.

Also he didn't know who her family was.

Vlad finally showed himself to be the fed snitch he been accused of for years with this act.

He weaponized against that black women in the whitest way possible

Sidebar... where is the ministers Apology?


International Member

im the first to call out joe but he had a point on this one
if it was in the middle of broadcasting i can see why he removed it.
but this comes back to my point when people say he doesnt edit his shows
he edits it all the time

and he doesnt want people to start talking about his abuse allegations


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Mandii has a point. And I think I mentioned the patreon thing earlier in this thread.....

That patreon had over 100 videos on it from the entire run of STTI......

It's a lot easier to sell a library of 100+ episodes for $5/month than 5 episodes for the same $5.

But check this out, Bridget deleted those old videos!! All STTI content is gone...... and I bet those subs are lower too!

But she should've done it from the beginning. That's some snake ass shit...... knowing that Mandii did all/most of the work behind the scenes on those vids


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
appreciate your responses.

I never saw him before and it popped up on my timeline for some reason.

Based on what he is saying though - a couple of consistent views of over 10K per video per month is THAT profitable!!???

So this dudes channel now has 600K+ subs. Not sure how his numbers looked before his announcement 2 weeks ago..... but from what I was told a good rule of thumb is getting at least 10% of your subs to view all your videos. Which is why mfkrs seem thirsty for subs..... it's something about how the algorithm used to work..... not everyone will always see your stuff (mute notifications, casual viewership...etc)

But you should consistently get about 10% for the month on your videos and see how that works out for you. Sonto have 600K subs and only 10K views is suspect as fuck!

Dude said he WAS averaging about 70K views on each video..... then it started declining.....he had enough when his average went down to 10K per vid.....

I hear the utube payscale is fucking crazy, but vids that get over 100K pay nice. And if you can get a few of those a month to balance out the sub 50K view ones.... you're making decent money (allegedly low 6 figures).... then you tie in the shorts and most mfkrs are decent.

I'm sure the move from LA to ATL cut some expenses. Also..... but to have your average income reduced to 20%........EEEK.